TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders based on percentage rates/Market rate (MRS period 1st January ,2017 to 30st June , 2017 ) in regard of District Jhelum are hereby invited for the works mentioned below from the Contractors/Firms enlisted in Local Government (Engineering Wing )Jhelum for the year 2016-17 Tender document can be obtained from the office of the undersigned against written request accompanied original document of enlistment/ upto date renewal letter and fee receipt . PEC license for the year 2017-18, Identity Card of original Contractor/ Managing Partner of the firm along with registered Partnership deed and on payment on prescribed tender fee in term of CDR/Bank Draft of any schedule Bank. No tender should be issued to any representative of a Firm until & unless he possesses the registered power of attorney. Simple authority on company’s pad will not be entertained. Tendered rate and amount should be filled in figure as well as in word and tender should be signed as per general directions given in the tender document. No rebate on tendered rates will be acceptable. Tender will be issued up to 09-05-2017 till 9.30 AM To 3.00 PM, and received on 11 -05 -2017 in the office of the undersigned up to 1.00 PM and will be opened at 2.00 PM as per PPRA Rule 30(i)of 2014 by the tender opening committee in the presence of intending contractors. Conditional tenders and the tenders not accompanied with earnest money in shape of deposit at call receipt from schedule bank (along with telephone numbers for its confirmation) and attested copies of registered partnership deed in case of firms will not be entertained. The competent authority shall have the right of rejecting any or all of the tenders as per PPRA Rules of 2014. In case the total tendered amount is less than 5% of approved estimate(DNIT)amount, the lowest bidder will have to deposit Additional Performance Security from the scheduled bank as per 26-A clause of tender document. PRIME MINISTER’S GLOBAL SDGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMM FOR 2016-17 S.No Name of Work Cost in Earnest Tender TS No. & Date Time million Money Fee limit Cost in Rs. (NA-62) JHELUM 1 Construction of PCC Path 5.000 100000/- 10000/- 189/XEN/LG & CD As per Street/Drain Village Khai RWP/2016-17 work Kotli (from H/O Zia Qasmi Dated.08-03-2017 order & Abdul Majeed via Shop to H/O Mazhar Bashir &H/O Iqbal),UC Badlot,Tehsil Dina (PCC 13472 cft, Drain 6928 rft) 2 Construction of PCC 10.000 200000/- 10000/- 190/XEN/LG & CD As per Street/Drain village Matial RWP/2016-17 work (from Molvi Abdul Raouf to Dated.08-03-2017 order GPS)(PCC 7501 cft.Drain 2110 rft)(Rs 3.000 M) Construction of PCC path from Jhangir to Pasrali,(PCC 7530cft) (Rs 2.500M) Construction of PCC path from Khothra to Mota Jahangir (PCC 8090cft) (Rs 2.500 M) Construction of PCC Stteet/Drain & Provison of Sewerage system in Village Jahangir (from Pond to main road),UC Boken,Tehsil Jhelum(Sewerage system 1235 rft,PCC 2332) (Rs 2.000 M) 3 Construction of Laying 10.000 200000/- 10000/- 191/XEN/LG & CD As per Sewer Line at Village Chak RWP/2016-17 work Jamal (from main road to Dated.08-03-2017 order village),(Sewer Line 3000 rft)(Rs 4.500 M) Construction of PCC Street main Path Janazagah (10800 Cft) in village Sukha, (PCC 10800 cft)(Rs 3.000 M) Construction of PCC Street/Drains village Mona Pind (from Main Link road to Main Street).UC Chak Jamal, Tehsil Dina.