Quadrangle Pictures Saturday Pan-Hel Reorganization "MAYOR OF Wbz Bukejfk (Ctonitte Roll Dwindles 44th STREET" Thirty-Ninth Year - No. 15 Duke University, Durham, N. C, Friday, November 6, 1942 Senate Approves Compulsory SGA to Pick ''Sweater Gal' Colorful Old Liners To Invade Four Year Physical Education At Fall Frolic Duke will blossom out in Flats For Grid Tilt Tomorrow Legislative Body President Nasher sweatered glory tomorrow night ie famed TSGA sponsored Hears dameron Departs Suddenly ler-Skirt Stomp gels undcr- At First Meeting For Active Duty isi Women's college gyro al Four Key Men Benched the of Duke's "Sweater Girl" of 1942, As Blue Dukes Taste T ie danee will last from 8 to 12 By Bill Schuchardt, Sports Editor clock. Al Robertson and his One thing football fans in Duke stadium tomorrow iifter- Kampus Clubmen will play for __.ion can be certain of is that they will see one of the most col ur iisl spectacles presented on the notion's jj,ridiron turf Tickets at SI.25 with defense when Ctisich Clark Shaughncssy Issini;^ his Maryland Old amp went on sale yesterday in Liners and their famed "T" formation to Methodist flats in e dope shop and through all e fraternilies. Ticket sales are effort to hand the Duke Blue Devils their second setback as many weeks. going well so far and all indica- .nils Series Game •' — are that Saturday night's Mary lan e will be sold out, according • Southern ?mp Jones, TSGA president. Harbach's Arrival Maval Yard. Nasher, a mem- e dance is unusual in that of the Naval Reserve, left ediatety preceding the first Still Uncertain, pus meeting of the new TS­ GA Sludent Senate, whose presi­ Says Cubby Baer dency he tfas scheduled to take in 1932, but this year The Olio shoe is on the other foot with e girls' r tisan advent of miracle man Shau Pan-Hel Council Kemp Jones, TSGA presi­ —the those of essy on the College Park c; dent, today announced election "Plans are under way to make Duke's December 6-scheduled To Present OCS a new vice-president "within this a rip-roaring occasion," said Ballet Group Appears southern premiere musical "Hay- next three weeks," the cam- The Old Liners already have uired C- Jones last night, "hot previously loot, Strawfoot," along with Je- back s seemed headed toward an- announced games such as Spin -ome Kern and Oscar Hammer- With Unit's Flag record books and will the Coed ana Mass Post Office Here Tonight At 8:15 iteln—will (some to Duke, today sceded Nashcr's uncontested L-i- reedy tc Held a line-up siud- Men's Pan-Hellenic coun, have been shelved because of remained unanswered. letiermcn while coed protests. Less appealing but Under the direction of S. Hu­ voted last night lo present t! Coatsh Eddie Csameron's charges • room, where Union Party more pradical games such as sk, the Ballet Theatre brings to Cubby Baer, campus dramatic local Army Finance school wi 11 be hampered by injuries to politicos spent a two-night ses­ apple-bobbing, etc., will be sub­ Page auditorium at 8:15 tonight impressario and business mana­ its colors on behalf of lhe ur sion, and in Blue Party chapter ir key players although they stituted." of lively chore­ ger of the December show, today ves-sity ..Indent body. s, which saw similar meet- II be able to start an .l.w, n Gil Moss and Harvey Bullock, ography, starring dancers Anton loss to say whether Mr. were about to burn again, „-,lss, II plenty of action. Permission io accept the colo veleran entertainers, will lend Dolin, Irina Baronova, Alicia would arrive "tonight mpus politics, usually quiet T : i- Injur* and details of the local uni the dance. Mo; Markova, and Karen Conrad. <5 ' Har- during the fall, seemed likely lo ill put on the: lead the symphony orchestra in >l! hold the Devils' reserve flag must be worked out by the The company of 125 artists, bii is h, i Hilly s-sicss- irst into flame again. sntaining some of the recogniz- rength down to a minimum OCS and the War Department ii Actual date of the next elec- 1 leaders of the ballet world, Tchaikowsky, Cesare Pugtii, and id those who saw last week's ion. Mosl regiments i. sn—not yet announced because Jsst:s.