Newsletter I the I Uaq' 'h Alp's I I I I January A February A March A 1999 Cougar A Squak A Tiger A Grand Ridge • a into the breech, dear friends 'Barbara Johnson great deal has been happen- the trails club. Since the club is about with a grant of $400 from Recre- ing lately concerning the to celebrate its 20th anniversary, the ational Equipment, Inc.; and updat- Assaquah Alps Trails Club board feels this is an appropriate ing the web page (more information (IATC) and I would like to bring time to review where we have been, to follow). eaders up to date on some of these what we have accomplished (a lot!), Mountains to Sound Greenway's ues. and where we would like to go in 10th anniversary Bellevue tree cutting the second 20 years. We will meet There are plans being made to The City of Bellevue is considering a sometime in January and report back celebrate the Great March from the proposal to allow tree topping and/or to the membership on our decisions. summit of Snoqualmie Pass to the cutting in city greenbelts to enhance Monthly programs shores of Elliot Bay, which occurred views of adjacent property owners. These have been well attended. in July 1989. Over 1,000 hardy folk Several trails club' members have There are lots of new members in marched at least part of the way written to the city to express their our organization and they are along the proposed Mountains to concerns. The concept of cutting hungry to learn about the club and Sound Greenway. After 10 years, trees in a city park to allow nearby the Issaquah Alps area. Each pro- much of the proposed greenway is a home owners to have a view, thereby gram begins with a short orientation reality. The Big Idea caught on and increasing their property values to the IATC, followed by a program the banner was picked up by some while paid for with tax monies, is not of general interest to all members. very, influential people who have an appropriate use of tax dollars. I There is time to socialize, ask ques- worked hard to make this concept a encourage you to let the City of tions of longtime members, and get success. We have much to celebrate Bellevue know your concerns about to know more about the Issaquah that has been accomplished by so this matter. You may write to the Alps. I encourage you to attend one many dedicated volunteers who mayor and council at: Post Office of these meetings soon. served the Issaquah Alps Trails Club. Box 90012, Bellevue, Washington Other areas of interest While we have much to celebrate, 98009-9012. These include: the Washington there is still much left to finish. Petreat Environmental Council cooperative "Once more into the breech, dear he board is planning a retreat to project; the 20th anniversary of the 1 discuss a vision and mission state- IATC including a celebration; a ment for the next 10 to 20 years for reprinting of the trails club brochure 2 Issaquah Alps Trails ClubJ Trail routes in East Village Charles McCrone he East Village development is The trails planning process for East and Precipice trails all enter the site Tplanned for about 630 acres on Village on Cougar Mountain contin- and, from the point where they enter the east slope of Cougar Mountain, ued through 1998 and a picture of and onwards, will not be preserved. and will include about 1800 residen- the future of trails in the site is However, there will still be access to tial units and 800,000 square feet of shaping up. The good news is that the the Shangri La Trail from the west office space. Most importantly, the Bear Ridge and West Tibbetts trails side of a coming development road, developer, Intracorp, has worked will remain intact in their entirety. and from there one will be able to quite well with the lssaquah Alps Thanks to a recent survey of the follow the trail up into the park. Trails Club (IATC) to adapt their West Tibbetts Trail coordinated by Where the Surprise Creek Trail and plans to preserve 450 acres of the the trails club, and the willingness of the Precipice Trail (right after it has 630-acre site as untouched open the developer, Intracorp, housing crossed the powerline from the space, which will be donated to the will follow the line of the trail, but Military Road) enter the site, a public. They have also tried to stay out of its way. The bigger impact landscaped corridor will remain to minimize any trail impacts to the to trails will come in the north end of mark the future