Index Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations. A Andaur, Claudio, 417 abdomen of Captain Blender character, 62, 63 anger, shapes for, 184, 184, 186, 186 accessing datablocks, 23, 23 angle-based flattening, 98 Action constraint, 123 angles in linear extrapolation, 220 Action Editor angry expression, 262 facial animation, 263, 275 animation, 207, 299 key shapes, 271–272, 271 armature. See armature animation and NLA, 283–284, 284, 286–288, 286, 293, bouncing ball, 210–217, 210–217 295, 297 editing, 336–340, 337–339 posing and keyframing, 224–226, 224, 226, extrapolation, 220, 220–221 229, 229 F-Curves and F-Curve modifiers, 208, walk cycles, 239, 251 221–222, 221–222 activating add-ons, 342–343, 342 facial. See faces (biological) active camera views, 14, 14 interpolation, 217–219, 218–219 active objects, 18 keyframes, 208–210, 209 Add brush, 118 lattice modifiers, 306–309, 307–309 Add Curve add-on category, 344 lighting. See lighting Add Driver option, 166 mesh deform modifiers, 310–313, 310–313 Add Image Strip option, 274 metaballs, 319–320, 319–320 Add Mesh add-on category, 344 NLA Editor. See NLA Editor Add Modifier option, 28, 37 nonarmature, 297, 297 add-ons, 342 props, 300–306, 300–305 activating, 342–343, 342 proxies, 278–282, 278–283 example, 343–345, 343–345 rendering, 334–336, 334 preferences, 24 resources for, 430–431 Add-Ons panel, 136, 136, 342–343, 342 softbodies, 314–317, 314–318 Add Sequence Strip menu, 337 Animation (Blair), 430–431 Add To Group button, 23, 23 Animation add-on category, 345 additive painting, 154 Animation screen, 209, 209, 225, 225 additivity of shape keys, 163–164COPYRIGHTED, 164 Animator’s MATERIAL Survival Kit (Williams), 404, 431 Adobe Premiere editing system, 424 anime style shading, 92, 92 After Effects editing system, 424 anklerot bone, 367 Align To View option, 51 ankles Aligned handle type, 213 Captain Blender character, 60, 60 alpha channels, 335–336 rigging, 364–367, 366 Alpha setting for hair, 119 ANT Landscape add-on, 344, 344 Alpha Over setting, 340 AO (ambient occlusion), 332–333, 333 Alpha Under setting, 338, 338 appending ambient occlusion (AO), 332–333, 333 datablocks, 23 proxies, 278 427378bindex.indd 433 3/22/11 1:38:28 AM 434 ■ Applications/Utilities directory – Bezier interpolation Applications/Utilities directory, 4 artifacts Apply function, 31 overlapping faces, 82, 82 area lamps, 330, 330 Subdivision Surface modifier, 45, 45 armature animation, 223 aspect ratio, 334 bouncing assigning materials to faces, 90, 90 F-Curves, 233–234, 233–235 asymmetry keyframing, 236–237, 237 facial animation, 262 line of action, 236, 236 shape keys, 177–178, 177–178 preparing, 225–229, 225–231 attaching meshes, 147–148, 147–148 previewing, 231–232, 232 Audacity sound editor, 255, 424 DopeSheet and Action Editor, 224, 224 Audio Scrubbing feature, 256, 256 IK vs. FK posing, 246, 246–247 Auto handle type, 213 pose-to-pose, 250 Auto Clamped handle type, 213 location, 250–255, 251–255 auto keyframing, 236–237, 237 with speech, 255–259, 257–259 AV-Sync option, 232, 273 run cycles, 247–249, 248–249 AVI Raw format, 335 walk cycles Avid editing system, 424 setting up, 237–240, 238–240 axes, restricting operations to, 17 upper body movement, 240–242, 241–245 Armature Deform With Automatic Weights B option, 133, 133, 147 B-bones, 364, 372 Armature modifier, 30 background images meshes, 147–148, 201, 201 animation, 338 rigging, 155 Captain Blender character, 54, 55 skinning, 134 human head modeling, 34–35, 35 softbodies, 317 background matte paintings, 385 armatures, 121 backlighting, 330–331, 331 animating. See armature animation balls bones, 122–123 bouncing, 210–212, 210–212 building, 123–129, 123–129 control points, 212–213, 213 Emo character, 362 Edit Mode, 213–214, 214 Feifi the canary character, 411–412, squash/stretch effect, 215–217, 215–217 412–413 picking up and throwing, 303–306, 303–305 IK, 129–133, 130–133 Barton, Campbell, 383, 390–393 meta-rig, 137–142, 137–142 Basis shape key, 160, 160, 162, 164–165 shape key driver, 165 belly weight gain, 314–317, 314–318 skinning, 133–135, 133–135 belt for Captain Blender character arms deformations, 200, 200 in bouncing, 229, 230–231 material slots, 95 Captain Blender character, 62, 63–64 modeling, 68–70, 68–71 extruding, 127, 128 Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network FK posing, 246 Computing (BOINC), 336 posing, 157 Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) license, 356 walk cycles, 241–242, 242 Bezier curves, 212 weight painting, 152, 153 Bezier interpolation, 213, 218, 218 427378bindex.indd 434 3/22/11 1:38:28 AM biceps – Brows Together shape ■ 435 biceps Emo character, 362 walk cycles, 242 extruding, 127–128, 127–129 weight painting, 151–152 facial rigging, 