ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL 25 September 2019 Dear Sir/Madam You are hereby invited to attend a meeting of the Planning Committee of the Ards and North Down Borough Council which will be held in the Council Chamber, 2 Church Street, Newtownards on Tuesday, 1 October 2019 commencing at 7.00pm. Tea, coffee and sandwiches will be available from 6.00pm. Yours faithfully Stephen Reid Chief Executive Ards and North Down Borough Council A G E N D A 1. Apologies 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Matters arising from minutes Planning Committee Meeting of 3 September 2019 (Copy attached) 4. Planning Applications Construction of discount food store, provision of car parking, landscaping and associated site works (relocation of existing supermarket at No. 1 Jubilee Road – supermarket to be retained but food store use to be extinguished and transferred to the 4.1 LA06/2018/1388/F application site) Undeveloped land bounded by Castlebawn Drive to the East immediately opposite and West of Castlebawn Retail Park, and approximately 120m North of Messines Road (otherwise known as the A20 Southern Relief Road), Newtownards 5. Update on Planning Appeals (Report attached) 6. Planning Budgetary Control Report – August 2019 (Report attached) 7. Proposed Amendment to Scheme of Delegation (Report attached) 7b. Outcome of DFI Planning Visits to Planning Committees (Report attached) 7c. Planning Monitoring Framework (Report attached) 8. Governance Arrangements for Local Development Plan (LDP) (Report attached) 9. Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council Consultation and Engagement Strategy (Report attached) 10. Update from Metropolitan Area Spatial Working Group MASWG – Local Development Plan (Report attached) 11. Proposed Good Practice Guide (Report attached) MEMBERSHIP OF PLANNING COMMITTEE (16 MEMBERS) Alderman Gibson Councillor Cooper Alderman Girvan Councillor Kennedy Alderman Keery Councillor McAlpine Alderman McDowell Councillor McClean Alderman McIlveen (Chair) Councillor McKee Councillor Adair Councillor P Smith Councillor Brooks Councillor Thompson Councillor Cathcart Councillor Walker (Vice Chair) ITEM 4.1 Ards and North Down Borough Council Application Ref LA06/2018/1388/F Construction of discount food store, provision of car parking, landscaping and associated site works (relocation of existing supermarket at No. 1 Jubilee Road - supermarket building to Proposal be retained but food store use to be extinguished and transferred to the application site)- Additional information/plans received Undeveloped land bounded by Castlebawn Drive to the East immediately opposite and West of Castlebawn Retail Park, Location and approximately 120m North of Messines Road (otherwise known as the A20 Southern Relief Road) Newtownards DEA: Newtownards Committee Major development application Interest Validated 16/01/2019 • Site lies inside settlement limit of Newtownards and outside Town Centre as defined in Ards and Down Area Plan 2015 • Not zoned for particular land use • Designated in Development Plan as a Development Opportunity Site • Slight increase in retail floorspace, but not considered to have adverse retail impact on town centre Summary • Existing Lidl Store at Jubilee Road is outside town centre • Current retail use at Jubilee Road will be extinguished via a Discontinuance Notice • Impact on drainage, flooding, historic and natural environment considered by statutory consultees • No objections submitted Approval subject to conditions and legal agreement relating to Recommendation Discontinuance Notice Attachment Item 4.1a – Case Officer Report Development Management Case Officer Report Application Ref: LA06/2018/1388/F DEA: Newtownards Proposal: Construction of discount food store, provision of car parking, landscaping and associated site works (relocation of existing supermarket at No. 1 Jubilee Road - supermarket building to be retained but food store use to be extinguished and transferred to the application site)- Additional information/plans received Location: Undeveloped land bounded by Castlebawn Drive to the east immediately opposite and West of Castlebawn Retail Park, and approximately 120m North of Messines Road (otherwise known as the A20 Southern Relief Road) Newtownards Applicant: Agent: Castlebawn Newtownards Ltd MBA Planning Ltd Date Valid: 16.01.2019 Env Statement Requested: No Date last Advertised: 19/09/2019 Date last Neighbour Notified: N/A Consultations: Yes Representations: No Letters of support 0 Letters of Objection 0 Petitions 0 Summary of Main Issues: • Retail Impact • Impact on designated sites and natural heritage • Access and roads safety • Drainage and flood risk • Impact on the historic environment • Aircraft safety Case Officer: Clare Rodgers Recommendation: Grant Planning Permission Agreed by Authorised