GOVERNMENT OF HYDERABAD VILLAGE LIST OF District No. -XI. A urangabad · t P l t· C 1941 A.D. A ccor d~ng 0 0'fYU a ton ensus 1350 Fasli Compiled in the DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS & CENSUS H yderabad-Deccan GOVERNMENT PRESS HYDERABAD-DECCAN 1950 Third Issue] [Price Rs. 3/- LIST OF CONTENTS Page I. J I1troductory Note iii II. Explanatory Not€' iv III. Map of District No. XI: -Aurangabao. 2 I V. District Summary \:- Showing Classification of villages, towns and cities ncror.ling to population ... V. District Snmmary B: -Showing Taluqwari distribution of communities and cities 4 VI. 1. Names of Aurangahad !tnd Khuldabad Taluq villages according to their number showq in the 1'alllg map .,. 7 2. Map of Aurangallftd Talnq (No. 5tJ) 8 3. Village list of AUl'angabad Talug 10 4. llaqn.wari summary of AUl'angabad Talllq 34 5 Village list of Takli Taing 40 G. Ilaqawari SllllllTIary of Takli Talug 42 7. Villaqe list of Ltdsangvi Taluq 46 8. Ilaqawl1l'i summary' of Lwsangvi Talu(,j 4B ViI. 1. Names of Bhokardan and SilIod Talug villages according to their numbers shown in the Taluq map ... 51 2 Map of Bhokal'dan Tal:u<:l (No. 57) 52 3, Village list of Bhokardan Taluq 54 4. Ilaqawltri summitry of Bhokal'dan Taiug 84 5. Village list of Ajanta Talnq 92' 6. IIaqawari summary of Ajanta Taluq 94 YTII. I, Names of Jalna Taluq villages according to their numbers shown in the Taluq Map .. , 98 2 Map of Jalna '1'alu<] (No. 58) 98 3. Villl1ge !ish of J aIDa TaIuq • 100 4. Ilaqawari summary of Jalna Taluq 120 IX. 1. Names of Ambad TaIng villages according to their numbers ~ shown in the TaIuq Map ... ,'" 12G 2. Map of Ambad 'l'a!n<] (No. 59) 126 3. Village list of Ambad 'ralug 128 4. Ilaql1wari summary of Ambad Talug 143 X. 1. Names of Patan 'raJ uq villages according to their numbers tlhown in the Taluq map .. , 153 2. Map of Patan TaIuq (No. 60) 154 3. Village list of Patan Tl1lug Hilj ~. fI:liFl \\';) I"i SllllHlJal'Y of Pa,tan TaInq 17 ~ II Page. XI. 1. Names of Gnngflpur TltluC] villngPR n('(~ording to theil' numbers I shown in the Talu'1 map ... 179 2. Map of Gangltpur Ta,luC] (No. 61) ; .. 180 3. Village list of Gangnpur..raluC] 182 4 Ilnqawa!'i summury of Gangapur Taluq 202 XU. 1, Names of Vijapur TaluC] villages.accol'ding to their numbers shown in th,e Taluq map ... 2. Map of Vijapur TaluC](No (2) 207 3. Village list of Vijapur TaIuq 208 ' 4. Jlaqawnri summary of Vijarul' Taluq 210 XlIII. Names of Kannad Tall1C] villages accol'iling to their numbers' 224 shown in the TaluC] map. 2'29 2. M!1P of Kannl1d Taluq (No. 63) 230 3. Village list of I{annad Taluq 292 4. Ilaqawari summary of HaDDad TaJuq 252 XIV. 1. Village list of I{huidabad Taluq 256 2. I1aqawal'i summary of Khuldabad Talnq 262 XV. 1. Village list of Silloll Taluq. 266 2. Ilaqawari summary of Sillod rraluq 27:.! ------ INTRODUCTORY.NOTE 1. Village lists of the DistrictA and Tlllu(ls of Hydero.bad state are published after eVE'ry decl>nnial population censu" nnd serve as reliable guides for future Census operations. 