jjh-' V ■ X'-'.'" r-f •• I •" -jg r ' -V . »«-ji PAGE SIXiTEEN, •nJESpAT, MAY 20, 19M •• -4 < • * i O M b ATcnfe Dally Net PrcM Ron For t e Week Ended' . Tbs Waatber Mia*^Donnu Robb, daughter of . Mrs. Meyer Tober repentls identa; Mrs. Thomas F. Moriarty, eU, Mrs. Mitchell; also Lec* i^yai, i9f8 Pefwnet ef D. •. WcnilMr Mjr^and Mrs. Sherwoo-' J. Robb of ited Mr. and Mrs. Herbej^teweer, Bids Announced treasurer; Mrs. John P, Tlemey, Church to'Receive turer Mrs: Frank H- Platt fild har «CNERAL About Town former-loc«I reaidentiLrM^ Uving Iton, a freshman in the physical secretary. husband -are expected, together it oienr. eaMer. Lear (MH>. education course at Bouve-^ston In St. Thorhas, Virgl^uland! The F or Road Work St. Bridg:ft'B parish 'is rep­ " Supper Proci^eds with other ajl»te officers. TV StRVICE The weekly meetln*; of the School, an affiliate of Tufts Uni­ Greer's aon^ JapdebThas two dAtly resented on tha executive board . Mrs. Grade Baker, chalrmat; of Mambar W the Andlt eentliiaed. fntr, mIM. radio progrunt tad attends school by Mm. Cain L. ■ Mahoney, the ,iba Home' Economics committee, Days M AC " --A CAB mgfi nboa$> cheater. Squadron of C i ^ Air versity, Medford, Masti., is attend­ Hartford, May 20 m -T h e Members of the Woman's Bap- 9£t99 Phw Pai^ ParoM »t Otrcnlnttoa •-1' I*»trol U8AF will be h ^ a t the ing the 4-vreek camp session con­ in St. Th^rfas, and their daughter, Church of the Assumption parish has entered M;anchcster Grange in. Nights Manche»Utr— A CUy^of ViUag« Charm CaroL-it^a student at Oberlin Col- State Highway Department says by Mrs. Leonard Rackowaki and tlat Mission Society of the Com­ TEL Ml t-MSg ..... •i American L«gioh at 7 p.m. ducted by Bouve at Bast Brewster,, munity Baptist Church at Man­ the Dairy Supper contest, »ules .. tomorrow. All cad^tfi are reminded Cape Cod. leger^berlin, Ohio. that J. G. DeFelice * ' Son, Ihc., St, James' parish by Mrs. John D. for which ire Issued _by the State -i* LaBelle. Spiritual advisor ia. tht chester Green will prepare and to brine In their'encampment ap­ of Nortli Haven with a bljd of $4,- serve a family style upM r Satur­ Grange. The supper served VOL. lA x V n NO. 197 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGE^TW O SECTIOI«iS) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. MAY 21. 195S (Glaaalfled Adverttetag m Pnga tt) visMeriB plication alKpnd by their parent The Women's Society of^the Miss Mary Twiiphell, 95 Essex Rev. Jqsepn E. Farrell. at 6:30 p.m. bringing PRICE FIVE CENTR , 145,212 was the apparent low bid­ The business - meeting tdibor- day. continusqualy from S-to 7 p.m. .•Jr and with tift encampment fee. Community Baptist Ohupcft w '1 St., won, third j ^ c e in the state Proceeds will be used for the new dairy dishes are naked to list the meet tonight at 8 o'cjotfk at the beauty' coqteiit held Saturday der for the contract to, construct rwv night will be folio''.ed by a amount of dairy products, used, night in Bridgeport. about three mites of concrete pav­ social hour 'With the; Ladles of the church n o ^l^ ln g built. William M. Kellej. son of Mr. church.. The execujjve board will Mrs. RaymdhdRtiddeU In' gener­ and their names' and hand the '■ M . Mrs. Thomaa F. Kelley, 24 meet at 7:30. ing on relocated Rt. 9 in Middle- A,saumptlon as bbstessea. notea to Mrs. Baker or a member .pHMcher Rd., naa been elected town.'The bids were opened yeater. al chairman of ti^gupper commit-^ Tf^ Jaycee Wives will meet to- day. E. B. McGurk, Hartford, with tee, and all five cltdsa of the of her committee. president of his class for 19S8-&9 Joy CirCfe of North Metho^st ifiorrow at 8 p.m. in the Federa­ at American International College, a bid of $275,274, waa the appar^ society will combine foToM In 'the ChunA'w-111 meet tomorrow aftef- tion room of Center Congregation­ ent low bidder for the contract to ’39A Class Starts undertaking. On the memNe^ be Sprinrteld, Maas. A sophomore, he npon at 2 o'clock at the church. al Church. Election of officer? will has also been elected a member of install about a mile of asphalt con­ baked ham, baked beans, potato Science ChneeH cnn« .■’f’-rrsiC C' be held. Members are reminded to crete on relocated R't. 32 and Rt. Plan for Reunion salad, molded salads, and for 2 Prison Sigma Alpha Phi. froas St. Cecilia's Mothers Circle will bring items for the auction. 