THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XLI. NUMBER 12349. NEW YORK, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1913. PRICE, 3 CENTS. THE CITY RECORD. Department," the following: "2 Sanitary Engineers," and by including in the Competi- tive Class, part 4 (the Inspection Service), group 5, Inspectors, Miscellaneous, the title : "Sanitary Engineer." Dr. Marion B. McMillan, Assistant Sanitary Superin- OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. tendent of the Department of Health, appeared in behalf of the proposed amend- Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the ment. There were no other appearances and the Chair declared the hearing closed. BOARD OF CITY RECORD. The Commission then went into regular session and the minutes of the meeting ARDOLPH L. KLINE, MAYOL held November 5, 1913, were approved. ARCHIBALD R. WATSON, CoaroaATIoN COUNSEL. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, CoMrxaou.zL On motion, the matter of the proposed amendment of paragraph 4 of rule 7 of the Rules of the Municipal Civil Service Commission was laid over. DAVID FERGUSON, SUPERVISOL On motion, the application of the Commissioner of the Department of Health for Supervisor's Office, Park Row Building, 13-21 Park Row. an amendment of the classification by striking from the exempt class for his depart- Published daily, at 9 a. m. except legal holidays, at Nos. 96 and 98 Reade street (north side), ment "2 Sanitary Engineers" and including in the competitive class, part 4 (the In- between West tfroadway and church street, New York City. spection Service), group 5 (Inspectors, Miscellaneous), the title "Sanitary Engineer" Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 3 cents a copy. was denied. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the City employees), Two Dol- Harry E. Carver of 15 North 8th st., East Orange, N. J., failed to appear, as lars; Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly dis- trict; Law Department Supplement, 10 cents; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents directed, to show cause why his name should not be removed from the eligible list each section; postage prepaid. of Assistant Electrical Engineer for the reason that he was not a resident of the ADVERTISING: Copy for publication in the CITY Rscotw must be received at least TWO (2) State of New York. On motion, it was days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before Resolved, That the name of Harry E. Carver of 15 North 8th st., East Orange, publication, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date .fixed for the first insertion. N. J., be and the same hereby is removed from the eligible list' of Assistant Electrical COPY for publication in the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. Engineer for the reason that he is not a resident of the State of Nw York, and is, Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. therefore, ineligible for appointment under the recent ordinance of the Board of Aldermen requiring residence in the State of New York by all employees of the city government. TABLE OF CONTENTS. The following resolutions were adopted after a hearing of each of the candidates mentioned therein relative to former employment records : Assessors, Board of— Municipal Civil Service Commission— Resolved, That the name of Lorenz J. Scheid of 219 E. 3d st., New York City, Completion of Assessments 12003 Minutes of Meeting Held November be and the same hereby is removed from the eligible list of Fireman under the pro- Notice to Present Claims for Damages 12002 12, 1913 11985 visions of clause 14 of rule 7 (unsatisfactory character), and placed upon the list Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Depart. Notices of Examinations 12012 ment of— Municipal Court of The City of New of persons disqualified for employment in the city service. Proposals 12002 York— Resolved, That the name of Arthur L. Hanfman of 681 Eagle ave., New York Board Meetings 12006 Assignments of. Justices for the Year City, be and the same hereby is removed from the eligible list of Fireman under the Bridges, Department of— 1914 11998 Auction Sale 12009 Normal College of The City of New York— provisions of clause 14 of rule 7 (unsatisfactory character). Proposals 12009 Notice of Examination 12013 Resolved, That the disqualification appearing against the following named candi- Bronx, Borough of— Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Build- dates on the eligible list of Fireman be and the same hereby is removed : John S. Proposals 12010 ings, etc. 12016 Brooklyn, Borough of— Official Directory 11999 Holdsworth, 2016 Himrod st., Brooklyn, N. Y.; Thomas F. J. Powell, 43 Vandam st., Proposals 12013 Parks, Department of— New York City. Report for Week Ending November Abstract of Proceedings for the Week 29 1913 11999 Ending December 13, 1913 11997 The following resolutions were adopted after a hearing of each of the candidates