hy n BMP your Mine) I Va THE METAL MARKET running around looking ror nbmn pr yon flaw fc--c l. Ttm. dmaim&é arts .. do Use yob for mío nl will mH Try ?7TH YEAR EL PASO, TEXAS. TUESDAY. JANUARY 2, 1917. ENGLISH SECTION TEN PAGES. PRICE 5 CENT ENTENTE ALLIES REJECT WILSON SUGGESTION OE PARLEY Two Governors Take Oath KAISER PREPARES GRAND JURORS WILL STRIKE MEASURE SENTIMENT IN ANSWER SAME of Office in Arizona FOR RENEWAL OF MAKE INQUIRY INTO OF PRESIDENT Cmmtbell Rejects Proffer of Surrender From Friend of Gov SHORTAGE OF COAL IN FAVOR OF ernor Hunt and Courts Will Be Called Upon to HOSTILITIES ON MEETS SOME EFFECT Decide Between Rival Claimants. ALL FRONTS Judge W. D. Howe Orders In By Associated Press. than half the ballots. The proffer was veatig-atio- of High Price Campbell. PERSHING Phoenix, Arti., Jan. 1. A formal de- rejerted by of Fuel in El Paso. AS THAT No Anlmnnltt Temará Hnnl mand will be made upon Governor Hunt Ms r orinal 'oath of Sat- Entire Manhood Force of Country Proposed Legislation Which Will tomorrow morning lo surrender his of- Bepatlng last as a preamble, Governor camp Alleged Assaults and Abuae of papers to Gov- urday Which Can Be Spared From Prevent Walkout Until After fice and Aim over its hen plunged at onrr into the meat of City Prisoners by Detectives K. Campbell ace- ernor Thomas whose ie Ms Inaugural address, by declaring Service in Trenches Engaged in Also to Be Probed. Questions Have Been Sub- ro Inauguration took place today. In thai In spite or bitien.css and op no TO RECALL which he at- Manufacturing Many Thousand mitted to Arbitration Faces FOE the event or the ruriher refusal of Hunt, slUon with had met In tempting to take the office, he bore no "Without intimating In any way any notice of Guns Each Month. that Antagonistic Undercurrent. he will be served with political animosity. He advised against persons or combination or persons have ylo for s writ of mandamus. Tbe hasty judgment. , luted any or the laws of this stale, lie papers will then be riled In supreme "Today the exeruUve branch of the court wishes lo call to your attention '.- '- Reply, government Is new keep- Cannon of All Calibre From Field Administration Leaders Filled Unfavorable Indicated by court, an arrangement having been made transferred to. sialemcnt and t of the coal GROWS ing, nut It Is sUII in tbe hands or the Pieces to Mighty Howitzers dealers snd the local representatives or Mm With Misgiving as to Chance Reports From Paris. Blasts Tor an the tsauanre of alternante writ, people. The bitterness of defeat and isllroads as to the causes far the coal though the court had eiprraaed a wish IBS exultaUon of triumph should be Being Placed to Meet En tent shortage and ihe high price or coal exist Entire Scheme May Have to Hope of Peace and German not lo lake original Jurisdiction In any supplanted hy an ungrudging acqules-enr- ing in Kl Paso at the present lime." This to the popular will." Attack When War Opens U Get Through Either House; Embassy in Washington Looks matter relating to the gubernatorial was the first paragraph lu Ihe special in He pledged htmsetr to administer the StranMOSUI JudgV W. or Thlrty-t- i Washington Becoming Convinced or Again in Full Vigor. r. Howe Ihe Extra Session Probable. for Another Year of War. contest. But that Is not a part the office without appeal to prejudice or mitii lllstflrt court delivered, to the new of Futility of Expedition and of contest and It Is desired that the partisan animosity. The expected out- grsnd Jury for the Jsnusry term or the government be establish- de- Identty of the burst against Ms opponents did not By Press. Thirty rourth rourl which he empsnelleil By Press. Necessity of More Decisive Monday when the third Assnrlatrd President in Consultation With ed before next velop. Berlin, Jan. I. (By to Seyville. yestedsy morning. Washington. Jan. I. Upon tie- reconven legislature will assemble. wireless Action in Event of Renewal of slate Changes In the administration, alined Many thousand guns per week report Te ing or congress tomorrow chief Interest Senator Stone in Effort to There were no other ceremonies at the with less iBiestigate Coal Mluatlea. at more efficiency "pollllril ed to be the measure nr the mtghty menu This Howe, will center In hearings before Ihe senate state house today other than the in- to ramlly were matter." continued Judge Secure Congressional Endorse- Disturbances on Border. subxervlenr.v ties," factiiring effort which (iermany Is .now been publicly through the rommerrr commiiU'e on President Wilson's augural address of Mr. Campbell, which promised. Th speaker touched on the "has discussed making for the campaign of 1S17 press and It your