|ues Offenbach. ill present "Princess Aurora," esirgia Tech fray rcmembsfr the Army have their own colors Ihe SGA membership's pre­ Jluebeard," and the classtcal Response of outsiders lo the during the course of tims occupation with Saturday night's Ballet Theatre has been very IH disastrous this lack of re- Sweater Frolic and the new Sen- with ihem many honored All-sti s 11,1 Ins gratifying and a filled house is Probable Lineups ite—will be decided next week, ons. To date, the local Frosh Engineers expected, according lo J. Foster eek-end, :oncs said. The TSGA will make Barnes. About 100 tickets have Elects Fran Dali school, Jokingly Duke. ieen placed on sale at a special illed For 3 already-scheduled tryout sale all candidates' draft and Elect Dick Doyle irice at Camp Butner. Barnes sersonnel, has r. set for tomorrow night in •csesve status, the president stat- mce more stressed the advisa- the Union Ball Room, West eam- sd, although the calling of Nash- sility of arriving well in advance Class President sus, will go ahead as planned, if the 8:15 curtain time. who s Richard Doyle, engineerinf •eshness of the taer slated. Co-author Harbach i their freshman from Buffalo, N. Y. performances The Ballet Theatre performed naa scheduled to be present at , lhe War Depai ill head the engineering class n Richmond before coming here he Saturday night tryouts for ,r its approval. The flag is being '46 for the coming year a; and will depart tonight for Au- Hayfoot," bui the lack of com- Jered to the Finani YW Sophomores Georgia. lunieation with the showmsan I ••-.!> IL-i il, Out gesture of goodwill on Ihe part lso left that up in the air, he Missing from practice all this ' the student body in ft engineer president ever to take vi-eek have been Gordon Casnrer. Elect Officers oftslce, was elected to the post at ;,,;»huincsri- wmgback who was :ndlysn ,,,.hi|,: Campus Wardens Finance Trainees tween the campus and Ai Ruth Kansteiner was eleel engineering freshman assembly ond act of th musical play after held ool of the Tech game with If the local unit esident of the Sophomore in Asbury Hall yesterday morn- the world s udent premiere at mmission; Thalia Bell, vice- Study Air Raids To Present Sing another eoplionfore who mission lo accept the colors from Bill deRosxlo of Charlotte, N. Yale, which he attended last president; Ann Hillman, s n on the sidelines since the student body, a formal pre- C, who placed second in the Third session of the OCD air week, and t erefore his arrival ry; and Virginia Totman, t freshman balloting, will serve as ie weekly Sing Sunday night n Durham r ray he slightly de- (ill with an injured leg and who definitely will be absent ranged. The presentation of -er, al the last meeting of the ident of the engineering •hen officers-in-training from ayed. ie campus, with 65 student and e post, Herman ors, always a colorful and solemn class; Bill Alexander, Town Boy, the Finance school, which is un- faculty members of the program But unless end who did a ceremony, would take place on The group has arranged ad Frank the direction of Major J. R. or of "Hayfoot," he place in the Ark where girls ma in attendance in Biology build- Laughlin, will take charge of the s flank replace­ s of Kilt si definitely cheduled for Mon- ment, and Caplam Jim Smith. write letters and get stamp ng lecture hall lasl night featur- usually student-directed program d. That is—unless id a discussion of protection for the first time in Sing history. Over 150 freshman engineers ive Monday. the B of I :;sl is Officer candidates promise nov- War Chest Drive ited in the election, which t Durham slty in the program by having Wake Forest. ,ose engineering frosh officers specialty numbers as an integral If lhe Blue Devils hope to at- To Cover Campus; r the second time only. The of skits pertaining to traln- Seven Frosh Run ain any place in national stand- igineering yearlings first elect- chool life. Specialty mim- ngs they will have lo hand a I officers last fall, following a will include tenor Clemie leci.-sive setback to the invaders Plans Completed verance of participation in the M. Robbins and baritone Jack For Presidency or they already have three de­ lam OCD authorities to ection of all-men's class officers Amerongen, piano soloists Seven candidates for the pres- feats on lhe record books. If they Plans are nearing completion ::ause the huk.-lod'an wa> sufficient air-raid war ith Trinity college frosh. Marvin Winter and Edward F. ency of the freshman class, hould bow lo the men from Col- for the opening of a completely ved from ;lse Ark (or use ai for the adequate protect™ Doyle is a resident of Epworth tz, guitarist Robert Thurston, iminated at house meetings ege Park it would be the first hew type of campus charity Camp Butner Student Govern- dormitory, which contains a d a quartet composed of John Tuesday night, will climax ime since 1929 and the reign of i sao • paign on November 17 when the r part of the engineering -,,,:,sirs- >f the se McCarthy, Jack Van Ameron­ •k of political activity Jimmy DeHart that the Durham •ismmission for lhe Student War Chest di freshman class.
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