Members of the "Collegians" are rer; Bass, George Neely; Drums, found on pages 4, 5 and 6. Refresh- Cinderella Candidates To Appear Saxes, Paul Fahrnger, Frank Falk, Doug McNeal; vocal 'soloists, Sybil ments will be served throughout Bill Nelson, Carl Messinger; Trum- Ichter, George Fry; plus a vocal the evening. Both stags and coup- pet's, Bob Levine, Tom Foster; trio and band chorus. les are invited to attend the dance; At Saturday Night Sport Dance Trombones, Leon Gilbert, Keith Pictures of candidates who will admission is free to all students Rasmussen; Piano, Don Kemmer- be presented at the dan'ce will be and their friends. In St. Stephen's Auditorium Introduction of the eleven candi- ney, Hank Collins and Ralph Carey, dates for "Cinderella" will high- members of the student council's social committee, are handling ar- light the program arranged for rangements. the sport dance to be held tomor- Music will be furnished by Reese row night at St. Stephen's audit- Pelton's "Collegians". In a song- orium. The candidates will appear naming contest held last week six on a short program designed to in- student-contestants were presented troduce them to the student body. with prizes. Each award consisted good cash Other features of the evening's e'i- of a gift certificate, for tertainment point towards a thor- towards purchases made at the oughly enjoyable affair, Jack Fee- Boston Store. Vol. 2, No. 8. WILKES COLLEGE, WILKES-BARRE, PA. Friday, April 23, 1948 'CINDY' CROONER 'Barber of Seville' CAMPUS WILL BE STAGE Featured Tonight FOR BAND CONCERT MAY 22 By French Club CHORAL CL'U'B TO SING By REESE E. PELTON The French movie, THE BAR- The first annual concert of the Wilkes College Band will be pre- comic BER OF SEVILLE, a opera, sented on May 22. It is expected that the program will take place at based on the immortal plays of area bordering Chase Hall, and the Beaumarchais and the operas "Bar- night on the college campus, in the ber of Seville", 'by Rossini, and Cafeteria. "Marriage of Figaro", by Mozart, SOLOIST The band is composed of thirty- will be presented tonight at Kirby five musicians, all students of Hall at eight and nine-thirty. As Wilkes, and is the first college band an added attraction a 'Canadian to be organized in this area. Ar- short "The Cress and The Sword" rangements for staging the con- will also play. cert are well underway. It is ex- The French Club, through its ad- pected that the Choral Club will visor Dr. Fehrer and its president also appear on the program. At Clem Waclawski extend an invita- the conclusion of the concert tion to all students and their awards will be presented to all guests to see this sensational mu- active band members. sical. The Wi'lkes Band is under the For the benefit of those who can- direction of Reese Pelton, who or- not understand French, the lan- ganized the group in 1945. Faculty guage is supplemented by English adviser is Mr. Edwin Cobleigh, captions. head of the college's music depart- ment: The band's business manag- er is Vester Vercoe, assisted by a, committee comprised of John Fink, Thespians Enter Bob Rodine, Dick Ridall, Carl Strye and Tom Foster. Play Contest New Equipment to Be Used Among the equipment used by the band in the concert will be Monday Night many instruments purchased by the coileg for use of the organiza- Wilkes Thespians will perform these are two bass Vester Vercoe tion. Among MINOR MIRACLE in a one act horns, a 'bell-lyre, a baritone horn, Denny Dennis 'play contest to be staged at St. an alto horn, bass drum, two snare Stephen's auditorium M o nd a y drums and cymbals. Also purchas- night by a group of Northeastern SPANISH CLUB ed for band use were ten folding colleges and theatre groups. music stands. All of the instru- Cindy Hop Tickets Go On Sale MINOR MIRACLE, directed by ments are being used by band Mr. Alfred 'Groh, was performed PLANS DINNER members. The marching band is Next Week in Campus Book Store by the College theatre group earli- well equipped with uniforms of er in the season. AT DURKEE navy blue, sweaters and trousers. Tickets may be procured from Tentative Program Released ENGLISH VOCALIST WITH DORSEY Mr. Groh at his office in the Science Lecture Hall. The program for the concert has "La Comida a Ia Valenciana", not been definitely arranged. How- By REESE PELTON, Music Editor a dinner sponsored by the Spanish ever, a tentative list of selections expected to be included has been Tickets will be on Club, will be held on Saturday eve- for the Cinderella Ball sale to students next Economics Club released. The list includes: