#07_kovalenker_en_0802:#07_kovalenker_en_0802.qxd 21.05.2009 20:11 Page 45 New data on minerals. M.: 2003. Volume 38 45 UDC 553.43/451.498+553.662(575) MINERALOGY OF EPITHERMAL GOLDSULFIDETELLURIDE ORES OF THE KAIRAGACH GOLD DEPOSIT, (Uzbekistan) Vladimir A. Kovalenker Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry (IGEM), RAS, Moscow, [email protected] Olga Yu. Plotinskaya Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry (IGEM), RAS, Moscow, [email protected] Rustam I. Koneev Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan The Kairagach ore deposit is situated on the northern slope of the Kurama Ridge (East Uzbekistan), 3.5 km northeast of the wellknown Kochbulak goldtelluride ore deposit. According to specific mineralogical fea- tures of the ores and hydrothermal alterations, it was assigned to the highsulfidation (or acidsulfate) type of epithermal mineralization. However, in contrast to typical gold deposits of this type with a pronounced AuCu specialization, the ores of the Kairagach deposit are characterized by the AuSnBiSeTe geochemical profile. This paper briefly summarizes original and published data on the Kairagach deposit, including its geological features and ore characteristics, sequence of the mineral formation, and the main mineral assemblages. Occurrence conditions and chemical peculiarities of the essential minerals of the goldsulfideselenidetelluride mineralization are considered. Data on the abundance and compositional vari- ations of native elements (gold, tellurium, and tin), fahlores, Bi and Sb sulfosalts, Cu and Fe sulfostannates, and various selenides and tellurides are presented. It is shown that the unique diversity of the ore mineralization is determined by the variety of state and occur- rence forms (native, isomorphous, sulfide, selenide, and telluride) of their contained chemical elements. 6 tables, 5 figures and 15 references. The Kairagach epithermal gold ore deposit The unordinary and complex mineral com- of Late Paleozoic age is situated in the northern position of the ores caused the fact that, even spurs of the Kurama Ridge, eastern Uz bekistan, at early stages of studying the Kairagach de - 3.5 km northeast of the wellknown Kochbulak posit, the paramount attention was given to goldtelluride deposit (Ko va len ker et al., 1997). comprehensive mineralogical investigations. In terms of its economic po tential, the These works revealed here a number of rare Kairagach deposit is not as si gned to the rank of minerals, including new mineral species (Ba da - large objects: its re sources are estimated to be lov and Spiridonov, 1983; Badalov et al., 1984; 50 t Au and 150 t Ag (Is lamov et al., 1999). Ko valenker, 1986; Kovalenker and Ge inke, However, this object is of significant interest for 1984; Kovalenker et al., 1984, 1986, 1987; Spi - studying epithermal ore genesis regularities, ridonov and Badalov, 1983; Spi ri donov et al., since it belongs to the acidsulfate (Heald et al., 1983). At the same time, no summary work on 1987), or highsulfidation (White and the Kairagach ore mineralogy has been pub- Hedenquist, 1991), ty pe of epi the r mal ore min- lished until now. The present paper summa- eralization, that is very rare in the former Soviet rizes data accessible by the present time Union territory, and its ores are consist of a (including those we obtained in the last years), unique variety of minerals (sulfides, sulfosalts, which generalize the occurrence conditions, tellurides, se lenides, and oxi des). Moreover, in parageneses, and variations of the chemical contrast to typical highsulfidation ore deposits composition of minerals that form the unique characterized by AuCu specialization of their ores of the Kairagach deposit (native gold and mineralization (Sum mitwill in the United States, other native elements, various sulfosalts, tel- El Indio in Chile, Na nsatsu in Japan, Lepanto in lurides, and selenides). It is believed that the Phi lip pines, Che lopech in Bulgaria), the Kai - data considered here substantially refine and ragach deposit is characterized by a clearly pro- expand the notion of mineralogical and geo- nouncedchemical features not only of the Kairagach AuSnBiSeTe geochemical profile of the ore deposit but also of epithermal ore mineraliza- mineralization. tion as a whole. #07_kovalenker_en_0802:#07_kovalenker_en_0802.qxd 21.05.2009 20:11 Page 46 46 New data on minerals. M.: 2003. Volume 38 Geology and Ores of the Kairagach deposit Quartz of this ore type is cryptocrystalline to flintlike; as a rule, it is characterized by The Kairagach deposit is confined to a numerous caverns and high porosity, leaching Hercynian volcanic caldera. The caldera is co - cavities and contains sporadically distributed mposed of Middle and Late