Preliminary Project Lists 2010 - 2015 Appendix A - NYSDOT Preliminary Project List Appendix B - Preliminary List of Major Projects Appendix C - Project Needs Identified During Local Outreach Appendix D - SFY 2009-2010 Remaining Projects October 2009 NYS Department of Transportation Book Version: Preliminary The attached preliminary project list is a list of candidate projects that will help achieve the goals and objectives of the NYSDOT capital plan for State fiscal years 2010-2015. It should be noted that a large portion of the program of projects described here, specifically that portion that will be financed from Federal funds in urbanized areas, must be developed in partnership with, and are subject to approval by local Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). Therefore, many of the projects included in this list should be considered as candidates that must proceed through the federally required metropolitan planning process. Project cost estimates in the preliminary project list are presented in year of expenditure (YOE) dollars. In addition, while we have developed this list of projects using current assumptions regarding inflation and cost escalation, further adjustments to this list may be needed as the actual inflation rates become known. NYSDOT also notes that this list of projects is a “point in time” look at potential projects, and may not accurately reflect the results of scheduled project lettings that will occur before the end of the current state fiscal year (March 31, 2010). Projects that are scheduled to be let before the end of SFY 09/10 that do not get let before April 1, 2010 will need to be incorporated into this list of projects. Finally, this list of projects may need to be adjusted to reflect changes to projects as a result of funding made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and/or reauthorization of the federal surface transportation program, the Safe Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). Page 1A NYS Department of Transportation GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS IN 2010 MOU BOOK ADA American with Disabilities Act of 1990 EIS Environmental Impact Statement ATIS Advanced Transportation Management System ELRR Erie-Lackawanna Railroad AVE Avenue FFY Federal Fiscal Year BDR Border FY Fiscal Year BLVD Boulevard GCP Grand Central Parkway BPRR Buffalo Pittsburgh Railroad HELP Highway Emergency Local Patrol BQE Brooklyn Queens Expressway HHP Henry Hudson Parkway BR Bridge HRP Hutchinson River Parkway BRP Bronx River Parkway IMPR Improvement(s) BRT Bus Rapid Transit ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems BSOR Buffalo Southern Railroad JOC Job Order Contract CAN Canada JRP Jackie Robinson Parkway CI Construction Inspection KGI Kew Gardens Interchange CL City Line KWVMP Korean War Veterans Memorial Parkway CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program LIE Long Island Expressway CO County LIRR Long Island Railroad CONECTR Connector LK Lake CR County Route MBC Maintenance by Contract CSD Central School District MGMT Management D&H Delaware and Hudson Railroad MLK Martin Luther King Expressway DEV Development MNRR Metro North Railroad DLW Depew, Lancaster, & Western Railroad MOF Maintenance & Operations First EB Eastbound MTN Mountain Page 1B MUTCD Manual Uniform Traffic Control Devices TNE Throgs Neck Expressway NB Northbound TR Trail NJRR New Jersey Railroad TRANSP Transportation NS Norfolk and Southern Railroad TSP Taconic State Parkway NYS New York State VL Village O&W Ontario and Western Railroad VMS Variable Message Sign OOC Orders on Contract VPP Vendor