Volume 28, Number 5 • May-June 2006 To The Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan STS 2006 Annual General Meeting – President’s Report Horst J. Sawatzki Congratulations to: • We have a great organization, • The 2006 Honorary Life Member thanks to you. The vision of 1973 The STS 33rd Annual General recipients—Doreen Lloyd, Bert is alive. As we grow in numbers, Meeting was truly a great celebra- Gordon and Ernie Mazur. let us not lose sight of the hopes tion. Henri Loiselle and Martin • The 12 Chapters receiving the and dreams that have brought us Janovsky provided the positive beat 2006 STS Growth Awards, and together as STS. There will be that had delegates step enthusiasti- • The individuals who had received challenges to STS as we continue cally through Wednesday and their Chapter’s special awards to grow and take on more respon- Thursday’s agendas. Each interest for 2006. sibilities. Even though “WE session provided delegates with tid- CANNOT DIRECT THE bits of information to take home: In my President’s address, I focused WINDS . We can adjust our green thumbs, focused and framed on the Executive targets and ac- sails”. images, and better driving habits complishments for 2005-06 and were some of the key phrases that expressed a special thank you to the Thank you to all the candidates that caught my attention. The delegates’ local Chapters that invited me to sought a position on the 2006-07 their meetings over the last 2 years. STS Executive. Welcome to Jim resolve to give the business affairs Bernice and I made about 25 trips— Slough and Barry Hollick, new their full attention soon took care of from Rockglen in the south to Loon Executive members. Veterans, it’s all the resolutions for 2006. Lake in the north with Esterhazy time to show your stuff. The best to Highlighting our banquet was the and Medicine Hat filling in the east Siegrid Schergel, your new Celebration of individual and and west. It was great to meet new President, as she will lead us Chapter contributions to STS. and experienced members each through the ever growing STS busi- contributing to the Chapter’s ness and responsibilities. To Audry growth and purpose. My message Blais we say farewell and thank you was always simple and direct: what for your contribution to Executive we are, what we hope to accomplish matters over the last 3 years. Enjoy and where we want to be tomorrow. your new ‘retirement’! The positive feed back about STS was appreciated and shared with It has been my pleasure to serve you your provincial Executive. I trust I and to work with a very dedicated left something positive for Chapters Executive and office staff who are to build upon. always ready to work on your behalf. Thank you for your support • Our organization, the STS, is over the years. Have a good year! growing in numbers, is financially sound and is not stagnant. It will continue to ask you where we should be tomorrow. Your Executive thanks you for your continued support both at the Bert Gordon and Horst Sawatzki Chapter and provincial level. 2006 AGM Reports Executive Secretary’s 3.2 Successful adoption of STS Office and Staffing Resolutions by ACER- Report CART. Committee Report 3.3 Partial completion of a net- The Superannuated Teachers of 1. The Committee includes the work of contact people with Saskatchewan are experiencing three Saskatoon based Executive every STS Chapter regard- another very successful year in Members, (Ernie Epp, Fred ing political action. 2005-2006. Some of our success sto- Herron (Chair) and Margaret ries are found in the areas of admin- 4. Support Services Martin). In addition, Harold istration, finances, political action, 4.1 The successful establish- Schultz serves as a member of support services and benefits. ment of a support service the Committee. database on the STS web- 2. The Committee met on 1. Administration site. November 2, 2005 to review 1.1 An increase in membership 4.2 Partial completion of a net- proposed revisions to the con- of almost four percent. work of contact people with tracts of employment of Shirley 1.2 A very successful strategic each STS Chapter regarding Henderson, STS Office Manager, planning session for the support services. and Colleen Bailey, STS Office STS Executive in September Assistant. The tentative agree- 2005. 