2013 2012 / REPORT ANNUAL ANNUAL Published in the Republic of South Africa ANNUAL REPORT 2012 / 2013 Sport & Recreation South Africa (SRSA) tennisAnnual Report 2012-2013 Sport & Recreation South Africa ISBN: 978-0-621-42260-3 – For the active you! RP 295/2013 Regent Place 66 Queen Street Pretoria Private Bag X 896 Pretoria, 0001 Tel: 012 304 5000 the active– For you! www.srsa.gov.za Sport & Recreation South Africa - For the Active you! Published by Sport & Recreation South Africa (SRSA) in August 2013 Sport & Recreation South Africa (SRSA) Annual Report 2012-2013 ISBN: 978-0-621-42260-3 RP 295/2013 sport & recreation south africa Private Bag x 896, PRETORIA, 0001. Regent Place Building, 66 Queen Street, PRETORIA Tel. 012 304 5000 31 August 2013 To: Mr F Mbalula, Minister of Sport & Recreation South Africa CC: The Auditor-General Honourable Minister SPORT AND RECREATION SOUTH AFRICA - ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE 2012/2013 FINANCIAL YEAR I hereby acknowledge that the annual report of Sport and Recreation South Africa has been submitted to the Auditor-General for auditing in terms section 40(1)(c) of the PFMA. I acknowledge my responsibility for the accuracy of the records and the fair presentation of the annual report and confi rm, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the following: Annual Financial statements • the fi nancial statements have been prepared in accordance with GRAP/ modifi ed cash basis of accounting as prescribed in the National Treasury Framework and relevant guidelines specifi ed / issued by the National Treasury • all amounts appearing on the annual report and information in the annual report are consistent with the fi nancial statements submitted to the Auditor-General for audit purposes and Performance Information • the preparation of the Department’s performance information and for the judgements made in the information • establishing and implementing a system of internal control designed to provide reasonable assurance as to the integrity and reliability of performance information • the performance information fairly refl ects the operations of the department for the fi nancial year ended 31 March 2013. Human Resource Management • the preparation of the Department’s human resource information as prescribed by the Public Service Regulations (Chapter 1, Part III J.3 and J.4) • the human resource information contained in the respective tables in Part D of the annual report, fairly refl ects the information of the department for the fi nancial year ended 31 March 2013. General • the annual report is complete and accurate • the annual report is free from any omissions. Yours faithfully Published by Sport & Recreation South Africa (SRSA) in August 2013 ___________________ M.E MOEMI Sport & Recreation South Africa (SRSA) ACCOUNTING OFFICER Annual Report 2012-2013 SPORT & RECREATION SA ISBN: 978-0-621-42260-3 Lefapha la Aforika Borwa la Metshameko le Boitapoloso • Dipapadi le Boiketlo Afrika Borwa • ezeMidlalo nokuPhumula eNingizimu Afrika • Mitambo na RP 295/2013 Vhudimvumvusi Afrika Tshipembe • Departement van Sport en Ontspanning Suid-Afrika • Kgoro ya Dipapadi le Boitapoloso - Afrika Borwa • Mintlangu na Vuhungasi eAfrika Dzonga • Temidlalo nekuKhibika eNingizimu Afrika • IMidlalo noLonwabo eMzantsi Afrika • ImiDlalo nokuZithabisa eSewula Afrika SRSA - For the active you! iii iv sport & recreation south africa FOREWORD BY THE MINISTER 01 DEPUTY MINISTER’S STATEMENT 04 A. GENERAL INFORMATION 09 B. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 27 C. GOVERNANCE 71 D. HUMAN RESOURCE Management 81 E. Annual FINANCIAL Statements 99 ANNEXURES 151 CONTENTS 2012 / 2013 Sport & Recreation South Africa (SRSA) v MR FIKILE MBALULA Minister: Sport & Recreation South Africa vi sport & recreation south africa MINISTER’S FOREWORD As the former Minister of Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA), of the National Development Plan (NDP) of South Africa – Vision Rev. Dr. Makhenkesi Stofile, said in his Foreword of the 2006/2007 2030 which was approved by Cabinet late last year. Annual Report that: In this 2012/2013 Annual Report we take stock of how far we have traversed in our second year marching towards Vision 2030! “…change has always been difficult to accept. We are also aware that as we march towards vision 2030 of the This much we have seen as the Sport and Recreation Amendment Bill was taken through the sport and recreation sector; we are marching in unison with all our Parliamentary process. Despite people wanting to people towards the fulfillment of the objectives of the National see good governance in sport and recreation and Development Plan (NDP) vision 2030. better representation of our national teams on the bench and on the field, the new reality that the We are pleased to report that the NSRP has been costed. We will Amendment Bill is bringing upon them is too much present it to the Treasury for endorsement and thereafter to Cabinet to bear. At some stage, even the constitutionality of the Amendment Bill was questioned. With this as a matter