“Upholding the Universe by His Word of Power” Hebrews 1:3 Editorial Introduction to Papers from the Redeeming Reason II Conference 89 Terry Morrison with assistance from John Mulholland Conference Talks Warfare and Wedlock: Redeeming the Faith-Science Relationship 91 Ian H. Hutchinson Integration and Confrontation of Contemporary Worldviews: 102 Pattle Pun Evolution and Intelligent Design Epiphany for a Small Planet: Christology, Astronomy and Mutuality 110 Alan Padgett The Professor and the Pupil: 119 Calvin B. DeWitt Addressing Secularization and Disciplinary Fragmentation in Academia Art Eyes Science About the Butterfly 128 Harry Lee Poe Articles A Third Alternative to Concordism and Divine Accommodation: 129 Carol A. Hill The Worldview Approach How Old Is It? How Do We Know? A Review of Dating Methods—Part Three: 136 Davis A. Young Thermochronometry, Cosmogenic Isotopes, and Theological Implications Essay Review Assessing the RATE Project 143 Randy Isaac Book Reviews Alone in the World? Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology 147 J. Wentzel van Huyssteen An Inconvenient Truth: 147 Al Gore The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It Christian Ethics and the Moral Psychologies 148 Don S. Browning Peril in Paradise: Theology, Science, and the Age of the Earth 148 Mark S. Whorton Science and Nonbelief 149 Taner Edis Is Belief in God Good, Bad or Irrelevant? 150 Preston Jones, ed. Science & Religion: A Critical Survey 150 Holmes Rolston III Beyond Paradise: Technology and the Kingdom of God 151 Jack Clayton Swearengen The God Effect: Quantum Entanglement, Science’s Strangest Phenomenon 152 Brian Clegg Beauty in Science and Spirit 152 Paul H. Carr Health and Human Flourishing: Religion, Medicine, and Moral Anthropology 152 Carol R. Taylor and Roberto Dell’oro, eds. Science and Religion, 1450–1900 153 Richard Olson My Einstein: Essays by Twenty-Four of the World’s Leading Thinkers on the Man, 153 John Brockman, ed. His Work, and His Legacy The Intelligibility of Nature: How Science Makes Sense of the World 154 Peter Dear The Person of the Millennium 155 Manfred Weidhorn Francis Crick: The Discoverer of the Genetic Code 155 Matt Ridley The Cosmic Mystique 156 Henry A. Garon The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design 157 Leonard Susskind Intelligent Thought: Science vs. The Intelligent Design Movement 157 John Brockman, ed. Darwin Strikes Back: Defending the Science of Intelligent Design 158 Thomas Woodward Theistic Evolution: Did God Create through Evolution? 159 Mark W. Swarbrick A Biblical Case for an Old Earth 160 David Snoke A Little Primer on Humble Apologetics 160 James W. Sire The Reason Driven Life 161 Robert M. Price In the Beginning: Bibles Before the Year 1000 161 Michelle Brown, ed. Introduction to New and Alternative Religions in America 162 Eugene V. Gallagher and W. Michael Ashcraft, eds. Fabricating Jesus: How Modern Scholars Distort the Gospels 162 Craig Evans Fossils and Faith: Finding Our Way through the Creation Controversy 163 Thea Nyhoff Leunk Discover Creation and Science 163 Faith Alive Christian Resources Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy 164 Noam Chomsky The Republican War on Science 165 Chris Mooney This Side of Heaven: Race, Ethnicity, and Christian Faith 165 Robert J. Priest and Alvaro L. Nieves, eds. Daily Life of Christians in Ancient Rome 166 James W. Ermatinger Letters 166 Volume 59, Number 2 June 2007 Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith Manuscript Guidelines © 2007 by the American Scientific Affiliation The pages of Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith (PSCF) are open to Editor original, unpublished contributions that interact with science and Christian faith ROMAN J. MILLER (Eastern Mennonite University) in a manner consistent with scientific and theological integrity. Published papers do not reflect any official position of the American Scientific Affiliation. 4956 Singers Glen Rd., Harrisonburg, VA 22802 [email protected] 1. After June 30, 2007, submit all manuscripts (except Book Reviews) to: Arie Leegwater, Editor, Calvin College, De Vries Hall, 1726 Knollcrest Cir SE, Incoming Editor Grand Rapids, MI 49546-4403. E-mail: [email protected]. Submissions are ARIE LEEGWATER (Calvin College) typically acknowledged within 10 days of their receipt. Grand Rapids, MI 49546 2. Authors must submit an electronic copy of the manuscript formatted in [email protected] Word either on a floppy disk or as an email attachment. Typically 2–3 anonymous reviewers critique each manuscript submitted for publication. Managing Editor 3. Use endnotes for all references. Each note must have a unique number. LYN BERG (American Scientific Affiliation) Follow The Chicago Style Manual (14th ed., sections 15.1 to 15.426). PO Box 668, Ipswich, MA 01938-0668 4. While figures and diagrams may be embedded within the Word text file of the [email protected] manuscript, authors are required to also send them as individual electronic files (JPEG or TIFF format). Figure captions should be provided as a list at the Book Review Editor end of the manuscript text. Authors are encouraged also to submit a sample of RICHARD RUBLE (John Brown University) graphic art that can be used to illustrate their manuscript. 