- ·- " May 1972 BEAR FACTS PUBLISHED BY OCEANIDS - UCSD ~OMEN Vol. X, No. 8 Editor - Betty Shor, 2655 Ellentown Road, La Jolla (453-0334). Calendar Editor - Cynthi a Travis, 610~ Avenida Cresta, La Jolla (459-2195). SubsciriP,tions and circulation - Sue Br:i,me, 2505 Ellen town Road, La Jolla (453-6836) St F.t ff - Sa]ly Spiess, Frieda Urey , Clara Green, Do'T: ·~ Hawkins, He len B.aitt , folly Woo ster, tietty uoldberg, Rhoda Stultz, Karen Kessle r. Deadlines: n ews items, 1 5th; ca lendar items, 20th of e a ch month. ti~l·1lN D.t;rt OCrul.l~ll.J;:i AN1'<UAL i:lrti' '·'. i. 4H"\.,ti~ '- N The deadline for reserva tions for the l'U.t.uDA:t, 1'1Ai 16 , l f1 •·· May 16 annual luncheon is Na y .9. 'l'he form I nterna tional Center ll: j O ;:>ocial rlour is repeated below. Matthews Campus, UC;:>D 12:15 Luncheon Those availing themselves of the ba by­ ~3 per person sitter service are asked please to bring snacks o r lunch for your own children . ;:>peaker: Dr. Ann feters, h.U. on "Child Care - a Universal Challengeu Juurtl\IA L;:i wAl'll'l'J:.lJ -- AN.l..i l'J\.H'it;:l'. CLAu::i.t!.u ,..'] A..:UJUH u 1•1 feople t o People has enjoyed a decade The Aquari um-l'i useum wi11 a gain offer o f scientific a nd cultural exchang e with classes for childr Rn this summer . ~ he two­ ~scuela Superior de Ciencias Marinas in week courses will be held two ho urs daily, hnsenada , now installed on its n ew tunta Monday throug h Friday . Enrollment i s l imited Morro campus. To honor the hew setting , tc jO stud ent s per class . "O s car Oc e a nograph er", f or the 1st , 2nd , Pe ople to Feople is seeking back i ssu e s of scie n tl.fic journa ls a nd funds for buy ing others }rd g r ade s , wi ll be from 10:00 a . m. t o 12 : 00, July 10- 21 . ~c i e ntific di scovery me thod will f or thP: school's library. include fish, molluscs , sha rks , cra bs , etc . ~he members of this interest g roup of Crafts wi ll include s a nd-casting , painting, Oc e a nids are n ow a s king for donations from clay modeling Dn d shell c r a fts. all their members, all friends of t eop le to "lntroduction t o !~. arine i:!;co j ogy·', f o r the J:'eople , and a ll friends of ESCJVJ . Back issues 4th, ) th, 6th g r Eid es, wi 11 be fron1 1 : 00 t o 3 : 00 of scientific j ournals a re especially welcome. p .m., July 10- 21. "rhe c ourse wi l l emphasi z R Cash dona t ions for buying journals a r e also the ba sic marine biolo ~ y a nd eco logy of much n e eded, a nd are t a x -deductible when made inte rtidel inhabita n t s. t c feopl e t o Feopl e . A committe e from Scripps "1"& 1 ine Jiw mmals", for the '?t h , t« tr. , Ins titution i s helping advise leople to feople on j ournals that are especially 9 th grades , wi l l be f r om 1:00 t o J : OO p . m. a pprcpriate f e r the ~nse n ada ocea nograu hy c olle3e . June 1 9 - 30. Th e course will be an ov e rvi e w of some ~a cifjc oc e a n ma rine ma mmals, s uch as back issues of journa l s a nd cash donations may_be d elivered t o : rtichard S chwa rtz lose , dol r hins, seals, sea o tters, wha l es , e tc. 1?6! Kitter Ha ll, Scr i pps Institution .r .O. b o x ~or r egi s tration o r further inf o rme tion 109 , La Jolla 92037 , Ch e cks should b e made p l e a s e c a ll Pat Kam pmann , e xt. 2 380 . ' out t o f e opl e to teop le . ~or question s , phon e l•J a ry Ca r ol Isaacs , 755-2308 , o r Ellen Moore, 271-7735. Name Phone Number of r eservations at $3 . 00 each ; Babysitter n eeded ? ~~~~~~-no . Number of chil dren Mail , with your ch e ck made out to Oceanids , to Mrs . B. Zweifach , 8811 Nottingh a m Pl a c e , La Jol l a , CA 92 037. 