GREAT HANWOOD PARISH COUNCIL Parish Clerk/RFO: Rebecca Turner, The Old Police House, Nesscliffe, SY4 1DB Telephone: 01743 741611, email: [email protected] Website: www.greathanwoodpc.org.uk MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 27TH OCTOBER 2020 AT 7.30PM, REMOTELY VIA ZOOM Present: Cllrs. Evans (Chairman), Bromage, Chadwick, Davies, Fox, Jones, Percival Absent: None Public: 1 In attendance: R. Turner (Clerk) 71/2021 PRESENT & APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – noted that declarations of acceptance of office duly completed for Cllr. Jones (councillor) and Cllr. Evans (chairman). 72/2021 DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTERESTS – None declared. 73/2021 DISPENSATION REQUESTS – None. 74/2021 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION – Will Hanmer spoke re Hanwood Village Hall play area. Urgent repairs needed to the Gyro and cradle swing, costing circa £4,200 and he was asking for a grant from the parish council. 75/2021 CO-OPTION OF COUNCILLOR(S) – no application(s) received. 76/2021 MINUTES it was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Council Meeting dated 22nd September 2020 and the chairman was duly authorised to sign them as being a correct record. 77/2021 REPORTS a) Shropshire Council – Crossing no further forward -officers say it’s under discussion. Cllr. Evans has contacted the Shropshire Star. • Was due to meet PC Cookson, PCC and SC about lights outside shop – waiting for a date. • Covid-19 – SC in |Tier 1, SC area and T & W rising. Anticipated to move to Tier 2 in next 2 to 3 weeks. • Parking on pavements – SC consultation then paper going to Cabinet soon. May wish to review in relation to areas of Hanwood. • 20mph outside school - not mandatory initially for all but keen to put Hanwood school forward early on b) Police Report Hanwood/Longden/Annscroft/Hook – A – Gate/Pontesbury and Minsterley – 22 Incidents Disappointment with the new data not being parish-specific was voiced and it was agreed to raise this with the police. Assault: 0 Criminal Damage: 1 Burglary Residential: 0 Theft From Vehicle: 0 Harassment/Stalking: 2 ASB Nuisance: 3 ASB Personal: 0 ASB Environmental: 1 Concern For Safety: 2 Domestic Incident:4 Threats To Kill:0 Suspicious Circumstance: 2 Civil Dispute:2 Sexual Offence:0 Highway Disruption:3 RTC:2 c) Youth Club – sessions to re-commence January 2021. No SYA bill for this term to date. d) Village Hall – covered in public session. e) St Thomas PCC – no report. f) Other parish councillor reports of meetings attended – none. 78/2021 PLAY AREAS (CARADOC & VILLAGE HALL) a) Maintenance update – Caradoc – play bark being ordered. b) Covid-19 arrangements – no changes required at present. c) Village Hall – maintenance required and request for a grant - it was RESOLVED to approve support for grant request for the swings (£920 + £3,200) and to ask Pontesbury PC about the principle of a contribution from their CIL as the area partly serves new houses in Pontesbury parish (Shingler Homes). d) Survey re Caradoc View refurb –Members to review a draft survey. Include question asking parents what equipment the children should like. 79/2021 TRAFFIC CALMING – APPLICATION TO PCC GRANT SCHEME – decision anticipated w/c 9th November. Surveillance Camera certificate for Gloucesterhsire to be sent to West Mercia PCC. 80/2021 PLANNING NOTIFICATIONS–FOR INFO ONLY 1) 20/02233/FUL - Maple Fields, Orchard Lane, Hanwood, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 8LD Proposal: Application under section 73A of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the formation of a turning head including change of use of land to residential curtilage Decision: Grant Permission 81/2021 PLANNING APPLICATIONS – FOR COMMENT 1) 20/04026/TPO - 26 Chestnut Close, Hanwood, Shrewsbury, SY5 8RB Proposal: To fell to ground level 1no dying Yew tree T1 protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Woodlands Avenue, Chestnut Close, Hanwood) Tree Preservation Order Comments: Support recommendation from tree officer. 82/2021 PARISH MATTERS a) Groundworks on forecourt of garage – no update. b) VAS sign outside the church – now installed. c) Hanwood Bank crossing – see SC report. d) ACV listings – Bowling green and The Cock Inn – clerk to contact the management company. e) Covid-19 General Risk Assessment Review – no changes. f) Remembrance Sunday - Cllr. Evans to attend the service and lay the wreath. g) Funding request for Food Share – max of £250 donation agreed. Clerk to liaise with Pontesbury Food Share. h) Good Neighbours Scheme – Clerk to publicise leaflets. i) Reports of other parish matters – defibrillator Vine Close – Cllr. Bromage offered to take over the keys and info. 83/2021 FINANCIAL MATTERS a) Q2 budget report and bank reconciliation – it was RESOLVED to approve the report, as per Appendix 1, the reconciled balance being £102,919.42. b) Payments including payments made between meetings – it was RESOLVED to approve the following: Ref Payee Item Method Net VAT Gross P35-2021 R Turner Salary Sep SO £425.78 £0.00 £425.78 P36-2021 Landright Maintenance SO £260.00 £52.00 £312.00 Services contract P27-2021 SCPF Pension SO £106.45 £0.00 £106.45 P38-2021 R Turner Salary Oct SO £506.33 £0.00 £506.33 P39-2021 SCPF Pension SO £126.59 £0.00 £126.59 c) Income received – none. d) Review of bank account signatories – it was RESOLVED to add Cllr Jones. 