Gorilla Journal Journal of Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe No. 45, December 2012 Implementing Bwindi Gorilla The Shifting Trend The Bambidie Conservation Ac- Number Increased of Ape Trafficking Gorillas tion Plan Strate- in Africa gies in Congo BERGGORILLA & REGENWALD DIREKTHILFE Authors of this Issue ment at The Last Great Ape Organisa- CONTENTS tion – LAGA. D. R. Congo 3 Dr. Tammie Bettinger is the Senior Dr. Prince K. Kaleme is the pro- FZS Activities in Support of the Research Biologist at Disney’s Animal ject leader for the Maïko National Park Simba People inside Maïko Kingdom and the chair of the Pan Afri- project, Frankfurt Zoological Society National Park 3 can Sanctuary Alliance (PASA) Board (FZS). He has worked as a research- Implementing Conservation Action of Directors and Conservation Educa- er at Lwiro CRSN station on Primates Plan Strategies in Congo 5 tion Committee. She also worked with and other mammals. He also led the Two New Grauer’s Gorilla Orphans 8 PASA and DFGFI to help establish Kahuzi-Biega and Itombwe projects for DFGF Grauer’s Gorilla Program 8 GRACE Center WCS. He has worked for conservation M23 Update 10 Don Cousins has had a lifetime in- in eastern Congo for about 20 years. Rwanda 11 terest in the great apes. He has worked Thirza A. C. Loffeld studied and de- Eucalyptus – An introduced in Twycross and Chessington zoos, veloped staff training and is now build- Medicinal Food for Gorillas? 11 and in 1957 visited Gabon to look for ing experience in in-situ conservation Uganda 12 gorillas. He has researched and pub- in Indonesia. With a strong interest in Bwindi Gorilla Number Increased 12 lished widely on the subject. maternal investment in nonhuman pri- Cross River 13 Debby Cox is the Technical Advisor mates, she is pursuing her academic Gorilla Guardian Update 13 for the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) Af- development within this field. Suitable Environments For Apes 15 rica Programs and a member of PASA. Dr. Angela Meder studied the be- Gorillas 16 She works with numerous primate haviour and development of captive The Shifting Trend of Ape sanctuaries across Africa. lowland gorillas for 10 years. Since Trafficking in Africa 16 Dr. Alison Grand is a Conservation 1992 she has been part of the Board of Orphan Gorilla Confiscation in and Research Fellow at Disney’s Ani- Directors of Berggorilla & Regenwald Equatorial Guinea 17 mal Kingdom and works with GRACE Direkthilfe. Guide Refresher Training at Bai Center and JGI in the Democratic Re- Dario Merlo is the Project Coordina- Hokou and Mongambe 19 public of the Congo to help develop tor for the JGI’s Community-Centered The Bambidie Gorillas 22 and evaluate conservation education Conservation program in DRC. He also International Gorilla Workshop 25 and development programs. established the Promo Jeune Basket Reading 26 Chris Jameson is the Director of program that uses basketball to inspire New on the Internet 26 the Wildlife Conservation Society’s young people. Berggorilla & Regenwald (WCS) Takamanda-Mone Landscape Urbain Ngobobo has much experi- Direkthilfe 27 Project in Cameroon, managing sever- ence working in the Congolese nation- GRASP Council Meeting in Paris 27 al field projects focused on conserving al parks. He worked for the Zoological the critically endangered Cross River Society of London (ZSL) and the FZS, gorilla and its habitat. and now works for the DFGFI. He has Organization Address: Eric Kaba Tah is the head of the more than 12 years of experience in Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe Media and External Relations Depart- management of international conser- c/o Rolf Brunner vation NGOs. Lerchenstr. 5 Florence Perroux is the communi- 45473 Muelheim, Germany Gorilla Journal 45, December 2012 cation, education and in situ conserva- E-mail [email protected] Editor: Dr. Angela Meder tion officer at La Palmyre Zoo, France. Augustenstr. 122, 70197 Stuttgart, She co-authored the Gorilla Education- Website: Germany al Kit edited by WAZA for the 2009 Year http://www.berggorilla.org Fax +49-711-6159919 of the Gorilla and wrote articles about E-mail [email protected] gorilla ex and in situ conservation. Bank Account: Translation and Proofreading: Ann Juliet Wright has been Project Man- Account number 353 344 315 DeVoy, Bettina and Andrew Grieser ager of the ZSL’s bushmeat alterna- Stadtsparkasse Muelheim, Germany Johns, Colin Groves tives project in Equatorial Guinea since Bank code number 362 500 00 Cover: Infant gorilla Afangui in the June 2011 and has been involved in IBAN DE06 3625 0000 0353 3443 15 restaurant cage before the confisca- gorilla conservation since 2006, mainly SWIFT-BIC SPMHDE3E tion. Photo: Tomo Takagi in Cameroon. 