212 Western Hills Dr., Siloam Springs, AR 72761 ARTICLES are major treatments of a particular subject relating science to a [email protected] Christian position. Such papers should be at least 2,000 words but not more Editorial Board than 6,000 words in length, excluding endnotes. An abstract of 50–150 words is required. Publication for such papers normally takes 9–12 months from the JERRY D. ALBERT, San Diego Water Production Lab time of acceptance. STEPHEN BELL, University of Dundee, Scotland RAYMOND H. BRAND, The Morton Arboretum COMMUNICATIONS are brief treatments of a wide range of subjects of interest RICHARD H. BUBE, Stanford University to PSCF readers. Communications must not be longer than 2700 words, JEANNE BUNDENS, Eastern University excluding endnotes. Communications are normally published 6–9 months from HARRY COOK, The King’s University College, Canada the time of acceptance. EDWARD B. DAVIS, Messiah College NEWS & VIEWS are short commentaries on current scientific discoveries or OWEN GINGERICH, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for events, or opinion pieces on science and faith issues. Lengths range from 200 Astrophysics to 1,500 words. Submissions are typically published 3–6 months from the time JOHN W. HAAS, JR., Gordon College of acceptance. WALTER R. HEARN, Berkeley, California RUSSELL HEDDENDORF, Covenant College STUDENT AND EARLY CAREER SCIENTISTS CORNER contains varied D. GARETH JONES, University of Otago, New Zealand autobiography submissions, science and faith articles, as well as notices of CHRISTOPHER KAISER, Western Theological interest to undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students and young Seminary science professionals at the beginning of their career. Submissions are encour- GORDON R. LEWTHWAITE, California State aged and typically published 3–6 months from the time of acceptance. University, Northridge BOOK REVIEWS serve to alert the readership to books of interest and provide a H. NEWTON MALONY, Fuller Theological Seminary valuable source for reference. Readers are encouraged to review books in their JOHN A. McINTYRE, Texas A&M University scientific fields which have implications for the Christian faith. Guidelines for SARA MILES, Eastern University book reviewers and a list of books available for review are available from the KEITH B. MILLER, Kansas State University Book Review Editor: Richard Ruble, 212 Western Hills Dr., Siloam Springs, DAVID MOBERG, Marquette University AR 72761 or [email protected] The viewpoints expressed in the books STANLEY W. MOORE, Pepperdine University reviewed, and in the reviews themselves, are those of the authors and reviewers GEORGE L. MURPHY, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, respectively, and do not reflect an official position of the ASA. Akron, OH ROBERT C. NEWMAN, Biblical Theological Seminary LETTERS to the Editor concerning PSCF content may be published unless EVELINA ORTEZA Y MIRANDA, University of Calgary, marked not for publication. Letters submitted for publication must not be longer Canada than 700 words and will be subject to editorial review. Letters are to be submitted WALTER R. THORSON, Calgary, Alberta, Canada as electronic copies. Letters accepted for publication will be published within PETER VIBERT, Wading River Congregational Church 6 months. JOHN L. WIESTER, Westmont College ART EYES SCIENCE portrays original, unpublished items that integrate art, EDWIN M. YAMAUCHI, Miami University (Ohio) science, and faith. Submissions may be in any art form that can be depicted in DAVIS A. YOUNG, Calvin College a print journal and may include poetry, musical score, drawings, photography, KELLY A. STORY, Copy Editor short prose, or meditative thoughts. Submissions with text must be less then 300 words. Three paper copies and one electronic copy (Word document for ROBERT GREENHOW, Book Review Expert Reader text, JPG or TIFF for visual) of the item are to be sent to the editor for peer review prior to publication. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith (ISSN 0892-2675) is published quarterly for $35 ADVERTISING is accepted in PSCF, subject to editorial approval. 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