84/2021 CORRESPONDENCE – to note/consider response a) SALC Info Bulletins b) Covid-19 Bulletins, incl. Community Reassurance updates c) Consultations re planning at a national level – support NALC/SALC response (i) Changes to the current planning system (ii) Planning for the future - the planning white paper (iii) Transparency and competition: a call for evidence on data on land control d) Communication from Post Office – councillors to complete. Support Hanwood PO e) SC consultation re highways customer service survey – Cllr. Evans to circulate and individuals to comment or ask clerk to put on next agenda. 85/2021 NEXT MEETING a) Date of next meeting – 24TH November 2020, 7.30pm, via Zoom b) Items for next agenda(s)- to note requests • Draft budget and precept. Liaise with Will Hanmer/Cllr. Davies re village hall’s needs • Play area survey 86/2021 RESIGNATION OF CLLR. PERCIVAL AS COUNCILLOR – Cllr. Percival announced his registration with immediate effect, due to relocating away from Hanwood. The council placed its thanks on record and presented a thank you gift purchased by councillors from their personal (not council) funds. Clerk to advertise the vacancy. Appendix 1: Q2 Budget report and bank reconciliation Budget report & bank reconciliation 2020/21 Q2 RECEIPTS 2019/20 Budget Actual Q2 Variance £ % budget to date Variance explanation (if greater than 15% variance 2020/21 2020/21 from 50% & >£200) Precept £28,450.00 £29,850.00 £29,850.00 £0.00 100% Paid upfront Parish Portion - 15% CIL monies £9,477.58 £22,663.52 Not known when budget set Environmental Maintenance Grant £1,225.00 £1,025.00 £1,025.00 £0.00 100% Paid upfront Cherry tree royalty £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 VAT refund £1,802.78 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Community donation £16,000.00 £4,000.00 £4,000.00 From Shrop Homes Covid-19 Grants £500.00 £500.00 Other £405.99 £721.76 £721.76 Refund as duplicate payment & shared office costs TOTAL RECEIPTS £57,361.35 £30,875.00 £58,760.28 £5,221.76 PAYMENTS 2019/20 Budget Actual Q2 Variance £ % budget to date Variance explanation (if greater than 15% variance 2020/21 2020/21 from 50% & >£200) Administrative & Establishment Costs Clerk's Salary (incl pension) £7,451.44 £7,938 £3,812.27 -£4,125.88 48% Mileage £170.80 £250 £0.00 -£250.00 0% Office Expenses £937.28 £700 £347.00 -£353.00 50% Training/AGM (Clerk/Councillors) £27.00 £150 £0.00 -£150.00 0% Hire of meeting rooms £225.00 £250 £0.00 -£250.00 0% Meetings being held remotely Audit (Internal & External) £240.00 £240 £340.00 £100.00 142% Fee higher due to I & E band for 2019/20 Insurance £964.53 £1,000 £650.11 -£349.89 65% Cheaper policy found Subscriptions (SALC) £391.91 £420 £495.66 £75.66 118% Includes SLCC subs too Website £190.00 £210 £200.00 -£10.00 95% ICO Registration £35.00 £35 £0.00 -£35.00 0% Not due yet Election Costs £0.00 £0 £0.00 £0.00 No elections GDPR Compliance £204.44 £204 £204.44 £0.44 100% Not due yet VAT £2,186.89 £704.91 £704.91 Sub Total Admin & Establishment £13,024.29 £11,397 £6,754.39 -£4,642.76 59% Street Lighting Electricity £796.96 £369 £345.77 -£23.25 94% Includes part of 2019/20 bill as well Maintenance / Inspections £102.73 £220 £0.00 -£220.00 0% Not due yet Sub Total Street Lighting £899.69 £589 £345.77 -£243.25 59% Caradoc Play Area & Village Hall grass cutting Inspections £765.00 £750 £611.00 -£139.00 81% 2019/20 inspections bill Repairs/maintenance £553.00 £1,500 £315.23 -£1,184.77 21% Grass cutting £1,920.00 £1,920 £1,560.00 -£360.00 81% Seasonal contract Improvements £0.00 £0 £0.00 £0.00 Sub Total Caradoc Play Area & Village Hall grass cutting £3,238.00 £4,170 £2,486.23 -£1,683.77 60% Street works/projects War Memorial £122.00 £125 £0.00 -£125.00 0% Bus shelter £0.00 £60 £0.00 -£60.00 0% Noticeboards and benches £0.00 £100 £0.00 -£100.00 0% Youth Club £4,000.00 £4,000 £0.00 -£4,000.00 0% Club not running due to Covid-19 Defibrillator £0.00 £100 £0.00 -£100.00 0% Memorial Garden £195.00 £100 £0.00 -£100.00 0% Envt Grant Works £2,050.00 £2,050 £0.00 -£2,050.00 0% Seasonal Sub Total Street Works/Projects £6,367.00 £6,535 £0.00 -£6,535.00 0% Grants Village Hall - all grants £2,500.00 £2,500 £0.00 -£2,500.00 0% Not applied for yet Churchyard Maintenance £1,100.00 £1,100 £0.00 -£1,100.00 0% Not applied for yet Discretionary Charitable Grants & Donations £0.00 £250
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