KENNEDY KLUES Research Bulletin VOLUME II NUMBER 2 & 3 · November 1976 & February 1977 Published by:. Mrs • Betty L. Pennington 6059 Emery Street Riverside, California 92509 i . SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $6. oo per year (4 issues) Yearly Index Inc~uded $1. 75 Sample copy or back issues. All subscriptions begin with current issue. · $7. 50 per year (4 issues) outside Continental · · United States . Published: · August - November - Febr:UarY . - May .· QUERIES: FREE to subscribers, no restrictions as· ·to length or number. Non­ subscribers may send queries at the rate of 10¢ pe~)ine, .. excluding name and address. EDITORIAL POLICY: -The E.ditor does· not assume.. a~y responsibility ~or error .. of fact bR opinion expressed by the. contributors. It is our desire . and intent to publish only reliable genealogical sour~e material which relate to the name of KENNEDY, including var.iants! KENEDY, KENNADY I KENNEDAY·, KENNADAY I CANADA, .CANADAY' · CANADY,· CANNADA and any other variants of the surname. WHEN YOU MOVE: Let me know your new address as soon as possibie. Due. to high postal rates, THIS IS A MUST I KENNEDY KLyES returned to me, will not be forwarded until a 50¢ service charge has been paid, . coi~ or stamps. BOOK REVIEWS: Any biographical, genealogical or historical book or quarterly (need not be KENNEDY material) DONATED to KENNEDY KLUES will be reviewed in the surname· bulletins·, FISHER FACTS, KE NNEDY KLUES and SMITH SAGAS • . Such donations should be marked SAMfLE REVIEW COPY. This is a form of free 'advertising for the authors/ compilers of such ' publications~ . CONTRIBUTIONS:· Anyone who has material on any KE NNEDY anywhere, anytime, is invited to contribute the material to our putilication. The name and address of the contributor will be noted' .. at 'the heading of the material when it is published. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS · are on a DONATION BASIS. )' · L : ' EXCHANGE PUBLICATIONS AND ADVERTISING: We will exqhange pliblications . and/or advertis'ing on a volume to 'volume bas.i's 'with any 'other publication, including locality and/or surnanfo' ' publ~b'ci'tion. LINEAGE CLEARING HOUSE: Send your lineage and it wilf b~"· indexed in the . • r ~ . - ; I t ... I · MASTER FILE. You will be put in touch with''o'thers: working on the same line or in the same area~ · Lineages·iwilfbe printed as space permits. In this manner,· you will be re.q_e;iving more £6r: your · · · subscription. I will not know ·which KENNEDY or what areas you· · are interested in without ·this informatibn.. "c · · · ORANGE COUNTY CAUFORN IA GE1\IEALOGICAL SOCtETY •11 11111111111111111111111u111111111111•••••• 1 •••• 11 •••o•····n KK 33 11/2/3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Editor's Comment- ------------------------- -page 33 Reader's Comments- ------------------------ -page 34 Book Reviews --------------------------- -page 35 South Carolina Census 1790-1850 ----------------- -page 36 Georgia Marriages ------------------------- -page 41 Maryland Marriages ------------------- .:. ---- -page 42 Greene County Pennsylvania Marriages -------------- -page 42 Kennedy's of Upstate New York ------------------ -page 43 Columbia County, New York Records- --------------- -page 44 Illinois Yankees -------------------------- -page 45 A Kennedy Legend ------------------------- -page 48 John William Kennedy Family & Obituary- ------------- -page 49 Family of Qaleb Canady ---------------------- -page SI Lewis Smith Kennedy and Family ------------------ -page 52 Kennedy Family Album ----------------------- ·-page 54 Comments on our Family Album- ----------- - · ------ -page ~5 Virginia Marriages ---- ".'" . ------------------ :.. - -page 58 Dedham Massachuset~s ~arriages ------- :... - -: ------- -page 58 Kennedy Correspondence (Old Letters) --------------- -page 59 Kennedy Biographies ------------------------ -page 63 Towns Named Kennedy - .;. -------- - · ------------ -page 67 Daviess County, Indiana Land Records :.. -------- . --- -:- - -page 68 Kennedy Queries ----------- 7 ------------ - · - ·-page 69 Correction ---------------------------- -page 72 Change of Adress- ------------------------- -page 72 ////l//////////////////////////l/l//l///////l//ll////////l!ll//////// EDITOR'S COM°MENT Perhaps this coul.d be called, "KENNEDY OBITUARY .... pue to an app~rent lack of interest and participation, our May 1977 issue will be the final issue of KENNEDY KLUES. Our rate of renewal has been very slow, and qur original list of subscribers, now number only 42. Withoµt the. co-operation of each of subscribers, Vofe cannot have the variety of material deemed necessary to make this a 'quality' public~tion. There have been many of you who have been most generous and giving of your data and records. But more than half of the original subscribers have not even sent in a query or a lineage. Without this information, we have no way of knowing what are the prime areas of interest. I am a 'die-hard' tho, s<;> am keeping the way open for perhaps a smaller, less frequent newsletter type of publication. I hope to use all the material which . h~s been submitted in .our May is.sue·, but if this is not possible, there