' '' ¦ ¦'' ¦• " ¦ ¦ ' : ' ' '" , . >V- -J -£ii' > it* ¦, ¦ "'' / "t-" ¦ -O-¦ " <-¦" -£¦ TfK I-( -' .-# ' . , . " " ~ ' ~ ~~ ~ ' " ¦ : ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ - ¦ - ' ¦ ¦ : V ; ¦ . - ,,... ;.. ;.;. ,i- :. ¦ , -; .. AND LEEpI _ , . ; . j: ^i ^ ^ GENER & VOL. 1, Ifo/ 41. ADVERTISER. I SATURDAY, AU<SflJr 25, t&g. : i *> "« Fourpencejj ^.y 5 g 5gi ggi IVB gg^LINGS PER TO ' ^^ ^ ^ ^ ft __ QoARTBRi of WOfi^"— KS , PUBLIS"—T T-TTT HEDT BY G.r TTTTiBEEGEE , l l ' aS=S=====—======== ^^ TPI TfT TT rTT ill hVPf» on StocLARGEks Moor , on the 13th TO LET, HOLYWEL L STREET , STRAND. T ?? QUANTITY r t0 of EDWABD - HARKE& has no firmer Defender. The People have neither J GOOD Accustomed BEER HOUSE, in a A la iD OF T*SOULBYqnTT?il5, ? SOUTH LANG ASHORE DEMON»TRAfiCJir. ^nnJr ^^b; By mon 5" clai to formerly of 4, John-Street. -Soa Representative or Leader like Oastler- at once ¦ 3l. fiwt rate ..situation and At & low valuation , S , g n> tne Field*, then of 16 Monday last, «^ meeting was: heid" at the a oove - (pro ving• them ^by their , PreSck's pia£ GeswSf RoS; competent to the mighty task, and equal to the emer- ON PoK- y« partkrolaraapp ly at Jlr.IIoPKrNSOJf 'Sj brazier, CONSUMPTION CTJEABLE, Description ,)-may then of 3 Upper Ashley tical Union Rooms, ReiiafiVr %Uding», Maik eV ¦ to Mr. Street , Northamp ton gency of the times. , ' f ieet-Street, Shambles, Xieeds, Twentieth Edition P ?SIT *' - ** •&& **<>* Jacob Hudson , Uar f 13 street, Manches ter,, at wWct iekgates /j&oni¦ |& , Price Two Pence, » Oswl3ton Street So T Town , The question now is—whether Constitutional '' ¦' ¦ ¦ Also two others will be to LET shortl Kexbro> paying a.1ll ,n- ^-^lMiddle ° ** clerk ™ * following districts attended. ;. ' . • . ' ¦ :- .;.^ . ; ;> ¦/¦¦ ' y. By H. CoNGfcBVB. after au re n , to Messrs. Hick a and Dean liberty on the one hand, and individual security, as ^«l - of 5, Gra y s Inn S ' ** quare, Middle sex, Attorne ys at its consequence, on the other—are much longer to • No; 1. STOCKPORT DISTRICT ; J OBSERVATIONS on Asthma, Consumption, a r ; t en 0f exist. : RETURN OF THE ri°) ° Yarm in ** county The one has been aimed at, and if struck Hea ton Noriis, Brinni ngton , . ' and other Disorders of the Lungs; Cough , off YorkVork , C erkw to Mr.lr J.Garbutt of Yarm down the other ; Shortness , aforesaid, , will shortly share its fall. The right Stockpor t, Laniisome , ' OOBCBEJTEB LABODBEES! of Breath, &c. This Pamphlet^ addressed Attorney at Law and Solicitorjn ; then of 5 to Property u " J 1:¦¦ ' " ' MIKEEAI TEREA METALLIC the , George'a cannot possibly survive the denial of Cheadle , Wimslow ^¦ . ^ exclusively to the above cls*s of sufferers, has , Court, Bnggat^ Leeds West Riding of liberty, a o For f illing the nd f support, and of independence, to the l reached the unprecedented circulation of Twenty Decayed Teeth, without heat, p ain or said County of York, anA durirg the time industrious 2. HYDE DISTRICT. ^' ; , last afore- labourer. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' 'H " "^¦ Now Publishin g, Pri ce Fot/bfe ncb, Thousand Copies ! thereby proving it to be wor- . pressure and said oi i*o. •», l emplar Street . Hyde, . ..