89 In. the towns of Mansfield, Wil- aert home-baked tarts and coffee. meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the In New Ajuarters ’•wheel t» Members of the Manchester Rod lington and Coventry. "The Planning Committea for tha Children will be served at a front-wbesi and Gun Club are requeated to home of Mrs. Jtm es McDermott, Ebu-I Johnston, caller for the twentieth reunion of Manchester reduced rate. Tickets may be pur­ PMMlliag, w <■ m eet' tonight at T^^O^lock at the 31L Garden Dr. The co-hostess will Manchester Square Dance Ciulb High School's Class of 1939A met chased of members or at the door. The^^Frttt Church of Chriat, be Mrs. John Franl'. te all S-iacb Of Guard Holmes FunernM^ome to pfy re­ ♦* will call for the dance to be held last night in the East Side Recrea­ The Women's Society will be un­ Sclentiat, Ataneheater, has moved ''«*efs. spects to "niomaa Graham, father Thursday from 8 to II p.m. at Catholic Women tion Center and elected Jerry Sapl- able to hold their annual outdoor lla reading nmin^o a new location of a member, Members of Hose Co. No. 2. Waddell School. enza reunion chairman. fair the coming summer, owing $ 7 2 .0 0 • e - at 749 Main St. \ v MUmi. Fla., May 21 Town Fire Department, wdli rneet Set Open House A questionnaire for members of to work on the new church, ground A cordial invltatlot^sla extended The ,,,Army disclosed today .SfTBlI__ Jlliaabeth's Mothers Circle at 7 o'clock tonight at the- flre- The meeting of Grade 8 girls In­ the. class to answer in order to pro­ for which was broken in mid-April. to all may deairs' to read, bor­ Hs9rsfse< Oust Tsiltt CMsani .-^as elected the following officers i hpuse and proceed fronj, there to terested in going into Senior Scout­ The flrst open house meeting of vide information for a reunion aou- row or purchase the Bible, all au­ that plans for disbanding six* -1 L-a. H- : > v for the coming year: Mrs. Bruno the Molme.s Funeral Hdme to pay ing, originally scheduled for tflv the newly fprroed Manchester venlr booklet was worked out. and thorised Christian Science litera­ Fiis.iOv*r average toilci National Guard divisions have ■''a '' badyga, leader; Mrs. Clarence' t'cspecls to Thomas Graham, one morrow, wtlj be held June '4 at a Council of Catholic Women will be Sapiebza will have the question­ Grange to Mark ture and the writings of - Mary howl. Sturdily coe- been abandoned. V , ' Lodge, secretary: Mrs. .lohn Man­ of the early mnifiwrs of the com- p.m. in the Iflobblns room of Cen­ held tomorrow evening at 8:1S in naire in the hands of class mem­ Biker Eddy. (tru.rt«d. Esfily ftrsnsd. The -dlaclosure waa made by . ning, treasurer; ■‘Mrs. Albert So- P«".v. ,, ter Congregational Church. the hall of the Church of the As­ bers ahortly. Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor. Army 4-Cent Mail blelo, contact; Mrs. Harold Walt, sumption. ' Joseph Sullivan was elected 73rd Anniversary chief of etaff, in an address prep­ ‘We.Want De Gaulle, Leads librarian; Mrs. Chester Kosak,. St. Jtiargaret's Crcle, Daughters Guest speaker fo r the evening treasurer and the committee col­ ared for delivery to the govemora welfare and hospitality; Mrs. Fkl-j trf; Isabella, will hold a ham sup­ I . Brewster and Tyler Circles of will be Mrs. Daniel A. Giierriero, lected the first treasury to start ' Manchester Grange, No. 31 ^ Will, conference hare. garBerube and ‘ Mrs. M arsh ^ ' per and auction. May 26 at 6:30 I North Methodist Church will meetl president of the Hartford Coun­ the reunion ball rpilihg. celebrate its 73rd anniversar>’ to­ MeINTdSH APPLES WaDON DRUq oo. The origlitai plan for reduction Rp lice men tonight at 8 o'clock: the Brewster! TyTrell. representatives: p.m. in the parish hall of the cil. , <A tentative date, of April 25. morrow evening in Orange hall. • 2 0 Lb. Bm I$ 1 .0 0 Antborlsed Denier in tha size of the ground National James J. Gleileaaon, publicity. The Church of the A.ssumption. Mrs, ' Circle St the home of Mrs. Vir­ Mrs. Hazel T. Anderson, i^turer, | 901 MAIN 8T.>--8fl 8-glSl Guard grew out of federal govern­ circle will holdMfs annual ban-; F. Leo‘Barrett. 35 DeepWOod,Dr., ginia Phillips, 47 Es.sex St., and will present a program in which a LOUIS OUNCEUNCI FARM ment economy meaaurea. the Tyler Circle at the homo of number of the members wi|l par­ 529 W. CENTER «T. In ,hia prewired speech today. Pari*. M ay' iJD—Premier^lf he thinks he i t a settle the- ln-6-froni virtually all elements In the To"^ffideout quet tonight at the Hawthorne Is chairman of the committee.
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