iMONDAY, JULY 27. 1988 Merchants Promise Many Bargains at \ PAGE POURTEEN I^ ys *' Sale Starting Thursday / l^nncU Laraia, Kenny Lewis, toili^n would pay for all Installation Cathy OevlUo Cathy Lupacehlno, ,. and directors said Inspection District Set Aycraice Dsily Nst Prens Run About Town MasmroBid Group Passes iBUly Lynn, Jeffrey Maxwell. fees'!for Taggart'S services would The WMthtr Jenniffer Maxwell. Tom O’Neil, be added to these. For tSo Week Ended Directors said they could give no roroMMt of 0. S, WentSer Botm H m aHu fuikl coBuniU«« of Cathy O'Neil, Roea Roberta. For Sewering 5Uy 28rd, 1959 ttM OuiM of Our liAdy of 81./ Before ZBA Swim Lessons Paul Gnsh, Carolyn Haber- exact estimate of the fees at this Fair. mlM. nnasMeraMe, grwud BarthokMncw'a r&rlah will idmI an, Mike Murphy, Page Adams, time. 12,925 fog tonIghL early Wednesday. Low tonorrow nlgbl.At 8 o'clock in Uia L'nda Gustafson, Lonny Gualaf- Junior High tonight 65. Wedneoday fair, worm. Iw— iifinl of tlM roctory. Til E. AtSTonif'ht The Recreation Department an- son, Richard Romanec. Linda Lap- Member of the AuUt ehenfiFTtruftemoo* showers. Hlgti lOddlo Tpko. / iMUncM tlMt th'. following chil­ pen, Kathy Kosclol, Maron Mur- L T . WOOD CO. Bnreaa of Ofealatlon 85-99. Disposal of sewage from the new Twenty-three applications for dren psMeed Beginner A., B., C. and ooc. Il/.i Bailey, Doug Oi'falt, MancheMter-~‘A City of ‘Village Charm Mombon of Um 8th Dtatiiet Junior high schoot'-pn E. Middle IC E PLANT variances or extensions of permia- Intermediate CSaasee at Globe Mike Willette. John Pacheco. Mi­ nro Dep«rtm«nt ^^'U1 hold a do- chael Lara, Debbie Bareisa, Keith Tpke, will present no problem at 51 BtSSELL St. alon will be considered by the Ston­ Hollow during the flrat aet of the 8th District filter plant, but pArtmant drill tcnlfetil a l « o'clock swimming leaeona, June 30 to July Saitetfirld, Janet Hansen, Kathy VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 253 (rOlIKTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 28. i9i>9 (Claaalfted AdvortWng on F«ga 19) PRICE PIVK CENTS at tlM flrehouae. ing Board of Appeals at a public Faulds, Susan Tomlinson, Martha District Sewer Superintendent Cnbes-Cruthed-Blockii 17. Calvin Taggart will Inspect all hearing tonight at 8 o'clock In the Szetela, Bonnie Stevenson, Tom­ B an n ers A: William Mickew- sewerage installationa as they are The Art.iy and Nav>- Auwhar>’ Municipal Building. iotc, David Magregor, Clifford my Mayer, Robin Kriatoff, Lynn will hold a card party at. 8 o'clock Among those seeking variances Pusinas, Marge Lupacchino, Nan­ made. — Magregor. John Lockward, David This is. in brief, the opinion of Have Ears at the dubhouee. IB Dr. Joseph Masaaro. who wish- Fox. Sue Banning. Diane Banning, cy Quaglia, Jack Romanec. Kath­ eli‘ to build a professional building erine Farrell. Gloria Dickau. 8th District directors aa explained AUTO L^wls Banning, Susan Domalne, in a letter to Manchester Water Must Listen The Pythian Bunahlne Oirle of on properly he and his wife own F+*nk Conway, Debbie Ehlers, Sharon Lynn, Edward Elgan. Chris Missile Chief Dispels and Sewer Superintendent Fred lO D Y Mancheater « ’U1 hai’e an initiation on St. James St. According to in­ Bruce Hsuuei,, John Michalik, Adams. Marsha Vennard, Dennis GLUE’S Ry THE ASBiXBATBD PREBB t o n l^ t In Odd Pellowa hall. Mem­ formation given the Town Plan­ Dion, Marsha Lennon, Donald Den- Thrall. Ronald Roberts, Warren. Wayland, Diatrict- directors wrote to ★ WELDING It happened In Manchester, bers are requested to i^-ear white, ning Office, the building would be Slvelyn Wayland, Mary Ann Ben- ley, Phillip Hale. Nixon May Urge Ike and to arriv'e at * o'clock. Can- Interme^ate Class; Sharon Thrall beoause of his request for ★ AUTO lODYcnd N. H.. when a man answered erected on a 1.75 acre parcel of eon, Karen Smith, John Minnick, his telephone snd a woman didalea and visitors will attend at land to the south of the present Lorentzen, Donna Allen, Peter an estimate of costs involved with Anne Lupacchiro, Kathy McCar- the sewering of the new school FENDER REPAIRS asked him if he hsd his televi­ 7 o'clock. The counselors will building on Park St; which the tah, Marlene Clark, David Rey­ Benson. Donald Meyers, Diane Atlas Failures Alarm sion set on. serve refreahments. doctor owns and where he main­ Tedford. Dennis Lynch. David When it is completed. ★ COMPLETE CAR nolds, Susan Smith, Suaan Stinoh- Thrall also asked If the amount He replied that ha did. and tains his office. field. Maura < 'Brien, Frances Tay­ Southerlin, David Baker, Ann Rua- PAINTING aell, Francis Ehlers, Karen Backes, of sewage from the new school the caller asked if anyone else Dr and Mrs. Masaaro aie seek­ lor, Mark Chtnielicki, Bill Nabel, LALqUER and ENAMEL