Part B Moorabbin Airport Master Plan Implementation Framework 107 108 The Moorabbin Airport Master Plan is divided into two 1 Implementation Framework distinct sections: Structure 110 ■ Part A Moorabbin Airport Master Plan Context; and 1.1 Implementation Framework Structure 111 ■ Part B Moorabbin Airport Master Plan Implementation 1.2 Land Use and Development Approvals 112 Framework 1.3 Approvals Process 113 Part A describes the Airport and the practical and 2 Land Use Policy 116 policy frameworks within which it operates. It includes a description of the existing operation at the Airport and 2.1 Strategic Policy Considerations 117 likely changes in the nature and form of aviation and 2.2 Vision and Objectives 117 other activity at the Airport. It sets out the context of the 2.3 Land Use Strategy 118 airport in relation to strategic policy at local, regional and state level. 3 Precinct Policy 120 3.1 Precinct A – Airside Operations 122 This part (Part B) sets out the framework within which decision making about future activity at the Airport 3.2 Precinct B – Airport Support Services 124 is made. This part articulates the Moorabbin Airport 3.3 Precinct C – Existing Retail & Commercial 126 Corporation’s (MACs) vision for the Airport in the form of 3.4 Precinct D – Industrial, Office, Retail, a Land Use Policy and includes controls and decision Commercial and Aviation Support 128 making criteria for land use and development at the 3.5 Precinct E – Business and Commercial Airport. including Aviation Support 130 4 Land Use and Development 132 4.1 Special Use Zone 134 4.2 Advertising Signs 144 4.3 Car Parking 147 4.4 Loading and Unloading of Vehicles 150 4.5 Design Principles for New Development 150 4.6 Definitions 152 109 1 Implementation Framework Structure 110 1 1 Implementation Framework Section 2 – Land Use Policy provides an overview of Structure the strategic policy considerations and objectives to be taken into account in decision making, particularly in the The Airports Act 1996 (hereinafter referred to as “The context of the Indicative Land Use plan (Figure B2). Act”) requires airports on Commonwealth land, such A Precinct Plan has been prepared to support the as Moorabbin Airport to prepare a Master Plan to set implementation of the Indicative Land Use plan. As out the overall land use policy and structure planning described in Section 3, the Precinct Plan details to guide future land use. This Part B Implementation the overall policy objectives for each precinct on the Framework responds to this requirement. Airport, which are then implemented through the zoning The Land Use Policy is given effect through the framework. Implementation Framework which establishes guidelines The Land Use Policy includes broad land uses within for land use and development decisions. the relevant land use precincts and Schedules to the This Framework comprises: Special Use zone on the basis that such uses will advance the objectives and strategic intent of the Section 2 Land Use Policy including: ■ Land Use Policy. The Land Use Policy seeks to only ▬ Strategic Policy Considerations (Section 2.1) prohibit those specifically listed uses which have been ▬ Vision and Objectives (Section 2.2); and determined as not being consistent with the objectives and strategic intent of the Land Use Policy. The Land ▬ Land Use Strategy (Section 2.3); Use Policy has deliberately used land use terms which ■ Section 3 Precincts; seek to maximize the potential scope for new commercial ■ Section 4 Land Use and Development including: and retail operations in order to be able to respond to ▬ Special Use Zone (Section 4.1) changes in market directions and forces and to facilitate appropriate new commercial, business and retail uses ▬ Advertising Signs (Section 4.2) and formats under the Land Use Policy. ▬ Car Parking (Section 4.3) The zoning framework ensures that there is a strategic ▬ Loading and Unloading of Vehicles (Section 4.4) approach to the overall use of land throughout the Airport leasehold area. The detailed Special Use zone ▬ Design Principles for New Development controls facilitate the operation of the implementation (Section 4.5) framework through requirements for the preparation ▬ Definitions (Section 4.6) and consideration of planning proposal across the Moorabbin Airport. Additional controls are provided in the form of signage, parking, and loading and unloading of vehicles as well as the description of design principles for consideration in the design and siting of new buildings at the Airport. 