2. As the village forms the basic unit for all administrative p11rposeB, and· also for various kinils of Government and Public enquiries, great care has been tnkeD"to ma.ke these lists as authentic find informative as possible. 3: In addition to detaileil information for each village, these lists also contain tnlugwari data in the form of District Summarie~ divided into two parts. Part A shows the popUlation of el1ch taluCJ grouped into different sizE'S of villages, and the total inha.bitants in each class of villages, whHe part B claBsifies the population of the tal\1qs according to main communities, languages and literacy. 4. The exact numbpr of villages in each taluq and as well as their correct names have been ascE'rtained from such anthentic sources as thE' village 'Shetwars', the 'Administration Schedules' of Tabsils, Survey of India Map, Itnd the Maps prepared by the Hyderabad Settlement Departmont. n. In translil erating the ... ernacular names, the scheme adopted by tbe Inter­ national Congrefls of Ol'ientaIisb~ in 1912 bas been followed. A simple and brief 'Key' is given in the explanatol'Y note on page (iv) of tbis booklet, Md will be of help in tbe correct pronunciation of tbe vernacular nam.es written in Englisb alpbabet. 6. IrresllecLive of tbeir Ilaqa. D"iwani or Non-Diwani, figures are given villagewari for each taluq. A Summary appended at the end of eacb Talnq list, contains a statement sQowing cons.olidated figures of Diwnni and Non.-Diwani IIa<]tlS. 7. An added feature of these lists is the district and taluq maps, Tbe Survey of India Map as well as tbe Talnq Maps prepared by Eyderabad Government Survey a.nd Settlement DepA.rtment are usually beyond tbe reach of public workers and even Gov­ ernment servants. 'rbis long·felt need of a direc.1.ional cbart of areas comprising the unit of civil administration will now be met to a large extent by the maps included in tbese ]ish'. The District Map with it s drmarC'at ion of tfllug boundaries give!:. the names of places with [\, population of 5,COO and over: The Taluq Maps are reproductions of Settlement Maps on a smaller scale. All tbe physicol features shown in the 01'igina1s bave-heen retained in these copies, and addil,ions, such as zoning, segmentn.tion- and numbering of villages have been introduced so as to mak~ the maps more useful for administrative anll othel' purposes. Direcia1' af Statistic£. iii EXPLANATORY NOTITI ABBREVIATIONS GIVING DETAILS OF SY,\IBOLS "-NO SIONS USED 1. Tmnsliteratian of Vemacular UJords in English. Ii - As in Hindustau u - As in scbool - Asin Delbi I r. Village lists: - Col. 1. Main villages are numbered! Hamlets (Mazras) arc shown without a number just under the name of theiL' parent village. Col. 9. Abbreviations used and their significance are as follows D Diwani Ilaqa S.li. t-arf-i-Khas Ilaqa P. - Pa:egab IJaqa , E,J, - Exempted Jagir Iiaqa '".J. - Non-Exempted Jagir Ilnqa S. Samastban IJaqlt M. Maqta Col. 6. The population shown for the village iucludes that bf the smaller