GDR Bulletin Volume 8 Issue 3 Fall Article 2 1982 Travel and Exchange various authors Follow this and additional works at: https://newprairiepress.org/gdr This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License. Recommended Citation authors, various (1982) "Travel and Exchange," GDR Bulletin: Vol. 8: Iss. 3. https://doi.org/10.4148/ gdrb.v8i3.626 This Announcement is brought to you for free and open access by New Prairie Press. It has been accepted for inclusion in GDR Bulletin by an authorized administrator of New Prairie Press. For more information, please contact [email protected]. authors: Travel and Exchange GDR BULLETIN Newsletter for Literature and Culture in the German Democratic Republic Vol. VIII, No. 3 Fall, 1982 NOTES IN BRIEF TRAVEL AND EXCHANGE PAUL WIENS, 1922-1982 INTERNATIONALE HOCHSCHULFERIENKURSE FUER GERMANISTIK, 1983 Paul Wiens, who had just begun to serve as editor-in- chief of Sinn und Form in 1982, died in Berlin on April 6, 1982. Wiens, particularly known for his poetry and Internationale hochschulferienkurse für Germanistik bieten essays, had also served as vice-president of the Kultur• den Teilnehmern neben der Möglichkeit der sprachlichen bund and member of the executive committee of the Schrif Qualifizierung die Gelegenheit, durch Vorlesungen, Arbeits• stellerverband. gruppen, Exkursionen und andere Veranstaltungen das gesell• schaftliche, wissenschaftliche und kulturelle Leben in der SYLLABI OF COURSES ON GDR LITERATURE AND CULTURE SOUGHT DDR näher kennenzulernen. Anfragen und Prospektwünsche sind an die Kursleitungen Margy Gerber is preparing a collection of syllabi of zu richten: courses on GDR literature and culture. Germanists and gurse für Hochschulgermanisten, Deutschlehrer. Methodiker others who teach courses on the GDR and who would be und Ubersetzer willing to share their teaching plans and approaches Berlin vom 1.7.-23.7.1983 are invited to contact her for more information-; The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin collection will be duplicated or published. Address: DDR - 1040 Berlin, ReinhardtstraBe 7 Dept. of German and Russian, Bowling Green State Univ., Bowling Green, OH 43403. Weimar I vom 2.7.-25.7.83 HEINRICH-MANN-PREIS 1982 Weimar II "27. 7.-19.8.83 Fried rieh-Schi Her-Universität Jena Mit dem Heinrich-Mann Preis 1982 der Akademie der DDR-6900 Jena, Universitätshöchhaus 4 Künste der DDR wurden der Schriftsteller Christoph Hein und der Publizist Werner Liersch ausgezeichnet. Dresden vom 5.7.-30.7.83 Christoph Hein ist durch seine Stücke "Schlötel oder Technische Universität Dresden Was soll's?", "Cromwell" und "Lasalle" sowie durch DDR-8027 Dresden, MommsenstraBe 13 historische Erzählungen und Kurzgeschichten bekannt geworden. Werner Liersch, der sich als Herausgeber Halle vom 10.7.-31.7.1983 von Lyrik und Prosa-Anthologien sowie literaturkri• Martin-Luther-Universität Halle tischer Werke einen Namen machte, erhielt den Preis DDR-4020 Halle (Saale), Universitätsring 4 für die Biografie "Hans Fallada - sein grosses, klei• Karl-Marx-Stadt vom 4.7.-29.7.1983 nes Leben". Technische Hochschule Karl-Marx-Stadt MANFRED WEKWERTH NEUER PRAESIDENT DER AKADEMIE DDR-9010 Karl-Marx-Stadt, Straße der Nationen 62 Leipzig I vom 5.7.-28.7.83 Professor Dr. Manfred Wekwerth, bislang einer der Leipzig II " 5.7.-28.7.83. Vizepräsidenten der Akademie der Künste der DDR, wur• Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig de zum neuen Präsidenten der Akademie gewählt. Er DDR-7022 Leipzig, LuraumbastraBe 4 ist Nachfolger des Filmregisseurs Konrad Wolf, der im März 1982 verstorben ist. Im Amt als 1. Vize• Kurse für Studenten der Germanistik präsident der Akademie bestätigt wurde der Literatur• Berlin vom 1.7.-23.7.83 historiker Professor Dr. Robert Weimann. Als Vize• Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin präsidenten wurden bestätigt der Schriftsteller und DDR-1086 Berlin, Clara-Zetkin-StraBe 1 Dramaturg Dr. Helmut Baierl, der Komponist und Hoch• schullehrer Professor Johannes Cilensek, der Bild• Ilmenau vom 2.7.-24.7.83 hauer Professor Fritz Cremer und dessen Berufskollege Technische Hochschule Ilmenau Wieland Förster. In der letzten Nummer des Bulletins DDR-6300 Ilmenau, PSF 327 wurde irrtumlich berichtet, dass Robert Weimann zum Rostock vom 10.7.-31.7.83 Präsidenten gewählt wurde. (Red.) Wilhelm Pieck-Universität Rostock NEW GDR FILMS AVAILABLE DDR-2500 Rostock, Kröpeliner StraBe 26 Greifswald vom 10.7.-31.7.83 A new list of films available for loan in 1983 is being Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald compiled by the GDR embassy for completion in November. DDR-2200 Greifswald, BahnhofstraBe 46/47 It can be requested from: Embassy of the GDR, 1717 Massa• chusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. New titles Magdeburg vom 5.7.