The Davie Record DAVIE COUNTY’S ODDEST NEW SPAPER-THE PAPER THE PEOPLE READ mHERE SHALL THE PRVSS, THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN: UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN.” VOLUMN XLVII. MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, NOVFMBER 7 . 194 5 . NUMBER 15 NEWS OF LONG AGO. Young People and Qeao Racial Record Haunts Peace Time Military Wall-Hutchins Seen Along Main Street Living Brynes Training Is Un-Ameri­ The wedding of Miss Nelda By The Street Rambler. Vhal Was Happening In Danie Hutchins and Thomas L. Wall 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rev. Walter G. Isenhour. Hiddenite. N. C. Wisdom of the appointment of Before The New Deal Ueed Up was solemnized in a 7 o’clock ce­ Mack Kimbrough, Jr., shaking James F. Byrnes as Secretarv of can When we spoak of clean living remony Friday evening, Oct. 26th, hands with old friends—Ernest The Alphabet, Drowned The State is the subject of increasing We hear a lot of talk these days we think of it from four stand­ at die home of the officiating min­ Hunt doing afternoon shopping— Hogt and Plowed Up The discussion in view of Byrnes’ well ahout compulsary military train­ points, namely, physically, men­ ister, Rev. G. W. Fink, on Salis­ JimKelly enjoying cold drink— known record on the question of ing in peace time. We hear and Cotton and Corn. tally, morally and spiritually. Ev­ bury street. The single ring cere­ Hungry man leoking at country racial discrimination. read arguments both pro and cou. ery youth should keep his body mony of the Methodist Church ham—Mrs. Raymond Siler hunt­ (Davie Record, Nov. 7. 1923) Since Byrnes was the first Tru­ W e are told that a public opinion clean, refusing to go nasty and fil­ was used. ing bananas—Mlss KathleenBlack W. B. Horn, of Roxboro, spent thy. He should keep his mind man appointment, and by virtue of survey showed that die majority The couple was attended by carrying large bag 6 f groceries— Sunday in tcjjvn with relatives and that appointment weuld succeed to of Americans favored this training. clean; for a clean mind means no­ Miss Laura Grey Bowles and For­ War bride wearing broad smile friends. the Presidency, in the event of a But it would seem sensible to as­ ble iiying. No one with a mind rest Whitaker. as her husband gets off of bus— Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh vacancy, hts record already threat­ sume that Americans havo had filled and polluted with evil, sin For her nuptials the bride chose Miss Blanche Brown shopping in Frost, of R. 2, on last Tuesday, a ens among controversy among the enough of militarism after this and wickadness can rise high in a brown wool suit with matching meat market—Miss Daisy Mae Iz- daughter. New deals strange bedfellows—the gigantic war. life. His mental filthiness will de­ accessories. Her corsage was -of vin hurrying up Mainstreet—Miss Attorney Jacob Stewart made a city bosses red .-nd-pink socialists, The business of the military is feat him. Theneveryyouth should pink rosebuds. Ruth Spry looking at big display business trip to Charlotte the past and the South’s Bourbons to wage war. A nation with a live clean morally. For to be un­ Mrs. Wall is the daughter of of Christmas toys in store win­ week. Here ate a few Byrnes polemics hugh military machine is always clean morally means that one is Mr. and Mrs. Troy M. Hutchins, dow—Quinton Smith talking to Clarence Hendricks and Frank now being reared by the Comrades the first nation to become invol­ victor over the degrading, deprav­ of Mocksville, R. 2 , and graduated buddies in dime store—Miss Ann Stroud made a business trip to from his record Congress ved in a war. ing, demoralizing principals and from Farmington High School. Grant talking about small dog— Conover Saturday. "Notwithstanding the superior With the birth of the “United things of life that bring defeat. Mr. Wall is (he son of Mr. and Gaither Sanford explaining feat­ G. W. Booe, of Winston-Salem, intellect and the superior education­ Nations Charter.” We say we will Above all, every youth should be Mrs. C. L. Wall, of Oak Grove. ures of new Ford automobile— was in town Friday shaking hands al advantages of the white men by have permanent Peace. B ut clean spiritually. Usually elean H e is employed at Cooleemee. Miss Anice Lou Foster entering with old fnends. some strange operation it has been doesn’t it look ridicilous, and also spiritual living includes all deanli- Mr. and Mrs. W all will make cafe—Officer wending way