Shopping Map of Salado on page 4C Salado illageillage oiceoice VOL. XXXVI, NUMBER 45VV THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2014 254/947-5321 FAX 254/947-9479VV SALADOviLLAGEVOICE.COM 50¢ Salamander ‘threatened’ The U.S. Fish and “This is a huge win for (which can dramatically Wildlife Service an- us (Bell County Coali- affect dissolved oxygen nounced last week it is list- tion),” Bell County Com- levels), catastrophic con- ing the Georgetown and missioner Tim Brown taminant spills, and leaks Salado salamanders, two said. “We still have a lot of harmful substances,” small amphibians found in of work to do but it will be the agency further stated springs and caves around so much easier without the in the Feb. 24, 2014 Fed- the Edwards Aquifer in endangered designation eral Register. central Texas, as threat- hanging over us.” “We (Bell County Co- ened under the Endan- According to Brown, alition) demonstrated a gered Species Act, due to FWS staffers have indi- commitment to funding degradation of their habi- cated that they have “been ongoing research targeted tat and changes in water impressed by our science- toward developing a bet- flow and quality. based approach to con- ter understanding of the At the same time, fronting this issue.” hydrogeologic system,” the Service is propos- “We made some com- Brown said. “This ap- ing a special rule for the pelling arguments,” he proach has paid off.” Georgetown salamander adds, “that the species Brown said that th Bell that would allow develop- should not be listed but County approach “is a ment activities to continue those arguments were model of how local regu- if they are in compliance based on clearly demon- latory and governmental Stacy and Ross Sproul are greeted by Salado ISD Trustees Jim Reed and Kim Bird with ordinances adopted strable facts.” agencies should address after the board voted unanimously Feb. 24 to hire Ross Sproul as the Salado High in December by William- “We emphasized the these issues.” School Principal. Sproul will start after the completion of the school year. son County and the City protections that are al- Brown praised the lead- of Georgetown to protect ready in place through ership of the Clearwater water quality. These ordi- Clearwater UWCD’s rules Underground Water Con- nances include steps to re- and regulations and we servation District. Trustees hire SHS Principal BY TIM FLEISCHER duce contamination from convinced them that there “They have put some Novotny, and Burt Smith) tive manner with students, EDitOR-in-CHIEF spills and establishment are no imminent threats serious money into re- interviewed nine can- employees, and parents of buffer zones around the beyond the immediate en- search,” Brown said. “If didates during the first to make it an even better species’ habitat. virons of the springs there we can strike the right bal- “Time and time again round interviews. That school,” Dr. Novotny said. “The Service’s deci- in the Village,” he added. ance between environmen- during the interview pro- committee chose Ross Prior to Lake Travis, sion to list these species In its announcement tal protection and the pro- cess, committee members Sproul as the top candi- Sproul was the Associ- reflects the best available and ruling, the FWS stated tection of property rights, told me that they wanted a date, but we invited the ate Principal in charge of science and a careful eval- that the Salado salamander everyone wins!” clone of Burt Smith,” Ross top 3 candidates back for curriculum and instruction uation of the comments has been found at seven The Service originally Sproul said after the Sal- second round interviews. at Westlake High School received from the public,” spring sites and that two proposed to list the species ado ISD Board of Trust- A third committee from 2008 to 2011. said Adam Zerrenner, the of these sites (Big Boiling as endangered in 2012, ees unanimously voted comprised of seven em- From 1999 until 2008, Service’s Austin Field and Li’l Bubbly Springs) which means they were to hire him as the Salado ployees and one parent (Jill Sproul was employed by Office Supervisor. “We are very close together and considered at risk of ex- High School principal be- Baumgart, JJ Jonas, Ra- the Humble ISD at King- will continue to work are likely one population. tinction throughout all or a ginning with the 2014-15 chel Lee, Cindy Mewhin- wood Park High School. with local communities, “Due to their very lim- significant portion of their school year. “Well, I have ney, Michael Novotny, He was assistant principal landowners and others to ited distribution, these range, but new scientific the hair down, but not sure Terri Seaton, Burt Smith, of the Kingwood Ninth ensure a healthy Edwards salamanders are especial- information received dur- about the rest.” and