• ; • .; ' . -, - . - Werreth, •- ,, : .,. [ / Incor rodible Mineral Teeth , then of 21, Btdford If the ' '"' '" thy of the patronage bestowed—its low Place, afterwards of 14, ° People perish, the Princes of the People Denton, Gorton. • , • , price render- f ixed without giving the Bedford Place, then of 7 perish with ' : ¦' '"- 1 THE VICTIMS OE WHIGGEBY, ing it accessible to the poor. least p ain, ot shewing P tb n f J B1^eim S thsm. To Mr. Oastler the country is Gee Cross, .,. , - ' - any fasteni ng % i^» e ° » 4qna^ , and then indebted, for the bold 1 . BHNGASTATE JIEHT OT THl whatever. of 36, Albion Street all In Leeds aforesaid and fearless declaration of 3. ASHTON DISTRICT. - , and wholesome truths on this subject , which if embraced fSESKUTIOS EXPER IENCED BI THE DORCHKSTXB late oT Barwick-m-Elmet, in the West Ridi , Droylsden, .Mottr,ajn DK of and acted upon, may yet save the , . : LABOURERS , THE MOTHER'S the said County of York, Attorney at nation. Follow- Aucfenshaw, Glossrip, * '" ' ' "' MANUAL, Law and ing in the steps of his friend and AK ACCOTXNT OF VAii DIBMAN'S LAND, Or every mother her own Physician. LEEDS Kan HtrODERSFXEKD. Solicitor, late Clerk to the Trustees of the Leeds coadjutor , the Hooley Hill, Moseley,' ¦ ' ' ' 'i' '^ talented, zealous, and patriotic Sadler, that Mar- DukenReld WITH TBS Corn Exchange Buildings, and late Agent to , Newloawp6dr •'• Bt H. Conorktb. the tyr to benevolent exertions, he has nought to bring A-h ; HOR RORS OF TRAN SPORTATION. Yorkshire Fire and Life Insurance Company ton^ Hartsheadv : A an the Agricultural and Manufacturing interests to a Stalybndge . ¦/» ¦ A Treatise on the disorders occurring in the earlv Insolvent Debtor, are requested to meet at the'office , Knotlanes. : . -:- PTJIJ/Jr DEVELOPED , stages of infancy, particularl MR. right knowledge of the common principles of political y at the period of cutting ESKELL, of Mr. Thomas Robinson, Solicitor, No 8 wisdom and . 4. OLDII AM piSTRIC T. ^ BT GE-OBGE LOVELESS , their teeth, with the means ot preventing Hirst s Y ard Bnggate justice, whicb ought to regulate all men , ' ' ¦ ' : convulsions, Surgeo n Dentuty of , , Leeds, on Tuesday, the «terywhere , Qldh am,. (i - " ' ' '' " ojrt or YUK Yicrats. fits, &c., consequent on that painful No. 12J, Park Moiv, Leeds, Eleventh day of September alike.; He ,has to|led Jong and hard to, : .i\^y. : Cuaddeit oh^ V , '^ operation. next, at twelve re-unite the Labourer and.tbe Landlord, " ' Cromptonj ¦¦ • • : ^ada feworth V' - ' • '*' - 'I "Suggestions and advice, well TYESPECTFULLY o at Noon of the the ,Work- Roytu n : worthy the atten- announces that he is oa a 'Clocfr same day precisely, for the man and the Master, the Peers and the Peop , Dbbcrosa v ^ ' ^ tion of every mother."—Nottingham J-V.Profewrinnal vKSt to purpose of choosing an Assi le; Lees, Also Just PttkBsked, Price One Penny, Review. ' Huddersfield, and for the gnee or Assignees, of shewing each that, unless all are friends ' Hplhnw ood, better accommod the said Insolvent' , they must, Austerlan d, War Price Sixpence, with an Engraving. ation of his friend?, has made ar- s Estate and Effects. and will, eventually destroy one another. sdeh , THE CATECHISM rangements to attend that place ; and max Fails worth , Sold wholcsaie and retail by J. Hobson , Northern sul be con- The crisis has arrived, and his country now calls or the Star Office ted in all the branches of DENTAL SUKGERY voon him 5. ROCHDALE , Leeds, and bj all the Vendors of that as follows to come forward , and either