of urgency. Cabinet will have to budget at least an amount Bill, issues about transformation in rugby and of ± 10 billion rands towards the fulfillment of the objectives of the cricket received public attention”. NSRP. It is also fulfilling to learn that the NSRP has been anchored in the heart of the National Development Plan. We are happy that the National Sport & Recreation Plan rests on the giant shoulders of the Honourable Stofile raised the afore-mentioned matters appealing to national development agenda of this country. the broader sporting community to support the Bill and join in a journey to change sport and recreation in South Africa for the better. The National Sport & Recreation Plan concretely anchors our He consolidated this appeal in his 2008/2009 Annual Report when mandate on five critical pillars which give shape to our business he said: model and strategic approach. Interestingly, the frequent question which is always posed at us as government is how far have we gone “This now calls for all stakeholders in sport (and towards the establishment of an ‘enabling environment’ wherein our recreation) to work together to intensify the ‘winning’ and ‘active nation’ can thrive? development of sport (and recreation) at local delivery points – schools, clubs and communities In the same vein, the transformation vision for sport in the NDP – and for sports academies and high performance centres in the country to deliver support to learners for 2030 is that participation in each sporting code should begin who display talent… above that sport in schools to approximate the demographics of the country. In essence this should be taken very serious”. means that South Africa’s sporting results should be as expected of a middle-income country with a population of about 50 million and with historical excellence in a number of sporting codes. For These wise words from Minister Makhenkesi Stofile allowed us to this vision to be realized, sport and recreation in general and school announce a new vision for the delivery and provision of sport and sport in particular must be adequately resourced. The government recreation in South Africa in the context of the Road Map as adopted must ensure, that there are adequate facilities for the majority of the in January 2011 and culminating into the watershed National Sport population to play sport and that these are adequately maintained. and Recreation Indaba in November 2011. The focus here is not on expensive buildings; but recreational As we are all aware the National Sport and Recreation Indaba environments with basic facilities that can function as community (NSRI) adopted a National Sport and Recreation Plan (NSRP) which hubs. Communities are also expected to organize sporting events, was approved by Cabinet in May 2012. The NSRP is an integral part leagues, championships and generally look after the sports facilities 1 Minister’s Foreword once they are installed or developed. Corporate investments in conditions for a culture of physical activity also need to be taken grassroots sport should also be encouraged in order to support our care of. For example, the state must ensure that the design of cities, national goals and priorities. suburban areas and rural villages encourages people to run, walk and cycle. As a result SRSA, together with the Department of Basic Education (DBE), hosted a successful National Schools Championships in One of the key components of the NSRP is a Transformation Charter 2012 and we are expanding the school sport programme this year. and Scorecard. The baseline of transformation in South African sport We are happy to learn that the NDP recommends that this should needs to be determined and the appointment of an Eminent Persons be expanded so that all schools develop and maintain infrastructure Group (EPG) in 2012 helped the Department to fast-track some for at least two sport codes. All communities should have access to elements of transformation and effect some change. Because of the sport facilities and encourage the formation of amateur leagues. importance of transformation for the future of South African sport, it is imperative that SRSA delivers on this focus area. Like the NSRP indicates, the NDP states that the best place to instill changes in lifestyles and behaviour is at school. To this end, a number SRSA is consolidating internal capacity which will be provided to of strides regarding status of physical education; access to sport and national federations (NFs) and other sport bodies through the recreation, facilities, and support are made. Hence, SRSA together increasing capacity of the EPG to assist national federations to with the Department of Health are partnering to ensure that our implement the Charter and to accurately complete the scorecard. people are leading healthy lifestyles. For us to build a culture of The national federations will be subjected to a transformation review physical activity and recreation, we must dedicate certain days of the to monitor progress in this regard.
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