S11330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 11, 2004 That Congress— The resolution (S. Res. 467) was diate consideration of S. 2979 which (1) recognizes the impact that Tourette agreed to. was introduced earlier today. Syndrome can have on people living with the The preamble was agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The disorder; The resolution, with its preamble, clerk will report the bill by title. (2) recognizes the importance of an early reads as follows: The legislative clerk read as follows: diagnosis and proper treatment of Tourette Syndrome; S. RES. 467 A bill (S. 2979) to amend title 5, United (3) recognizes the need for enhanced public Whereas Joseph Barbera is one of the pio- States Code, to authorize appropriations for the Administrative Conference of the United awareness of Tourette Syndrome; and neers of animated entertainment, having States for fiscal years 2005, 2006, and 2007, (4) supports the goals and ideals of Na- created, with his partner, William Hanna, and for other purposes. tional Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month. some of the world’s most recognizable and beloved characters, including Tom and There being no objection, the Senate AMENDMENT NO. 4066 Jerry, Huckleberry Hound, The Flintstones, proceeded to consider the bill. Strike the preamble and insert the fol- The Jetsons, Scooby-Doo, and Yogi Bear, Mr. FRIST. I ask unanimous consent lowing: among many others; that the bill be read a third time and Whereas Tourette Syndrome is an inher- Whereas Joseph Barbera is also one of the ited neurological disorder characterized by passed, the motion to reconsider be most honored figures in animated entertain- laid upon the table, and that any state- involuntary and sudden movements or re- ment, his creations Tom and Jerry having peated vocalizations; received 7 Academy Awards for their antics, ment relating to the matter be printed Whereas approximately 200,000 people in including their groundbreaking dancing ap- in the RECORD. the United States have been diagnosed with pearances with Gene Kelly and Esther Wil- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Tourette Syndrome and many more remain liams in live action films, and having won objection, it is so ordered. undiagnosed; multiple Emmy Awards, and Joseph Barbera The bill (S. 2979) was read the third Whereas lack of public awareness has in- himself having been elected to the Television time and passed, as follows: creased the social stigma attached to Academy Hall of Fame; S. 2979 Tourette Syndrome; Whereas in 1960, the team of Joseph Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Whereas early diagnosis and treatment of Barbera and William Hanna created tele- Tourette Syndrome can prevent physical and resentatives of the United States of America in vision’s first animated family sitcom, ‘‘The Congress assembled, psychological harm; Flintstones’’, a series marked by a number of Whereas there is no known cure for SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. other firsts—the first animated series to air This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Federal Reg- Tourette Syndrome and treatment involves in primetime, the first animated series to go multiple medications and therapies; and ulatory Improvement Act of 2004’’. beyond the 6- or 7-minute cartoon format, SEC. 2. PURPOSES. Whereas May 15 through June 15 has been and the first animated series to feature designated as National Tourette Syndrome (a) PURPOSES.—Section 591 of title 5, human characters; United States Code, is amended to read as Awareness Month, the goal of which is to Whereas ‘‘The Flintstones’’ ran for 6 years educate the public about the nature and ef- follows: and became the top-ranking animated pro- ‘‘§ 591 Purposes fects of Tourette Syndrome: Now, therefore, gram in syndication history, with all origi- ‘‘The purposes of this subchapter are— be it nal 166 episodes currently seen in more than ‘‘(1) to provide suitable arrangements AMENDMENT NO. 4067 80 countries worldwide; through which Federal agencies, assisted by (Purpose: To amend the title) Whereas Joseph Barbera cocreated a cow- outside experts, may cooperatively study ardly Great Dane named Scooby-Doo, who Amend the title so as to read ‘‘Recognizing mutual problems, exchange information, and eventually made his own place in television the importance of early diagnosis, proper develop recommendations for action by prop- history, for the popular series ‘‘Scooby-Doo, treatment, and enhanced public awareness of er authorities to the end that private rights Where Are You?’’ remained in production for Tourette Syndrome and supporting the goals may be fully protected and regulatory ac- 17 years, still maintains the title of tele- and ideals of National Tourette Syndrome tivities and other Federal responsibilities vision’s longest-running animated series, and Awareness Month.’’ may be carried out expeditiously in the pub- serves as the inspiration for a series of cur- lic interest; The concurrent resolution (S. Con. rent live-action films; ‘‘(2) to promote more effective public par- Res. 113), as amended, was agreed to. Whereas in 1981, Hanna-Barbera developed ticipation and efficiency in the rulemaking The preamble, as amended, was the phenomenally successful ‘‘The Smurfs’’, process; agreed to. which won 2 Daytime Emmy Awards in 1982 ‘‘(3) to reduce unnecessary litigation in the The concurrent resolution, as amend- and in 1983 for Outstanding Children’s Enter- regulatory process; tainment Series and a Humanitas Award (an ed, with its preamble, as amended, ‘‘(4) to improve the use of science in the award given to shows that best affirm the reads as follows: regulatory process; and dignity of the human person) in 1987; (The bill will be printed in a future ‘‘(5) to improve the effectiveness of laws Whereas at the age of 99, Joseph Barbera edition of the RECORD.) applicable to the regulatory process.’’. continues to work actively in the field, re- f (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—Title 5 of porting to his office daily and continuing to the United States Code is amended— BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO JOSEPH develop new animated entertainment for the (1) in section 594 by striking ‘‘purpose’’ and BARBERA ON HIS 100TH BIRTHDAY people of the United States and the world to inserting ‘‘purposes’’; and enjoy; (2) in the table of sections of chapter 5 of Mr. FRIST. I ask unanimous consent Whereas March 24, 2005, will be Joseph part I by amending the item relating to sec- that the Senate proceed to the imme- Barbera’s 100th birthday; and tion 591 to read as follows: Whereas the lives of families across the diate consideration of S. Res. 467, ‘‘591. Purposes’’. which was submitted earlier today by United States and throughout the world have been enriched by the shared enjoyment of SEC. 3. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. Senator HATCH. the work of creators like Joseph Barbera: Section 596 of title 5, United States Code, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Now, therefore, be it is amended to read as follows: clerk will report the resolution by Resolved, That the Senate— ‘‘§ 596. Authorization of appropriations title. (1) on behalf of the American people, ex- ‘‘There are authorized to be appropriated The legislative clerk read as follows: tends its birthday greetings and best wishes to carry out this subchapter not more than A resolution (S. Res. 467) extending birth- to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his $3,000,000 for fiscal year 2005, $3,100,000 for fis- day greetings to Joseph Barbera on the occa- 100th birthday; and cal year 2006, and $3,200,000 for fiscal year sion of his 100th birthday and designating (2) designates March 2005 as ‘‘Animated 2007. Of any amounts appropriated under this March 2005 as Animated Family Entertain- Family Entertainment Month’’ and encour- section, not more than $2,500 may be made ment Month. ages the families of the United States to available in each fiscal year for official rep- take time to enjoy together the family en- resentation and entertainment expenses for There being no objection, the Senate tertainment created by the Nation’s ani- foreign dignitaries.’’. proceeded to consider the resolution. mated storytellers. f Mr. FRIST. I ask unanimous consent f that the resolution be agreed to, the PROVIDING FOR CONVEYANCE OF preamble be agreed to, and the motion AMENDING UNITED STATES CODE PARCELS OF NATIONAL FOREST to reconsider be laid upon the table, TO AUTHORIZE APPROPRIATIONS SYSTEM LAND IN APALACHI- and that any statements relating to FOR ADMINISTRATIVE CON- COLA NATIONAL FOREST this matter be printed in the RECORD. FERENCE OF UNITED STATES Mr. FRIST. I ask unanimous consent The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. FRIST. I ask unanimous consent that the Agriculture Committee be dis- objection, it is so ordered. that the Senate proceed to the imme- charged from further consideration of VerDate Aug 04 2004 02:39 Oct 13, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00140 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11OC6.179 S11PT1.
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