will be another is.sue at a later date to use the material. We have sold our home in Riverside and plan to move in the· spring to Colorado (our original ho.me). Hopefully perhaps we can get in cont~ct as I will maintain the Clearing Hous·e files. My deepest thanks to those of you who have contributed and helped to make this publication live its two short years . MY THANKS TO YOU. ///////////////////////II/I/////////////////////////////////////////// KK 34 II/2/3 READE RS c·o M fv11?J:!T s From Mrs. John P. Davies - 2035 Feliz Rd. - Novato, CA 94947: "Here is my check for another year's subscription.to ·Kennedy.Klues. I have enjoyed receiving the magazine quarterly. It's something 'to look forward to. But I can appreciate the work' involved and would be pleased ev~n ,if it came out less frequently. It's truthfully not that important to me so · ~l'\ichever makes it the · 11 1 most successful is agreeable· to me. • : • ,. • . .. *** From Mrs. Wm. C. Fletcher - 529 Seminole Rd. - Chillicothe, Ohio 45601: "I'm sorry I slipped up in sending in my renewal. I do enjoy the publication very much and rea~ it cover to cover for Klues. I belong to the saf(le family of ,· : KENNEDYS as_your .subs.criber Mrs. Teagarden of Mt.· Morris, PA - in fact, I introduced her to the magazine. However, at present .I am not do~ng active ~ , . digging into my own past - do hope to do it very soon and hope you do rio~ pTs-:­ continue as I think your magazine is great. I do wish you success ! . Later .. on I'll try to send you some of the little I have collected. 11 ***' From Pierre Kennedy - 27 F'ernbrook Rd. - W. Hartford, CT 06107: "Enclosed is 11 11 a money order for $ 6. 00 for my renewal to Kennedy Klues. · I have· always enjoyed and a_ppreciated receiving the publication and hope that you will continue issuing Kennedy Klues as a quarterly." . *** . From Garnett (Netti) Canaday Foster - 11 Please continue with the quarterly', you are doing an excellent job. I was doing a small Newsletter on Kennedys before you started and had about 35 to 40 people 1· was writing. I feel your 78 subscribers will continue to grow as word gets around. I am very sorry I have not been as helpful as I had hoped but I am getting a few things organized and hope to be contributing soon. 11 *** From Betty K. Tongier. - 604 W. 4th St. - Coffeyville, KS 6733 T: "All I have on my Kennedy line is, the marriage of JUDITH "JUDY" KENNEDY-CANADA to Daniel Keith on August 25, 1812 by Richard Barrier in Wayne County, Kentucky - (this is from June Baldwin Bork's book). I love your research bulletin, but know how much work is . involved - jµst do whatever is the easiest for you-. 11 NOTE BY BETTY: This is the same area which my own Kennedys· resided before going to Hendricks County, tridiana.. Thanks Mrs. ·rongier for the kind words .• . ·- *** . , , ,i. From Ruby 'Fears - P .0. ~ox Tl - Princeton, Kentucky 42445: 11 Quarterly or annual is fine. with me. t hope you_ can continue this f:ine magazine.;." Thank you all fot these kind words o{ en~ouragement. l///ll/l/ll!/l///////////////////ll/l/f/////l////////l//(lll////ll//l//I . .:: . '. ;· '·.; . KK 35 II/2/3 BOOK REVIEWS WILLS AND WAYS - Miscellaneous Kentucky Records - compiled and published by the Kentucky Gen. Soc. , Inc. of Frank- ·fort, Kentucky - 1975. 100 pages, soft cover; $4.30 per copy-. Contains wills, marriage records, Bible records, deeds, and many miscellaneous records contributed by various members of the society. Very helpful and neatly presented. Would be much more helpful with a name index, but none the less, valuable research aid for those interested in the areas and localities presented. The nominable price makes it available for all. Some of the names picked at random by this editor include: PAYTON, RICHARDSON, QUINN, JENKINS, FRANK, JONES, TODD, plus many others. · Should be a good reference aid for many. This book may .. be ordered from the society at P. 0. Box 153 - Frankfort, Kentucky 40601. *************************** BARRICKMA.N-BARRACKMAN OF CRAWFORD COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA - published by Miss June B. Barekman, Genealogist - Genealogical" Services & Publications- 3302 West Diversey - Chicago, Ill. 60647 - 1974. 37 pages, soft cover, $ 5. 00. With .complete name index. As usual, Miss Barekman has done a very good job presenting the records of the family from Crawford Co. Penn. and moved to Ohio, Kansas and Nebraska. Contains .census, service, biographies, etc. for those bearing the Barrickman (includes various spellings of the name). The allied names ·include: ALBAUG, ALLEN, BAKER~ BENNETT, , . BOLERJACK, CALLAWAY I CRAWFORD l DIX, ECKART I ELLIS I FOLEY, GRANT I HAMILTON, HUGHES, JACKSON, KELLEY, LINDSEY, MAYER, MILLER, NEFF, NELSON, PATTERSON, ROBERTSON, ROBINSON and many others. Very useful, neatly done, and within the price range of many researchers. '*************************** B LUE RIDGE· M'c) U NT A I N KIN F 0 L KS - by Larry King - 1001 Lirn;:oln St. - Manchester, TN 37355. The history of FISHER, GILBERT, HALL, HARTLEY, HILL, KING, KIRBY and IAWSON families qf the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia.
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