.46". PAGES 1 TO 8. PAGES 1 TO 3. ESTABLISHED JULY S, 1SS1 VOL. XXXIV., NO. 5993. HONOLULU, ! HAWAII TERRITORY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1901. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. f . ' "IT ' T5- -k ' " Js. W A W w r i..i. ran r m . 1 UK1AL HIoTUKY ! 9 riu OF THE WEEK. O WILL BE MEETING INVALID At Least That is Baldwin Said to Be the Present Without Any Talk. Authority. GOVERNOR REJECTS KENNEDY STILL CLERICAL ADVICE IS CHAIRMAN He Has Not Gots Lay Petitions Action of Convention Which May , But Will Decide After or May Not Settle Proposi- Reading Them. tion to Enlarge. 35. VIOLATING. THE CHAPTER Section 316. Who- one seems to have bought a ever wilfully interrupts or dis- SOME brick," if the gossip of the turbs any religious assembly or as- politicians has foundation. Upon sembly religious worship, wheth- for ' this foundation is built the statement er such offender commit such offenss A V j ' Jm HAWAIIAN 5ou Die R , that there can be no meeting of the Re within or without place of assem- ' the ' publican Territorial Committee called bly, and Whether such offense be com- " BATTlt. fJtLi WON THE PRIZE'' Z bsiAT TM CIRCUfl. z for four o'clock Monday afternoon, but on Day, or any vl'-Utr- mitted the Lord's at .t. K mW' v 1 only a "conference." other time, shall be punished by Im- - ' prisonment at hard labor not more w - - ? The fact was brought out yesterday, than thirty days, or by fine not ex- according to two members of the com ceeding $15, in the discretion of the mittee, that the call sent out, was not court. RAPID TRANSIT CONTRACT TONS OF FOOD FOR THE signed by the chairman of the commit- Section 317. ALL LABOR ON SUN- tee at all. The call was drawn by DAY FORBIDDEN, excepting IS Stewart, left with Cooke and signed by works of necessity or mercy, In which FOR KALIHI EXTENSION ; SAILORS OF THE WISCONSIN H. P. Baldwin. Now appears, though are included all labor that is needful it for the good order, health, comfort or the only authority is the recollection of safety of the community, or for the members of the committee, that the protection of property from unforeseen ONTRACTS for the building of the sureties. This bond Is for $8,000. There! LONG, with the hundreds of tons I seeing what is the best way in which chairman of the committee is Btill J. disaster, or danger of destruction or Kalihl extension of the Rapid is a provision in the contract which J of fuel which will be consumed the ration money may be spent to bring A. Kennedy, who is as well the chair- may required Transit electric road were signed 1 .. n U . H . 1, ,1 . about the fullest contentment with the injury, or which be for I "". oy tne furnaces or .the battleship man of the executive committee. ,; yesterday afternoon. The contract expiration . of seventy, food which is furnished. Of course this the prosecution of or attendance upon calls after the the Wisconsin on her trip to the South Seas, The matter was sprung upon the nine-tenth- money religious ''.worship, or for the furnish- for the completion of one and s' that the work ia uncompleted'. This means the which is allotted to there will be taken on here not les3 the men forward, quar secretary . of the committee, Marshal ing of opportunities of reading or miles of the road, from King places the limit of the time for the i for the the after street and Liliha to work 9th. Contractor than three tons of fresh eatables to keep ters have their very own little world, Hendry, after he had retired . for the study. Provided, however, that on the Fertilizer ' at Januarv ' there th men encounter no such access to Sunday until 9 o'clock in the morning Works, within ten weeks, but the con- - Makee has everything ready to get his salag the men of the colony which night and had not his records muc cia kil upon once, jiu-uii- J. 13 and so he could not settle the matter barber shops may be kept open and " Huveuiucr isi. mis iihjis me worn ui una ine me uuniiug loi iresa. ins the Admiral's mess, with caterer and fresh meat and fresh fish may be sold gives to the contractor, J. S. Makee, an rock, which is to be furnished by the 'necessary, for there is a daily ration of with deflnlteness. A leading member ' cook, the captain's mess with the same and delivered; that until 9 o'clock in opportunity to get ready for the taking Von Ilamm-Youn- g Company, is ready about 500 pounds of fresh meat, when officials, and in turn the senior and