PIERCE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY JANUARY 1970 TACOMA, WASHINGTON V O L XLI— NO. 1 (A.*t \ PIERCE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 13 _____________________ rittt.F.TIN of th * P-^CE County M edical Society Pierce County Medical Society 1970 OFFICERS Robert M. Ferguson President Robert \V. Florence President-Elect ............................. Rtchard T. Vimont Vice-President — - - George A. Tanbara Secretary-Treasurer --------------------- K j d Gordon Executive Secretary ----- TRUSTEES w 't o n BlackeU°nian T h e o d o r e " S m i t h , Robert P. Crabill Richard T Vlmcmt , | | g Robert*S^°Ferguson ^T^bara f , * Robert W. Florence Wayne W. Zimmerman DELEGATES Robert M. Ferguson K rma,i S,' ( * \ Robert W. Florence Edmund A. Kanar , , . , Kenneth D. Graham Robert W . Osborne \ Charles C. Reherger \ ALTERNATE DELEGATES \ ^ Dudley W . Houtz I). A. Marlatl >'*• Vernon O. Larson William W . Mattson, Jr. 1 Joseph G. Katterhagen John S. May ! Paul B. Smith, Jr. \ Ethics \ L. S. Baskin, Chairman \ Douglas ButtorfT G. M. Whitacre \ Grievance ^ Wayne W. Zimmerman, Chairman * \ James D. Lambing Charles P. Larson | Credentials \ John Alger, Chairman James Early E. A. Kanar J. McNerthney w m B x m m m n r n Richard T. Vimont, Chairman Public Relations Leo Annest, Chairman Public Health Harlan P. McNutt, Chairman rr> t » • C o v e r P i c t u r e : Off Point Television Defiance John Comfort, Chairman W i t h B o b K l e i n . James Billingsley Robert M. Ferguson Civil Disaster Arthur Wickstrom, Chairman Entertainment ___ ____ William Rohner, Chairman Diabetes Bernard Rowen, Chairman Legislative Stanley Tuell, Chairman Mental Health James W. Boudwin, Chairman School Health n \x Kenneth Pim, Chairman UeMaurice Moses T. Clark Alan Sobul Poison Control James L. Schneller, Chairman Health Planning James E. Hazelrigg, Chairman Liaison Dental— Kenneth Graham Pharmacy Lt. Col. Robert G. Scherz Optometries— Paul Smith, Jr. Editorial Board Marcel M a ld e S " '" C Reberectr' Editor Robert A. Kalisen W. TueU Auxiliary News Editor Mrs. Bernard Pipe Business Manager Judy Gordon BULLETIN o f the Piehce County M edical Society 3 How to give credit without waiting for your fee. It works this way. We’ll supply you with BankAmericard “payoff authorization cards” which you enclose with state­ ments to your patients. The card allows your patient to authorize you to transfer your fee to his BankAmericard account —just like any other purchase. Send the drafts to your Puget Sound National Bank branch and we’ll pay you immediately. And your patient can pay us later. Ask Chuck Holmes about it. He’s the man from BankAmeri­ card at LO 4-5819. We hope he’s just what the doctor ordered. Sound National Bank © Prescription Optical Company “Everything In Eyewear 205 Medical Arts Building Tacoma, Washington MArket 7-4151 Branches in . Madigan Hospital - Everett - Bremerton - Fort Lewis Building Designed by Johnson, Austin & Berg, Architects, f located in Spanaway N aH oltan r PUgM S°U"d For information please call- Terry Brink n o i n T V ? 0UN™ y b r o k e r s , i n c . _________“ Av‘-nuc Spanaway _ LE 7-8684 BULLETIN of the Pierce County Medical Society 5 PIERCE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETING Tuesday, January 13 Medical Arts Building Auditorium PROGRAM - - - 8:15 P.M. "DESIGN FOR PROGRESS" Mr. Peter Wallerich Social Hour: 6:00 Dinner: 6:45 Honan's Restaurant r n , ^ th r Ptf.hce County M ed.cal Society. January Calendar of Meetings 10 Hematology- Tac. Orthopedic C.P.C. of Surgery Grand Oncology Study Society— 6 p.m. Mary Bridge Rounds— T.G.H 8-9 a.m. Group— T.G.H. 8 a.m. 12 13 14 15 16 17 Pierce County Hematology- Medical Society OB-GYN Conf. C.P.C. of Oncology Study 8:15 p.m. T.G.H. St. Joseph’s - Group— T G H 8-9 a.m. 8:15 p.m. 8 a.m. C.P.C. of Mary Bridge— 8:15 a.m 19 20 21 22 23 24 Tacoma Surgical Club 6:30 p.m. Hemotology, Medicine Grand Oncology Study C.P.C. of Rounds— T.G.H. Group— T G H Mary Bridge 8-9 a.m. 8 a.m. 8 a.m. 26 27 28 29 30 Tacoma Acad, of 31 Internal Medicine Pierce County 6 p.m. Path. Cancer AACP— 6:30 p.m Cardiac Study Grp. Con.— T.G.H. T.G.H.