) \ CoMdion Jowioh \ Gonero~o Proao, ~. ' l • ll2l st. cnthorino st. " • JE~ THURSDAY, Ticl~~ts from t\ontroa.l, Qua• 1111 . Ro·yal 'WEI . MARCH 24, Alexandra Women's Division FUN ··---or JIL n p 6.30 P.M. Hotel members and . from Welfare office, Guest Speaker: DR. JOACHIM PRINZ, of ·American Jewish Congress. JEWISH WELFARE FUND OF WINNIPEG .1949 QUOTA - $408,346 ASSUME YOUR FULL RESPONSIBILITY! DISTINGUtSHED GUEST AT ... \· Patroness Luncheon For .,.~L:: \ Youth Aliyah Wednesday .\ National Hadassah, National Young '\ Judaea, and the Hebrew University '\' hospital building fund. She was a member of Council of the Jewish Agency from 1929-1033. At present she is honorary vice-president of the TRlE VJIES!''S <G lPUE AT lE S 'l1.' JlEWISlHI Jewish National Fund; member of the executive, World Jewtl~ Con-' For Ecery Jewish Family an~ Ereru Memher of the Family -Manitoba. Saskatchewan. Alberta, Britbh f:olumhia gress; member of the National Council American Friends of the Vol. XXIV, No. 11 WINNIPEG, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1949 5c Pe.r _Cop) Hobrcw university; member Na­ tional committee for Hebrew uni­ versity medical centre campaign; 'Queen Esth~r' Winner and is the honorary president of To Be Crowned At Providence chapter of Hadassah and the League of Jewish Women's or- C For A Dance ganization of Rhode Island. · A dance highlighted by a colorful . Mrs. Silverman ls one o! the or­ coronation ceremony will wind up ganizers of the Herzlia development the C. for A. Queen Esther contest company and the. Sharon Hotels at the Hebrew Sick Benefit hall on Calgary.-Cantor Joseph Eidelson, and "Sweet Voice of Israel,'' and Limited in Israel. She has visited Saturday, March 19. Ald. E. A. Brot­ renowned throughout the European "Thousands Flock to Hear New Can­ man will officiate at the crowning continent for his : great Chazanuth, tor." MRS. ARCHIBALD SILVERMAN most of the cities of the United States ana Canada to raise funds ceremony. All proceeds derived from will sing over Radio Station CJCJ, While in Calgary the 37-year-old of Rhode Island, U.S.A. will be guest for Palestine and has conducted the contest will be contributed to cantor and his wife Feigele, are visit­ speaker at the Youth Aliyah Patron­ drives for Keren Hayesod in South Jewish Aid overseas. ing with his only surviving cousin, ess luncheon to be held in the Royal America. She has also visited Cuba, Lovely "Queen Esther" contest­ Harry Edelson. Cantor Eidelson ex­ 1 Alexandra 'hotel 011 Wednesday, Trinidad, Haiti, Dominican Republic, ants include: Beverly Davidow, pects to go to the United States Stdson club; Dorothy Korn, Macca­ where he will have greater oppor­ March 23, at 12.30 p.m. Active in Mexico, Jamaica, Curacao and Sur­ I ·- inam Dutch Guiana. Among the Eu­ beam club; Renee Sharon, Golde turiitics to display his golden lyric Zionism for nearly forty years, Mrs. ropean countries she has visited arc Myerson chapter, Pioneer Women; tenor voice. The committee in charge \'. Silverman has visited Pakstine Romania, Lithuania, Sweden, Ger­ and Noli Angelle, club. of arrangements of the concert arc ' J regularly since 1025. Her past record many, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslo­ expecting a capacity audience in- CLARICE MEYERS ROSANNE ROLLINGER HAZEL HARDIN includes tours of Europe and North vakia, France and Poland: In 1944 eluding many music lovers from Ed­ Misses Hardin, Meyers, and Rollinger arc the candidates for Edmonton and South America on behalf of she made a 50,000-mile trip to Aus­ Music Club Concert monton, Lethbridge and other 'sur­ tralia and New Zealand. In 1948 she rounding communities. Jack Chern­ A.Z.A. Sweetheart. The winner will be chosen at a dance sponsored by Zionism and among the many high went to Israel as a member of the Cultural Event off, chairman of the committee, has Mendel Bloomfield chapter of A.Z.A. on April 2. positions she has held are: vice­ Red Magen, David commission and Preparations for the Winnipeg requested those wishing to attend to Benny Grabow, chapter social chairman, is convening the dance, and presidcnt, Zionist organization of on her return visit DP camps on Jewish musical club annual spring contact him at W2566 or Wl695 to the girls' campaign managers arc Jack Feldman, Allen Ostrovsky, and Henry Bernstein. America, American Jewish Congress, Cyprus and in Germany and Austria. concert, to be held at the Playhouse make sure they get their invitations, theatre on Sunday, April 17, are in as space at the Al Azhar Temple is For .an enjoyable evening in support of Jewish youth, the entire full swing, and from all appearances limited. Jewish community of Edmonton is urged to attend. Report Iraqi Jews this year's concert will be the finest yet. ~entenced To Death Having been organized for only Tel Aviv, (JTA) - Seven Iraqi three years, the club has already To Address Jews were