n' J~ ,FOREST ··n. Juu~­ LIBRA.RY '' ·~ : . :- ; ' Welcome. I · Yea,· Deacons, :· ·;Homecomers! · n Beat Clemson! o"-)~ .... &:'~- .I!U.. ; I: * * *'"/:~ u.. eGMft'" u.. .. Af~H ;.<:,'\ ,.·· ~--~--------------~---------------·~·V,'\.""" ._,.. ~------------------~--------~----~----~-------------------------------------~---------------* ·:volume XXIX. No.12 ----~<:c.-· Wake Forest, N.C., ¥riday, November 3, 1944 --------------------------------- ~4~~ Telephone 394-6 22AtMeeting / Unbeaten Deacons ToReoiganize Pre-Law ·Frat .To Oppose Clemson ·. Sankey Robinson Elected Before Homecomers :t :~ ~- ·, . .S·.: :' President of Phi Delta . Omega ·Tigers Will Try to Spoil the Best Record Any Wake Phi Delta Omega, recently or- Forest Team Has Ever Brought . ganized pre-law fraternity, held its first meeting Tuesday night to Game in. room 29 of the Law Building: The meeting was primarily con­ cerned with business relating to organization· and to the welcom­ An unbeaten and untied Deacon football team will attempt ing of new members to the open­ to show homecoming alumni why they are leading the Southern ing of the fraternity. Informa­ tion was given concerning the na­ Conference race when they tangle with the Clemson Tigers here ture of !'hi Delta Omega and its tomorrow afternoon. The kickoff will be at 2:30 at Groves purpose on the Wake Forest cam­ pus;· and all attending were in- Stadium. · · , · l . .r)2Jii.~ . ; ! .,._ I ~~~JESt formed of the details of' the func- ---------------------------·------,-----:----·--­ The Deacons, who have scored successive victories over Car- tioning. of the group. olina, Georgia, .Mary1and, Virginia Military Institute, State, and '; .~ . 'Election of officers was ·recent­ ly held among' the Phi .Delta O­ Miami, will enter the game with the best record ever to be car- mega group and the officers . 7\ T t L .Tfll_.. - D D zz- elected for this school year are I D0 ll'O OVe _,_-rtee r. r e . · rried into a homecoming game as follows: Sankey Robinson, president; Jack Coble, vice-presi­ · · · ' . ' I ( • N d I by a Deacon eleven. dent; Jim C()x, secretary; Fred the Deacons are . h I I; II ommtttee ame favontes,.~!though the consensus through- Hoffman, treasurer; Sibyl Jolly 'h R WJ c and Robert Babbs, joint program f chairmen; and Al Jennings was. e . eason y_ annot e ToPresentMerger ~~;t!n;:~~~:E elected to handle the publicity for the ·organization. Tigers have a formidable team, aS by Em.ily Crandall ... Delegate Nam.ed Local Alumni Adopt Reso­ witness their 20-14 defeat of .. ''· South Carolina . The first important activity in Come Tuesday, Brothers Roosevelt and Dewey will be Cast Is Selected . lution Pledging Cooper­ Over ten thousand fans are ex­ which Phi Delta Omega members f ( - • PI tion After Action pected for the game, ·with many will be .concerned will be the an- battling. it out in hand-to-hand combat. After that great day 0. f 0m1ng ay old alumni returning for their an­ nuar Student Legislature. to be . B. S. Dickman of Charlotte has nual reunions at Wake Forest. · . held in. the Capitol building in the issue will be closed, arid presidential opmions, in a campaign been named to head a committee · Dance at Night Raleigh November 16-17. This sense, will cease for the next four years. - of Baptists in the state to further The homecoming games start­ · _ Legislature was the subject of a s· . b · l Ik' , Old Gold plans for the proposed merger of ed in the' 1920's, and have been talk before the fraternity. by Jack mce Jt.Js est to ta k while the ta mg s good, the Shelton Lewis and Alice Wake Forest and Meredith Col- every year since then with the' Cable, group vice-president, who and Black is presenting a group of questions and answers. Those I Ho.lliday Have Lead- !eges. The committee will preseut exception of last year. In 1942 informed the meeting of the de- · . d b h R bl' . Its plans to the State convention tails of the Lemslature It was mtervJewe were ot epu l- · · · /d which is to begin in Charlotte on the Deacons scored a 19-7 vic- . .,. • . 1more VIVacious an younger . ing Roles N b tory over Clemson, with a 57- ~ounced th~t _Phi Delta Omega can and Democrat, male and fe- Roosevelt is good-looking, has a ovem er 15 · yard punt return by John "Red" willt sutppltyh fiveLof. tlhet ten dfele- male It will not be necessary Igood physique;. he really has that Aftei· final try outs '"ednesday th Le e~~~~fevee tboeeBnapti!Dstailleeaddebrsy Cochran being the outstanding . ga e~ o e egis a ~e , our ·. male touch that all men ought to '' play of the game. Last year the corrung from the forensic ~oup, to dJstmguish between them: have . I don't like men with afternoon, the cast of Night Must in the state who will attend tile Deacons racked up a 33-14 win and one from the International . lf Fall was announced by Clarence convention, to the Baptist min- ··Relations Club. Delegates from you can surely do It yourse · ~ustaches · · :. Rcos~velt has . an Bowen, student director of the isters · and to church school .su- over the Tigers in South Carolina. 