Giselia arizonica, a new genus and species of mite (Acari: Tarsonemidae) associated with bark beetles of the genus Pseudopityophthorus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in North America Wojciech L. Magowski1 Department of Animal Taxonomy and Ecology, A. Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 89, 61 -61 4 Poznaxi, Poland Evert E. Lindquist Biodiversity Theme, Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K.W. Neatby Building, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIA OC6 John C. Moser Soulhern Research Station, USDA Forest Service, 2500 Shreveport Highway, Pineville, Louisiana 71360, United States of America Abstract-A new genus and species of the mite family Tarsonemidae, subfamily Tarsoneminae, is described and illustrated. Its systematic position among genera of Tarsoneminae and its host association with bark beetles of the genus Pseudopityophtlwrus Swaine, 1918 in North America are briefly discussed. R6surn6-Les auteurs dCcrivent et illustrent un nouveau genre et une nouvelle espece d'acarien de la famille des Tarsonemidae, sous-famille des Tarsoneminae. 11s prksentent bri5vement la po- sition systkmatique du genre parmi les Tarsoneminae et son association avec des colCopt2res sous-corticoles du genre Pseudopityophthorus Swaine, 1918 de lYAm6riquedu Nord. Introduction of species is hard to estimate, and growing. This paper describes a new genus of tarsonemid Bark beetles (~oleo~tera:Scolytidae) are mites associated with bark beetles in North among the insect groups having the most diver- America. sified and elaborate associations with tar- sonemid mites. These associations range from simple coexistence. through phoresy, to hyper- Methods phoresy and obligate parasitoidism. At present, three genera of tarsonemids (Pseudotursonernus The insect specimens (bark beetles) were col- Lindquist, 1986, Iponenzus Lindquist, 1969, and lected from Lindgren traps and subsequently Heterotarsorzenzus Smiley, 1969) are known to examined; mites were removed directly from be exclusively associated with bark beetles (and beetles and mounted in Berlese's medium on colydiids), and another two (U~zuriguiturso- microscope slides. The mites were studied with iternus Beer and Nucifora, 1965 and Pseudo- a phase-contrast microscope (Olympus BX 50) tursonetnoides Vitzthum, 1921 ) with bark or supplied with a drawing attachment and photo- other xylophagic or cambiophagic beetles graphic camera (SC 35). All measurements are (mostly cerambycids). There are also two spe- given in micrometres; terminology for the cies groups of Tarso?zemus Canestrini and gnathosoma, idiosoma, and legs follows Fanzago, 1876 (sens~tLindquist, 1986) more or Lindquist (1986) and is abbreviated as follows: less bound to subcortical insects. The number PrS, prodorsal shield; PrP, ventral pro- podosomal plate; ap. 1-1 and ap. 2-2, distances between anterolateral ends of apodemes 1-1 Received 31 March 2005. Accepted 4 September and 2-2. respectively; Ta, tarsus; Tb, tibia; Tbt, 2005. tibiotarsus; Fe, femur; Ge, genu; and Fege, 'Corresponding author (e-mail: femorogenu. Excluded from the setal counts are magowski @amu.edu.pl). minute, often hardly discernible setae flanking Can. Entomol. 137: 648-6556 (2005) O 2005 Entomological Society of Canada Magowski et a/, the pretarsi: d-u" of leg I and u" of legs 11 and differentiated as larger in Pseudotarsonemus). 111: "-" indicates the separation of leg segments the serrated posterior edges of the tergites and "+", their fusion. (smooth in Pseudotursonemus), and the later- ally and medially extended form of apodemes 3 Giseiia gen. nov. (not extended in Pseudotarsorzemras). Adult fe- males of Giselia also resemble those of Neo- (Figs. 1-10) tarsotzemaides Kaliszewski, 1984, group N. Type species: Giselia arizonica sp. nov. denigratus (sensu Magowski, 2002), in dorsal Monotypic. idiosomal ornamentation, similar form of meta- podosomal apodemes, and asymmetrical reduc- Etymology tion of tarsal claws I1 and 111. They are, The name of the new generic taxon is dedi- however, easily distinguishable by the much cated to our esteemed colleague Dr. Gisela more strongly developed claw on leg I (small in Rack (retired) from Hamburg University, who Neotarsonenzoides), the different form of the has greatly contributed to the knowledge of sys- pharynx (muscular, thinly sclerotized lateral tematics and biology of many heterostigmatic walls in Neotarsonenzoides), elongate and slen- taxa. The name is feminine in gender. der setae d and f (short, undifferentiated in Neotarsonemoides), the broadly rounded form Diagnosis of the tegula (bluntly to sharply pointed in (The synapomorphic character state within Neotarsorzernoides), and the typical three- the Suctat-.