Carboniferous relicts of the host volcanites. The second, com- andesite, andesitedacite, and dacite tuffs, plex goldsulfideselenidetelluride type of the lavas, and subvolcanic formations. In the cen- ore mineralization is represented by tral segment of the caldera effusivepyroclastic veinshaped and lenticular bodies, veinletd is - rocks are intruded by the mushroomshaped semina ted and nestshaped accumulations of Kairagach subvolcanic extrusive stock of tra- quartz, quartzbarite, and barite composition chyandesite porphyrites (1.2 x 3 km in size), with sulfides, sulfosalts, selenides, and tel- that supposedly fills the vent of an ancient stra- lurides, that are unevenly distributed within tovolcano. In the northern endocontact zone of the ore zone among both the monoquartzites the extrusive stock, NEtrending orebearing and berisitelike formations. Ores of this type structures are located. The volcanosedimenta- play an important role in the balance of ry rocks are also intruded by dikes of diabase reserves of the deposit. They are characterized porphyrites and granodiorite porphyries of by variable concentrations of gold, silver, and Late Carboniferous to Early Permian age. The other useful components, as well as by a com- deposit is bounded by the Karatash normal plex and variable mineral composition. fault on the west and by the NEtrending Shaugaz (or Angren) thrust fault on the north (Kovalenker and Geinke, 1984). In the volcanic Sequence of Mineralogenesis and subvolcanic rocks, weak propylitization and the Main Mineral Assemblages (calcitechlorite and albitechloritecalcite fa - cies) is ubiquitously manifested. Studying the structural and textural peculi- The ore mineralization at the Kairagach arities of the ores revealed a certain sequence deposit is concentrated within four in formation of the ore mineralization in the 35kmlong zones of metasomatic silicifica- Diabasic zone. It is shown that mineral assem- tion: the Diabasic, First, Chukurkatan, and blages of the ores and hydrothermal wall rock Bedrenget ones. The commercialgrade ore alterations formed during four main stages, mineralization has only been revealed in the including the Preproductive Metasomatic, Diabasic and First zones. These zones repre- Early Productive (or quartzpyrite), Main Pro - sent intricately constructed branching bundles ductive (or goldfahloresulfosalttelluride), of quartz, quartzbarite, and barite veins, as and Postproductive (or quartzcarbonatebarite) well as lenticular, veinletlike, and breccia bod- stages (Plotinskaya and Kovalenker, 1998). ies, all of which contain nesttype, disseminat- The Preproductive Metasomatic Stage is ed, and veinletdisseminated ore mineraliza- characterized by formation of secondary tion. The host volcanites and diabase por- quartzitetype rocks with pyrophyllite, dias- phyrite dikes were subjected to intensive pore, kaolinite, and alunite, as well as of silicification, sericitization, and pyritization. beresitelike quartzcarbonatesericite rocks Goldsulfidese lenidetelluride mineralization with pyrite. mainly occurs in ore bodies of the Diabasic The Early Productive Stage mineralization is zone that has been most comprehensively stud- dominated by minerals of the ied by the present time, the bulk of resources of goldquartzpyrite assemblage, that are pres- precious metals of the Kairagach deposit being ent in form of sulfide dissemination in gray related to this zone. It is confined to the north- metasomatic quartz. The sulfides are repre- ern contact of the Kairagach subvolcanic stock sented by predominant pyrite; minor chalcopy- of trachyandesite porphyrites. rite, and rare sphalerite, galena, and fahlores of According to the mineral composition, two the early generation. Native gold is present as principal types among the ores localized within ultradispersed inclusions in quartz and pyrite. the Diabasic zone were distinguished. The first, The Main Productive Stage includes several goldquartz type is represented by essentially mineral assemblages that are commonly close- quartz ores, in which sulfides (predominantly ly timerelated and are often spatially tele- pyrite) commonly do not exceed 3–5 vol % scoped. The earliest of them is the in abundance. They are spatially associated goldquartzbarite assemblage. It is represent- with zones of monoquartzites and are charac- ed by segregations of native gold of high fine- terized by the massive structure and relatively ness, enclosed in quartzbarite aggregates, and low concentration of the useful components. is characterized by practically simultaneous #07_kovalenker_en_0802:#07_kovalenker_en_0802.qxd 21.05.2009 20:11 Page 47 Mineralogy of Epithermal GoldSulfideTelluride Ores of the Kairagach Gold Deposit,
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