• ~OOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! ... The weather will be fair and moderately cooler OWQl1 - today with increasing cloudiness and warmer to· morrow. Establlshed 1868 Vol. 78, Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, April 18-Five Cents ouse .0 es a ur FOUR DIE IN ARM Y BOMBER CRASH Virtual Repeal Sottle Inside. 'Changchun Of Price Lids - .. - Leaders Say Jose Iturbi's Daughter Iran (lamps Kills Self; Depressed Government Amendments Re.trict • By long Court Battle Controls; Puts Epd Strict (ensor BEVERLY HILLS, Ca liI.(AP) , roopsQUtilize To Subsidy PQyments - The turbulent life of Maria Hurbi Hero, 28-year-old daugh­ WASIIlNGTON (AP) -- A ter of concert pianist Jose rebeUiou' house ovcrthl'ew im­ LtLlrbi , was ended carly yester­ Off Dispatches Air Support po [tant phases of President day by a .38 calibre bullet fircd f,ollowing an cveni ng of in­ 'l'rullllIll 's tllbilizution program ,Washington Officials fOI'mal pi!!110 music played by General G. Marshall last night, pasting the price con· her father for friends and trol act with ['Cstl'icLiollS and di; ,To Consider Protest; relatives. Arrives in Peiping; "Kin' Reds 'mplkated I ner slender body, clad In recting that subsidy payments green pajamas, was foulld by May Demand Truce shall stop. "rASHINO 'rO N ( AP)-An l the pan Ish n-aestro, lying on "You have murdered the iroh cell.o l'ship, which NOnl(' his bed, her black hair aflame UH UN UKIKG, 'l'h,ul' s ua y OP~." Rep. Sabath (D., Ill.) American offici!!ls MISI)('cl (Jr-I from burning gunpowder. (AP) - An official UClltruJ sbouted \0 his collearues at tbe Oet. Sgl. Arthur H. McBain igiuatcd ill M 0 ~ COW, W 1I M News dispatch from Cbangchull stormy nl&"ht session. clamped by J ran yest('rduy 1IJ1011 said the death or Mrs. Hero­ depressed aHer a prolonged early tgiIay said ClJln~sc Com­ "Repeal of price control," was all n~ws dispatcllcs by fOI't'i!!,u the judgment of Price Adminis­ litigation with her father and munist . forces had sei'zed the corrc pondenl' ill thai ('011111,·.\,. trator Paul Porter. her divorced husband, concert grcatel' pal-t of the Manchurian I'J'IJe United 'lllles slall' (11'­ violillisL Stephen Hero, over Continue 0 .." partme1lt. UlllloUllcin!(, 111(' III'· custody of her two ch .ildren­ capital city after 12 hours of The restrictions were 1l1aster~ v~IOplncnt as soon as word of it severe fighting with the National- on a bill to continue the OPA be­ was "clearLY a caSe of suicidc." yond its present June 30 expira-, Was , receivcd here [rom the em­ Police Lt. C. R. Marple said Ist garrison. • basSy at Tehran, was considering tion date-fo r nine monlhs, Instelld evidencc indicated Mrs. Herp Government forccs were shOTt of a year as the admlnistratloq loDtght what Detion it should lake fircd a "lest" bullet into thc in ' protest. A strOlig formal ob­ of ammunition, the dispatch added, asked. bedroom wall beforc [iring aL Arter voUng 'he amendments jection may be registered wiLh the hcrself, but they were receiving constant ,o\ternment of Premier Ahmed on a series of record votes, how­ Q'~a~ . ~:.:.:.:.:.-::-_:.-:..-_---_-_- _-_-_ :~ ever, the house put off Datil today the final roll-call which ,.lte censorship Is 01 the will send tbe bllI to the sen.te• ...uDd" Iype which denies to tbe , Its future there is highly un­ ~tAIIors of dJ5P&tcbes any lofor­ Reconversion cerlain. Senator Thomas (D•• .... &II to how their slorles . prODe the aD ArIllY for the bodies IForestville , Md., yesterday soon after lakinJ off from nearby Andrews Okla.) announced last night that Ire IIelac dlanred. Newsmen re­ of lour crewmen kil1ed when the bomber crasbed in a wheat field near Field. Names of the victims were withheld pending Identlflcaflon • he will introduce an amendment ..... UdI IS a JIlO$l nnrerou --------------------~---------------------~------------------- -----.-------------------- today to remove OPA controls on 'ft .f news control since It Dealt Setback "everything but rents and alco­ alltw& ,overnmtllt to d l'I1ort .hoUc bctv~ra~.'.' It would come _Ql~ of stories wllholl~ up for action when the B.nat. con­ &17 tee.une permiUed the siders the OPA measure. wrller. By (o.al Strike Hou,se AdJo .... as In response to questions about The hitch on tlnalpa~sage oc­ celllorship conditions in Russia H) TnE ASSOCIATED rUESS curred when Rep. Bradley (D.