Hamlets (Mazras) while tbat of the larger and impOt'tant 'Hamlets' is shown separately. Col. 18. Abbreviat,ions nsed find their significa.nce are as follows: - W. - Weekly Bazar F. CaLtle BAzar Fairs U. U I'IlS and Melas J. Jan'as PH, Pr11mU'y ~chools M::; Middle schOols ilK High schOOls C. Colh-gea A. - Pla(:e of Archaeological inL('rf'sLs PO. Post offiee,; . fl_ -- GoVel'lllllcnt Hospital arid Disl~ensi1l'ies R - Railway StalioIJs Ill. I/aqawal'i SummaTY:- Col. 17. Shows the Map Nos. of villages ~ccol'din~ to their IOeaLio'l1. IV. Taluq Maps L Maps are divided into 'Zones' (Circles) i1ud 'iegmcnts' (Circles divided into four equal parts). Numbering of zones begin from the inaee cit'cle, and pmceed in sequence as they go outward. 'rhe numbering oE segments is uonl:! in clock-wise Ol'der, and so also the numbering of villages. The. zone, segment and villu.~e nllmbel' f a.cili taLes reference. 2. Each zone covers an-area of six miles radins; thus faciJita~i ,g Lhe calculation of distance of a \-illage frutH the taluqa head-quarters. 3. Places having a populatio"i:J of ~,OOO and over arc marked with their names fl swell as sel'ial. numbers, while tbese haying less than 2,doo l)opnla,tion bear only seri(\'\ numbers. ) \. !l)istruct No. )u. Auralrogabad j ~_"""-"I.." \ ------ 1 '" ] J ~ ~< 1a I-. v ~ o " ? ? w '~ '" ...S :!• "u i 3 :::0'S:: 0""~- ~ P-t~ ""0 E-I --- <:) ... z ..,"" ---- -- 0 'I'! <:> :::0 <:> ~.~ <:3 0" I.t:l Ig I ... P-t~ <:l ----- > <:) 0 z '".... _--+--1':­ 0 ---------------- 0 , =. ~ "'0 .. 1 <:> ~.~ I.t:l 0"" : I { <:> P-t~ <:> ~ <:> • g- z0 1 : -o-~-- <:> <:> :::0'c 0- ~.~ -,- ":' 0"" 0 (l;~ _.. _______ - I 0 --- 0 0 I.t:l ....0 z "... __ --_"_-,----__1 0 <Xl 0 'I'! o o. ::: 0 ~.~ ..; ....0 0"" '" J P-t~ <:> 0 1---....------"---- ....---- ...-----.:.-- ...-----, ;- ~ - 0 .... _-lQ Z - '" 0 'I'! 0 :::0 -0 ~.~ 0"" It:' J P-t~ 0 0 --- 0 .... eo- 0 ... Z _._----- 0 'I'! <:> ::: 0 <:> ~.~ eo- 0"" J P-t~ <:> a ~... z o... E-t < ...o -...10 e: o 00 '" 00 "" < lQ o..:l "" § ~ ~l~ 1:!1 Z... ~ ~-~-~ I~ ::: o to r:tJ 'ON TlIlltlS 'j -I-·--r-·-- VILLAGE LIST Taluq No. 56.-Auranlabad .. NAl\fES OF VILLAGl'1S IH ORDER OF· THEIR NUMBERS SHOWN 7 1 N THE TALUQ l\iAP. TALUQ :-.4lLTangabad. DISTRICT :-Au'1'angabaa. Zone 1 Segment 1 49. Rasulpul'. .~ 2 Segment 2 50. Dharampur. 1.- AUl'angabad. 98. Llidgaoo.· 2. ;Maliipura. 99. KumbephaI. 3. Jadulbadi. Zone 1 Segment 4. 100. Snndltl'wadj. 4. Harsul. 51. Padegaon. 101. Toog:ion. 5. Ashrafvur. 52. Kesal'3in~pura. 102. Bhalgaon. 6, Thuljipur. 53. Bh:iosingpura. 103. Taklivaej. 7. Naegaon. 5-1. Quthllbpura. 104 Tlikli. 8. Savtingi. 56. PaMdsio~pura. 105. JlJalta. 9: Koltaoa. 56. Mitmita. }06. Nipaoi. 10. Pokl'i (Harslll). 57. Shekhapul'a.. 107 Apatbgaon. 11. Pi=~\'devi. 58. SheNa I ul'. 103. Gal'keja (Dudb.ad) •. 12. AnthtipUr. 59. Mab:i,:leopul·. 109. J akmatha. r:J. Milndki. 60. J ogwada. 110 Aikod. 1-1. Gopaillur. 6t. AsilMgb.. 111. Sare.a.rmuli. 15. Sbtihjatbpul·. 62 Jatw:i1a.
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