recommendations for legislation to supple- was heard by a large crowd. The ad- prosperous condition mining and otherwise and is duly ment of Action in Sending of tbe effort upon which the entire manhood to make an Investigation, and, ir you rind ment the Adajnson law. wtui'h was enacted dress was delivered from a portlro of agricultural regions of Arlxona and then rorce or Uie American Members of Mediation nation which can be spared II. at any of the laws or Hie sute have to betones affective today and the consti Note to Belligerents. the capítol. Governor Hunt, was not at truck Into the subject or labor and rrom occupa r-- i as "T tne rrout and tneir regular been violated, such as the antl laws. lutlonallly of whirh ! to be argued In the j i J his ornee- the doors or which were capital an outstanding Issue In the Is trust i. lions being concentrated under First Ihe laws governing railroads, or any oUier supreme court licit eek. locked, with a, deputy sheriff on guard, campaign. Consideration ror the public von By a - si at, ,i press. Not Car- - Quartermaster tleneral l.udendorr laws of the state, tending to bring about Decide Whether or who claimed lo be acting on the an good Involves, he said, a recognition universal labor 'service lsw. Brotherhoods AataoonleUr. WasbtngUin. Jan I. President Wilson, sec- the present results. ou will indirt the per or the employes' r i r :i lliortty or Governor Honrs private or the rights both or capital and labor. Looking, for Mighty Attack ItepresenUtlves brother late, today went lo the capítol sn ranza explanation or r iu son nr persons jnillty of violstlng the ssnie: hoods, the or the country and snd vent ruiure retary, I.eroy Ladd. The only rererence to the contest was Counting four month- - the pfnh railroads hour discussing the rountrys foreign af- before ir yon no not nsve pronanie cause to Vhe general to ap- Ratify Merits I'.ampbelt Deprécales Force the statement the "man Who has able renewal or the world In the public have been Invited fairs with iscnalor Protocol Further that war full lleve any parsons guilty of a violation or alone, chairman of tbs onme to regard the ballot box as a vigor on all fronts, these figures mean pear berore the rommlttee hy Chairman foreign relations A proposition wan made by a Campbell the laws in respert, your rniuniUee. Their talk Conference. Juggler's hat has renounced Ms al- new immense supply of cannon or this Juridlrtlnn to express their views on the covered a wide range, but It Is adherent to break down the doors and will have snd It will not be - understood legiance: a party success that Is acMev-e- caliber rrom rield guns up to the gigantic terminated ner president's proposal- and suggestions thai Ihst mure (.r the time was devoted to the Tor a moment It seemed that the guard esssry for you t make, any report upon the by members or congress Campbell, by unfair methods Is hurtful and howltaers. to meet the admittedly gigantic have been male sltuaUon growing nut or the unfavorable rij kasoelaSejl Press. would be overwhelmed. SUhjert. The or Ihe brotherhood officials the transitory." sfrort wntcn tne entente allies sre ex atUtude entente reply to Ihe peace proposal- - or the Warinnatiiii. Jiui. I. The Amertcsn Interfered, explaining that Ms conn Judge Howe's olbrr special instriution to Is known to he antagonism- to the praal same be accomplished by Governor Hunt remained at ported to make. central powers. or the Joint com- end would to the grand Jury rharged that body v. inquire recommendation rnngress enact means. try home all of today. He declined Along with these guns the German rar denl's that Aalde rrom transmitting thr eiitpnte note mission will meet here lomorruw to dls- orderly into anil Investigate alleged anil l comment on the situation nor upon the tortea sre turning out corresponding slu assaults a law which would make railroad strikes In Germany and her allies, the UUtea-wil- Oextrral Istest rommimlcs-lla- Hunt Adherents Propuse Terms. abuse or by the police or I'nlted i.arranra's Inauguration or Tbos. K. Campbell. He pandoui qiiantiiies of ammunition aud the prisoners snd de unlawful pending a period investigation Uke no rurther formal action In the on Hip protocol, signed previously Tor Attorneys for Campbell lonigltt serv- eiptalned Ms absenre from Ma office production or machine guns, each tectlves. or disputes by an ofrieial board or Inquiry, peace movement, at least, until the entrnt i - ill' nw mi or border question!, and to ed notice on Hunt or application for a by ssytng that he never visited the which virtually replaces a, platoon of men, To inquire lain Assault Charges.
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