Placed Pavement PED Pedestrian VWE Van Wyck Expressway PIP Palisades Interstate Parkway W.O.C. Work Order Contract PKWY Parkway WB Westbound PM Preventive Maintenance WNYPARR Western New York Pennsylvania Railroad PMI Preventive Maintenance Initiative WSE West Shore Expressway PVMS Portable Variable Message Sign WSP Wantaugh State Parkway RD Road RECON Reconstruction RR Railroad RT Route(s) S South SFY State Fiscal Year SIE Staten Island Expressway SMRP Saw Mill River Parkway SNI Seneca Nation Indians SOGR State of Good Repair SPDES State Pollution Discharge Ellimination System SRTS Safe Routes to School ST Street STAR Short-Term Accident Reductions STP Surface Transportation Program TDM Transportation Demand Management TEP Transportation Enhancements Program TMC Transportation Mgmt. Center Page 1C This Page Intentionally Left Blank Appendix A Preliminary Project List 2010 - 2015 October 2009 Page 1 of 117 Candidate project listings are subject to MPO approval where required. Schedules, budget and inflation will be further refined. NYS Department of Transportation Data as of: 9/29/2009 for cost from 4/1/2010 through 3/31/2015 CAPITAL DISTRICT Book Version: Preliminary Year of Amount Work Type PIN No Project Title Const ($ Million) Counties BIKE/PEDESTRIAN MOBILITY 175579 SPOT R1: PEDESTRIAN ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS 11-15 0.1 SCHENECTADY MOBILITY 175631 TEP: SHERWOOD AVENUE SIDEWALKS 10-11 0.2 RENSSELAER MOBILITY 175733 GUILDERLAND CENTER PED./SAFETY IMPR. 10-11 0.6 ALBANY MOBILITY 175734 WESTMERE CORRIDOR PED. IMPR. 10-11 0.4 ALBANY MOBILITY 175771 TEP: LUTHER RD.(NY151) PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE ACCESS IMPR. 11-15 1.5 RENSSELAER MOBILITY 175794 CARMAN ROAD CONNECTOR SIDEWALK 11-15 0.2 ALBANY MOBILITY 175795 SHERIDAN HOLLOW SIDEWALKS, ALBANY COUNTY 11-15 0.3 ALBANY MOBILITY 175796 LANSINGBURGH SIDEWALKS 11-15 0.1 RENSSELAER MOBILITY 175797 MOHAWK/HUDSON BIKE TRAIL CROSSING AT NY 5S11-15 0.1 SCHENECTADY MOBILITY 175828 SPOT R5, MOHAWK-HUDSON BIKE-HIKE TRAIL INFO KIOSKS10-11 0.1 SCHENECTADY MOBILITY 175829 SPOT R5, HAMBURG ST SIDEWALK CONN.10-11 0.1 CAPITAL DISTRICT SAFETY 175457 SARATOGA SPRINGS DOWNTOWN PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS 11-15 0.6 SARATOGA SAFETY 175470 BROOKSIDE AVE SIDEWALKS 10-11 0.1 RENSSELAER SAFETY 175735 RTE 20 CORRIDOR BIKE/PED IMPROVEMENTS 10-11 0.9 RENSSELAER SAFETY 175736 CRESCENT ROAD BIKE AND PED. IMPR. AND TWO SPOT PROJECTS 10-11 0.7 SARATOGA SAFETY 175737 PARK & RIDE LOTS IN US 20 CORRIDOR 10-11 0.1 RENSSELAER SAFETY 175738 MOHAWK-HUDSON BIKE-HIKE TRAIL BRIDGE REHAB, ALBANY CO. 10-11 0.5 ALBANY BRIDGE MOBILITY 172151 I-87: EXIT 3-4 IMPR. PART 1 11-15 24.1 ALBANY OTHER 194107 NEW SWAMP RD./CHAMPL. CANAL, 2 BR REMOVAL, WASH. CNTY.Eng Only 0.2 WASHINGTON PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 104346 US RT. 9 OVER HUDSON 10-11 5.0 ALBANY, RENSSELAER PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 105158 I-787 NB TO SME WB 11-15 5.1 ALBANY PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 112046 RT. 23/911V, 5 TO 7 REPAIRS Eng Only 0.3 GREENE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 180777 BRIDGE 5-7 REPAIRS 10-11 3.3 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 180778 BRIDGE W.O.C., WHERE & WHEN: SFY 10-1110-11 1.4 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 180781 BRIDGE CLEANING, SFY 09-10 10-11 2.3 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 180833 BRIDGE SCOUR REPAIRS: SFY 10-11 10-11 0.6 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 180834 BRIDGE 5-7 REPAIRS, SFY 10-11 10-11 1.9 