2 Gorilla Journal 45, December 2012 D. R. CONGO FZS Activities in Support sectors – the northern, central and southern sectors – all of which are un- of the Simba People in- der the supervision of a central man- side Maїko National Park agement unit located at Lubutu. Each of the three park sectors has patrol The Maїko National Park (MNP) is one posts that are no longer operational, of 7 national parks in the Democratic due to incidents between Simba fight- Republic of the Congo (DRC). It was ers and the park rangers and to the established by Presidential Decree limited funding available to the park. A no. 070/312, dated 20 November 1970, park rehabilitation project is currently A meeting of representatives of and covers an area of 10,830 km2. It is underway, such that MNP is in the pro- ICCN, the military and FZS with the located in the north-east of the DRC cess of re-launching monitoring activi- Simba. Photo: Eugene Izinga and extends over three provinces – ties in all sectors. the Lubero and Walikale territories in The presence of the Simba in Maїko Simba was not taken into account: the North Kivu, the Bafwasende territory National Park goes back a very long Congolese (formerly Zairean) authori- in Oriental Province and the Lubutu time. They were there since historic ties did not plan or take any measures territory in Maniema Province. times, but were taken close to the main to relocate them outside a protected The Maїko National Park embodies road by the Belgians. They lived on area. the intent of the DRC government to hunting and fishing. During the 1964 The problems between the park protect the immense rainforest and to Mulele rebellion, which engulfed the authorities and the Simba intensified safeguard the survival of key endemic whole country, they became warriors as the establishment of the park pro- species such as the eastern lowland and retreated into the forest to pro- gressed. The rangers found it difficult to gorilla, the okapi and the Congo pea- tect themselves from Government re- fulfil their mission of protecting the park cock, in addition to species at risk of prisals and because they were furious as they frequently became involved in becoming locally extinct, such as the about the death of their idol Lumumba skirmishes with the Simba. This situa- elephant, chimpanzee and various oth- – they only accepted recently that he tion persisted until around 2000, after er species of primates. has been killed. the civil war. Everybody knew that their For effective and efficient manage- When the Maїko National Park was presence in the park posed a serious ment, the MNP is subdivided into three created in 1970, the presence of the problem but nobody was able to come up with a solution. In order to be able to carry out patrols and other work in- side the park, the park authorities final- ly came to an understanding with the Simba – a compromise was reached. However, in April 2009 the army called up the rangers to participate in an op- eration against the Simba with the ob- jective of forcing them out of the forest. Unfortunately, one ranger was killed in the ensuing fight and when the Simba saw his dead body, they considered the rangers as traitors for having led their enemies. A trial of strength com- menced and the activities of the rang- ers in the park ground to a halt. The Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) arrived at the end of 2009 and started activities in 2010. They rec- ognized that it was important to ini- tiate certain measures for the Simba A Simba village in the park Photo: FZS to leave the park peacefully, because 3 Gorilla Journal 45, December 2012 D. R. CONGO other groups (poachers or miners) op- erating in the park may present them- selves as Simba and the distinction be- tween the groups is difficult to make. Strategies had to be outlined before it was possible to find a solution and em- bark on this procedure, and to define who exactly should be involved to en- sure a sustainable solution. We should take into account the risk that, if they leave, another armed group such as the FDLR or Maї Maї may take over. The FZS wanted to find a long term so- lution; but not resolve one problem by creating another more difficult. This approach was not easy and re- quired much lobbying and sensitiza- tion at the political and diplomatic, as well as at social levels including in- volvement of the local chiefs who have A wing of the new school for the integration of the Simba Photo: FZS already played a very important role because they have respect from the Towards the end of last year, a broad his agreement for the rangers to re- Simba. The strategy of FZS is to en- concept was developed which included sume patrolling – which they subse- courage the Simba to leave while offer- the following activities: quently did, even going on mixed pa- ing them certain assistance: trols with the Simba.
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