1 Hr.Li-' Nr;t:DED id' ;;;AN DIEGO COU.l'Ht JAIL FOrl cl~Si:!.NAJJANS ·.CG VlSl'l' " "Rll'rS wUJ'l.t!:i'>J Bienvenidos is the watchword for the El izabeth Conlisk May 5 (Cinco de Mayo) annual visit to Scripps "Dehumanizing" was the word Mrs. by students and staff of Escuela Supericr de ~uincy White used to describe life in the Ciencia s Marinas in Ensenada, hosted by San Diego County Jail for Women. This Feople to People. Accompanying the g roup academic year Mrs. White has spoken to both will be th P- director of the oceanographic the Contemporary Issues and the Community school, .l:-rofesso.c Carlos Hoberto de Al ba Concerns interest groups, telling them of the F~rez and his wife. In addition, this year conditions in the women's jail. ~he women about 60 students are expected and about a live in four dormitory rooms, with about dozen professors, some accompanied by their 24 bunk beds crowded into each room. There wives . are as many as to 100 women in these four 7 :-: a s they arrive the group will be g reeted rooms. There are no windows to the outside. by Assistant Director o f Scripps Jeff Frautsc hy The walls to the halls a n d toilets a re ma de at 10 a.m. a t the Scripps A~ua rium-Mu s eum, and of glass. There is no real privacy even wi 11 be officially welcomed at Sumner Audi tori um, when the women go to the toilet or take a where an oceanog raphic film will also be- shown. shower. The inmates can't go out of their At noon all the visitors will be guests of the room, even to walk in the hall, unless marine biology seminar conducted we ekly by accompanied by an authorized person. 'I'ne Prof. Ralph Lewin, and at which some of the women are n o t supposed to be in this jail visitors will show slid es of their Ensenada for more than 30 days, but s ometimes they campus a nd their pro jects. stay there for six months to a year. _ !-a comida will be next on the busy During this time the women do very little except eat and sleep. schedule, a casserole d inner to be served on There is a crying need for help to the arcade outside Sumner Auditorium. ~ n~v provide these women with something to do. Van Dorn, Wilma Sites, and rhyllis Sch~~r Lz lo~€ (ll Vo lunteers are needed to involve the are in cha rge of thes e arr8n g ements. ln the women in an activity such a s sewing; the afternoon g roups of the visitors ;;lJ ! '. : . shown jail hs s a fully e quipped sewing r oom which several labora tories a t Scripps ; Ln - , :·;· ; is c urrently unused because the s e wing s t aff members who are opening their laoor~ Lories instructor has left. ( 2 ) Volunteers a re to the visitors will also be guest s a t l a also needed to become sponsors to he l p the comida. visiting En senada wives will be women make the adjustment from institutional offered a tour of La Jolla by Spanish-speaking t o community l iving . AS a sponsor, a woman members of Feople to Feople. or a couple wou ld devote about three h ours Following tradition , a soccer game i s a week t o one inmate a nd t a ke a co urse schPduled for :;. p . m. - between \JC;;i!J and t: ;:; CM. given by the Liaison League nehabilit a tion A s 0 -ndwi ch buffet at I nterna tiona l Center , Group ; the success rate of this group is arra n ged by Ellen 1•1oor e and c ommittee , will a surprisl n g 70 t o 80 per cent . (3 ) c onclude thP festiv ities. Financial h e l p is a l so n e eded by the Lia ison )~ ague. (h) Also our prison system could be improved if unemployed teachers and job hunting students were encourag ed to look i nto a job in prison work. · If y ou have any time, money or i deas to con t ribu ~ e please conta ct Mrs. Wh ite a t the City Jail ( 232-3811). Two UCSD professors were h onored by the American Geophysical Union at its April meeting: W. Ian Axford , professor of physics a nd ~ppl i e d physics received the J ohn Adam Flemi~ g Medal for "original research a n d t echnical leade r s h ip ... "; a nd Ca rl Ecka rt p rofessor e meritus of geophysics a t Scr ipps ; recei ved the William Bowi e Me da l for " out­ sta nding contributions to funda mental geo­ physics." 2 CvN'l'.tiJ'lrv.tlAJH l08Ut.~ 1-tit.::llDEN'l' '.:> 1•1c;:,;:,Alii Dear Priends, Janet J ohnson Be sure to set aside May 16 to attend Contemporary Issues is about to finish our Annual Spring 1•1embership Luncheon, It a most successful and thought-provokin g yea r.
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