'r THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 19S1 FAmS TWENTY Average Daily Net Frees Ron iKanrtiPBtpr Sttm ins Hi^ralb For the Week IMed - I'll / 3lay e, IM l eluding now hltc^en aqulpmant inentally handlcappad children, Legion Will Name and electrical and plumbinig fa­ and the need to transport pupils About Town cilities, would cost an eatlmated Thrall Gets from the Highland Paric’ School 13,326 New Study Group $18,000 to $30,000, accorffing to sown to Bowers School and from Member af tbe Audit TIm EtoMT Club will hoM a aet- the' arehltect’a report. Bus Contract tha Buckland School area to Rob­ nifaeo af Olreolatlaa back pany Satonia}’ at 8 p ^. for The executive committee of IXl- The executive committee will ertson School. M ofteboatar— id City of Village Charm manibani and frienda Refreah. meet June 8 to name a new build­ Pierce said the mentally handi­ V manta win ba served during inter* worth-Comell-Quey Post, Amert- ing study committee. _ The next, capped children will be transport­ can LegioOi was Instructed last general membership meeting will For Schools ed to the Hollister St. and Bam-' VOL. LXXX, NO. 206 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1961 night to appoint a new committee be June 13. The legion's annual ard Schools, in addition to Keeney Chapman Cbuit, Order of to obtain e^imates of aite cost, meeting and election of olficera The Manchester School Bus Annex. The children from the Aaaraatli. will meet tomorrow at will be June 37. - Service baa been awarded a three- Highland Park and Buckland 7:48 pjn. at the Masonic Temple preliminary plans said speciflca- year contract for bus transporta­ School areas will be transported to / to obaerre both adraana nifrht and tions and estimated cost of con­ tion for Manchester Achool chil­ ^ other schools because of a shift, State News aaaodata matrona and patrons structing a new Legion Home. dren at a coat of 370.997 annually. in scheduling due to erdwdad con-' night. Mm. Harold Loorniii will be No decision was reached by the Keith Appoinjlefl Elmer Thrall of 93 Church St., ditions., ' ; in C h a m of refrealuuents. Mra. Legion memberahtp on the alterna­ owner and operator of the eervlce, ----^___L____ ______________ __ ' Hayner Davldaon will he in charjte tives of renovation of the present To Agency Again has held the contract for'the' past R ouitdup of anteitainment. Officers will quarters at 30 Leonard St.' or con­ two three-year periods. He was wear colored gowns. struction of a new hall. Everett Keith, 1l9 Pitkin St., sole bidder for the contract. ATLANTIC Adjutant Theodore Fairbanks has been re-appointed to the Re­ Eighteen school buses, the same FURNACE OIL Star o t tha'Eaat, Royal Black presents reports from an apprais- number as last year, will trans-^ Antoniatt^ IlcSvery Preceptor}', wiU meet tomorrow at e. and an architect. The Legion’s development Agency by General port pupils at a cost of 34,512' May, Bailey Split 7:30 pjn. at Orange Hall. renovation recommendations, in- Manager Richard Martin, asibject above lest year’s contract of 366,- • L T. W OOD CO . to the approval of the board of 485. ■ Pnom- ,M» 3-1 in On Expansion of director! Tuesday. Douglas Pierce, business m an' . Keith is the head ' of Keith's ager for the board of education, Superior Court Furniture Store. said the increase in coet will be For. A Real Treat H_e was bom in Manchester In due to an expanded program for Hartford, June 2 (XP)—The TRT OrK FAMOCS HOMEMADE 1006. attended, schools here and two party chairmen are re­ at Wilbraham School, and studied ported at loggerheads ' over business at Antioch College. WhirliMol proposals to expand the supe­ He is a past president of the rior court.. U.S., Soviet MANICOTTI Manchester Kiwenis. and a mem- | E . and Gas Raagn Chief Justice Raymond B. Bald­ De Gaulle SEA POOD DINNERS ON FRIDAY ber of the Manchester Lodge of win of the State Supreme Court | STtiPFED CLAMS A SPECIALTi' Masons and the Manchester Coun- | try* Club. j FrteBs.M Low of Ekrors, the administrator of i Chiefs Talk ALSO — COLO SALAD PLATES Keith married the former Miss ! Sorvko Tirat's Nttor the Ckinnecticut Judicial system. | Ruth Jones of Mancheater in 1929, appealed to both chairmen yester-' In Accord I POLAND I T S A F A C T day to agme to an increase* In | and the couple have a daughter, S up^or Ciburt judgeships to meet Tomorrow FRANK’S CAFE Mrs. William Lloyd of Gardner. Potterton's OIL the crowded court calendar. tZS MAIN STREET a AIR-CONDITIONED Mass., and a sdn. 