New Zealand Journal of Botany, 1998, Vol. 36: 531–538 53 1 0028–825X/98/3604–0531 $7.00 © The Royal Society of New Zealand 1998 Hebe paludosa (Scrophulariaceae)—a new combination for a n endemic wetland Hebe from Westland, South Island, New Zealan d D. A. NORTON INTRODUCTION Conservation Research Group In his review of Veronica salicifolia G.Forst. , School of Forestry Cockayne (1916) proposed a new variety, var . University of Canterbury paludosa, to encompass a distinctive wetland-inhab- Private Bag 4800 iting race of this widespread species . Cheeseman Christchurch, New Zealand (1925) retained paludosa as a variety of Veronica P . J. de LANGE salicifolia, commenting that it was "a very distinct Science and Research Uni t variety". This variety was later transferred to Hebe Department of Conservation by Cockayne & Allan (1926) without further com- Private Bag 6890 8 ment. Moore (in Allan 1961), in her treatment o f Newton Hebe, confined H. salicifolia (G.Forst.) Pennell to Auckland, New Zealan d New Zealand's South and Stewart Islands and the Chilean coast of South America . In the process she carried out the necessary typification of H. salicifolia var. paludosa (Cockayne) Cockayne et Allan, in- Abstract A new combination, Hebe paludosa, is cluding this variety within her revised concept of H. made for plants first described as Veronica salicifolia salicifolia and noting that it "resembles H. gracillima . paludosa and later treated as Hebe salicifolia var (Kirk) Cockayne et Allan ; it may be a hybrid be- var. paludosa. H. paludosa is typically a plant of lowland mesotrophic wetlands and is most abundant tween these two species" . Wardle (1975) described in south Westland around and immediately north o f the distribution of H. salicifolia var. paludosa in Westland and noted that in north Westland it ap- the glaciers district. H. paludosa is readily distin- peared to grade into H. gracillima . Heads (1993 ) guished from H. salicifolia through its cytology , distinctive diffusely branching habit, brittl e considered H. salicifolia var. paludosa worthy of branchlets, yellow-green faintly glaucous-tinge d recognition as a distinct taxon and provided a ma p leaves, conspicuous decurved and twisted acumen, of its distribution. flowers which have a longer corolla tube, acute co- During field work in south Westland, it becam e evident to us that H. salicifolia var. paludosa is rolla lobes which usually project forward, and pref- clearly distinct from H salicifolia s.s., both ecologi- erence for mesotrophic wetland habitats . cally, in that it is primarily a plant of wetland habi- tats, as well as morphologically and cytologically . Keywords Scrophulariaceae ; Hebe; Heb e We have seen no evidence to suggest that it is a paludosa; Veronica salicifolia var. paludosa; Hebe hybrid involving H. gracillima . In this paper th e var. paludosa new combination; salicifolia ; taxon known as H salicifolia var. paludosa is treated Westland; New Zealand flora at species level, and the necessary combination i s made . An extended description of this Westland endemic is provided, and its habitat, ecology, and conservation status are reviewed. TAXONOM Y Hebe Juss. Gen. Pl., 105 (1789) B980/ 0 TYPE SPECIES : H. magellanica J.F .Gmel . (fide Received 5 February /998; accepted 2/ May 1998 Greuter et al. 1993). 532 New Zealand Journal of Botany, 1998, Vol . 36 Fig . 1 Lectotype of Heb e paludosa . .LC.0 .P .i. •6cz 72G La 3rG . , ///C < ~ ~ .,.._ Lam la^t LC. A/o. Scale AK 7776 0 Scn, A^([:u] :11:011,1113 3IIlltll C,I!6', SI'1 coal I I I I i l SCROPNLLARIACEAE 50 .0 3 Hebe salic ifolia (G . Forst .) Pennel l Hebe paludosa (Cockayne) D.A.Norton et de Lange, ISOLECTOTYPE : WELT 16439! comb. et stat. nov. NOTES : Moore (in Allan 1961, p . 902) selected AK Veronica salici_folia var. paludosa Cockayne , 7776 as the type. Moore's selection of type consti- Trans. Proc. N. Z. Inst. 48: 202 (1916) . tutes lectotypification under Art . 7.10 and 8 of the E Hebe salicifolia var. paludosa (Cockayne ) ICBN (Greuter et al . 1994). AK 7776 was labelled Cockayne et Allan, Trans . Proc. N. Z. Inst. 57: 1 8 in Cockayne's hand (A . Thomson pers . comm .) as (1926) . "ex herb" and "type" (Fig . I). At this stage of his LECTOTYPE (Fig.1) : Swamp nr . Lake Ianthe, L. life Cockayne was routinely sending specimens o f Cockayne 8118, AK 7776! his newly described taxa to Thomas Cheeseman Norton & de Lange—Hebe paludosa comb. nov. 533 (Thomson 1990), an action that may have been take n spicuously pubescent ; peduncle 12–18 mm long ; to ensure that the type specimen would be deposited rachis 42–54 mm long . Bracts 2–3(–4) mm long , in a recognised herbarium, AK, rather than i n lanceolate, surface and margins ciliolate . Pedicels 3– Cockayne's private herbarium which at the time wa s 4 mm long ; erect, yellow-green, often spotted brown , in his own home and not at WELT (E . Edgar pers . with dense prominent, hyaline hairs. Flowers pro- comm.). That Moore was of the same opinion is clear tandrous, hermaphrodite, faintly scented . Calyx from her observation (in Allan 1961, p . 