week. Each student will receive one ticket on presentation of an offi- ning, May 15, in the dining room of the Hotel Fort Durkee. The din- "SHOWBOAT" MEDLEY cial postcard at the, bookstore; these postcards are being mailed to all Visiting IBM Kern (Arr. by Yoder) students along with a ballot from which each person may select his ner will consist of six courses of choice for "Cinderella". The price of each ticket, good for one couple, typical Spanish food, prepared by CONNECTIOCT MARCH- will be $2.40. Approximately 25 members of the Spanish chef at the hotel Abel- Nassann Sixteen musicians and five vocal- the Economics Club left for Bing- mo Rodriguez. JESU, JOY OF MEN'S hamton this morning at 6 on a The idea for the dinner was con- ists will appear with Dorsey when tinued juke-box success is another DESIRING he appears at the Kingston Arm- visit to the International Business ceived by the students of Miss Sil- Bach evidence that Wilkes has hired the Machine factory in that city. The seth's classes some time ago. Miss ory on May 14. The new T. D. solo- best. (as transcribed for the Gold- ist is Denny Dennis, England's lat- group, in the charge of Eugene Silseth and Lester Gross, president man Band) Repotski, president of the club, of the club, visited some hotels est contribution to the American THE BAN'D THAT JACK popular music business. Dennis has left Chase Hall in 6 private cars and finally decided that the Durkee and pill return about 7:00 P. M. was the best place to hold the af- BUILT been compared to our own Bing CHEERLEADERS Hayward Crosby, right down to the inevi- tonight. fair. The fact that the chef was table bow-tie. Many critics, how. Spanish, coupled with the fact that MIDNITE SUN OVERTURE ever, claim that Denny has more ARE SELECTED the price of $2.10 per person was Yoder depth and feeling in his style of Deadline Nears 'reasonable, were two factors that played a large part in the decision LOVER COME BACK TO ME singing. Dorsey was the first per- Wilkes College cheerleaders held Romberg son to latch onto the English lad to hold the dinner there. since he came to America. a practice session last night in For Manuscript Reservations for the dinner are TROMBONE TOBOGGAN being accepted presently in The committees arranging the Chase Hall. James Catnes, captain Miss Weber of the squad and other members of Silseth's office on the second floor ball, which is semi-formal, are Contributions' of the Shoemaker Residence. All IN A PERSIAN MARKET- making arrangements for what the group assisted in the selection Spanish students and their friends Ketelby be a huge crowd of promises to of the new cheerleaders. There is not much time left for are invited to attend this affair. N-C 4 MARCH Wilkes dancers. The evening's The cheerleading squad, under contributions to the Manuscript, Bigelow highpoint will come when one of the direction of Dr. Charles B. college literary magazine. The LETTERS FROM THE EDITORS the Cinderella candidates, whose Rief, was organized two years ago, deadline for contributions is Fri- MARCH OF THE PEERS on one Sullivan picture is amen gthose of the same time that Wilkes College, day, April 3.0, one week from to- Dear Friends, transcribed the Gold- the following pages of this edition, then Bucknell Junior College, trot- day. Any student of Wilkes may ,There will be no BEACON next (as for will be crowned and presented with ted out the first football team in submit articles, written in either week. man Band) prizes befitting her "royal high- the history of the school. prose or poetry. Contributions Editors. Soloists appearing with the band ness". The following were selected as should be left in the Manuscript are Vester Vercoe, flute; Sweigert, In every poii held in the last ten new cheerleaders 'to represent the office, located in Shoemaker 208, Dear Beacon Members, piano; and Leon Gilbert, trombone. years Tommy has been voted one college at the football games next or with Dr. 'Craig or Mrs. Williams. There will be a meeting of the In addition to solos by these musi- of the three most popular bands fall: This will be the fourth issue of BEACON staff Monday at noon in cians, a trumpet quartet composed in the country. In most cases he Peggy Anthony, Helen Williams, the Manuscript, which makes its the BEACON Office. Pictures for of 'Carl Strye, Louisl Bight, Tom was No. 1 and in the rest of the Pat Boyd, Lee Ann Jakes, Toni appearance once a semester, the the Yearbook will be taken, Foster, and Bob Levine will ap- PDFpolls compression, he was No. 2 or 3.
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