University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Clayton News, 1915-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-24-1922 Clayton News, 11-24-1922 Suthers & Taylor Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/clayton_news Recommended Citation Suthers & Taylor. "Clayton News, 11-24-1922." (1922). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/clayton_news/332 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Clayton News, 1915-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The CLAYTON NEWS VOLUME FIFTEEN. $1.50 PER YKAIl IN ADYANCE 1 NUMHKll FORTY-NIN- E. Clayton, New Mexico, November 24, 922 SUBSCRIPTION RATE MONDAY WAS DEMOCRATIC COLOR MIO RIVER COMMISSION KATGHA-KO- O EDUCATION IS KEYNOTE LOCAL FIRM DOES GIVES WAY LOCAL FISHERMEN OFFICER-ELEC- T DAY AT lHSCl'SSIMi WATER THE TY STATE CAPITOL RlILIUNO STATE BRIEFS TO "ALL ABOARD" MAKE GOOD CATCH - - Santa Fe, N. M Nov. 22. -- Commls-sioners. OF WOMAN'S CONVENTION A LARGE BUSINESS Several of the newly elected slide governors, governors-elec- l, officers visited the capitel building The hustling mining town or Val-ed- on attorneys, irrigation engineers and in Sania Fe last Monday and made $18,(100 numerous oilier delegates are still No builds school. "Side hy side. I'mon county tins season is an The local Post of Iho Legion has temptation could be greater nffl-- Lodge an the acquaintance of present c ships in session at Bishop's in May in Mexico, "Kalclia-Koo- to have ap- Tres Piedras uranium daily we stand by Ihe some little oasis the desert of New been advertising '' as than three nice deer als anil sought information con- effort lo agree on an equitable divi- Tor pear before a parly ot from deposit near Petaca Mesa. loor when all's done. for despite the drouth, business Willi the production 'Its noxt annual huntsmen cerning the offices I hey are lo fill sion of the waters of Ihe Colorado days Silver Cily reports larger ore The ways they are many, the end the merchants continues to be good show, under its contract with John three before tho season opens, power pur-jhis- after January 1st. River for Irrigation and is one." and the buyers' strike thai has It. Rogers Producing Company, who and yel Allen Wikoff. Ira Penning Oovernor-eje- shipments than Iwve been made for Among them were rl , This is the motto chosen been so in placos o" II. A. ' for the effective olhor is helped Iho Post put on "Spring-tini- ton, Munn, of Clayton, and many years. ti. Hinkle, Secretary of Slate-efoc- t, This is the third week of Hie Federation by hardly felt .May. A receiv- C. II. Walker of Dalharl, solemnly gin Uiihe in the slate president, in this section of tho last wiro was Mrs. Auditor-ele- ct Vigil, San Jon operation in il is said that agree- Chacon. and an Mrs. F. W. Parker, who so ably and "it te today advising dm1 affirm that this is what huppened I ed the i'osl that Superuilendenl-ele- cl Miss Heklos. wo weeks. ment is about to be reached and the graciously presided Tin OHo-Johns- on Merccnlile Co. to illnoss of tlu? director, Pro- to them in Texas while they wore al the sessions, the Commissioner of Public I.nnds-ele- cl Ahtmogordrt Mclhie pinning mill treaty drawn and signed, bul very on their recent fishing to anil so beautifully and charmingly is one uf the pioneer business hou- - ducing Company would be unable excursion Haca, Oeneral-elee- Ilel-rnie- k, being Is allow- tlorney l. rebuilt. lillle of a definite nature filled her place at the rereplioti at 'n Clayton. II has done a great to stage "Katcha-Koo- ," but would the Gulf, and they further affirm veil of Treasurer-clo- d Corbili. All Thousands of acres collón will bo ed lo percolate through the Ihe Elk's Club on President's night. leal in helping lo establish the slagc another excellent production, that they regretfully kept the spiirl secrecy seem lo be making arrnairemenls planted in Elida 'section next year. for publication. I and the of the law per- There are wo thousand women fnrmcrs ami the stockmen In their oqualy as good, on Iho sunn dales letter and for apartments in which lo reside Roosevelt couhty romrls good Secretary Hoover represents the I belonging lo respective businesjes and lo aid in "Kalcha-Koo- ," mitted hem to go the Federated Clubs as announced for unmolested along and most of Ilium are considering rollón, crop. federal government and one com- way. in our stale, and about one hundred nuili.'i.g up the jountry when II about December II and 12. their applications for appointments to Estancia market receives beans in missioner with several advisors rep- Hut on (lie fifty delegates representing these required good businoss judgmont . The committee has chosen "All their arrival at (iilf. spite jKMir growing resents each of the seven states of minor positions for which there are of season. two thousand women which af- and faith in the future of New Aboard," which is one of the most the lone tarpon that had persi.