111 1 2 Land Use and Development Land use and development proposals are assessed Approvals against the Land Use Policy. Particular guidance can be found in the Strategic Policy Considerations described in Section 2.1, the Vision and Objectives described in 1.2.1 The Role of the Moorabbin Airport Section 2.2, the Land Use Strategy outlined in Section Corporation as Approval Authority 2.3, and the Precincts described in Section 3. Additional direction is provided in the decision guidelines included The Moorabbin Airport is Commonwealth land and in the Special Use zones applying to the Airport land. ownership of the land remains with the Federal Government, specifically the Department of In assessing applications the MAC may seek specialist Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and input from planning, economic, architectural and Local Government. Accordingly the Moorabbin Airport engineering advisors as necessary. Corporation is the Airport Lessee Company as defined A more detailed description of the approvals process is by The Act. Consequently the land is not subject to described below in Section 1.3. state planning controls and the approval role rests with the Moorabbin Airport Corporation (MAC). 1.2.2 The Role of the Airport Building The MAC is required to provide for the strategic and Controller coordinated planning of the use of the Airport, in keeping with the objectives of the Land Use Policy, Precinct Plan The Airport Building Controller is responsible for the and the Special Use Zone requirements. This involves technical approval of all buildings and works on the the assessment of proposals to determine whether Airport. The Airport Building Controller must make an they are consistent with the overall Implementation assessment of all proposed buildings and works against Framework. the requirements of the Building Code of Australia and the Airports Act and issue approvals/certifications for new buildings and structures. 1.2.3 The Role of the Airport Environment 1 3 Approvals Process Officer The MAC has established a comprehensive and The Airport Environment Officer (AE Officer) fulfils the systematically run process for the assessment of land role of Environmental Regulator on the airport site. use and development proposals. The steps in the The AE Officer is responsible for reviewing land process are set out below and summarised in a flow use proposals against environmental criteria and chart in Figure B1. investigating incidents which have, or may have caused pollution or issues of contamination. Where necessary, Where necessary this process is followed for external the AE Officer can issue an infringement notice to any applications to MAC and is also followed by MAC when operator on the Moorabbin Airport site, if the operator preparing and reviewing their own proposals. has committed an offence against the Regulations. i) Applicant Preliminary Information Review 1.2.4 Consultation The initial stage of the approval process involves the applicant collating the preliminary information including As necessary and as part of the approvals process, any preliminary plans, explanation of works and MAC will consult with: proposed use. The purpose of this stage is to ensure enough appropriate information is collated prior to a Council and State Government pre-assessment review. Where appropriate, the City of Kingston and state ii) Pre-assessment Discussion authorities are advised of land use proposals at the Airport by the MAC. MAC may then consider any Once the applicant has collated the preliminary comments received (within 14 days) in determining an information material, a pre-assessment meeting with application. the MAC is recommended. The aim of this meeting is to enable an open forum to take place and resolve any The Moorabbin Airport Consultative Committee relevant issues that become apparent at an early stage of the approvals process. The Moorabbin Airport Consultative Committee will continue to play an important role in reviewing issues iii) Lodgement of the Application associated with the Airport. The MAC recognises that Following the pre-assessment review and once the this forum provides an excellent vehicle for regular required information has generally been agreed upon consultation with key stakeholders, and will therefore the application is lodged with the MAC at the following ensure that regular reports are made to the committee address; on the progress of land use at the Airport. MAC will report on a regular basis (e.g. quarterly) to the MACC in relation to planning matters. Moorabbin Airport Corporation Authorities Airport Management Centre Bundora Parade MAC envisages that various precincts on the site may be Moorabbin Airport divided into ‘lots’ for the purposes of subleasing, which Mentone Vic 3194 will be represented on an overall subleasing plan for the precinct. This plan will be required to address a wide range of access, infrastructure and servicing issues similar to a subdivision proposal. On this basis, MAC will continue to consult and work with relevant public authorities, where appropriate, in regards to proposals for the creation of major ‘subleasing’ areas. 113 1. Applicant Preliminary Information Review Collation of preliminary information regarding the application including: - An understanding of the relevant controls - Preliminary plans - A description of the proposed use and/or any buildings and works 2. Pre-Assessment Discussion with MAC A discussion with MAC at this stage will highlight any particular issues or information requirements that should be addressed prior to lodgment of the application 3.
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