of the committee however said that up of the work. Is the morning and after 3 o'clock in the It understood that for delivery as the work proceed. comm0(31ty is on the bill of fare junior officers' messes with their cooks there had been a most distressing mis- he will push his contract through is , . , , afternoon milk may be delivered, and at It understood that the contract , . and caterers and waiter boys, while take, and that there could be no ques- sheep and swine may be slaugh- once, with a hope that the"most of the for the McCully street extension of the with the warrant officers and the petty cattle, week, and as there is a amount tion but the call was without binding tered; during entire day meals work will be well out of the way be- - line will be signed very soon, and that stated officers' messes, the way is made clear that the vegetables go was ,1 may be sold, to be eaten on the prem- fore there are any heavy winter rains, it will be on the same lines as of which with the meats for the division of the men forward force. The statement .made that that average where sold or served elsewhere by The bond furnished by Contractor which was completed vesterday. The there had to be added to the stores into messes whl:h have an of the committee had selected J. A. Ken- ises thirty members. caterers; drugs, medicines and sur- Makee is signed by H. L. Kerr ar.d successful bidders, Ashley & Paris, will something of various fresh things all about nedy as chairman of the executive com- Hamm-Youn- g . There are number of the regulation the Von Company as sub-l- et a gical appliances may be sold, personal the work to Makee. along the line. supplies which are called sea stores, mittee, and that he became a member baggage may be conveyed to and from "e OO8&OGG-&04- 4 All of this amount of eatables doeu which are takjn on by every ship when of that body through the fact that he vessels leaving or arriving at port on store-hous- es j upon the ministerial petition protesting J for regimental target practice they would not 0 to the ship's direct, starting a cruise. These include was the chairman of the Territorial thjat day; railroads may on that the against the holding of a sham battls take it, but nearly all of them have to Much of it will be sent out consigned to , flour, canned goods of all descriptions committee. Sunday carry passengers . to connect on Sunday, but after consultation witn work, and could not afford to lose even the various messes of the vessel, of and the usual aiditions to the ration. The. same member has dug up the fact I as fiiid with the steamers, and public car- Col. W. which there are more than twenty. such dried fruits convention provided for the ex- J. Jones he decided to allow ' that the shore-boa- ts These are up in a peculiar way, On the Wisconsin these stores arc a riages, horse cars and licensed the camp to be held. In the evening made ecutive committee- specifically, putting may convey passengers for hire, (Continued on Page 4.) i and each is in itself a family which Is considerable feature, as there are above other petitions circulated among lay- to feed', in Its resolution that the body should be that all labor which may be law- five hundred mouths and there and men were also presented. Tha follow- - no man who i3 more made up of two members from Hawaii, fully performed on Sunday be is in the world shall Ing Is a copy: Insistent upon his rights as to his one each from Maul and Kauai and four conducted, as far as possible, SO AS II. 24, 1801. "chow" than the sailor man. So was from Oahu. with the addition of the NOT TO WITH THE Honolulu. T., Oct. OF POTASH it INTERFERE To his Honor, Sanford B. Dole, Governor PERMANGANATE that when the battleship was o.dered of committee. This RIGHT OF THE COMMUNITY AND chairman the central to get ready for the trip to the south, it was said last evening, antedated the OF EACH INDIVIDUAL TO QUIET S SETS-k'SS'SS- that the requisition for stores included general rules of the convention, adopted AND REPOSE. St rUK IKCAIMtlNI LLHKUjY 300 tons of materials. Tnis is Territory being allowed to artillery Ur these for government of the tarty, and that Section 318. ALL PUBLIC AMUSE- have t three months' stores for the E00 men the practice and sham battles on Sundays. despite the fact that there waa a clause MENTS, SPORTS, SHOWS AND We believe few, any, precedents aboard the ship.
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