'Tifihothy who 869 CENTER St. attends Loomis School, ISO Center SL Oor. of CBurcb However, there was no indica­ By PRESTON OROYTUl On Berlin 3IANCHESTER tion of any likelihood of quick ac­ tion. ^ Vienna, June 2 (/P)— NEIGHBOR.... Democratic Chairman . John M. Through a gate in the Iron By JOHN M. HIOBTOWBB Bailey, who is now keeping a Curtain, Premier Khrushchev- Paris, June 2 (/P)—Presie You get a lot of tender meat for little present low prices. Pinehurot Meats are close watch on developments at entered Austria today and dent Kennedy and Presldient money when you buy CHUCK ROAST wld from a service counter, not pre­ the CTapitoI despite his additional came to Vienna for his week­ OPEN EVERY m n n a II AT OUR ECONOMY MEAT DEPT. responsibility as national party end conferences with Presi­ De Gaulle t(>day ^nded their or CONNECTICUT FRESH Chickens at wrapped. chairman, reportedly agreed* to 3-day talks with a MBununi- Baldwin's plea for as many as dent Kennedy, who arrives to­ que (xinfirming agreeiilept on GOVERNMENT INSFECTEDOVEN-READY , seven additional judges to the 32- morrow. their obligations and respon* man Superior Court bench. The Soviet leader .said he is here However. Republican Chairman to establisii personal contact with sibilitfes toward West Benin. TENDER MEATY «3W l i a v g .) Edwin H. May Jr. is described as Kennedy "and to exchange views The joint statement, Issued bn willing to add only three judges, on Uic main questions that concern the eve of President K«me<l^’s de­ relations between the Soriet 'Union parture for Vienna and a meeting provided the Common Pleas Court with Premier'Khrushchev, told ef is merged into, the Superior Court and the United States of Ameri­ ca." a basic agreement betweien the tri^ by Sept. 1. 1962. western statesmen. l i U I AT PINEHCIWITc Bailey is said to be staunchly "We know that one cannot .settle 1 everything at once." he observed Kennedy himself, in a talk to re­ opposed to such a merger. porters, said his discusrions vdth Hartfard R i. aai Piaa S i, Maaehastar ■ W W Connecticut Fresh When' Baldwin talked with both I however, one has good will, - De Gaulle have given him greater leaders by telephone yesterday, | '''ithln confidence than ever in 1& ap­ • FREE FARKING-PARCEL PICKUP TO YOUR CAR ^ HUCASSEE U. S. Grade A each held his Bground, - informants jI * >n,j, jg u,e people want' proach to he Vienna meeting. Saved Kitten He declared; Tb% kitten held by Carol Hubatch was tossed 50 feet from a In an appearance before the leg- ; “The power of the United States; PINEHURST TENDER. MEATY, BONE-IN CHICKENS bridge Into the Milwaukee River yesterday. The 17-year-old islature's judiciary, committee la !t:I ening of world peace. plus' that of those countries asso­ high .achool ^ rl. who can't swim, was fully clothed when she dived week, Baldwin also opposed ■ ; On hand to greet Kliru.shchev in ciated with the United States, is Broilers in after it. She was sinking when reached and tosved aahore, merger of the two courts. ■Vienna Were President Adolf enough to give encou|agement to • KING’S DAYS-FOOD SA LE!!* Fryers Informed sources said, however, any western leader,, and I think along with the cat, by Richard Pochert, 17, (left) and Ted Adams, Schaei-f. (^ancellor Alfons Gor- blDck chuck ro ast Baldwin is now willing to agree to Mr. Khrushchev has the samp Roasters also 17, who Is not known. (?arol and Richard were photographed bach—and Vyacheslav M. Molotov. view.” ■ CENTER CUTS— LB. 3 7 as they saw tha kitten later at an animal shelter. (AP Photo­ a merger, if such action is neces­ Khrushchev demoted Molotov President Kennedy addresses the officers and civilians at NATO headquarters (SHAPE) outside CAfITOL FARMS fax.) sary to get legislative approval of ^aris this morning. Standing with him at right is U.S. Gen. Laurie Norstad, NATO's supreme The U.S. and French leaders in’ HEAVY WESTERN STEER BEEF from Soviet Foreign Minister, commander. Other officers behind them are no* Identified. (AP PhotofElx.) court expansion. .shortly after he signed the Aus­ sued their conununlque — custom­ ECONOMY PAK SKINLESS ITieae tender 3H lb. ehlek- A merger bill has been approved trian state treaty in 1955. He is ary for high lev*! meetings—short­ ena at an average fprice of by the Republicmn-c o n t r o 11 e d now Soviet representative to the ly after they had held their last 31.29 each are wonderful Potential Strong Man Houie, but it has not received the conference in three d a ^ of talks. Steals BLOCK CHUCK eating. No limit. Buy one or Vienna headquarters of the Inter­ Stamford Bans They shook hands w am ly on the endorsement of the Democratic- national Atomic Energy Commis­ Judge Orders Police FOUND • PORTERHOUSE two or a half dozen.
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