Published bi-monthly by the Canadian Railroad Historical Association Publie tous les deux mois par l'Association Canadienne d'Histoire Ferroviaire 138 ISSN 0008-4875 CANADIAN RAIL Postal Permit No. 40066621 PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLY BY THE CANADIAN RAILROAD HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION TABLE OF CONTENTS The Fonds Bury / Le Fonds Bury .. _... _.. - ............. - .. .. - .... _.... ........... _. ....... _... _.. .. 139 Book Reviews. _. _....... _.. _.. _.... _. ............ _... _........ _... ... .... _......... _..... ..... 157 Business Car .. _...... ..................... _. _..... _......... ..... __ ....... ... _.... _..... ........ 164 FRONT COVER: It was a sunny crisp day on October 17, 1958, when Al Chione caught CNR K-3-f 4-6-2 No. 5609 at Listowel, Ontario hauling Train No. 169. 5609 was built by the Grand Trunk as No. 288, it was scrapped in 1960. Photo taken by Al Chione, CRHAArchives, Fonds Bury, CNF-20-56 BELOW Karl Bury looks right at horne in the fireman's seat ofCPR 1201, Photo by David Paterson via James Brown. For your membership in the CRHA, which Canadian Rail is continually in need of news, stories, EDITOR: Fred F. Angus includes a subscription to Canadian Rail, historical data, photos, maps and other material. CO-EDITORS: Douglas NW. Smith, write to: Please send all contributions to the editor: Fred F. Peter Murphy CRHA, 110 Rue St-Pierre, St. Constant, Angus, 3021 Trafalgar Avenue, Montreal, PQ. ASSOCIATE EDITOR (Motive Power): Que. J5A 1G7 H3Y 1H3, e-mail [email protected] . No payment can Hugues W. Bonin be made for contributions, but the contributer will be Membership Dues for 2006: LAYOUT: Gary McMinn given credit for material submitted. Material will be In Canada: $45.00 (including all taxes) returned to the contributer if requested. Remember PRINTING: Impressions Paragraph United States: $43.00 in U.S. funds. "Knowledge is of little value unless it is shared with DISTRIBUTION: Joncas Post experts Other Countries: $80.00 Canadian funds. others". Inc. The CRHA may be reached at its web site: www.exporail.org or by telephone at (450) 638-1522 JULY - AUGUST 2006 139 CANADIAN RAIL • 513 The Fonds Bury Le fonds Bury Introduction by Peter Murphy Introduction par Peter Murphy 'fraduction: Denis Vallieres Sharp eyed readers of Les lecteurs du Canadian Canadian Rail will have noted two Rail ont surement remarque les photos in the March - April article deux photos accompagnant l'article on 4563 credited to the Fonds Bury, sur la locomotive 4563 et attribuees these are but two examples of au fonds Bury dans l'edition de images from a major donation to mars-avril du magazine. Ce ne sont the CRHA archives in 2004 que deux exemples d'images In April 2004, the CRHA provenant d'un don important aux received a call from a Mr. Scott archives de I' ACHF en 2004. Bury of Regina, Saskatchewan. En avril 2004, I' ACHF a Scott wanted to know if the CRHA rec;u un appel de monsieur Scott archives would be interested in a Bury de Regina, Saskatchewan. slide collection belonging to his late Scott desirait offrir aux archives brother, the family was willing to ACHF la collection de diapositives donate the collection for de son defunt frere. La famille preservation. It was established souhaitait faire don de cette that the collection belonged to Karl collection afin de la preserver. II Bury of Brantford, Ontario fut etabli que la collection avait although no further details were bien appartenu a Karl Bury de provided at this initial contact. Brandford, Ontario mais aucune That name (Karl Bury) Portrait ofKarl BUlY cOUltesy Madeleine and autre information ne fut emise lors did not 'ring a bell', but obviously a Norman Bury. de se premier contact. major photo collection was in need Ce nom (Karl Bury) nous of a permanent archival home so etait inconnu mais nous etions we pursued the matter. As it turned out, Karl was very justement ala recherche d'une importante collection de well known to a tight knit inner circle of friends in the photos pour com bier nos archives. Nous avons done Brantford / Toronto area. We contacted Andy Panko of poursuivi la demarche. Karl etait un membre tres bien our Niagara Division, he along with Frank Delogu went connu d'un cercle d'ami tricote serre de la region up to Brantford to meet with Norman and Madeleine BranfordlToronto. Nous avons communique avec Andy Bury (Karl's parents) and have a look at the extent of Panko de notre Division Niagara. Accompagne de Frank Karl's slide collection. Delogu, ils sont partis pour Brandford afin de rencontrer The slide collection (railway portion only) Norman et Madeleine Bury (Ies parents de Karl) et jeter consisted of no less than 60,700 slides, 31,200 of which are un regard sur I'etendue de la collection de diapositives de Canadian. The family wished that the collection be kept Karl. intact (Canadian and other), the CRHA agreed to this La collection (seulement la partie ferroviaire) condition. After formal appraisal, the collection was comprenait pas moins de 60,700 diapositives dont 31,200 donated to the CRHA archives and moved to Exporail. concernant Ie chemin de fer canadien. La famille The collection is almost exclusively images of souhaitait que la collection soit garde integralement diesel locomotives spanning the years 1960 to 2003. The (partie canadienne et l'autre), LACHF se plia a cette collection is significant in several respects. Most demande. Apres les procedures d'usage, la collection fut important is its size and scope, spanning as it does the first remise aux archives ACHF et transportee aExporail. forty years of railway dieselization in Canada. Secondly is La collection est constituee presque that it spans the many livery changes that took place on exclusivement de photos de locomotives prises entre les the various Canadian railways during that period. In the annees 1960 et 2003. Cette collection est tres significative case of USA views, the various mergers and liveries are sur differents aspects. Le plus important est son amp leur represented as well as several manufacturers of diesel et sa vision des quarante premieres annees du diesel dans locomotives. les chemins de fer canadiens. Le deuxieme aspect est Ie Most importantly, each slide is identified with regard sur les nombreux changements de livrees des the date and location, the great majority of slides are differents chemins de fer canadiens pendant cette stored in carousels and are fully indexed on hand written periode. Dans Ie cas des images prises auxEtats-Unis, les RAIL CANADIEN· 513 140 JUILLET - AOUT 2006 accounting type loose leaf sheets in binders. Most slides differentes tendances et livrees sont autant representees were taken by Karl Bury, some slides are 'trades', Karl que les manufacturiers de locomotives diesels eux­ partook in the old trick of take two shots, trade one with memes. someone like minded. Fait important a noter, chacune des diapositives We wish to sincerely thank Madeleine and est identifiee par la date et Ie lieu du clicM. La plupart Norman Bury and their surviving son Scott for donating sont entreposees dans des chargeurs de type carrousel et this extensive slide collection to the CRHA. The Fonds ficMes par des inscriptions a la main sur des feuilles Bury will be an invaluable source of illustrative material inserees dans des cartables. La plupart des cliches ont ete for future use in Canadian Rail and other publications. pris par Karl Bury lui-meme et d'autres ont ete echanges, The CRHA archives is most fortunate to have been Karl appliquait un vieux truc qui consistait a prendre deux chosen as the repository for Karl's voluminous and poses du meme sujet afin d'en echanger eventuellement comprehensive slide collection. une. We hope that you enjoy a few representative Nous souhaitons remercier sincerement views that we selected to reproduce in this article from the Madeleine et Norman Bury et leur fils survivant Scott Fonds Bury. pour Ie don de cette vaste collection a I'ACHF. Le fonds Bury deviendra une source incalculable de materiel Peter Murphy d'illustrations pour les editions futures du magazine 20 March, 2006 Canadian Rail et autres publications. La section des Acknowledgement: We wish to acknowledge Stan 1. Smail! archives de I..:ACHF est tres choyee d'etre choisie comme who contributed to the writing ofthe captions for Karl Bwy's depositaire de cette large et volumineuse collection de (and friends) selected images. diapositives. Nous esperons que vous apprecierez les quelques images extraites de la collection que nous avons selectionnees pour vous dans cet article sur Ie fonds Bury. Peter Murphy 20 mars 2006 Karl Ross Bury Karl Ross Bury 1951-2004 1951-2004 By James Brown Par James Brown Karl Bury was a dedicated steam man, and Traduction: Denis Vallieres enthusiast of railway and marine technology and history. Karl Bury reconnu comme un homme When he died unexpectedly in his 53rd year, on 27 dynamique, etait un passionne de la technologie et de February 2004, he left a legacy of warm friendships, I'histoire du chemin de fer ainsi que de la marine. Suite a rewarding experiences, and a lifetime not fully lived. sa mort inattendue survenue Ie 27 fevrier 2004, a l'age de Fortunately, his passion survives him, in his massive 53 ans, illaissa derriere lui des amities chaleureuses, des photographic record of the railway, ship and aircraft experiences enrichissantes et, malheureusement une vie scene, in Canada and the United States. trop courte. Heureusement, sa passion lui a survecu au Karl was born on 16 August 1951 in Brampton, travers de son imposante collection d'images de chemin Ontario, he was excited at the sight of a train from almost de fer, de marine et d'aviation, du Canada et des Etats­ infancy! His father would take him up to the station for Unis.
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