(PCC 6758 cft,Drain 3430 rft)(Rs 2.500 M) 4 Construction of main PCC 2.500 50000/- 10000/- 192/XEN/LG & CD As per Path/Street/Drains in RWP/2016-17 work village Jakkar (PCC 10360 Dated.08-03-2017 order cft )(Rs 2.500 M) 5 Construction of PCC Street 7.500 150000/- 10000/- 193/XEN/LG & CD As per (near Dhoke Nagial RWP/2016-17 work )/Sewerage village Aima Dated.08-03-2017 order Bari (from H/O Bashir shah to H/O Iftikhar),(PCC 6891 cft) (Rs 2.500 M) Construction of PCC Street/Sewerage in village Chak Darya (from Kalowal road to village),(PCC 4323 cft)(Rs 2.500 M) Construction of PCC Street/Sewerage village Dhanyala (from main road to Zameer Karyana Store),UC Dhanyala, Tehsil Dina (PCC 5308 cft (Rs 2.500 M) 6 Construction of PCC 5.000 100000/- 10000/- 194/XEN/LG & CD As per Street/Drain Village Said RWP/2016-17 work Hussain (from Main Road Dated.08-03-2017 order to Shop Said Baigum & from H/O Adalat Nasir to H/O Liaqat),(PCC 7504 cft,Drain 1432 rft) (Rs 2.500 M) Construction of PCC Street /Darin in village Adda Baghan (from main road to H/O Master Rehmat),Rajjo Pindi (from Main road to Javed Karyana Store)& Chah Ganja (from Link road Gagar to H/O Tahir &Dera Zulfiqar to Main Road),Uc Gharh Mehal, Tehsil Dina (PCC 7212 cft,Drain 770 rft)(Rs 2.500 M) 7 Construction of Main PCC 12.500 250000/- 10000/- 195/XEN/LG & CD As per Path/Drain in village Chak RWP/2016-17 work Esa (PCC 7047 cft,Drain Dated.08-03-2017 order 2881 rft) (Rs 2.500 M) Construction of PCC Street (8132 Cft)/Drain at Bhattia (from H/O Dr. Nawaz to Main Path) (PCC 8132 cft,Drain 3110 rft)(Rs 2.500 M) Construction of PCC Street/Drain village Dhoke Munawer (main Street)(PCC 6329 cft,Drain 1484 rft)(Rs 2.500 M) Construction of PCC Street/Drain village Langer Pur (from H/O Haji Sardar to Graveryard),Dhoke Daswandi near Derbar &Graveyard (from H/O Saleem to GPS)(PCC 7609 cft Drain 2600 rft)(Rs 2.500 M) Construction of PCC Street (8010 Cft)Drain village Thathi (H/O Rasheed Ahmad to Darbar to Masjid), UC GHARMALA, Tehsil Jhelum (PCC 8010 cft, Drain 314 rft)(Rs 2.500 M) 8 Construction of PCC 3.000 60000/- 10000/- 196/XEN/LG & CD As per Street/Drain village gurha RWP/2016-17 work Ahmed (from H/O Umar Dated.08-03-2017 order Matloob to Hafiz Khadim Hussain)(ward No.6 ),UC Janjeel, Tehsil Dina, (PCC 5508 Cft Drain 2770 rft)(RS 3.000M) 9 Construction of PCC 7.500 150000/- 10000/- 197/XEN/LG & CD As per Street/Drain /Sewerage RWP/2016-17 work System village Fazal Abad Dated.08-03-2017 order (from H/O Azhar &Aslam to graveryard) Village Bala (From Janazagah toH/O Rashid &Khalid to Graveryard)(PCC 5626 cft, Drain 1115 rft) (Rs 2.500 M) Construction of PCC Street/Drain Mohallah Khalata (PCC 5390 cft, Drain 2608rft) (Rs. 2.500M) Construction of PCC Streets (near Noor CNG Staion & on Ehsan Road)Ward No 26,Kala Gujran,Tehsil Jhelum (PCC 8947 cft) (Rs 2.500 M) 10 Construction of PCC 5.000 100000/- 10000/- 198/XEN/LG & CD As per Street/Drain Chak Barahma RWP/2016-17 work (Main Street GGHS)(PCC Dated.08-03-2017 order 7264 cft, Drain 854 rft)(Rs 2.500 M) Construction of PCC Sreet/Drain at village Kantrili (from main street H/O Saleem to H/O Zaman (Late) Ward No 4(PCC 7909 cft,Drain 1735 rft)(Rs 2.500 M) 11 Construction of Small 5.500 110000/- 10000/- 199/XEN/LG & CD As per Bridge village Gorsian RWP/2016-17 work (Lehri Gadari Road) UC Dated.08-03-2017 order Lehri Tehsil Sohawa. 