5. Benefits ments for 2006 were subsequent- 1.3 A well received meeting 5.1 Positive financial experi- ly ratified by the STS Executive. with STS Chapter Presidents ence for the third year of 3. The Committee reviewed staff in November of 2005. the second three year con- requirements and workload at 1.4 The addition of a fourth tract with Saskatchewan the STS Office and recommend- part-time staff member at Blue Cross. ed that an additional person be the STS Office. We are 5.2 Successful completion of employed on a part-time basis. hopeful the current staff negotiations for a third The additional staff member component will provide three-year agreement for would provide greater flexibili- long-term stability to the Extended Health, Travel ty for current STS staff and STS Office. and Dental Plans with ensure that the office could pro- Saskatchewan Blue Cross. vide service during periods of 2. Finance 5.3 A significant increase in heavy demand or staff illness. It 2.1 An agreement between STS participation levels in the was also seen as important for and the STF to have Extended Health, Travel the long range plan to staff the accounting services provid- and Dental Plans. STS Office. ed by the STF. This measure While our organization continues to 4. The Committee reviewed the will ensure a strong system grow and flourish, we must be pre- implications for STS staff result- of checks and balances for pared to face future issues and chal- ing from the implementation of STS financial services. lenges with strong leadership at the the Support Services Database. 2.2 The engagement of Deloitte provincial and Chapter levels, and The Committee felt that it to provide audit services to with a sound financial base from would be essential to provide the STS. which to respond to these issues the support required to keep 2.3 A small surplus in the and challenges. the database current. financial operations of STS 5. The STS Executive approved for 2004 -2005. In closing, let me express my thanks to the recommendation to employ the STS Executive, staff and member- an additional person on a part- 3. Political Action ship for your support and encourage- time basis. Heather Hase was 3.1 A successful lobby with ment. It has been a privilege to serve engaged to fill that position the Department of Learning as your Executive Secretary. effective February 1, 2006. regarding the admin- istration of the Teachers’ Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, Superannuation Plan. Fred W. Herron Fred W. Herron 2 splitting of household income, treat- As per its mandate, the Committee ACER-CART Report ment of Old Age Security as tax-free continued to assist the Executive ACER-CART was founded in income, increase in the pension Secretary in preparing the annual 1991 and now includes provincial income deduction, re-introduction of budget and recommending it to the organizations of retired teachers the interest income deduction, deduc- Executive. The proposed budget for from every province in Canada with tion of 100% of non-covered medical 2006-2007 was published in Outreach a total membership of approximate- expenses and of charitable donations. and is included in the AGM materi- ly 125,000. The objectives of the al for your consideration. It is a bal- On a personal note, I wish to thank national organization are: anced budget based on 7700 mem- the members of STS for the oppor- 1. To facilitate and promote liaison bers with a membership fee of tunity to have served on the ACER- $30.00 per annum and with a and mutual assistance among CART Board of Directors for the Chapter rebate of $8.00 per person. its member organizations; past year. 2. To promote the interests of its The Budget and Finance Committee member organizations; Respectfully submitted, continued to monitor the affairs and 3. To develop strategies for joint Fred W. Herron policies of the organization that have action on matters of common a financial impact and made recom- concern to member organiza- mendations to the Executive. It rec- tions; ommended a continuation of the 4. To cooperate with other seniors’ Budget and Finance contract of employment with the organizations on matters of Executive Secretary, the addition of a common concern; Committee Report part-time staff member to the Office 5. To promote excellence in educa- Serving on the Budget and Finance and to enter in to a new contract tion. Committee in 2005-2006 were: Fred with Blue Cross for Extended Health The association has developed a Herron (Executive Secretary); Mike and Dental Insurance Coverage. Constitution, Bylaws and Policy Kaminski, Ed Magis, Margaret statements on pensions and health Martin, Maxine Stinka, Horst The Committee also continued to care for Canadians. Standing com- Sawatzki (Ex-officio) and Siegrid monitor membership growth of the mittees on communications, health Schergel (Chair). In addition, organization and its impact on the and pensions have been estab- Shirley Henderson (Office Manager) overall operation of the STS. Although lished. It is hoped that the work of ably recorded and prepared the the steep growth curve has slowed as these committees will assist ACER- minutes and other reports. most superannuated teachers who CART to respond to the needs of the were eligible to become members of member organizations.
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