Bulletin The North American Paul Tillich Society Volume XXXIX, Number 2 Spring 2013 Editor: Frederick J. Parrella, NAPTS Secretary-Treasurer Religious Studies Department, Santa Clara University Kenna Hall, Suite 300, Room H, Santa Clara, California 95053 Associate Editor: Sharon P. Burch Assistant to the Editor: Vicky Gonzalez, Santa Clara University Telephone: 408.554.4714/ 408.259.8225/408.554.4547 FAX: 408.554.2387 Email: [email protected] Website: www.NAPTS.org/ Webmeister: Michael Burch, San Rafael, California ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ In this issue: Dates of the Annual Meeting New Publications Three Obituaries of Society Members and Friends: Raymond F. Bulman, Roger Shinn, and Edd Rowell Letter to the Editor Book Review: Politics and Faith: Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Tillich at Union Seminary in New York by Ronald H. Stone. Reviewed by Guy B. Hammond “Visiting the Paul Tillich-Archives at Harvard in April, 2013” by Cees Huisman “Political Theory and Theory of Religion: Beyond Sui Generis” by John Robichaux “Teaching Two Classics in Religion/Theology and Culture” by David Nikkel “Tillichian Pedagogy and New Learning Situations: Informative Learning, Participa- tive Learning, and Self-Determination” by Jari Ristiniemi “Theology vs. Secular Reason? The Dualism of Radical Orthodoxy and Promise of Paul Tillich’s Correlational Method” by Daniel Miller “Ultimate Concern and Postmodern Theology: Two Competing Legacies” by Daniel Miller “Mary Daly and the Patriarch with Good Ideas” by Christopher D. Rodkey Dates of the Annual Meeting 2013. In addition to the annual meeting and banquet, there will be sessions of the AAR Group, “Tillich: Issues in Theology, Religion and Culture.” Our A Reminder: The annual meeting of the North President Elect, Dr. Duane Olsen, is the Program American Paul Tillich Society (NAPTS) will take Chair of the annual meeting. place all day Friday and Saturday morning, 22–23 Dr. Duane Olson, McKendree University November 2013. The banquet will be held on Friday [email protected] evening at a local restaurant. This year, the Annual The AAR Group’s co-chairs are: Meeting of the American Academy of Religion Dr. Russell Re Manning, University of Aber- (AAR) is in Baltimore, Maryland, 23-26 November deen [email protected] Bulletin of the North American Paul Tillich Society, vol. 39, no. 2, Spring 2013 2 Dr. Sharon Peebles Burch, Interfaith Counseling league, Frederick Parrella. These books include: Centre Paul Tillich: A New Catholic Perspective (1994), [email protected] Religion for the New Millennium: Theology in the Spirit of Paul Tillich (2001), and From Trent to New Publications Vatican II: Historical and Theological Investiga- tions (2006). He spoke fluent Latin, Italian, and Tillich, Paul. “Gibt es noch eine Universität?” and French, and could read ancient Greek, Hebrew, and “Hochschulreform.” In Dieter Thomä, Hg. Gibt German. es noch eine Universität. Zwist am Abgrund— Born on April 13, 1933, in the Bronx, the son of eine Debatte in der Frankfurter Zeitung. (Kon- William Bulman and the former Anne Doherty, Mr. stanz: Konstanz University Press, 2012): 16–36. Bulman grew up in that borough and in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. He attended Gregorian University in Rittenhouse, Bruce. Shopping for Meaningful Lives: Rome from 1957 to 1960, and was a special research The Religious Motive of Consumerism. Eugene, student at Oxford University in England in 1970 and Oregon: Cascade Books, 2013. 1971. He earned a doctorate in the philosophy of Dr. Rittenhouse shows that consumerism functions religion at Columbia University from 1964 through as a religion. It provides a means of assurance that 1973. an individual life is meaningful. Because we need East Hampton played a special part in his life. this assurance to live out our everyday lives, con- His parents had “a remarkable love affair,” Ray- sumerism takes precedence over whatever other val- mond said, and East Hampton “was their paradise.” ues a person professes—unless a person can adopt a It was there, in 1974, that he met his wife, the former different way to secure the meaning of his or her Carole Kasbar. They married in 1978. Although they life. This interpretation explains how consumers ac- lived in Fort Lee, New Jersey for the school year, tually behave. From the perspective of Christian the- they continued to spend their summers in East ology, consumerism is a wrong answer to a problem Hampton until 2002, when they built a home in of human existence that should be answered by faith Wainscott, Long Island. in Christ. They had one child, also named Raymond, who says of his dad “[He was] incredibly loving, wise, Obituaries and good-spirited person, and an exemplary husband and an incomparable father whose depth of experi- ence and insight enriched the lives of those around Raymond F. Bulman (1933 – 2013) him.” Raymond