Officer Full details of this application, including the application forms, relevant drawings, consultation responses and any representations received are available to view at the Planning Portal www.planningni.gov.uk 1 1. Description of Site and Surrounding Area The site lies to the south of the town of Newtownards and on lands immediately west of Castlebawn Retail Park (separated by Castlebawn Drive) which contains Tesco, Matalan, Home Bargains and a currently vacant retail unit, Tesco petrol station and a Burger King drive thru restaurant. The site lies to the north of the ‘Southern Relief Road’ which runs from the ‘Castlebawn’ roundabout to the Portaferry Road roundabout. The site and the wider area as shown in blue on the map below is an expanse of overgrown rough land which is occasionally utilised for temporary uses such as the circus/fun fair. Playing grounds belonging to Regent House Grammar School abut the north western corner of the site. Further west and abutting the blue line below is a car sales business which fronts the Comber Road. Further south of the site on the opposite side of the new link road is Ards Airfield. The existing Lidl store, located at 1 Jubilee Road, is located to the south west of the site on the opposite side of the Comber Road. Early mapping (1900-1932) shows part of the site on ‘Ards Recreation Ground’ with racing track. In more recent years it was used as the compound and storage area for works whilst the Southern Link Road was under construction. 2. Site Location Plan Site location plan with existing Lidl store on Jubilee Road shown by red star 2 Orthophotography showing rough outline of proposed site and existing Lidl store with red roof to west (flight date Quarter 3 2018) Historic orthophotography showing site in context of surrounding area Flight date 11/07/2005 Flight date 31/05/2009 Flight date 27/05/2012 Flight date 23/07/2014 3 3. Planning History Existing Lidl Store at 1 Jubilee Road: X/2003/1348/F Local Foodstore with associated Approval: parking 13/01/2005 X/2004/1488/F Local Foodstore with associated Approval: parking 18/11/2005 X/2005/0884/F Right Hand Turning Lane Approval 27/02/2006 X/2011/0109/F Single storey extension to existing Approval: Lidl store to provide ancillary storage 24/11/2011 and recladding to elevations to meet brand standards LA06/2016/1129/PAN Proposed redevelopment of existing PAN acceptable: Lidl store 28/11/2016 For application site: LA06/2018/0907/PAN Reconfiguration and reorganisation Pan acceptable: of part implemented retail approvals 28.08.2018 (X/2003/1093 and X/2004/1753). Relocation of Lidl supermarket onto Note X/2003/1093 lands with part implemented should read as planning permission for retail X/2002/1093/RM warehousing under X/2004/1753. Relocation of part implemented planning permission for supermarket under X/2003/1041 onto lands with part implemented approval for retail warehouses under X/2003/1093. X/2002/1093/RM Comprehensive mixed use Approval: development including retail 24/11/2003 warehousing, business units, leisure units, car parking and landscaping. (Amended Scheme) X/2004/1753/F Erection of 1 no. retail warehouse Approval: unit and associated car parking with 24/10/2005 access from proposed Comber Road LA06/2017/1060/F Temporary Sunday market with Under consideration adjacent overflow parking (Amended proposal) For wider site (red line and blue line of application): LA06/2019/0656/LDP Completion of works to construct a Under consideration neighbourhood foodstore with access from Comber Road/Portaferry Road link under approval X/2003/1041/F 4 X/2003/1041/F Erection of neighbourhood food Appeal upheld: store, with access from proposed 24.08.2004 Comber Road, Portaferry LA06/2018/1093/F Coffee shop drive through restaurant, Under consideration car parking, and access and associated works. LA06/2019/0406/F Erection of 2 drive-through Under consideration restaurants/cafes, with car-parking, access and associated site works To north of site – within Bawn Walls LA06/2019/0603/F Proposed residential development Under consideration providing a total of 112 no. detached and semi-detached units to include 74 no. 3 and 4-bedroom houses and 38 no. 2-bedroom apartments with associated landscaping. The scheme also includes the retention and restoration of Bawn Wall and a linear park with all roads, parking and infrastructure. Main access to the site will be from the A20 Southern Distributor Road with provision for a pedestrian link to Court Street. For wider ‘Castlebawn’ area X/1998/0623/O Comprehensive mixed use Approval: development including retail 14/05/2002 warehousing, leisure and business parks, car parking, new link road between Comber Road and Portaferry Road and new pedestrian access to the development from Court Street
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