sentenced to death last gained recognition as one of the New York, (JTA)-For the first time in history, the blue-and-white CANTOR JOSEl'II EIDELSON • week for supporting Zionism, Radio finest of its type, and a real contri- We If are DInner. llag of Israel was raised in the Western Hemisphere when the S.S. Haifa Bagdad, monitored here, announced • bution to community Jewish culture. Calgary on Tuesd~y, March 22 at was dedicated here at Cl'remonies at Potts Cove Pier, in Queens. Several this week. President Leon Bell, in outlining 7.30 p.m., and wiIJ... :,rescl\t a concert ___ "". --··'- hundred perso11s participated in the dedication, .which was sponsorcrl by the work of this cultural group, at th~ Al Azhar Tr' nple on Sunday, The broadcast listed five of the __r the American-Israeli Shipping company,~'.ent:; for the• owners of the \.· March 27, at 2.30 His program '' Jews as: Eved Zion, Menashe Yitz­ staled that the receipts from con­ lrn. -•· ••' 1i''"', vessel. · · will include Chazahuth, folk songs hak, Yitzhak Shlomo Burad, Naji certs alone are insufficient to cover Bartley Crum, forn~cr ·U.S. member of th and operatic arias. -:< · · ·_, l\-_:·•< ..,. Zion and Abraham Zion. The names expenses, and urged those interested 6 rw ,NII(' ia, V -o~""T ..."'JJ,\ ..,,,. , _!,;; -~;d;__"ClJ".ir~:•:1 ...,:_.!:•: ... ·.: "t.,.~, ;,:.1•,':·,1; -•,. ·•,,•,._.._ 4 ~--·-·oi "the oihcr .two Jews ( we1:e. not' •I ~-I '-•-••••- ~:_. ~••-"i-4,,,4 \ • ...., ,,_- - - -..,, -""' • ,... - c.... ~,1_.7 ~~J ~,h.•• ., ~--..1fi"i~:~d. ...::':i )~.i. · ~-· l~:~~1,:~~ secrcfory, Mrs. R. Morgan, 109 Lux­ the Siriai Shul in , ·ars.1w at the age -~ ··--·,.,,.:,. --· ' ~· ..• >,"'·J···~~·· •• ;,;;_ ,-;_;;;;, ' to MaX\>'cll T.-P~~-~~~~-e,;~~t Stuart, C:m;:iltianu~~~ trnde ~~~JJ;~~~f. commissi divulged. The broadcast said that 14 'l~AWA.-Thc Ottaw>i Citizen in ton avenue. of 16. :lour years laf-,cr he was chosen the Israeli flag from Gideon Straus, Israeli co other Jews will also be tricd«soon on O an editorial called lor greater \;S;~/ ~· 0 charges of supporting Zionism. Conductor of the choir, Benjamin to succeed Cantor Moishe Kusevitzki -f is a former Canadian Victofy ship. · trade between Canada ~nd Israel. Brownstone, has been acclaimed as ils Vilno Shtot cha71in. Coming from 1 1 1 This local newspaper observed that having no peer in choral work in a family of canton, his father and '} ,?'r!f, the 1e~~ta~:·:~~ ;::7e~a~!:l::~;:e:~d:~!.~'.;.~~E~~~::i: Elath, who wa~ • $1 075 this country, in search of more for- western Canada. five ,brothers were 'famous for their unable to attend the affair, sent_ a telegram from Washington', .Other R eign markets, could not make a mis- , ..- <, P0 rt age atSeS , Juscha Resnitsky, orchestra con­ singing, All perished under the Hit- ,.. "' speakers included Aubre~:' S. Eban, Israeli representative to the ·united :, For Histadruth _/.. take by cultivating the Israeli mar- ductor, is well known as a highly ler regime. 1 Nations, Hep. Jacob Javits, and Julius :Shi10n, president o! the Pa_lcstine , ket and by providing, if necessary, accomplished musician, having Following his m;eration from the Portage la Prairic.,i.. $1,075 was a Jarge' loan to the new Jewish Economic corporation. graduated from a large Russian con­ Vilno ghetto an'u ·feveral concentra­ 'raised, by the Jewish community State. The editorial goes on to note servatory, when Russia boasted the tion camps, Cantor Eidclson reached here durin'g the recent tJistadruth_ that Israel a!'Ca potential factor in finest of these institut!ons in the Rome where he spent two years PIONEER WOMEN'S PROJECT campaign. The drive was held under the entire Midd!c East business world. studying music and improving his the chairmanship. ·of Eddy Cohen, world would benefit Canada in the Winnipeg's lovers of music und voice under the noted Prof. Alberto president, and Max Marmel, Hista- future if action is taken na.w to cultural entertainment should not Volonino. In Rome he was a member druth director. assure the friendship of Eretz. This miss this event. of the Hebrew Art circle consisting Contributors are: $150, Ed Cohen view is also held by a number of of refugee artists. Later he was RABBI JOACIIIM l'RINZ and B. Portigal; $100, I., H. Green- key officials in the department of flown to·Israel on a concert tour and chairman of the administrative com­ berg, Mike Greenberg, M. J. Marmel, trade and commerce here in Canada's then to Johannesburg, South Africa. Sharet Leaves For U.S. mittee of the American Jewish Con­ E. B. Narvey; $75, Delta Apparel Capital. • Tel Aviv, (JTA)-Israeli Foreign English and Jewish newspapers Industries Limited; $50, I. Cohen That Israel will make a wonderful gress, will be guest speaker at the Minister Moshe Sharet left Tel Aviv have acclaimed him as "Sang His campaign opening dinner of the (Westbourne), S.
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