E1542 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 10, 2002 Whereas, within moments of the crash at Association of Agricultural Educators with the TRIBUTE TO AMBASSADOR PER the Pentagon, Inova AirCare was on the 2000-01 Outstanding Agricultural Education ANGER OF SWEDEN scene to transport patients, and AirCare 2, Teacher Award. This annual award was pre- the system’s back-up helicopter, transported needed supplies to the scene for use in pa- sented to Mr. West for conducting the highest HON. TOM LANTOS tient triage; and quality agricultural education programs and re- OF CALIFORNIA Whereas, Inova Blood Donor Services col- warding him for his civic, community, agricul- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tural and professional leadership. lected more than 2,000 units of blood in the Tuesday, September 10, 2002 first week following the attacks, and a por- This award also serves as a highlight of Mr. tion of the donations were sent to New York West’s ability to draw upon community re- Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I call to the at- and New Jersey to help injured patients; and sources in order to provide meaningful edu- tention of my colleagues to the passing during Whereas, the Inova Institute of Research cational experiences for all students. the August recess of Ambassador Per Anger and Education contacted the Food and Drug of Sweden. He died Sunday August 25 in Currently a teacher at Ripley High School in Administration to allow usage of a new Stockholm at the age of 88. I invite my col- drug—in its final phase of testing—in a suc- Ripley, West Virginia, William West continues leagues to join me in paying tribute to him. cessful attempt to save the life of Virginia to supply top quality agricultural education. His Mr. Speaker, Per Anger was a distinguished State Police Trooper Michael Middleton; and work, and the example he sets, has provided career diplomat of his native Sweden. He was Whereas, more than a month after the Sep- an invaluable service to his students and to ambassador to Australia, Canada and the Ba- tember 11 attacks, Inova Health System West Virginia. I am honored to commend Mr. played a leading role in the initial diagnosis hamas, Consul General in San Francisco, an William West and offer him my best wishes in and treatment of patients exposed to an- advocate and activist within the Swedish For- the future. thrax at the Brentwood Postal Facility; and eign Ministry for humanitarian assistance, and Whereas, Inova Fairfax Hospital emer- an effective voice of conscience in Swedish di- gency room physician Cecele Murphy diag- f nosed the first inhalation anthrax patient on plomacy. But most of all, he will be long re- October 19, 2001, before the source of the an- PERSONAL EXPLANATION membered for his active and effective collabo- thrax was known; and ration with Raoul Wallenberg in the saving of Whereas, within two days, the hospital di- Hungarian Jewish lives during the Holocaust, agnosed the second anthrax case, and Inova HON. NITA M. LOWEY and then for his advocacy on behalf of physicians soon developed protocols for hos- OF NEW YORK Wallenberg after the Soviet Army took him pitals to follow in screening postal workers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prisoner at the end of World War II. and other potential inhalation anthrax Mr. Speaker, Ambassador Anger was born cases; and Tuesday, September 10, 2002 in Goteborg on December 7, 1913, and stud- Whereas, in collaboration with infectious disease specialists from Kaiser Permanente, Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, during an ab- ied law at Stockholm and Uppsala universities. Inova physicians published an anthrax case sence yesterday, I regrettably missed Roll Call He began his diplomatic career in Berlin, but study in the Journal of the American Med- votes 375–377. Had I been present, I would he was posted to Budapest in late 1942. Dur- ical Association, an article that was pub- have voted in the following manner: ing his early days in Budapest, he passed on lished faster than any other case study in a historic piece of intelligence—the plans, lo- Roll Call #375: Yea; Roll Call #376: Yea; the journal’s history; and cation and operations of Nazi concentration Roll Call #377: Yea. Whereas, Inova Fairfax Hospital held three camps that he had gleaned from refugees to press conferences to educate the public on Hungary. key anthrax information, including the fact f that it is not contagious and that patients in He was still in Budapest in March 1944 and visitors to hospitals are safe; and TRIBUTE TO HART AND MARK when Nazi Germany occupied Hungary. Short- Whereas, Inova Health System continued HASTEN ly after the German Wehrmacht arrived, Adolf to take the lead in producing and distrib- Eichmann and his henchmen appeared in Bu- uting anthrax information to inform the dapest with the assignment to exterminate the public via information hotlines, websites, HON. MIKE