Change of Grade Damage Commission— Proposals 12002 mentioned therein relative to arrests: Time and Place of Meetings 12002 Police Department— Resolved, That the disqualification appearing against the following-named candi- Changes in Departments, etc 11997 Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Prop. dates on the eligible. City Record Board of- erty 12011 list of Fireman be and the same hereby is removed : Rudolph Proposals 12005 Public Charities, Department of— Wissel, 566 W. 36th st., New York City; Joseph A. Barnes, 616 E.161st st., New York Docks and Ferries, Department of— Proposals 12011 City; William Kammer, 420 Eldert lane, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Robert W. Conley, 263 W. Proposals 12009 Synopsis of Proceedings for the Week 19th. st., New York City; Donald J. Slattery, 233 Leonard st., Brooklyn, N. Y.; George Education, Department of— Ending December 13, 1913 11996 C. Lantelme, 263 W. 153d st., New York City. Proposals 12011 Public Service Commission, First District— Estimate and Apportionment, Board of— Calendar for Week Commencing De- Resolved, That the name of Adam J. Janson of 2362 Crotona ave., New York City, Notice of Public Hearings—Franchise cember 22, 1913 11985 be and the same hereby is removed from the eligible list of Firemen under the pro- Matters 12004 Proposals 12010 visions of clause 14 of rule 7 (unsatisfactory character). Notice of Public Hearings — Public Queens, Borough of— Improvement Matters 12003 Proposals 12005 The Commission then considered a report dated November 5, from the Examiner Finance, Department of— Richmond, Borough of— in Charge of the Bureau of Investigation, relative to the employment record of Ed- Abstract of Transactions for Weeks Proposals 12009 mond J, A. Fahey of 4547 3d ave., Manhattan, New York City, whose case had been Ending November 1 and 8, 1913 11993 Street Cleaning. Department of— Confirmation of Assessments 12006 Proposals 12009 -taken up at the meeting of the Commission held October 29, 1913. After considera- Corporation Sale of Buildings 12007 Supreme Court, First Department— tion of the report, on motion, it was Interest on City Bonds and Stock 12008 Filing Bills of Costs 12014 Resolved, That the name of Edmond J. A. Fahey of 4547 3d ave., New York City, Notice of Sale of Tax Liens, etc 12008 Filing of Final Reports 12014 Sureties on Contracts 12008 Filing of Preliminary Abstracts 12014 be and the same hereby is removed from the eligible list of Fireman under. the pro- Vouchers Received December 20, 1913 11992 Hearings on Qualifications 12015 visions of clause 14 of rule 7 (unsatisfactory character) and placed upon the list of Warrants Made Ready for Payment December 20, 1913 11990 Supreme Court, Second Department— persons disqualified for employment in the city service. Fire Department— Filing Bill of Costs 12015 A report (C-978) dated November 10 from Mr. Leonhard Felix Fuld, Examiner, Proposals 12012 Filing of Preliminary Abstracts 12015 relative to Mrs. Mary E. McInerney, a candidate for Telephone Operator, Board of Health, Department of— Hearings on Qualifications 12015 Amendments to Sanitary Code 12013 Supreme Court, Third Judicial District- Water Supply, whose case had been considered at a previous meeting of the Commis- Proposals 12012 App]ications for Appointment of Com- sion, was then read. After consideration of the matter, on motion, it was Instructions to Bidders for Work to be missioners 12016 Resolved, That the disqualification appearing against the name of Mrs. Mary E. Water Supply, Board of— Done or Supplies to be Furnished 12016 McInerney of 508 1st ave., Manhattan, New York City, on the eligible list of Tele- Manhattan, Borough of— Proposals 12009 Auction Sale 12008 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Depart- phone Operator, Board of Water Supply, be and the same hereby. is removed. Proposals 12008 ment of— On the recommendation of the Committee on Transfers the following transfers 12005 Municipal Civil Service Commission— Proposals were approved: Hearing on Proposed Amendment to Report of Transactions for Week End- Classification 12012 ing November 29, 1913 11997 Louis C. Connolly, from the position of Examiner at $3,000 per annum in the De- partment of Health to that of Auditor at $3,000 per annum in that department. William J. Curtin, Clerk at $600 per annum, from the Tenement House Depart- ment to the Fire Department. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION-FIRST DISTRICT. Joseph Kosins, Clerk, from Bellevue and Allied Hospitals at $750 per annum, to the office of the Commissioners of Accounts at $900 per annum. No. 154 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Walter P. Roessler, Clerk at $600 per annum, from the Tenement House .De- Calendar for the Week Commencing December 22, 1913. partment to the Department of Street Cleaning. Monday, December 22, 1913-10.30 a. m.—Room 305—Case No.
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