... Section Grosse Pointe ews A ----------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------- ---------------- - --- ------- -- ------------ ---- --- 'ubll.h.' o. Seeolt' Clo•• MoHo•• 1 th. JOe , .. C.Pl' 44 Pages-Three Sections VOL.42-NO. 51 'olt Office 01 PIt.olt, Mlchl,oll GROSSE POINTE, MICHIG,A.N, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1981 $13 '0. Veo. Bed cut suit stops hospital.parking deck plans submitted by any of the 61 hosiptals By Tom Greenwood The projects include the joint pur- for the Reduction of Excess Hospital in the six overbedded sub-areas. chase of a -full-body Computer As- Capacity in Southeastern Michigan, which was approved by the Statewide Officials at Bon Secours and sisted Tomographic (CAT) Scanner According to Madge Lawson, direc. Cotta-ge~Bon Seeours Health Coordination Council (SHCC) Cottage Hospitals have expressed at a cost of $903,000 to both institu- tor of Public Relations at Cottage tions; the transfer of Cottage's ob- last month. regret at the legal roadblock set Hospital, the institution still remains in their paths to acquiring cer- stetric service to Bon Secours and the joint ventures stymied Bon Secours and Cottage, along construction of a $3.5 million, four fully committed to the projects co- tificates of need from the state with the three hospitals filing the level parking structure at Cottage, ordinated with Bon Secours, plus the for three related projects. Cottage and Bon Secours are pre- The restraining order was issued restraining order, are among 61 hos- vented from approaching the Michi- by Ingham County Circuit Judge proposed construction of the parking TENTATIVELY proposed to front pitals in six over bedded sub.areas in J\ lempOUl.)' l"t,,,lldiuiul> u~Jef wa .. J~ncs. T. K:.Bm::n in :esp0!!Se to ? Muir Road, the structure (underwrit- ~~n D~lJ'1rlJl1t~u~ vi. lI.4UU(; lIi.:«Hh d('rJ.:. filed last month in Ingham County (!\tDPH) for final approval of their request in a suit filed by Brent Gen- Wayne, Macomb and southern Oak. Circuit Court preventing the Execu- ten solely by Cottage), would house projects and granting of certificates eral and Doctors Hospitals in Detroit, land counties. "We have a number of deeds on tive Committee of the Comprehensive 350 cars and contain an underground of need. and Dearborn Medical Centre Hos- file," she said. "HopeCully this prob- Health Planning Council of South- warehouse and office area that would pital, Dearborn. Pending a Jan, 27, 1982 hearing, on lem can be cleared up quickly and that suit, CHPC-SEM, MDPH, and we can get the ball rolling. Until eastern Michigan (CHPC-SEM) from connect to the main hospital via an All hospitals in Michigan must ob- giving the go ahead to the three pro- tain the certificates before advancing The three institutions have been SHCC have been restrained from any then, we're stapped and there's ab- jects submitted to the council by Bon underground tunnel. any projects, or face possible loss oC targeted for consolidation or merger actions in implementing excess capac. solutely nothing we can do, no matter Secours and Cottage. Without the okay from CHPC-SEM, license. in CHPC.SEM's Second Cycle Plan ity plans, including reviewing projects how eager we are to begin work." Panel rules Ford House is taxable By Tom Greenwood can do so only by prior arrangement other help to those in need," and are not admitted unless their names appear on the guard's list at The tribunal said the estate was The Edsel & Eleanor Ford acting as a charitable institution the gate house. House in Grosse Pointe Shores when it allowed the premises to be lost the first round in its bid to A fee of $3 for adults, $2 for senior used for fund raisIng efforts by the be declared a tax exempt char- citizens and $1 for children is charged. Ronald McDonald (a non-profit sup- itable institution. Alandt said the fee would be waived 'port facility for Children's Hospital if a person were unable to pay. He in Detroit), but these efCorts were In a Tuesday, Dec, 1 opinion, also testified the home was open to outweighed by the use of the prop. the Michigan Tax Tribunal ruled the public on sJ)eclflc dates, arid on erty by groups such as employes of the property is not a totally the average, had been available for Sabena Airlines, the Site Selection charitable estate and must pay public visits (usually Sunday) twice Committee for the RepublIcan Na. taxes to the Shores, Lake Town- a month since Nov., 1980. tional Convention, the Used Car Guidebook Publishers of North ship and South Lake schools. In offering the opinion, Presiding America, the Lawyers Wives of Hearing Officer Claris Kaye Cwlrko Michigan, the Veteran Motor Car The home paId its 19BO taxes ruled that while the home was par- ($55,000 to the schools and $28,000 Club of America, the AmerIcan WIne Pholo by Tom Greenwood tially charitable, it