-le-d River are said lo ho a great many. Five thousand entile now being Ihe Colorado basin. fifty-tw- Mr o. tarpon fishing sea- filiated with the o different mi popular and successful musical in extending the fed nil Pecos Vlttley furills. Among the more important of the clubs of state, in con- Hy thU they thereforo be comedies ever seen on Iho American son for about 30 days was not mi the met tins service assistants which are being discussed Ilnswell farmers who fed oaltlo PI'IILIC WELFARE HOARD come the business Slapc. "All Aboard" pen fortunate. Through the combined vention which was planned hy the barometer of is from the is assistant commissioner of pub- last year report neat profit. ADOPTS NEW REOt'LVriONS Northern New Mexico. In studying efforts of the four, I hey were able women of Albuquerque, it being the of Junto MrCree, who has written lic lands. a this office lias for the Albuquerque gives contract for In laud him. and that they might eleventh Annual and the largest conditionr locally, we have taken ovor a hundred professional stage past four or five years brought into new sewage disposal works. The Slate Hoard of Public Wel- have a perfect story to tell. they convention ever held by this organ-ialio- n tin volume of business that this successes. II is a continuous whirl the slate treasury a million and a Highway work between Ilnswell fare whirh has not held a session past Horz-sle- in this state. inn has done during Ihe month wind of laughter, music, at- shipped by express to Simon iu tuneful quarto j a ear from laud rentals and El Paso assumes largo propor- for several months because of lb" overing a period from Oct. 23 lo dances lively the lonely tarpon, which was There were many important top- tractive and action. and sides, it is of groat assistance tions. dealh of the late Dr. Shorlle. who Nov. 2J. They have shinned out divided between the members of ics presented, but we believe edu- This is a regular professional mus- the to Ihe taxpayer!, who relieved Slati' lo save SSTiO.OOO on next year was a member of the board, and corn, bough! local Rotary Club. are cation was the outstanding keynote en enrs of broom from ical and fanciful revue and the lo that extenlL Main democrats highway projects. oilier vacancies which were lecent-- the farmers of I'nion county at a Clayton's The parly had intended o make a of Hie (.(invention, this Mihjerl be- ability of talent is well claimed Unit the income should Carlsbad project to have another ly tilled by appointment of rtnv. price of about 200.00 per ton. They enough known to hunt oer the border in old Mexico. ae ing presented by David S. Hill, pres- insure success. be doubled and that al least two collón seed oil nllll. Jlceiiem, met at Ihe office or lli heve received nl Clayton 0 carloads According to bul found that Ihe approaching oler- - ident oí our State t'nivorsity. the telegram millions ot it should In- - collected Silver Cily farm ships carload oT Stale Huron u of Public Health. Mon- at Texllne, Texas, Ihere hud routed n much unrest of tho aim of education, of merchandise: the first rehearsal will lie from lessee-- , who now pay about fiesh vegetables to El Paso. day, and adopted a complete new-re- 2 carloads, and two carloads at Ro held Monday night, at the Ihal, the trip was abandoned. is "to develop indiv iduahly and an the 27th. half that amount. The new com- Silver City continúes regular ore .sion of Health Regulations that mero, Texas. '1 hese rt car load Legion Hall, 7:30 M.. The parly were five days mnking altruism thnl will add lo the sum at P. us first missioner will no doubt try to meet shipments. will be in effect as soon as printed merchandise wfern bought for the trip down in ideal weather, but total of human happuess." "Evils of arranged for "Katcha-Koo.- " this demand and if lie does, will Mosquero shijé I i cars cattle and uo ! published. cash and were sold to the citizens report that after heay ruins the come with knowledge." he maintain- We believe I he public know what hnse to adopt a very firm policy of sheepr of Union county.
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