PENCE Jewish population of Hungary. Per Anger the press, and public meetings; and OF INDIANA began issuing temporary Swedish passports Whereas, throughout the turbulent Fall of and identity cards to Hungarian Jews in an ef- 2001, the medical professionals and staff of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fort to protect them against deportation to Nazi Inova Health System responded to emer- Tuesday, September 10, 2002 gency situations with great dispatch, dili- extermination camps. gence, courage, and professionalism; now, Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to In July of 1944, Raoul Wallenberg arrived at therefore, be it pay tribute to Hart and Mark Hasten, two the Swedish Legation Budapest. He came at Resolved by the Senate, the House of Dele- brothers born in the small town of the request of the United States and with the gates concurring, That the General Assem- Bohorodczany, Poland and currently living in support of the Swedish government in an ef- bly hereby commend Inova Health System fort to do what he could to save the lives of for its quick and effective response to the my home state of Indiana. In 1942, acting on horrifying rumors that Nazis were murdering Hungarian Jews. Wallenberg expanded the events of September 11 and the anthrax inci- use of these protective passports, issuing tens dents in October 2001; and, be it Jews everywhere, their father placed young Resolved further, That the Clerk of the Hart and Mark in a horse drawn carriage and of thousands of them to Jews facing shipment Senate prepare a copy of this resolution for the family fled town in the middle of night. to extermination camps, and with American fi- nancial assistance he leased apartment build- presentation to Inova Health System as an Shortly after the Hastens left Bohorodczany, expression of the General Assembly’s admi- ings where Jews driven from their homes twelve hundred Jews were gathered by the ration and gratitude for its dedication to the stayed nominally under Swedish diplomatic Nazis and murdered in a nearby town. Hart health and welfare of the citizens of North- protection. Together Wallenberg and Anger and Mark, and their parents, were the only ern Virginia. saved tens of thousands of children, women, surviving Jews from the area. f and men from the forced marches and from Recently, the two brothers traveled back to the trains bound for death camps at Auschwitz HONORING MR. WILLIAM WEST their boyhood town to erect a monument in and elsewhere in Nazi-occupied Europe. the memory of the martyrs. Rabbi Kasriel Mr. Speaker, while Per Anger’s diplomatic HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO Shemtov from Israel and Rabbi Moseh career is distinguished, it is his efforts with Kolesnik from Ukraine as well as fifty Jewish OF WEST VIRGINIA Raoul Wallenberg that set him apart, that raise people from neighboring villages joined Hart IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES him above the many eminent Swedes who and Mark to observe the dedication. have served their country with honor and in- Tuesday, September 10, 2002 The story of those who perished is etched tegrity. Ambassador Anger’s association with Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in in Hebrew and English on a granite stone in Raoul Wallenberg gave him a cause that he honor of a constituent of mine, Mr. William a small cemetery where they may rest in continued to pursue with commitment and in- West. I am proud to recognize Mr. West for peace. telligence throughout his life. Because of that his dedication to furthering agriculture edu- Mr. Speaker, I praise Hart and Mark Hasten association, he will be honored around the cation in the state of West Virginia. for erecting this monument in the name of world for generations. On a national scale, Mr. West was one of their fellow townspeople. This is a special me- A great deal of what we know about Raoul six educators to be recognized by the National morial for a deserving community of heroes. Wallenberg’s efforts in Budapest in 1944 is the VerDate Sep<04>2002 05:09 Sep 11, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10SE8.027 E10PT1 September 10, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1543 result of the work of Per Anger. His memoir, Mr. Speaker, as we reflect on the unspeak- Elijah Sanborn, who was then in his early With Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest, provides able horrors that were unleashed upon the 90’s, had served in the Union Army as a essential documentation of many of the events world by the Nazi regime a half-century ago, youth of 16 or 17 during the Civil War. For a during that tempestuous time. Without this it is important that we not only remember the heroic deed, he received a citation which was presented by President Lincoln, who also published recollection, our knowledge of atrocities and violence and murder and terror shook his hand.
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