Public Disclosure Copy The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Timor-Leste Second Chance Education Project (P116520) Timor-Leste Second Chance Education Project (P116520) EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC | Timor-Leste | Education Global Practice | IBRD/IDA | Specific Investment Loan | FY 2011 | Seq No: 12 | ARCHIVED on 21-Dec-2016 | ISR26046 | Public Disclosure Authorized Implementing Agencies: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education Key Dates Key Project Dates Bank Approval Date:07-Dec-2010 Effectiveness Date:06-Apr-2011 Planned Mid Term Review Date:04-Aug-2014 Actual Mid-Term Review Date:15-Jul-2014 Original Closing Date:31-Dec-2015 Revised Closing Date:31-Dec-2016 Public Disclosure Authorized Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The development objectives of this project are: (a) to increase the number of out-of-school youth and young adults who complete recognized equivalency programs; and (b) to decrease number and/or rate of leavers from each program and level, thus increasing internal efficiency of the program. Intermediate objectives. In the early years of the program, intermediate objectives would be to: (a) further develop the equivalency curriculum and its delivery; (b) improve access to DNFE programs; (c) improve the quality of student support services and assessment and; (d) increase the number of teacher-student contact hours in the DNFE learning sites; and (e) introduce new pedagogical and information technologies that would improve efficiencies and reduce costs (introduction and institutionalization of computer-based modules, communication technologies, lower cost printing and distribution, etc.). Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective? Yes Public Disclosure Authorized Board Approved Revised Project Development Objective (If project is formally restructured)PHRPDODEL The new PDO is to support the Ministry of Education in the establishment of a sustainable national equivalency program. Components Name Curriculum Development and Production/ Distribution of Learning and Instructional Materials:(Cost $1.84 M) Improved Quality of Service Delivery:(Cost $2.05 M) Expansion of Local Capacity for service delivery through Community Learning Centers:(Cost $0.33 M) Project management and studies:(Cost $0.28 M) Public Disclosure Authorized Overall Ratings Name Previous Rating Current Rating 12/21/2016 Page 1 of 7 Public Disclosure Copy Public Disclosure Copy The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Timor-Leste Second Chance Education Project (P116520) Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Satisfactory Satisfactory Overall Risk Rating Substantial Substantial Implementation Status and Key Decisions The Project Development Objective indicators have been achieved: The National Equivalence Program (EP) curriculum Level I (grade 4-6 equivalent) and Level II (grade 7-9 equivalent) has been endorsed by MOE and EP Decree Law was promulgated in mid July 2016. Likewise, the intermediate outcome indicators have also been achieved: Learning materials for equivalency programs Level II has been endorsed by the MoE; NDRE staffed with teachers and pedagogic team; Teachers and pedagogic team trained to deliver the equivalency programs; Community Learning Centers established, equipped and functioning; semi-annual report on recurrent education programs; and number of learning participants and percentage of female participants. The project components have been implemented properly and accommodating local context. Knowing that youth and adult learners cannot attend regular classes five days a week (as informed by need-and demand study and interview with potential learners), the project introduced semi-presential delivery mode, a combination between classroom attendance and self-learning. Learning materials and teacher guides have been developed in line with the semi-presential delivery mode and made available in Portuguese and Tetum (except for English subject). Learning materials for level I (equivalent to grades 5-6) have been adjusted to semi-presential modality. However as the Ministry is reforming the curriculum of formal education of those grades, it has been agreed that further alignment of the learning material of EP with curriculum of formal education will be made once the reform is completed in 2017; including to ensure proper spelling and grammar of the Tetum language versions. The implementation of semi-presential has been taken place at the three CLCs Manatuto, Vera Cruz Dili and Aileu. It is planned by January 2017 all 9 CLCs will implement semi-presential modality on EP. Teachers have been trained and the pedagogy team has been equipped to provide clinical supervision to support them. NDRE staff and district directors and sub-district coordinators have received some trainings in recurrent education management. In addition, an on-line system for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the EP implementation has been established. Designated staff at the Ministry, districts, sub-districts as well as CLCs have been trained on how to use this on-line M&E system. To encourage community to be engaged in learning activities and to support the implementation of EP, the project provided block grants to communities to establish nine CLCs in eight districts, i.e., Dili, Oecuse, Lautem, Baucau, Bobonaro, Ermera, Aileu and Manatuto. The block grants were released in two installments, US$ 10,000 each. The first installment is for the renovation of physical facilities and the second is to purchase furniture, equipment and supplement books needed to run the EP and other relevant recurrent education programs. The project also supported some studies. This includes a need-and-demand study for equivalency program; assessment of the country readiness for distance learning and it was suggested that TL infrastructure was not suitable to accommodate distance learning approach. These two studies, and interviews with the participants of the trial of EP program and those who dropped out from the program convinced the NDRE to agree to utilize semi-presential approach. The findings are also used as basis for the M&E system development. In addition, the project also supported exposure trips to Thailand and Indonesia to learn how the CLCs in the two countries are operating and how they manage any challenges during the learning process, and project management.The project will close by December 31, 2016. Supported by the availability of legal basis for and curriculum of Equivalency Program, improved NDRE capacity, and established M&E system, the Ministry has secured funds in the FY 2017 budget to support the operations of the nine CLCs and to gradually expand the program by establishing another ten CLCs in 2017. Risks Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool Risk Category Rating at Approval Previous Rating Current Rating Political and Governance -- Substantial Substantial Macroeconomic -- Moderate Substantial Sector Strategies and Policies -- Substantial Substantial Technical Design of Project or Program -- Substantial Substantial Institutional Capacity for Implementation and -- Substantial Substantial Sustainability Fiduciary -- Moderate Moderate 12/21/2016 Page 2 of 7 Public Disclosure Copy Public Disclosure Copy The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Timor-Leste Second Chance Education Project (P116520) Environment and Social -- Moderate Moderate Stakeholders -- Moderate Moderate Other -- -- -- Overall -- Substantial Substantial Results Project Development Objective Indicators PHINDPDOTBL Legal framework regarding recurrent education endorsed by Ministry of Education. (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Achieved; Decree Law Achieved/ Exceeded. has been approved by Decree Law has been Legal the Council of the approved by the Council framework Minister on April 26, of the Minister on April endorsed by Value None 2016, and promulgated 26, 2016, and MOE for the by the President Office promulgated by the Recurrent (Decreto-Lei nº President Office Education Law 30/2016, de 13 de (Decreto-Lei nº 30/2016, Julho.) de 13 de Julho.) Date 31-May-2009 07-Oct-2016 16-Dec-2016 31-Dec-2016 PHINDPDOTBL Curriculum endorsed by MOE. (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Achieved. Minister’s Achieved. Minister’s verbal endorsement verbal endorsement EP Level II secured and curriculum secured and curriculum Curriculum was submitted to was submitted to Value None revised and Council of Minister as Council of Minister as an endorsed by an attachment to the attachment to the drat the MOE drat decree law by April decree law by April 2016. 2016. Date 31-Dec-2009 07-Oct-2016 16-Dec-2016 31-Dec-2016 Overall Comments Intermediate Results Indicators 12/21/2016 Page 3 of 7 Public Disclosure Copy Public Disclosure Copy The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Timor-Leste Second Chance Education Project (P116520) PHINDIRITBL Learning materials for equivalency programs Level II endorsed by the MoE. (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Achieved. The learning Achieved. Learning materials were Material for EP Level 2 developed in line with endorsed by MOE (Dec the curriculum verbally 6, 2016) with a note that Learning endorsed by the a refinement will be materials Value None Minister.
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