902) that lobes 2–3 mm long, overlapping at edges, dull green , further type material was in existence, i .e., that speci- narrowly lanceolate, involute, apices acute, bas e mens of Veronica salicifolia var. paludosa "num- glandular hairy, otherwise glabrous, margin ± alter- bered L.C. 7165 in other herbaria" are "apparentl y nating glandular-eglandular ciliolate . Corolla pur e the same gathering" . The only specimen that we can white; tube 3–4(–5) mm long, narrow-cylindrical , find which fits this statement is WELT 16439, num- inner surface densely covered in eglandular hairs ; bered by Cockayne "7165" . Although we cannot b e lobes 4–5(–6) mm long, projecting forwards, some- certain that Moore saw this specimen, her referenc e times suberect, narrowly lanceolate, bases not over- to it implies that she probably did and nevertheless lapping, margins involute, ± minutely ciliolate a t remained of the opinion that it was not a suitabl e base, apices acute. Anthers c . 2 mm long, dark blue , lectotype. The WELT specimen is of some signifi- turning orange at anthesis, pollen cream ; filaments cance because it was originally labelled by Cockayn e 5–6 mm long, white, base puberulent, curving out- as Veronica gracillima and then again with the name wards after dehiscence . Nectarial disc glabrous, light . Style 5–6 mm long, white, glabrous ; stigma Veronica salicifolia var. paludosa and annotated green "Type". However, despite Rec . 9A.3 of the ICBN globose. Ovary c. 1 x 0.6 mm, ovoid, light green . (Greuter et al . 1994) which advises that in the selec- Capsule c . 5 x 3 mm, light brown, narrow-oblong to tion of types any indication of intent by the author obovate, style often persistent, glabrous, septicida l should be given preference, we find that neither thi s to base. Seeds c. 1 x 1 mm, pale yellow to amber, recommendation nor the fact that Cockayne labelle d orbiculate, faintly papillate with a conspicuous mar- AK 7776 as "ex herb" (P. J. Brownsey, E. Edgar, and ginal wing. Chromosome number 2n = 80 (A K P. J. Garnock-Jones pers . comm.) is sufficient rea- 231325 ; B. G . Murray pers . comm.). FL Jan–Mar, son to overule Moore's original typification . Ac- FR Mar–May . cordingly, we uphold Moore's original typification DISTRIBUTION (Fig. 3) : Endemic to Westland, ex - and treat WELT 16439 as an isolectotype . tending from the Grey Valley in the north (CAN U 37522) to Jackson Bay in the south (CHR 205930) , DESCRIPTION (Fig. 2): Erect, sparingly branche d most common between Lake Ianthe and the Coo k shrub up to 5 m tall . Mature stems light red to red- dish brown; branchlets slender, brittle, greenish yel- River (cf. Wardle 1975) . low tinged red (drying black), terete, pubescent; REPRESENTATIVE SPECIMENS : SOUTH ISLAND : internodes 1–10x diameter . Leaf bud green often WESTLAND: Blackball Ck, D. A. Norton & J. M. with a slight glaucous tinge, midrib pale green, si- Stilwell, 27 October 1996, CANU 37522 ; Otira nus lanceolate. Leaves 55–70(–80) x 9–10(–19) mm , Valley, L. C[ockavne], Mar 1894, WELT 13534 ; aggregated towards branch apices . Lamina membra - Harihari, W. R. B. Oliver, 20 Jan 1950, WELT 98 1 1 ; nous, narrow to broadly lanceolate, tapering , North of the Poerua River, R. Mason & N. T. Moar, decurved, often forming a twisted acumen 4–15( – 26 Feb 1958, CHR 107284 ; Mt Hercules Track, E. 20) mm long ; apex cream or yellow; acute; base K. Cameron 8717, 13 Jan 1997, AK 231023 ; Lake broad-attenuate; adaxial surface dull yellow-green o r Ianthe, L. Cockavne, no date, WELT 16440 ; dark green, usually faintly glaucous, ± glabrous , Waitangiroto River, P. Wardle, 4 Dec 1970, CH R midrib yellow; abaxial surface dull pale green; 208380; Okarito Lagoon, Deep Creek, P. J de Lange lamina margin sparsely toothed in upper two thirds, & D. A. Norton, 21 Apr 1996, AK 228432 ; Lake rarely entire, pubescent . Inflorescence 55–70 m m Wahapo, P. J. de Lange & D . A. Norton, 20 Apr long, lateral, racemose, usually decurved, disti l 1996, AK 228431 ; Lake Mapourika, R. Mason & N. flower buds often aborted and withered (often fall- T. Moar, 17 February 1958, CHR 107058 ; Waiho ing and leaving a truncated raceme) ; flowers loosel y Beach, P. Wardle, 22 Oct 1973, CHR 218965 ; Gibb spiralled on rachis (some of these aborted), occasion - Ck, P. Wardle & I. R. Fryer, 1 Jul 1967, CHR ally crowded towards apex of raceme, pedicellate . 179014 ; Waihopi Creek, P. Wardle & I. R. Fryer, Peduncle and rachis uniformly yellow-green, con- 27 Jun 1967, CHR 179013 ; Hapuka Lagoon, D.
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