falled to meet all to the Shores) under protest and has Society, the American Natural Re. Working hard at having fun, these North to right) Sheryl Boardman, Tammy Johnston. four requirements used to test and sources Company, the delegates to not yet paid its 1981 taxes, according qualify for tax exempt status. High School students helped spread some Christ- Chris Schade, Lisa Taylor, Peggy King, Marty to Shores officials. the Republican National Convention, mas cheer last week by packaging and deliver- Meldrun and Cindi Tsangalhis. The flower sale To qualify, an institution must be the Venezuelan Ford dealers, the ing poinsettias to area customers. Taking a was a fund raiser for the class of 198t In her will, Eleanor Ford suggested incorporated under the laws of Michi. Grand Trunk Eastern Railroad com- break from the flower assembly line are <left that a private foundation be created gan; be a non-profit theater, library, pany and other similar organizations. to o\'ersee the property and directed educational, scientific or charitable that the foundation be organized ex- institution; be the owner and occu. In reviewing the scheduled activi- clusively for charitable purposes. pant of the real property; and occupy ties at the home between Jan. 1 and !!ps on.'k~r9sene>~al.e Dec. 31, 1979, the tribunal said it Among her suggestions were that the proper!.)' solely for the purpose • for which the institution was In. found that of a -total of 80 events, the estate be used for activities such only 31, or 38,75 percent could clear. corporated. as conference and receptions, exhibi- iy be identified as fund raising bene. tions of works of art, lectures and The tax tribunal, while conceding fits for charitable organizations. Heater issue runs hot, cold symposiums, concerts, recitals and the validity of the first and third other musical events, transient quar. during a power outage or for heating packaged containers. While bulk kero- criteria in applying to the Ford For the calendar year 1980, the By Tom Greenwood ters for artists, lecturers, authors, figure was even lower, said the trio a garage while you work on the car, sene is cheaper, it's a fire hazard that home, nevertheless had trouble ac scientists and other prominent people bunal. Only 32 out of 138 activities "Now is the winter of our discon- the units are just perfect." must be stored in separate fire- cepting the second and fourth reo visiting Michigan, could be so classified, for a 23.2 tent" - and it appears things are proofed buildings. quirements. going to get worse. As outside tern. The only area hardware store that Mrs. Ford left a $15 million endow- per~ent average. -peratures drop and gas bills rise, doesn't carry the heaters is Bachman "I also have doubts about their ment for maintenance and operation IN EFFECT, the tribunal said that though the estate had declared itself In response, Foundation represen- more and more consumers are scram- Paint and Hardware. Store owner safely. I don't like the idea of any of the estate. tatives testified that "99 percent of bling to find ways to keep warm and Herb Bachman has doubts about the burning unit in a closed building, a charitable institution, that did not In testifying before the tribunal, on the surface qualify it as such. the sponsoring organizations were save money. units. Anything that burns gives off carbon non-profit, charitable organizations monoxide. Maybe I'm wrong, but Paul Alandt, executive director of the Many believe they've discovered Drawing on definitions from Web- whose purpose in using the Ford "I've seen a lot of ads about them, that's the way I see it." Foundation, said that only non profit the answer in portable, kerosene and we've had some inquiries from organizations are permitted to use ster's New World Dictionary of the House facilities was to raise funds," heaters. Light weight, portable and customers, but they don't seem like a That's not to say many kerosene the Ford Home facilities. Many of American Language defining charit- In judging that the property was fueled by pure kerosene, the heaters good item to us," he said. heaters haven't been tested. them are charged a $1 per member able and charity, the tribunal said not exempt from taxation, the trio are undergoing great popularity at "preservation fee," he said. the home would be considered a bunal affirmed the 19BO and 1981 "I have real doubts about the econ. the moment. Underwriters Laboratories (UL), charitable institution if it was "kind omy of the heaters. Kerosene can cost He also said members of the public and generous, in giving money or (Continued on Page 2A) They vary in size from 8,200 BTU's as much as $5 a gallon in pre- (Continued on Page 2A) wishing to tour the house and grounds (British Thermal Units) at $169 to 19,500 BTU's at around $280.
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