SEPTEMBER 1980 I'll" '-m E. M. Ilartin, Inc. SCOTT LONG CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors AIR CONDITIONING CONSTRUCTION HEATING—VENTILATING Phone 293-8177 GENERAL CONTRACTING 821 Albemarle AOBS Univeroity Drive Post Office Box 232 P. O. Box 749 Charlottesville, Va. Feirfex. Virginie 22030 Conimiinii'iitions, Inc. HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING Specialists in SUPERIOR IndusiriaU Police. Fire, FM. Two-Way Radio PAVING CORP. Com m iinica lion Consultants SERVING NORTHERN VIRGINIA Arlington & Vicinity ManafMS & Vicinity Sf. Rmg. #75539 Dial 703-671.9300 Dial 703-361-1919 or write Bex 379 2701 Sooth Nebon St. 703-631-0004 Arlington, Virginia 22206 CENTREVlUE, VA. 22020 VfeVc provided financial stability for area families since 1934... and we still do! For 46 years Richmond area real- Take a look at the variety of savings dents have counted on* Franklin Fed• programs we offer. All pay the highest eral to help them build for a more se• Interest the law allows and all are In• cure financial futiu^e. And, today we sured up to 8100.000 by the FSLIC. are still helping people reach their And with continuous compounding, financial goals. youll earn the highest possible yield as you earn Interest on your interest. Virginia's Oldest F.S.L.I.C.* Insured Savings and Loan Institution Franklin Federal W Main OHice 7th & Broad Street.^As Branc\/iMr;.«h office; AMs atH Villag I OAe ShoppinM wfgf Cenlei , Azalea Mall, Southside Plaza. East Gate Mall, and MechanicsvUle ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENTS for a life time of use Super-Highways Residential Streets See that your SUPER-HIGHWAYS are PAVED with modern HOT PLANT-MIXED ASPHALT CON• CRETE. TAX DOLLARS saved can be used to PAVE your RESIDENTIAL STREET with this modem- Smooth—Safe—Durable—Economical—material. -"^vs^oai^ For additional information and engineering assistance cal Choose this Modern Engineered Asphalt BASE AND SURFACE VIRGINIA ASPHALT ASSOCIATION, INC. scientifically 1500 Fer««t Avsnua constructed on a well Randolph Building-Suits 212-Bex K236 Richmond, Virginia 23288 compacted subgrade. Phono 288-3169 to tell the Virginia Story SEPTEMBER 1980 FRANK NELSON'S EMPLOYER At GOT HIS MONEY'S WORTH. AND THEN SOME. Because Frank was eligible for the Targeted Jobs Tax Peden, Credit, his employer got more than a productive worker He also got a $3,000 tax credit. And all he did was answer a couple of questions on the simple voucher and mail it to the VEC. To find out if you qualify for this unique tax ad• vantage, call us. The Virginia Employment Commission. Peden Steel Fabricating Divisions: What we're doing for employers you wouldn't believe. Raleigreadh NC. Nashville yNC Peden Steel Service Center Raleigh NC Faoncating Subsidiary Volunteer Struclures Inc Nashville Tenn Ma/n Offices PO Drawer 26208 Raleigh NC 27611 '919 832-2081 B. F. Robinette Contractors, Inc. Free Estimates Cheerfully Given For all types of Excavating Grading - Road Building Subdivisions Basements Land Clearing - Ponds Dozers. Hi-Lifts. Backhoes Fill Dirt & Topsoil Call 679-0951 or Call 679-3363 Powell Valley W. Norton NORTOIM, VA. HELMS ROOFING CO. SI. Rrc. #7 IH6 Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors JOB. SERVICEj VEC P.O. Box 791 ia Employment Commission Phone 703-638-2493 Martinsville, V a. 24112 VIRGINIA RECORD Founded 1878 AN INDEPENDENT PUBLICATION FOUNDED 1878 TO TELL THE VIRGINIA STORY IN THIS ISSUE Guy Friddell — Our Roving Observer 6 SPECIAL FALL AND WINTER TRAVEL SECTION 8-25 (ISSN 0042-6768) Fall and Winter in Virginia, Calendar of Events 9 Published Monthly at the State Capital By Virginia Publishers Wing, Inc. Patrick County's Hayloft Jamboree 15 "SeconiKlass postage paid al Richmond, Va " 32nd Annual Tobacco Festival 17 EDITORIAL OFFICES: 301 EAST FRANKLIN STREET Phones: 644-6717 or 644-2722 "Diversions from Duty" Exhibit at Fort Ward Museum ..19 Blacksburg YMCA Arts & Crafts Fair 20 Vol. 102 - No. 9 Christmas in Luray 22 Red Hill by Candlelight 24 September 1980 JOE H. YOUNG Executive Editor For the Record 27 Index to Advertisers 30 ANITA R. BRENNAN Associate Editor GUY FRIDDELL Our Roving Observer ON OUR CO VER is asta tue of Captain John Smith, I oca ted a t Jamestown, Virginia, site of the first permanent English settlement in America in 1607. Virginia Rjcord is an independent publication cooperat• ing with all organizations that have for their objectives the welfare and development of Virginia. While this publication carries authoritative articles and features on statewide and local industries, business, governmental and civic organiza• tions they are in no other respect responsible for the contents hereof Schools are Open Please Subscriptions 1 Year $5 — 2 Years $8.50 Drive Carefully 3 Years $12 Per Copy 75<t Plus Tax and Postage Address All Mall to: VIRGINIA RECORD P.O Drawer 2-Y, Richmond, Va. 23205 to