slowly Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Gaither, almost impossible for a Democrat to show a lack of faith i n the nest. However, one may be zlean their home on R. 2. down Main street talking with of Harmony, R. I, were in town secure a position in the Railway “Charter,” to begin to prepare for in body, clean in mind, dean in friend—G. O. Boose back on his Friday shopping. Mail Service. the next war before the air is free morals, and yet n ot have a clean, old job of instilling wisdom into Mrs. C. R. Johnson and child­ "In my own district, more than of the stench of the death of this News Swats Democrats pure heart, roul and spirit. This the minds of young America. ren spent several days last week requires the cleansing, purifying 8 0 per cent of the railway mail recent war? The Daily News, which can with relatives at Mooresville. blood of Jesus. Again, one may clerks are negroes, and a similar Military training of U. S. youths hardly be placed among the most Wants Eight Army Sons Miss Ossie Allison returned last be clean mentally, motally and condition exists wherever Republi un-American! If this policy is credulous of purveyors of public in we*k from Durham where she spiritually and foil to . keep his cans have restored to the civil ser­ approval it will be another mortal formation in these parts, has for For Oiristmas visited Miss Thelma Thompson. body es clean as he should, Ev­ vice to secure positions ” blow at our American way of life. years been aware of imperfection in A father in Junction City, Kan­ Mrs. W. W. Stroud, of Wins­ ery youth who lives dean physi­ And again he said: America must not be allowed to the treatment of mental patients in sas, has asked government aid in ton-Salem, spent the week-end in cally, mentally, morally and spiri­ " lo r a long time we failed to become a militaristic powers. Why our state hospitals. Indeed, with­ gathering together his family for town the guest of Mrs. C. Frank tually is sure to live nobly, He realize the danger of permitting the should we tread in the bloodstain­ out claimiraing any considerable re a Christmas reunion. You’d pro­ Stroud. walks uprightly before God and publication of revolutionary doc ed paths of our enemies when we suit, it can be said of the Daily bably ask for help, too, if your W. A. Foster has purchased a man. He wields a good influence trines in the foreign.language press. have just defeated Gormany and News that it has been trying to do family consisted'of eight sons dis­ lot in East Mocksville and has be­ wherever he goes, or wherever he Today they are under close surveil­ Japan trained their youth for war something about it. tributed over Japan, Okinawa, Eu­ gun the erection of a seven room lives, or at whatever he does. He lance and Iti like manner we should from the cradle up, but have raep. But we have all along realized rope and the United States. house. points to the higher, better, nob­ now prevent the IWW and the Bol ed terrible defeat. that the state as a whole must be John H. Jansen, 69, whote all Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Holleman ler and holier things of life. He sheviki of Russia from using the Now that the war is over A- interested to the point of accepting members of the Kansas Congtess- are moving into their pretty new makes his mark as he goes thru negro press press of America to merica must not continue to see responsibility for mental care. How ional Delegation, urging them to tile bungalow on Wilkesboro St., life, and will leave his mark be­ to further their nefarious pur. her youth dragged off to be train­ to do this without resort to politics support his request to the adjutant this week. hind him to bless mankind when poses.” ed to kill. Lift your voices a- and politicians we wouldn’t know, general of the United States. Jan' A. M. Stroud, of County Line, he is gone from this world. How And again: gainst this un-Americun policy! nor do we think Dr. Grorge Har. sen asked that furloughs be or­ and W. B. Mason, of Tumersbutg wonderful to so live! This is pos­ "A s to social equality, God Al- Let die rett of the world know rell, of the Bowman Gray School of dered for his six sons still in the R. I, were visitors here Thursday. sible. It is within the teach of mighty never intended that a white that we are not afraid to be free! Medicine at Winston-Salem, will army, so they might join the two Mt. and Mrs. J. Wade Hend­ every youth, every person, who race and a black race should live on ________ A READER.
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