12 Construction of PCC 2.500 50000/- 10000/- 200/XEN/LG & CD As per Street/Sewerate Nullah at RWP/2016-17 work Channi (from H/O Adalt, Dated.08-03-2017 order Sajjad, Hashmat& Masjid to road), uc Madu Kalas, Tehsil Dina (PCC 2919 cft) 13 Construction of PCC 7.500 150000/- 10000/- 201/XEN/LG & CD As per Street/Drain in village RWP/2016-17 work Chitten (from H/O Tasawer Dated.08-03-2017 order & Liaqat Ali via Masjid & H/O Allah Ditta to H/O Khair Mehdi) UC Monan, Tehsil Dina (PCC 6633 cft, Drain 1917 rft)(Rs 2.500 M) Construction of Culvert (from Gharmala to Kantrila road)and PCC Approach Path at Village Kuntrila (PCC 719 Cft) (Rs 2.500 M) Construction of Retaining Wall/ Cleaning & Digging of Pond village Chittan (ward No 6), UC Monan, Tehsil Dina (Rs 2.500 M) 14 Construction of PCC 5.000 100000/- 10000/- 202/XEN/LG & CD As per Streets/Drain village Lota RWP/2016-17 work (from Majid to H/O Sultan Dated.08-03-2017 order Mehmood & Haroon) & village Chapper (H/O Qadeer, Ijaz to Janazagah) (PCC 6152 Cft Drain 905 rft) (Rs 2.500 M) Construction of PCC Streets/Drain Water Tank (for disposal of waste water ) in Jinnah Colony Qaisarabad (ward No 5) U.C Monan Tehsil Dina(PCC 4519 cft.Drain 2109 rft)(Rs 2.500 M) 15 Construction of PCC 2.500 50000/- 10000/- 203/XEN/LG & CD As per Street/Drain and retaining RWP/2016-17 work wall (5 ft high)at village Ara Dated.08-03-2017 order Jasrata (from H/O Nasir Hussain to H/O Khurram),UC Mughal Abad, Tehsil Dina (PCC 6479 Cft, Drain 575 rft) 16 Construction of PCC 2.500 50000/- 10000/- 204/XEN/LG & CD As per Street/Drain village Khai RWP/2016-17 work Kulia (school wali), UC Dated.08-03-2017 order Sanghoi, Tehsil Dina (PCC 3960 cft Drain 3143 rft) 17 Construction of PCC 2.500 50000/- 10000/- 205/XEN/LG & CD As per Street/Drain Mohallah Jada RWP/2016-17 work Makhdoom Abad Ward no Dated.08-03-2017 order 21 Jhelum City.Tehsil Jhleum (PCC 4666 cft, Drain 2400 rft) 18 Construction of PCC Street 2.500 50000/- 10000/- 206/XEN/LG & CD As per (main Road to RWP/2016-17 work Dispensary)/Nullah Dated.08-03-2017 order Kashmir Colony Rathian (from main road H/O Q ayum & Raja Habib to GT Road) (ward No 22), Tehsil Dina (PCC 3883 cft) 19 Construction of PCC 1.500 30000/- 10000/- 207/XEN/LG & CD As per Street/Drain Mohallah RWP/2016-17 work Ghaziabad Ward No 23 Dated.08-03-2017 order (Chohan Street), Tehsil Jhleum (PCC 2766 cft Drain 680 rft) (MC Jhelum) Total (NA-62 100.000 NA-63 PP-27,UCs-8 Nos 1 Construction of PCC 2.500 50000/- 10000/- 208/XEN/LG & CD As per Street/Drain village RWP/2016-17 work Arianabad (from Chak Dated.08-03-2017 order Shadi Stop to Arianabad to Masjid Gulzar e Madina)UC Chak Shadi, Tehsil PD Khan (Drain 415 rft, PCC 6975 cft) 2 Construction of PCC Street 2.500 50000/- 10000/- 209/XEN/LG & CD As per (4989 cft)/Drain village RWP/2016-17 work Pindi Bhaikh
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