terminus of each of best degree possible. the site. Shangri La, Surprise Creek, continued on page 10 The Apparatus President:Barbara Johnson 746 -5573 Rap.n River and Preston Advocate; VP, uho scs Kr n Koni oin n k 22_ 4 ° Marvanne loAticy lones 222-70 1 5 VP, Oper lions: Open K ittlrrn tkr Mountain itid T3Y10r A10LIFIL1111 \r 1 its treasurer: Open led thomsen 454-3043 and Secretary: Open Ralph Owen 740-1070 Board of Directors: Cinef Rancrs/Irail Maintenance: Harvey Manuinp Chairman 740 1017 Bill lonv,wcll 222-6775 and Steve Drew 3-4432 Chrl \lr r iie (1 Cliristiiia Jackson S$7-04 17 MiS Green way: Ted Thomson 454-3043 Bill lonAwell 222-0775 le3aI Advice: loin Lt;c:is Dan McCrca S,37-04 17 Charles MeCrone 392-3400 NOlL: -111 Iclr p/tone iziiniivi:s ire uvi ee/e 4' un/err Malena McCrone 392-3400 tie rtvjre noted Linda Rains 3 13 -5923 Pied Zeit Icr S2-3435 lilolline: 206-323-0430 F Ii Ises Coordinatois: Open Tt)3Le: littp:/ /wwwiss:thu:ihorA/conlor2/ ialps/inlalpehtm Me in bersh i p Records: 011011 ho sk itcs Dilti i hition Atirtv 1-I ins sn 392 2 1/ic 'llj'iiir is published in Janu:irv. \pril, July, :uiid October by V011111tcer Coot din dot Oprii Issaqualu Alps Trails Club, Post Office Box 35 1, issaquali, lYe' Alpmcl,r linda SL John 235-2730 WashinOtoti 93027. Subscriptions: ST 5/year e-mail: jlstjolin3rconcentric.ncl Distribution; Rodi tuidluin 1ssana1i Advocate: Christina JacLsoii S37 -04 17 Articles are welcome, prefcrtublv via e -111:111 to: Cou3ar Advocate: Cha rics McCrone 392-3400 jlstjolin:oconcentric.net. Send diskette or hard copy to post office Sjnak Advocates: Steve Drew 392-4432 and Ilox number above issue deadlines: November 15 for J:uuiare: Ken Koiiismark 222-439 February 15 the Aprib May 15 for July: Auust 1 5 for October. TiAcr Advocate: tarry Hanson 392-245 Grand Rid'c Advocate: Melinda Livni,ystone 392-7455 IJanuaryA February A March A 1999 3 S 125000 years on the trail Harvey Manning he other day, walking in the But one chewed out of the seat of my "Indeed I do, and in the City of TCougar Mountain Regional pants, and another knocked me off Seattle just now there's a great fuss Wildland Park, Boadicea waxed my bike and tried to eat my arm, and over providing ample essential philosophical. I'll tell you, if I hadn't badly needed romping room. Fortunately, out here "You know," she began, "the likes the 75 cents for each of those 12- there's no lack of it, and where you of you and me have been on the trail mile, 185-dog deliveries, I'd have are romping loose and other walkers together for some 12,000 years. gotten right out of that business." appear, the leash is always in my Across Eurasia from ocean to ocean. "Yeah, but how could anybody fail hand or pocket, ready to snap onto Up and down Africa and the Ameri- to see at a glance what a good person your collar." cas. The outback of Australia. Even to I am? I bark to say hello, and the only Bo-ad and I have no problems with the South Pole, though that cannibal reason I strain on the leash is I want this matter. Some other walkers do. Norwegian ended up eating my to do some get-acquainted sniffing, Recently I encountered a woman ,.relatives, not a nice way to treat your the way friends do." whose two large dogs were running best friends. The Englishmen, now, "I know that, sweetie, and after loose. I smiled a greeting, befriended they just sat politely down in the those years of studying 185 dogs, I the dogs, and pointed to my leash on snow and died like gentlemen." could spot right off which ones I'd Bo-ad and politely reminded her that Pausing for effect, she got to the want in my party for a hike across it was required in the park. point. "It ain't natural for man, to go Eurasia, and which I'd just as soon "Oh no," she corrected me, "leash walking without a dog." slice up for a kettle of hoosh. But you r voice control, that's the law." I had to agree with Bo-ad The same have to realize, not everybody has I corrected her, "Wherever that may fèliñgs had been expressed by her made 183 friends on a paper route. be the law, it is superseded here by ,r'edecessors, Elean and Myfawnwy Some people have only met the 2 park regulation. Leash." and Cailin and Natasha and assassins." She strode away beforel could Tamburlaine, and Buffalo Wallow Bo-ad mused on that, and at last deliver my kindly lecture, so here it is Woman and Petrouchka.
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