• itself, the state department said Pa.) demanded that the official Civilian Production Administra­ Ihat Moscow had exercised a blind final draft of the bIll be read. censorship for a period beginning tor John D. Small reported This was not ready and !.he house aboUt Ma rch I lind ending March yeslerday that the soft coal strike , quit for the night s ~ortly ' before 29. had dealt reconversion a "serious in Corn Forreslal Calls l()' p. m. I The presenl censor hip in Rus­ setback." . As one restrictive amendment' sia permits the writer of l! news In the automobile manufacturIng after another wen t Inlo tbe dispatch to see a copy of the cen- industry, the Ford Motor company measure, rumors swept the cap- • announced a week-end shutdown Ceilings Asked < sored story beIore it is telegraphed For Te~Iimony llol that Porter an.. litabUlIa. bad duped MarlYIr-"U was Just -but it makes no provision, so a!fecling some 45,000 production TACOMA, Wash. (AP)-Marlys tlOD Dlreclor Chesier Bowles far as Is known here, for the workers beca use of a pal·ts and E. Converse. 18, who was the one of those things." would qull, but an a14. of Porter writer to seek changes in the cen­ steel shortage. President's Famine bride of a woman masquerading Marlys did not know her groom Head Naval Officers and Bowles himself denied them. was a woman, Kittleson said, un­ or thOit sored portions of the slory. mall said lack of fuel had Committee Urges as a man, said yesterday she was Confer With Truman Bowles took to the radio at 9:30 to like Rumania, Hungary, Bulgaria forced the elo Inll' of "scores of ers. til Margaret was exposed after her p. m. with a blast at what he neither angry nor worried, but arrest at Kelso and her return and Poland have had val'ying de­ plants" and that the coal strike Food Conservation After Lobby Charge called the "inflationarY joyride" made 10 was "increasIng the injury done ''I'll be more careful when I marry here as a violator of a I5-year grees oC censorship. less rigid again." and a promise to "see this thing .roup' by the recent steel strIke." WASHINGTON (AP)-A far­ suspended sentence on a larceny­ WASHINGTON (AP)-A While than that established in Iran. Marlys and her "husband," Mar­ th rough to the fintsh." But he made to Small asserted a survey showed State Board .in Need reaching program designed to con­ forgery conviction. She was not House conference on unification of said he is "deeply, deeply WOf­ by tbe steel production was dropping garel "Hurst, 29. alias Jerome arraigned yesterday as was ex­ the armed services broke up late ried." He asserted the elimination serve food and speed exports to Hurst, met tod<\y in the office of formerl1 aUlLETlN , steadily, that some railroads may Of Additional Funds pected earlier. yesterday with Secretary of the of subsidies would raise the food WASHINGTON (AP) - Hou e be fOrced to curtail service in the famished peoples abroad was Deputy SherHf Sig Kittleson, who The deputy said ·Marlys confided Navy Forq!stal caillng somc [orm bill of, an average family by $70 Democrats late lost night named next two weeks. urged last night by President said MIr~aret admitted she mar­ she had thought it peculiar her of merger desirable and saying a year. ried the Tacoma girl on Mal'ch 4 a special "harmonY" committee to The Ford company sal" pro­ r Pres. Virgil Hancher Truman's famine emergency cQm­ spouse never had to shave during navy officers now should give Only rent controls escaped, the at Vancouver, Wash. work with Democl'8tic national ducllon was suspended hlder­ mittee which declared that the their honeymoon at Seaside, Ore. "testimony, not asscrtions" on the house's sledge-hammer. Every am­ headquarters. illilely at II Lincoln plant, but Requests $76,000 Kittleson said Mar,ard lold "My next suilor," she declared, present voluntary wheat-saving subject. endment to alter these controla The committee wa cho n at most or lis production workers him she dldn'l kuow why she "wlll havc lo grow a beard." The conference with President was defeated while those dealing For University Hospital program is not enough. a SO-minute long party caucu probably would be recalJed next Truman followed disclosure by with other phases of the control held , behind closed door . I Monday. DES MOINES (AP)-The legis- A boosl In corn price celUn&"s Officer Asserts Tests the WhJte House that the chief program went through by heavy lative interim committee was told lo discourage the (eedlna" o( this Zwingle Man Held executive's blast at navy "Iob­ Republican votes, assisted by som,' 'ORTER WARNS OF PRICE CONTROL BREAKDOWN yesterday that the state board of grain to livestock and steps to Of German V-2 Rocket bylog" a,almt unlflcatlon was Democrats. control will need $229,000 in ad- end strikes hampering farm pro­ Prove Satisfactory provoked by an Interview state­ ditional furids by June 30. dUCtioll were a.moll&" the meas- On I Mur~er C~arge ment of Rear 'Admiral A. S. P. F. Hopkins, !;loard chairman, MerrUl, commandant of the WHITE SANDS,- N.
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