Z ^ X THE bserver OThe Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Marys 0 OLUME38: ISSUE 21 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2003 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Coupling broken up by WNDU Convocation to discuss By AMANDA MICHAELS News Writer Middle East Students and residents of ........ South Bend and Elkhart look­ By JOE TROMBELLO ing forward to the premiere of News Writer NBC’s new comedy, “Coupling," will be sorely dis­ The first-annual academic appointed when they flick to convocation for first-year stu­ WNDU-TV at 8:30 p.m. this dents will take place this Thursday night. evening in the Joyce Center Rather than a racy show arena at 7:30 pm. Featuring about the sex lives of six panel discussions on the topic Chicago thirtysomethings, “The United States and the based on a wildly popular Middle East: Do We Face a British sitcom by the same ‘Clash of Civilizations?'" the con­ name, they will be greeted vocation will address required with the first part of “Roastin’ reading that freshmen complet­ the Golden Boy", the so-called ed during the summer. ’roast’ of Notre Dame Heisman “I believe that the summer Trophy winner Paul Hornung, readings and the anticipation of filmed at the JACC. the convocation have already WNDU’s President and accomplished a great deal by General Manager Jim Bchling encouraging students ... to think announced in a press release about a very important contem­ last Thursday, “Unless signifi­ porary topic," said Eileen cant changes in style and Kolman, Dean of the First Year direction of the show are PR News wire Photo Service of Studies. made, it is likely that [WNDU] The cast of the NBC sitcom “Coupling” poses for a publicity shot. WNDU Is refusing to After a welcome by Kolman will not broadcast any air episodes of the new show due to concerns about Its racy content. and an introduction by Scott episodes of ‘Coupling’ this tele­ Appleby, a history professor and vision season.” new comedy was the result of three new “Coupling" shows, and basically the shows the director of the Kroc Institute After part two of “Golden a unanimous vote of the board episodes. are a little more than a succes­ for International Peace Studies, Boy,” the station will air of directors of Michiana The tapes were made avail­ sion of crude sex jokes which, students will listen to three reruns of “Spin City," the Telecasting Corporation, able to all members of the when taken in total, simply panel discussions. Michael J. Fox and Charlie owner of WNDU, which was board, which include broad­ push the envelope well beyond The half-hour-long panel ses­ Sheen sitcom discontinued in brought about by recommen­ casting veterans as well as the boundaries of good taste,” sions, composed of a 20-minute 2002, in its slated time slot. dations made by Bchling after four officers of the University. presentation and a 10-minute The decision not to air the receiving advance copies of see COUPLING/page 4 “We have previewed three period for student questions, will address topics such as “What is The Heart of Islam’?”, “Do We Face a ‘Clash of Civilizations’?" and “The Gift of Dialogue.” Each panel will con­ Remaining Boat Club lawsuits heard today sist of two faculty members — from departments such as theol­ ogy, anthropology, political sci­ and for students to return to ence, philosophy and Middle By TERESA FRALISH South Bend. Eastern studies — and one stu­ Assistance News Edilor The Boat Club, represented by dent. Two seniors and one first- South Bend attorney Mitchell year student comprise the stu­ After over a month of court Hcppcnheimer, contends that the dent panelists. delays, the remaining 150 law­ underage students fraudulently “The convocation invites stu­ suits filed against Notre Dame represented themselves and dents to become part of the and Saint Mary’s students cited in caused the bar to incur damages. community of academic dis­ the Jan. 24 Boat Club raid are However, McCormick already course at Notre Dame, ” Kolman scheduled to be heard today in dismissed about 40 of the 200 said. the St. Joseph County Small suits in August. Ed Sullivan, the First-year advisers identified Claims Court. attorney representing those stu­ specific first-year students to Millennium Enterprises, the dents, said he believes that the ask questions during the allotted company that owns The Boat remaining cases will likely be dis­ time — Kolman said that the Club, filed suit last April against missed as well. students “arc working together the 200 students cited in the raid Because the suits are identical, Observer File Photor to identify questions which they and asks for damages of $3,000 McCormick’s reasons for throw­ A South Bend Police van was available to transport will present to