1 To conclude the weekend fes­ Phi Delta Omega were elected 1 . , air, a beautif~l VOice, the kmd Little Theater production. perintendents. The letter states tivities, tomorrow night Wake at the meeting and are as follows: · ~hat do you thmk of the 1 th~t can convi_nce you of at?y- The role of Mrs. Bramson, . an that the proposed consolidation Jack Coble Jim Cox Sibyl Jolly campatgn? · thing · · · Ladies always l~e elderly woman who. is an "inva- was started by people who art! Forest's six fraternities will give · Al,Jenning~, and- G~ge Womble: . .It's close; . sure-fire,. , .hiL.....for.J.);"?_'!!.h. .:_.:,.d·_ .PhE!_\ye~. :h.as. R!_llore._ f~-, ..1!-d'~ will .b~_playedc. by_.Alice Hol-, not. cQnnected ..with either -.insti- their first social fling of the yea:, 1 the annua~ Pl~dge Dance, . for the .The fraternity voted to sponsor Roosevelt ... it's the most mud- nesse an c arm · · · ooseve 1 t s liday of Wake Forest. Alice has tution. It is stated that ·the plan new pledges of this fall. ·· an eritire page in the Howler this slinging, rotten, dirty thing in the Iw~rn out · · · Roosevelt, because play~d in the Little Theater pro- is not to give either college an The music will b'e furnished by· year. The sponsorship of the midst of this world conflict .. ·J he s such a sweet and gentle ol,d ductwns, You. Can't Take It With advantage over the other but b page is part of a campaign by the it's one of the dirtiest campaigns man · · . Dewe?', o_f course he s Y?u, Ah, Wtlderness, and Dark present an idea which will be !o Phipher Fullenweider and his group designed to publici~e the that's ever been; each man is dig- you_nger, and _his wife used to be Vtctory. the greater advantage of Baptist orchestra from Raleigh, The dance, appearance of the fratern~ty on ging up the worst things about the a mght-club s~ng~r .... Dewey, al- Shelton Le~Is of Wendell will educators. which will be formal, will be held the campus· and to . acquamt . other . I think Roosevelt's the though I t like Ius mustache. play the leadmg role of Denny, Called Economical in the High School Gymnasium. ~ ~on The affair will start at 8: 30 p, m. connected with or mterested m man who's oin to win Dew He looks like Clark Gable . the murderer. Shelton has had It . t d th h and end at midnight. College activities with the gener- ey has speni allghis time ~~i'ticizing 3. What are you,r opinions con- roles. in eve~y Little Theate~ pro- ger ~~uf~g~:s~ore e~~n~~ic:e~~ al PUrPOSe and functions of the Roosevelt and hasn't yet said j cerning Fala? duchon, with the .exception of the Convention. The leaders are The festivalNo Decorations will be restricted to group. what he's' going to do I have- I don't like dogs · · · I think he's the summer play, smce he has reminded that the two Baptist in- :fraternity men, pledges, alumni of Twenty-Two Attended 't yet pa'd tt t:0 . t 't I awfully cute, but like Mrs. Roose- been. ~t Wake Forest. stitutjons cannot hope to compete the respective groups, and the Twenty7two members _attended ~here's t~o :~c~ !~J ~n~ Im~s·s~ vTehlt,t hde o~ghbt to sttay at home f. ••. • ni~~v~~ ~~:O~ram~~n s!t1u~~ with larger state supported faculty. th~ meetmg Tuesday . mght de- ing around ... It's plumb silly; a og s een ~ more con er- played by Emily Crandall who schools and that with the combi- A committee of the wives of the ..,. spite the fact the meet.mg wa~ of Roosevelt doesn't have a chance .. ,. ences tha~ Churchill · · · .Person- has taken art in The Bat and !l~tion of W~e Forest and Mere- faculty will serve refreshments at necessity held at the same tm;e Naturally, Roosevelt will win : .. ally, I think. Roosevelt thinks too Dark Victo~. dith competltlon. would be on a intermission. The men and their that the ~asketball games. were m It's all very foolish and narrow- d~ng J?UCh ,of the d_og. If I were Dora, the stupid, Cockney maid, more ~qual basiS. dates will meet together in the •· progress m Gore ~asmm~ minded ... There are a few loose his wife, I d get rid .of the old will be played by Nan Lacy Har- Sen:mg on the committee with Recreation Room of the Religion Mem~ers of Phi Delta Omega, nails in the Democratic platfoim.
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