~onetnus-Pseudotarsonemus cluster segmented form of leg IV, with four setae (two- is preceded by an asterisk.) Adult females of segmented, with three setae in Neotarso- the new genus are similar to those of Suctar- nemoides). sonernus Mahunka, 1974 in having the The adult males and larvae are unknown. idiosomal dorsum ornamented with clear, well- separated puncta and striae, the dorsal Description opisthosomal setae d andf elongate, slender, the With character states of tribe Tarsonemini pharynx with heavily sclerotized. horseshoe- sensu Lindquist. 1986. shaped lateral walls, and the tarsal claw of leg I Gnathosoma. Capsule partly retractable into very strongly hooked yet remaining on a clearly idiosoma; when extended, half its length still developed pretarsus. They differ from the latter covered by anterior margin of prodorsal shield; in having the gnathosoma conical and partly re- capsule round-conical rather than barrel-shaped, tractable into the idiosoma, the dorsal opis- with elongate palpi protruding anteriorly, paral- thosomal setae (other than d and j) shorter, lel, approximate, each with small process and slenderer, "apodemes 3 extended laterally of ante- minute seta distally. Pharynx with well- rior extremities of trochanters III and fusing me- sclerotized. horseshoe-shaped lateral walls and dially, and apodemes 4 uniting with poststernal ovoid, small but apparent pair of gland-like apodeme. Females of Suctarsoizemus have the structures posteriorly. Cheliceral sty lets short, other dorsal opisthoson~alsetae moderately long, based on small levers. Dorsal and ventral the posterior edges of the tergites smooth, gnathosomal setae smooth, simple; postpalpal apoden~es3 not extended laterally of trochan- setae indiscernible. ters 111 and well separated from each other me- Idiosoma. Dorsal shields covered by tine but dially, and apodemes 4 separate, their anterior well-separated puncta and striae. Dorsal setae apices autapomorphically procurved, parallel to generally slender, d and f more elongate, e and each other, and usually not uniting with post- h short and stiffer, all those weakly barbed, sternal apodeme anteriorly. though cl-c2 smooth. Stigmata placed slightly Adult females of Giselia are similar to those posterolaterally of setae vl, tracheal tubes with of Pseudotarsonemus in dorsal idiosomal orna- weakly sclerotized atria followed by uniformly mentation, form of the pharynx. the asymmetri- narrow tracheal tubes. Setae sc2 spaced slightly cal reduction of the posterolateral claw on tarsi farther apart than vl and inserted near mid- I1 and 111, and the absence of seta pf on tarsus length of prodorsal shield. Bothridial pits and 111, coupled with its presence on tarsus 11. They sensilli scl entirely hidden under anterolateral differ in the enlarged, strongly hooked form of margins of prodorsal shield. Posterior margin of the claw on leg I (small in Pseudotarsonemus), tergite D deeply emarginate near insertions of the elongate and slender setae d and f (setae e setae e and cupules im of tergite EF. Setae f O 2005 Entomological Society of Canada 650 Can. Entomol. Vol. 137, 2005 Figs. 1-2. Giselia urizorticu, adult female. 1, idiosoma, ventral aspect on left side, dorsal aspect on right; 2. gnathosoma: a, venter. 6, dorsum. Ag, aggenital plate; Lage, laterogenital plate(s): PrS, prodorsal shield: PrP, ventral propodosornal plate; MeP, ventral metapodosomal plate; and tg, tegula. Scale bar = 20 ym. located slightly posterior to transverse line be- continuous, though diffused medially and more tween setae e, and more narrowly spaced than elaborate laterally, though not apparently an- setae d. gled or bent anteriorly. Apodemes 3 well Ventral plating with apodemes 1 forming Y- developed laterally beyond apices of trochanters shaped union with prosternal apodeme. Apo- III. Area of medial diffused sclerotization fills in- demes 2 separated from prosternal apodeme, terval between proximal condyles of apodemes 3. which is weakened posteriorly, not apparently thus forming continuous subsurface band of trans- uniting with sejugal apodeme. Sejugal apodeme verse sclerotization. Apodemes 4 not extending O 2005 Entomological Society of Canada Magowski et a/. 65 1 Figs. 3-6. G'iselil~arizotzica, adult female legs. 3, leg I: a, dorsolateral aspect, b, ventrolateral aspect of tibiotarsus; 4. leg 11, dorsal aspect; 5, leg 111, dorsal aspect; 6. leg IV, ventral aspect. Scale bar = 20 pm. / v" v 'Tb I posterolaterally beyond bases of setae 3b, united Legs. Ambulacrum of leg I with short but with poststernal apodeme, the latter protruding an- well-developed pretarsus bearing strong. tightly teriorly in form of usual bifurcation that blends hooked, pointed claw. Pretarsi of legs I1 and I11 with above-mentioned sclerotized band. Meta- with typically developed, rather small empodia podosomal plate with two pairs of setae; setae but
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