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 180836 EMERGENCY DEMAND AND FLAG REPAIR, JOC 310-11 1.1 CAPITAL DISTRICT October 2009 Page 2 of 117 Candidate project listings are subject to MPO approval where required. Schedules, budget and inflation will be further refined. NYS Department of Transportation Data as of: 9/29/2009 for cost from 4/1/2010 through 3/31/2015 CAPITAL DISTRICT Book Version: Preliminary Year of Amount Work Type PIN No Project Title Const ($ Million) Counties BRIDGE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 180837 BRIDGE PAINTING: SFY 10-11 10-11 5.0 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 180838 DURABLE PAVEMENT MARKINGS: SFY 10-1110-11 2.0 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 180850 RT. 185/LAKE CHAMPLAIN, CROWN POINT BRIDGE PAINT ONLY 10-11 7.0 ESSEX PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1T0954 BRIDGE MAINTENANCE SETASIDE: SFY 11-12 11-15 12.3 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1T0955 BRIDGE MAINTENANCE SETASIDE: SFY 15-16 Eng Only 0.2 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1T0956 BRIDGE MAINTENANCE SETASIDE: SFY 14-15 11-15 9.0 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1T0957 PAVEMENT W.O.C. WHERE & WHEN: SFY 13-14 11-15 1.9 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1T0958 BRIDGE MAINTENANCE SETASIDE: SFY 12-13 11-15 13.3 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1T0959 SHORT-TERM ACCIDENT REDUCTION: SFY 12-1311-15 1.2 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1T0967 CULVERT REPAIR/REPLACE SETASIDE: SFY 13-14 11-15 3.2 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1T0968 PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE SETASIDE: SFY 13-14 11-15 7.8 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1T0972 BRIDGE MAINTENANCE SETASIDE: SFY 13-14 11-15 13.6 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1T1013 LOCAL BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS SETASIDE 12-1311-15 10.0 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1T1014 LOCAL BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS SETASIDE 13-1411-15 10.0 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1T1015 LOCAL RURAL IMPROVEMENTS SETASIDE 14-1511-15 5.0 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1T1019 BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT SETASIDE 13-1411-15 50.0 CAPITAL DISTRICT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 1T1020 BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT SETASIDE 12-1311-15 20.0 CAPITAL DISTRICT REHABILITATE/REPLACE 100131 RT.2 OVER DAYFOOT BROOK Eng Only 0.2 RENSSELAER REHABILITATE/REPLACE 100132 RT. 2 OVER RT. 22 AT PETERSBURG Eng Only 0.2 RENSSELAER REHABILITATE/REPLACE 100716 RT. 144 OVER HANNACROIS CREEK, COEYMANS Eng Only 0.1 ALBANY REHABILITATE/REPLACE 101110 RT.145 OVER FOX CREEK 11-15 1.4 ALBANY REHABILITATE/REPLACE 101112 RT.145 OVER UNKNOWN CREEK 11-15 1.6 ALBANY REHABILITATE/REPLACE 101311 RT.42 OVER SCHOHARIE CREEK 11-15 2.1 GREENE REHABILITATE/REPLACE 101312 RT. 42 OVER WESTKILL CREEK Eng Only 0.6 GREENE REHABILITATE/REPLACE 101809 RT.28 OVER HUDSON RIVER Eng Only 0.1 WARREN REHABILITATE/REPLACE 102130 RT. 159 OVER POENTICKILL 10-11 1.7 SCHENECTADY REHABILITATE/REPLACE 102407 RT.196 OVER GLENS FALLS FEEDER 11-15 1.7 WASHINGTON REHABILITATE/REPLACE 102509 RT.197 OVER HUDSON RIVER 11-15 8.4 WASHINGTON REHABILITATE/REPLACE 103421 RT.5 OVER ERIE CANAL 11-15 19.7 SCHENECTADY October 2009 Page 3 of 117 Candidate project listings are subject to MPO approval where required.
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