Francis Bulman, professor of systematic He was a great contributor to the scholarship, theology and the philosophy of religion at St. John’s spirit, and good will of the NAPTS, and will be University in Jamaica, Queens since 1963, died at greatly missed by all of us who had the privilege to age 79 on March 23, 2013. It was just a week before work with and know him. he was scheduled to be honored for his 50 years of service to the school. His induction into the Ameri- Roger Shinn (1917 – 2013) can Theological Society at Princeton University was Roger Shinn was one of the scholars who stud- also scheduled for March, but that event, too, had ied with such theological giants of the 20th century, had to be postponed after he suffered the stroke that as Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Tillich. He was a eventually took his life. great admirer and wise interpreter of Tillich’s A long time member of NAPTS, Ray’s contribu- thought, and provided lucid interpretations of both tions to the Society and to his field were significant. Tillich and Niebuhr. It was Niebuhr’s ideas that pro- In 1993 became chairman of the Seminars on Stud- foundly influenced Shinn’s own ideas about Chris- ies in Religion at Columbia. His 1981 book, A Blue- tian Ethics, a field in which he wrote a number of print for Humanity: Paul Tillich’s Theology of Cul- books. Colleagues and friends Robert McAfee ture, was named an outstanding academic book by Brown and John C. Bennett were also influential Choice, a library journal. Mr. Bulman also wrote dialogue partners to Shinn’s contribution to 20th The Lure of the Millennium: The Year 2000 and Be- Century thought. A signal moment in his career oc- yond,” published by Orbis Books in 1999, and co- curred when he wrote the statement of faith still used edited three other volumes with his friend and col- today by the newly established United Church of Bulletin of the North American Paul Tillich Society, vol. 39, no. 2, Spring 2013 3 Christ. (http://people.bu.edu/wwildman/) A truly gentle man, Shinn was always generous Convener of the PhD Program in Religion & Sci- to his colleagues and students in sharing his ideas ence, Boston University Graduate School and supporting their work. He was balanced and fair (http://www.bu.edu/drts/academics/religionscience/) in his judgments and not without a sense of humor. Founding Director of the Institute for the Biocultural About the “God is Dead” movement he wrote, Study of Religion (www.ibcsr.org) “Theology has always had a vested interest in fool- Co-Editor of the journal Religion, Brain & Behavior ishness.” We shall miss his gentle and wise pres- (http://www.tandfonline.com/RRBB) ence. Marion Hausner Pauck Book Review Politics and Faith: Reinhold Niebuhr Edmon (EDD) Lewin Rowell Jr. (1937 – and Paul Tillich at Union Seminary in 2013) New York, by Ronald H. Stone (Macon, Mr. Rowell was a graduate of Howard College Georgia: Mercer University Press, (Samford University) and Southeastern Baptist 2012), 486p. Theological Seminary. Edd served in the U.S. Army (1954-1957) in Korea. He was pastor of churches in Reviewed by Guy B. Hammond North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Ala- bama before coming to Mercer University where he veryone interested in the lives and careers of the was a founder and Senior Editor of Mercer Univer- E two greatest American philosopher/theologians sity Press. While at Mercer, he continued to serve of the 20th century—Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul widely as interim pastor of area churches. Edd Row- Tillich—will rejoice at the publication of Ronald ell was editor at Mercer University Press for more Stone’s magnum opus, Politics and Faith: Reinhold than 30 years. He was a dedicated Tillich editor and Niebuhr and Paul Tillich at Union Seminary. scholar and he supported many scholars, including Stone’s personal connections with the two great fig- many in the NAPTS, in their Tillich books. Marc ures, and his previous publications dealing with their Jolley of Mercer University Press says that Edd lives and thought, place him in an unrivaled position “loved every minute of his work.” to review their activities and interactions in the cru- cial period of 1933 to 1955, when they were col- Letter to the Editor leagues at Union Seminary. This work is a monu- mental effort that sheds new light on their perspec- Fred, tives, and indeed provides new insights into that I have said things like this before to others and to whole period of American history. you but I want to underline how remarkable it is that Central to both men’s experience in this time pe- that the Bulletin exists. I belong to many scholarly riod, especially given Stone’s focus on issues of groups and each one has to figure out its basic politics and faith, was the inescapable impact of glue—the bond that holds people together.
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