tell the Virginia Story SEPTEMBER 1980 Guy Friddell our Roving Observer Convention Sites and Sounds PRIOR TO THE NATIONAL presidential nominating conventions of 1980, numerous media people predicted that the present system of primaries had leached suspense and color from the conventions. They would be about as exciting as a gathering of shoe clerks, they advised Secondly, many concluded that the Republicans had erred in selecting Detroit as the site for their convention. A week before the GOP convened on the banks of the Detroit River, three pundits on national public radio couldn't think of any valid reason for holding a political convention in Detroit. I knew next to nothing about the city and looked forward to seeing what it had to offer. Experience, anyway, has taught me that Dullsville exists only in the mind of the beholder. I was certain, too, that human nature being the quirky thing it is, no matter how ordained the conventions' destinies might seem after the primaries, you cannot corral 5.000 or so politicians in an arena without something exciting taking place. As Senator Eugene McCarthy once said during the 1968 primaries: "A convention is another country." From the moment I touched Detroit and wound among old-style skyscrapers built 40 years ago, I found the city fascinating, notwithstanding that a shortage of hotel rooms required me to lodge two nights in the YMCA. It was a little like being in the army again, and when a group of high school seniors found rooms in a hotel nearby. I shifted with them. Their chaperone had imposed a boy-girl buddy system on them when they left the hotel. Cannily, she had separated any boy and girl who had a marked affinity for one another. A youth from the Deep South was talking with me one afternoon in the reception lounge for newspaperpersons working in the Joe Louis Arena. Torn between going into law and taking a job with a relative's small-town daily, he was discussing his options when a young woman came to our table and stood listening, disconsolately. Noticing her at last, he introduced his "buddy" and sighed: "SHE wants to go now." They struck me as ill-matched spouses, enduring one another's company in a long, unbreakable bond. Junior Leaguers were hostesses in the press reception center, and a native Virginian. Lind Vaughan. hearing that a Virginian was in the press corps, welcomed me as if she were Pocahontas rescuing John Smith, the customary reaction of Virginians finding one of their number in an alien land. Her husband Bill, the son of a former mayor of Lynchburg, directs the energy division of General Motors. The League, Mrs. Vaughan explained, was offering tours of Detroit. Would I care to see the good in the city, or the bad, or the good and the bad? I took the third choice and spent the day with a young couple. Jack and Betsy McCormick. As they were showing me Belle Isle, an island that has been restored with many kinds of recreation, he mentioned that a zoo offered rides on an elephant. VIRGINIA RECORD Founded 1878 president, the spectacle of losers trying to be At breakfast next morning I talked with Fitz- good sports would have been diverting. In one Gerald Bemiss about Bush, his boyhood chum. evening there was a long procession of them: Bemiss set up a national advisory committee for Barry Goldwater, looking like an aging Indian Bush and then served as vice chairman of the chief, appearing on crutches, was escorted by fund-raising unit. his son. Neither age nor illness had dulled the The first question — why Bush often has been edge of his flinty discourse. "I know some peo• described as "effete" — brought an explosive ple around Washington," he rasped, "who could retort from Bemiss. use crutches under their brains." "Well, you know, it's a question .,," Bemiss John Connally, exuded almost a palpable suddenly broke off. "What the HELL does 'effete' aura of power as he strode onto the platform, a mean?" he barked. bull in a pasture. He proposed a new definition "Bush has been fortunate by circumstance in for GOP — "B for growth. 0 for opportunity, P for being able to go to good schools, to travel, and progress." to hold interesting jobs," he continued. "I've One by one, former foes were brought before known six generations of his family, and they the convention, tribal chieftans in chains behind are hard-working, responsible, loyal individuals, Reagan's chariot. It was particularly hard on "'Effete' in the Eastern establishment means a Connally, whose lip, even in repose, has an sort of beautiful person who dances around in a imperial curl. privileged, refined world. The Bushes don't do Jack Kemp's carefully coiffered brown hair that. They go to church, and take their relation• fits his head as snugly as the football helmet he ships with family, community, and God seri• wore as the Buffalo Bills' quarterback.
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