Jennifer Umpleby) Grade Campus from Janu- Aquifer for the communi- ly sensitive to stochastic ing the comment period Sproul, like Smith, interviewed those three ary 2004 through July ties and the species that incidences, such as severe brings with him admin- finalists during the second 2007. depend upon it.” and unusual storm events SEE LIStinG, PAGE 5A istrative experience from round interviews. All Sproul holds a Master much larger high schools. eight committee members of Education in Admin- He is the Associate unanimously chose Ross istration and Supervision Party primaries March 4, Principal in charge of cur- Sproul as the top candi- from University of Hous- riculum and instruction at date. ton. He has a bachelor of Lake Travis High School, “I spoke with several of science in biology from early voting ends Feb. 28 a position he has held Ross Sproul’s current and Stephen F. Austin State The final day for early will cast their ballots on cal decisions on candi- since July 2011. former supervisors, co- University and an associ- voting for the state’s up- March 4 at Salado Church dates, primary voters also The school had 50 ap- workers, and community ate of arts in social science coming primaries is 7 of Christ Activities Center, will decide who will be on plicants for the position, members and all of them from San Jacinto College. a.m.-7 p.m. Feb. 28. 225 N. Church St.. Pre- the ballot statewide this according to Superinten- said that he is an outstand- As a classroom science Primary day is March cinct 402 voters will cast fall in the races for gover- dent Michael Novotny A ing school leader,” Dr. No- teacher, Sproul was a state 4 with polls open 7 a.m.-7 their ballots at Southwest nor and U.S. senator. committee of six employ- votny said. “Sproul is an semifinalist for the H-E- p.m. Bell Fire Department, 258 Another detail impor- ees (KL Groholski, Lisa expert at curriculum and B Excellence in Teaching Six locations are open Triple 7 Trail, Killeen. tant for would-be voters Nix, Dr. Novotny, Joe Rex, instruction, course selec- award and was named the for early voting: Salado Voters are reminded to know, Berry said, is Susan Rushing and Burt tion, and ensuring students Teacher of the Year for the Civic Center, 601 N. Main that a current photo ID that the name on the photo Smith) reviewed the ap- are prepared for college Kingwood High School St.; Bell County Court- is needed to cast a ballot. ID must be “substantially plications and selected the and careers.” Ninth Grade Campus. house Annex, 550 East This will be just the sec- similar” to the name on candidates to interview. “We are very excited Sproul is married to 2nd Ave., Belton; Bell ond election with the ID the registration rolls. This Another committee of that he is going to be the Stacy. They have three County Annex, 301 Priest requirement. can present a problem for seven employees and one new Salado High School children: Jeb, 13, Raimy, 9 Dr., Killeen; Killeen Com- Texas Secretary of some - with marriage and parent (Tara Beaty, Ron Principal and I’m confi- and Kenady, 5. munity Center, 2201 East State Nandita Berry said divorce and other name Byrd, Chris Diem, Brent dent that he will continue “I look forward to com- Veterans Memorial Blvd., seven types of identifica- variations - but there is an Graham, Gloria Hodge, our tradition of excellence ing to Salado and becom- Killeen; Bell County An- tion are allowed. option. Anita Morales, Michael and work in a collabora- ing part of the community.” nex, 205 East Central “Either a Texas drivers “If a person gets to the Ave., Temple; Parks & license, a Texas personal polls and realizes that they Recreation Center, 307 ID, a concealed handgun forgot their ID at home, or Millers Crossing, Harker license, a U.S. passport, a if the name doesn’t quite Aldermen mull bond timeline BY TIM FLEISCHER sign concepts would be meetings, Reed would Heights. Registered Bell U.S. citizenship certificate match, they can always EDitOR-in-CHIEF presented and the board continue to update alder- County voters can vote at or a U.S. Military ID. If a vote a provisional ballot, would discuss the process men on the progress of any of these locations dur- voter doesn’t have any of and then they have six days Salado aldermen, at for hiring consultants for preparing to call the bond ing early voting. those, they can always go to go back and show their their Feb. 20 meeting, the design work. election. A list of candidates and to their local DPS and get photo ID,” she explained. discussed a bond timeline The consultant would Conceptual Plans and a propositions can be found an election identification With reporting by for the November election begin work in April to de- list of plan components, a on page 4A of this edition.
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