-28.7.83 on the list include Solo Sunny (Konrad Wolf), Bürgschaft Technische Hochschule für pin Jahr (Hermann Zschoche), Die Beunruhigung (Lothar 't)tto von Guericke" Magdeburg Warneke) , Darf ich Petruschka zu dir sagen? (Karl-Heinz DDR-3010 Magdeburg, PSF 124 Heimann) and Asta. mein Engelchen (Roland Oehme) . Published by New Prairie Press, 1982 1 GDR Bulletin, Vol. 8 [1982], Iss. 3, Art. 2 -2- TRAVEL AND EXCHANGE RESEARCH IN PROGRESS The International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) Lyman H. Legters (501 Thomson DR-05,University of Wash• ington, Seattle,WA 98195): Possibly revising for publica• has announced its program for 1982/83. For information tion 1970 report, "East German Higher Education." for write to: U.S. Office of Education. IREX 655 Third Avenue New York N.Y. 10017 The program includes: - an exchange with the GDR. Corresponding organisation: Ministry for Higher and Technical Education of the JOURNAL NOTES German Democratic Republic Marx-Engels Platz 2 102 Berlin GDR Monitor. No. 6 (Winter 1981-82) - Disciplinary Fellowships: Open to applicants not already in the field of Soviet and East European This issue features articles on "Planning Higher and Studies. Emphasis on the social and humanistic dis- , Further Education in the GDR" (Douglas Bürrington) and ciplines such as archeology, anthropology, business, "The Multi-Party System in the GDR -- its Character and economics, geography and demography, law, musicology, Function" (.ians-Christian Oeser) as well as literary ar• political science, psychology and sociology. ticles on Joachim Walther, Volker Braun, and Sarah Kirsch. - Travel Grants for Senior Scholars. Burrington provides a concise analysis of the operation, Application deadlines: October 31, January 31, and advantages and disadvantages of a system which puts the April 30. state's technical requirements over individual wishes, but - Grants for Collaborative Activities and New Exchanges. concludes that "it is the consensus among educators, rather IREX makes a very limited number of small grants in than that among employers, that defines what goes into support of specific collaborative projects and new courses. And the tendency towards inertia which this exchanges. Such undertakings as bilateral and multi• position of power engenders is reinforced oy features which national symposia, collaborative and parallel research, the educational apparatus of the GDR holds in common with joint publications (but not publication costs), bureaucracies elsewhere..." The heart of Oeser's piece is exchanges of data, comparative surveys, and the like, his argument that "the bloc parties serve to shift the bur• as well as brief visits necessary in the planning of such den of responsibility (for radical measures — p.b.h.) from projects, will be considered for support. the SED," while ensuring "the symbolic representation of the - The IREX-GDR Commission on the Humanities and Social social structure and the demonstration of a 'political and Sciences, organised on the German side by the Ministry moral unity of the people'." of Higher and Technical Education of the GDR, held its first meeting in June 1982. The Commission will work on the following topics: the Reformation as a Martin Watson adds an interesting dimension to the "Erbe"- social process, rehabilitation of the handicapped, discussion with his presentation of a contemporary refer• problems of museum exhibition, and the training of ence to Gottfried Keller's famous Novelle in "A Critical museum and restoration specialists, German exile Allusion to 'das kulturelle Erbe' in Joachim Walther1s writers in the US, and US-GDR relations since 1974. 'R. und J. auf dem Dorfe im Bezirk Potsdam". Watson shows connections to Plenzdorf's "junger W." and Christa Wolf's "Juninachmittag", as well as to other works dealing with the generation conflict in the GDR. He also points out that Walther's story, along with another - "Halluzinose" - appear• VISITING LECTURERS ed only in the West German edition, Ruhe bewahren (1979) of the GDR volume Stadtlandschart mit Freunden (1978), from which three stories did not appear in the Western edition. Watson cautions readers to be careful about assumptions that East and West German editions are identical, pointing MARIANNE MUELLER to a similar discrepancy between the 1977 GDR and the 1979 Dr. Marianne Müller, Humboldt University - Berlin, is West German editions of Wolfgang Kohlhaase's Sylvester mit presently at the University of Massachusetts in conjunc• Balzac, where six .stories were omitted from the western tion with the IREX program. Her fields of study are edition. Christine Cosentino (''Volker Braun's Training "U.S. studi2S in the GDR" and "Women in the GDR." des aufrechten Gangs: a handbook of poems for Party mem• bers") finds in Braun's recent anthology of poems a call to MANFRED JENDRYSCHIK
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