Washington, July 28 (/P)— was in the room. Car Hits Hvdrant, ing the variance as a small build­ Maryann Maaollnl. Claire Souther- would create an insurmountable Barbara Hutchings, Pat Binino, burdien on the district Alter plant TEL. Ml 9-5025 Lt. Gen. Bernard A. Schriever, "Yes,” he replied, "my wife ing is already located on the prop­ Alan Keener., Cynthia Livengood lln, Larry Lorentzen, Gary Plrkey, on Hilliard St. Air Force missile chief, told is." Driver Arrested erty and they also want a special Catherine Harrison. Patricia Ko- Arthur Ventura, Fern Loveland. Invitn Nikita to U.S. The surveyor then asked, exception as the property is locat­ The life guards were George At a recent directors' meeting 281 ADAMS ST. House investigators today chln, Paul Morlarty, Rita Mori- Taggart said the load from the "What are you listening to ?" • ed in Residence Zone O arty, William Helm. Margaret Krause, Daniel Dormer, Jean Le- there is no cause for alarm A 22-year-old Bristol man was j aaire, William Kelley. new school should not be as gerat "My wife." wss the reply. arrested on a charge of reckless | .\ffects Master Plan Sadloski. Arlene Sadloeki, Richard over recent repeated failures Plans for locating the building a.s the load from the former (3reen I- diiiing Saturday after his car Sazina.y.ti. Haven houses, which occupied the RANGE in the long range Atlas mis­ broke a fire hydrant at Center and on the plot may be complicated Beginners B: Linda Garrison, Americans somewhat, however, as the Town Picnic Suppers current junior high school land. sile. Edgerton Sts. ' Barbara Hamilton, Sue Gaffney Planning Commission's recently Janny Klely, James Murphy, There was never a problem with Schriever expressed confidence Esmonde J. Phelan .tr, told po-* Slated Tomorrow disposal from the homes, Taggart tUEL OIL the big intercontineital missile Big Strike lice that his car. traveling west on amended master street plan shows Gloria Opalach. John Frankovich, i i said. the proposed 60-foot wide exten­ Sharron Willette, Dick Holman, GASOLINE will be ready for combat use by W elcom ed Center St at 2:05 p m., brushed Thrall told district directors the approximately Sept. 1—some 60 the curb and went out of control. sion of Linden St. running through Diana Bagley, Lorraine Grenier, The Recreation Department in­ the easterly portion of the Massa- Anne Creed, Priscilla - Adamy; vites all children and parents, if days later than the original target The car then struck the^hydrant, date. Threatens 'L' breaking it off at the base. ro property. Ronald Casey, Earl Stevenson, they wish, to attend the picnic slip­ In Siberia Also to be ^on8idered tonight Is Teddy Tedford, Gail Blevena, Lisa per at their ten supervised play­ Schriever, head of the Air Re­ Patrolman Alfred Ritter made i PRESCRIPTIONS BANTLY OIL search an(i Development Com­ the arrest. Phelan's court dale la | a request for a variance from the Roman, Barbara Dennen, Skip grounds. Lost Pigeon Finds Shelter I .nil' \ M . l\( , mand, was the first witness in a Friday. , Covenant Congreg'ktlonal Church Wiganoski, Wayne Wlganoski. The supper begins at 6:30 to­ Free Delivery Aluminum Two other accidents occurrel i which w’ishes to erect a church There being no Travelers Aid for lost pigeons, this one walked Sharon Keenan, Treaia McCartan, morrow night with a fire being ;' I '1 \ I \ ■ I Itl.l. I House Space Committee inquiry Novosibirsk. Soviet Union, and parish house on a 16t east of into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nackowski. 38 Lockwood Billy Lopes. Carol Schultz, Lynn built at nil playgrounds, Children Into what has gone wrong in the •filly 28 (/P)— Vice President over the weekend | Atlas program. WnUam J. Roth, 18. 56 Devon 310 Hackmatack St., having less St.. Thursday afternoon through an open aide door. The bird Schultz, Jnan Bonino, Mary are urged to bring hntdogs and LIGGEn DRUG TEL MItclicll 9-4595 New York, July 28 (/P)— A Richard M. Nixon arrived Dr., was arrested yesterday noon frontage than allowed by regula­ has dark gray plumage, iridescent blue around ita neck, red L'Heureux, Sheila Kennan, Chris marshmallows to roast over the SHOPPING PARKADE "It is. of course, too early for major strike in the aluminum here today amid solid sterns he on a charge of failure to pass to tions. feet, and a turkey’s stance. The bird is tame, says Mrs. Nac­ Maxwell, Kenny Burbank, Tommy open fire. ROCKVILI.E TR 8-3271 ma to say with cactainty-that we Other Variances kowski, and will return to her hand even after she lets it fly have identified and eliminated the induatry was threatened to­ whs considering more and the left His car struck a car ap­ Jenkins, Stephen Nackowski, Ma day as negotiations in the erated by Joyce K.
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