the panel." per defendant. ing out some suits would apply to prisoners during the Boat Club raid last January. Appleby and Joseph Amar, The suits, which were originally the other 150, according to director of the program in scheduled for mid-August, were Sullivan. Arabic and Middle Eastern postponed by Superior Court In his order granting the motion Plaintiff could prevail on the issue Studies, consulted with and Magistrate Richard McCormick to to dismiss, McCormick said that of damages as a proximate result Contact Teresa Fralish at allow both sides time to file briefs, “It is difficult to see how [the] of [the] Defendant’s conduct.” [email protected] see READING/page 4 Irish Guard laments injury of members in Thursday incident By SHEILA FLYNN a n d BETH an “unprovoked attack” member John Raih, who occupants got out to verbally “While it was going down, ERICKSON Thursday night in downtown missed Saturday’s game, were harass the four students. another one of the cars — South Bend. assaulted Thursday night. “My impression was they their friends — showed up. I Members of the Irish Guard “Having to march with nine DeWalt said that he and the were just looking to fight, and don’t even know the exact said that Saturday’s game men instead of our full 10 was other three students got pizza they found a reason, some­ numbers. There were four of "was not the same” without extremely unfortunate, espe­ at Vesuvio’s and then walked how,” DeWalt said. us, and more or less 10 of their tenth man, who could cially because of the reason it to a location across the street “We didn’t want to fight, them,” he said. not participate in gam eday had to happen,” said junior from The Library to wait for a especially with the numbers DeWalt said the fight contin­ activities after suffering Guard member Justin Funk. cab. While they were waiting, against us, and they just ued for five to 10 minutes injuries in what senior Guard Four Notre Dame students, he said, a car of “South Bend started beating us up,” he member Drew DeWalt called including DeWalt and Guard residents” stopped, and its said. see GUARD/page 4 page 2 The Observer ♦ PAGE 2 Tuesday, September 23, 2003 I n s id e C o lu m n Question of the Day: W h a t d o y o u t h i n k a b o u t h a v in g a s m o k e -f r e e c a m p u s ? What's the use? I wonder if anyone would notice if I just wrote blah blah blah blah blah five hundred times. What’s that? The grammar Nazis would? Dangit. Megan Marshall Nicole Hernandez David Osburn Roseanne DePaoll Ryan laflgllola Carrie Dunne Anyways, there’s really nothing hor­ Freshman Freshman Junior Freshman Freshman Senior ribly funny going Howard Hall Lyons Hall Off-Campus Pangborn Hall Zahm Hall McGlinn Hall on around cam­ pus, it seems. The epidemic of laugh­ “Who smokes “I don't smoke, so “The ethanol is “I think it’s a “I think it's “I don’t think ing sickness here?" it’s good." bad enough. We healthy choice." unrealistic." smoking is a seems to have don’t need more problem here. “ died down, and sm ells." some might argue that it’s been replaced by a studying sickness. I n B r ie f Of course, I Will Puckett could always fall back on ridicul­ International Student ing some campus Production Services and Activities will issue without sponsor a screening of the knowing all the Egyptian film “Halfouine, Boy facts, but Fives did that so beautifully of the Terraces” tonight at 7 yesterday I think I’d better not and again at 9 p.m. in the attempt that. Montgomery Theater of the I could write volumes about how the LaFortune Student Center. The football team needs to improve, how event is free and open to the Brady Quinn needs to start or how public. even I can snap the ball out of the shotgun. But I think I’ll leave finding The Institute for Church Life reasons to beat a dead horse to the will continue its “A Call to administration — they are, after all, Solidarity with Africa” confer­ experts at it. ence through Wednesday in Abusing the whipping-boy pulpit I McKenna Hall. have here, I suppose I’ll head on to condemn some social issue or prob­ RecSports will sponsor a lem that every single person on this drop-in soccer game tonight campus has totally ignored and needs from 8:30 - 10:30 p.m. at Rolfs’ to be addressed right this very second Court 1. before we do anything else, so drop your lunch and run outside and make “Iraq W ar II: a B latantly this happen right now, do it now! Unjust War, ” a lecture pre­ *gasp* ANDY KENNA/The Observer sented by the Kroc Institute for Daisy, daisy, give me your answer Zahm Hall wears Its gargantuan show of school spirit with this larger-than-life sign International Peace Studies, do; I’m half crazy, all for the love of created by hall residents.
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