in the £> ate DISTRICT, Journal ; also b , until furthea notice : or out of i t as Providence HEW MOBAL WOBLD. , y all Vendors of cheap periodicals national Subscription, , shall determine, to be the Middleton, Butterworth- throughout the country Agents may be instrument of giving National expression and BY ROBERT OWEN. supp lied EVERY WEDN FOR THE PURCH ASE OF A , Spotland, Rochdale, ' with Show or Posting Bills, on application to the ESDAY AND THURSDAY , National authority to the views he has so zealously, Castleton, Wardletnouth This day is pnblished, Price One Penny, AT . publisher, or to Mr. Hobson. MRS. BENNET'S, YORK PLACE ; FREEHOLD ESTATE ANNUITY and unceasingly, whilst in a private station, im- Whitworth, Todmorden. " . ; THE LABOURER'S REWARD : or, THE , pressed upon his fellow-countrymeu. COARSER FOOD DIET-TABLE, promul- And every Monday a* INFANTILE , Tuesday , Friday, ana OR SUCH OTHER INVE STME NT AS A COM MITTEE To enable him to do this effectually, it is resolved - 6. BURY DISTRICT. gated by the POOR-LAW COMMISSION ERS! DISE ASES REMOVED . Saturday, at his Residence, , , * 12* Part Row APPOI NTED BY A Njb to promote a subscri ption , in which ALl< --Nobles, Prestwich ; T has been well and truly observed that "he who . .eeds. ' ' FftOM THE SUBSCRIBERS , , Tottington, V Tfcis Table is published oa a broad sheeL Glergy, and all of every rank connected with the Pilkiugton, Elton . " contains an I makes two blades of grass to grow whpre but 6HALL DEEM MOST ADVISABLE , sai "Appeal to the Labouring Men one grew before J Landed Interest , and Merchants, Manufacturers, Ratcliffe, Waliiiersley, - ^England," that should be , is a real benefactor to his country." INCORRODIBLE MINERAL TEETH and O read in every Cottage Can any tulo^y , TO BE PRESENTED TO perati ves dependant upon Commerce, will ¦ouryi Heywood. Bid Workshop in the Kingdom. , therefore, be too high for that From one to a comp lete Set which join with man, who wi th the , are not only _ equal ardour, as the pledge of their 7. BOLTON DISTRICT, , blessing of God, it enabled, Indestructibl e, but also incap able patriotic zeal for the common Jnst published, Price Threepence, every year of his life of good , and topurchase Clifton, , to rescue many thousands of Discolouration. RICHARD OAStlER , a Freehold Estate Annuity, Turton, his fellow-creature* , or other eligible nource JHalshaw Moor, Horwich - TRACTS on REPUBLICAN GOV ERNMENT from aa early grave ? To Enable that of Income, to be , NATIONAL By _ Amongst the advantages of Mr. ESKELL'S Gentleman to Devote Himself presented to Mr. Oastler, as the Ringaeybridge, Little Boltbn. «a EDUCATION R. D. USE ATKINSON'S INFANT'S PRESER- System Constitutional Defender, not merely of the lawful -Owzs and F&axcis Wright. , one of the principal is, that it confers the Entirely to Public Life, as the Equal Frien d 8. LEIGH DfST VATIVE ! • ! of rights of the rich, but also of the prior RlCT. power* of the most distinct articulation , and submits the Rich , and more Leigh Might be chalked and Poor, on the Principles of aacred righte oi the poor to the comforts of life , Tildsley, Price Twopence each, njon every wall in town or this as really an advantage oV the utmost importance : , Pennington country CHRISTIANI TY and the independent possession of alt the blessing.
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