— 7:30 am 8-9 a.m. C.P.C. of Mary Bridge— 8 am . "Glasses as your eye Since 1888 . three quarters o f a physician prescribes them” century of dignity and service at sensible prices. Contact Lenses — Artificial Eyes • Convenient location • Two beautiful chap«ls Columbian Optical Co. Plenty of parking Ground Floor, Medical Arts Bldg. Medical Center MORLEY-MELLINGER Lakewood fu n e r a l h o m e The Tacoma Mall 6Hi & Tacoma BR 2-3268 trust (trust) n. That which is committed or entrusted to one, as a duty, task, or charge. To children, trust is a simple and basic Bank of Washington. matter. May we assist you in the development To you, trust —and estate—planning is of your own ambitions for strong finan­ an important step toward a financial fu­ cial security? ture that is secure. It is basic, but it is not simple. BANK OF To help define and program this secur­ ity, many men and women rely on the experience of the Trust division of W ASHINGTON NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON/TACOMA, WASHINGTON / MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION BULLETIN of the Pierce County Medical Society NEW OFFICERS PRESIDENT R o b e r t M . F e r g u s o n PRESIDENT-ELECT R o b e r t w . F l o r e n c e , m BULLETIN o f the Fierce County Medical Society Each 5 cc. contain erythromycin estolate equivalent to 250 mg. PRESIDENT When mixed as directed, each S cc. will contain erythromycin ert M. Ferguson, m.d. estolate equivalent to 125 mg. erythromycin base. 'ulvule® contains erythromycin estolate equivalent to 125 mg, erythromycin base. Each Pulvule contains erythromycin estolate equivalent to 250 mg. I Company erythromycin base. Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 X Editorially Speaking WELCOME TO THE NEW EDITORIAL BOARD A much needed editorial board has been appointed by our new president. HAIL! The editor— Charles C. Reberger, M.D. The editorial board— Stan Tuell, M.D. George Race, M.D. Marcel Malden, M.D. R. Kallsen, M.D. Five stalwart re-writers will make a far better Bulletin. If you glance through some of the county medical bulletins, you will be amazed to see as many as 24 on the editorial staff. There are contributing editors, historical editors, book editors, associate editors, photography editors, etc. and not to mention business managers. So send in your contribution to the Bulletin. No one is a good writer. Some are good re-writers. Just to be sure there is a plug for my favorite avocation, there should be a conservation editor. Doctors are great conservationists. You will meet almost as many at the Friday noon Izaak Walton League Luncheon as you do at the monthly PCMS meeting. And don’t forget the Fly Fishermen’s Club, or the Pogy Club, the Mountaineers, the Sportsmen s Club, and many, many others. V BULLETIN of the Pierce County Medical Society _________ 11 When your Geriatric patient complains; due to cerebral vascular circulation MAINTAIN ADEQUATE CEREBRAL CIRCULATION with . ■ ■ RIPAVERINE ^ T (papaverine HCI, 150 mg) Dosage: One capsule every 12 hours. In difficult cases administration may be increased to one capsule every 8 hours or two capsules every 12 hours. RESEARCH INDUSTRIES CORP. Pharmaceutical Division / Salt Lake City, Utah 841 15 BULLETIN of the Pie r c e C o u n t y M e d ic a l So c ie t y COLLEGE OF MEDICAL EDUCATION A Gentle Reminder! CORONARY CARE UNIT Begins Wednesday, Jan. 7 To be held each Wednesday through April 1 — 7:30 - 9:45 p.m. Thompson Hall of Science — Room 420 University of Puget Sound Tuition — $50.00 Checks should be made out to "College of Medical Education” or “C.O.M.E.” and mailed to: Mr. Dale Bailey Director of Public Relations University of Puget Sound 1500 No. Warner Tacoma, Washington 98416 Attendance will be limited to 35 participants (Minimum: 20 participants) SPECIAL NOTE: A.A.G.P.: “Program is acceptable for 26 prescribed (Category 1) hours by the American Academy of General Practice.” BULLETIN o f the Pierce County Medical Society 13 Spacious, beautiful memorial chapel ed u ca tio n Choice of cemetery, mausoleum, cremation or columbarium Choice of type or manner of service UNIT Budget Terms Jan. 7 Available 1 — . :30 - 9:45 p.m. loom 420 B u c k ley - king nd CONVENIENTLY LOCATED • TACOMA AVE. AT SO. FIRST LARGE PARKING AREA Jedical Education" or SHAW SUPPLY HAS THESE SERVICES TO OFFER YOU AND YOUR PATIENTS ons ad • Your choice of the finest lines manufactured. • Experienced fitting for both men and women 416 . Surgical Supports . Belts . , Hosiery . articipants • Large selection of nurses' uniforms and doctor gowns. • Complete rental service for sick room supplies . Pick up and Delivery Service . • Factory trained repair service in our own shops. Serving The Pierce County Medical Profession Since 1904 or 26 prescribed 710 fawcett ave. A m erican tacoma 2, wash. :tice." h a w .r. ' c o m p a n y broadway 2-1125 incorporated PHYSICIANS' AND HOSPITAL SUPPLIES BULLETIN of the P ierce C o u n t y M e d ic a l S o c ie t y 14 r>X ■Farrell’s prescriptions , i n c .
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