187–188 Big and Ugly Rendering Project (BURP), 336 IK, 129–133, 130–133 Big Buck Bunny movie, 352–353, 353 meta-rig, 139–141, 140–141 computational resources, 383 NLA Editor, 284–287, 284–287 nonhuman rigs, 370–372, 371–372 parenting, 18, 155, 156 production pipeline, 375, 379 picking up and throwing balls, 303–306, bird character 303–305 Big Buck Bunny, 370–372, 371 rigging, 142–146, 143–147 canary. See Feifi the canary character shapes, 191–192, 191–192 Birn, Jeremy, 431–432 weight painting, 149–155, 149–153 black seams in mesh modeling, 81, 82 boots for Captain Blender character, 95 Blair, Preston, 179, 236, 430 bouncing ball, 210–212, 210–212 blend shapes, 160 control points, 212–213, 213 Blender Artistic license, 357 Edit Mode, 213–214, 214 Blender Cookie site, 430 squash/stretch effect, 215–217, 215–217 Blender desktop, 4–5, 4 bouncing Captain Blender character Blender Foundation, 350–351 F-Curves, 233–234, 233–235 Blender Guru site, 430 keyframing, 236–237, 237 Blender Institute, 349–350 line of action, 236, 236 Blender Open Movie Project, 349–350, 359 preparing, 225–229, 225–231 Big Buck Bunny, 352–353, 353 previewing, 231–232, 232 Elephants Dream. See Elephants Dream box modeling nonhuman rigs, 370–374, 371–374 Captain Blender, 54 production pipeline, 375–379, 375–377 collar and belt, 68–70, 68–71 Project Mango and Project Gooseberry, 355 hands and gloves, 65–66, 65–67 Sintel, 354, 355 head, 70–80, 70–81 Yo Frankie!, 353, 354 legs and feet, 54–60, 55–62 Blender Sequence Editor, 335 torso and arms, 62, 63–64 Blender Studio Projects: Digital-Moviemaking description, 33 (Mullen and Andaur), 417 Box Select tool, 15 Blender units (BUs), 10 control points, 212 Blender Wikibook, 429 doubled vertices, 84–85, 84 Blender window, 5, 5 keys, 229 BlenderArtists Forum, 345, 429–430 vertices, 56, 58 BlenderNation, 429–430 Brilliant, Ken, 431 Blendernewbies blog, 430 britches for Captain Blender character, 95 blending in NLA Editor, 288 Brow Down (Left and Right) shape, 186, 186 blinking in facial animation, 267 brow knit, 199 BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Brow Middle Up (Left and Right) shape, Network Computing), 336 185, 185 bones, 121–122 Brow Outside Up (Left and Right) shape, constraints, 122–123, 132 186, 186 editing, 124–126, 125–126 Brows Together shape, 183, 183 427378bindex.indd 435 3/22/11 1:38:28 AM 436 ■ brushes for weight painting – Clear Parent option brushes for weight painting, 152 shading and materials, 94–97, 94–97 BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) shape keys. See shape keys license, 356 speaking, 255–259, 256–259, 294–296, buffer shadows, 327–328, 327 295–296 Building a Digital Human (Brilliant), 431 textures and UV mapping, 98–105, 99–105 bump maps torso and arms, 62, 63–64 eyebrows, 104–105, 104–105 walk cycles Proog character, 370, 370 NLA Editor, 290–293, 290–294 BURP (Big and Ugly Rendering Project), 336 setting up, 237–240, 238–240 BUs (Blender units), 10 upper body, 240–242, 241–245 butterfly rig, 372, 373 CartoonSmart site, 430 cast shadows, 327 Catmull-Clark subdivision surfacing, 28, 30 C centers of objects, 17 calves for Captain Blender character, 60, 62 CG lighting. See lighting camera rotation, walk cycles with, 290–293, CG-related resources, 431–432 290–294 Chain Length setting, 132 camera views, 14, 14 chairs, 300 canary. See Feifi the canary character channels, bouncing ball, 212 Cantor, Jeremy, 432 Chaos and Evolutions training DVD (Revoy), Cap Ends option, 20 354, 428 Captain Blender character, 54 character animation animation, 299 Blender Open Movie Project. See Blender lattice modifiers, 306–309, 307–309 Open Movie Project mesh deform modifiers, 310–313, Captain Blender. See Captain Blender 310–313 character metaballs, 319–320, 319–320 resources for, 430–431 props, 300–306, 300–305 character animator interview, 387–390, 388, softbodies, 314–317, 314–318 401–405 collar and belt, 68–70, 68–71 character rigger interview, 398–401 eyebrows, 109–110, 110–111 cheats, lighting, 323, 332 eyelashes, 106–109, 107–109 chest eyes, 111–114, 112–114 bones for, 126, 126 hands and gloves, 65–66, 65–67 in bouncing, 229 head, 70–80, 70–81 Captain Blender character, 62, 63, 95–96, 95 jumping weight painting, 149, 149, 151–152, 152 F-Curves, 233–234, 233–235 child bones, 126, 126 keyframing, 236–237, 237 child objects, 17 line of action, 236, 236 chin in human head modeling, 52 preparing, 225–229, 225–231 chinchilla character, 371 previewing, 231–232, 232 Cinema 4D software, 402 legs and feet, 54–60, 55–62 Circle Select tool, 174 pose-to-pose animation, 251–255, 251–255 circles for utility belt, 69, 69 proxies for, 279–282, 279–283 Clear All Restrict Render option, 332 rigging.
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