VOLUNTARY NATIONAL REVIEW ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2021 CONTENTS OPENING MESSAGES 5 HIGHLIGHTS 11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 15 INTRODUCTION 29 1. 2021 CABO VERDE VNR EXERCISE METHODOLOGY 33 2. POLICIES AND FACILITATING ENVIRONMENT 36 A). INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 36 B). BEST PRACTICE: CABO VERDE - PIONEERING COUNTRY IN THE 38 LOCALIZATION OF THE SDGS C). INVOLVEMENT OF DIFFERENT STAKEHOLDERS IN THE IMPLEMEN- 41 TATION OF THE SDGS D). MECHANISMS TO STRENGTHEN THE ENGAGEMENT AND SUS- TAINABLE PARTICIPATION OF STAKEHOLDERS IN THE PREPARATION, 44 IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF PEDS 2022-2026, THE SDGS AND THE STRATEGIC SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AGENDA E). LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND 45 F). PROGRESS IN IMPLEMENTING THE SDGS 49 SDG 1. ERADICATE POVERTY 50 SDG 2. ERADICATE HUNGER 58 SDG 3. QUALITY HEALTH 64 SDG 4. QUALITY EDUCATION 70 SDG 5. GENDER EQUALITY 78 SDG 6. DRINKING WATER AND SANITATION 84 SDG 7. RENEWABLE AND ACCESSIBLE ENERGY 88 SDG 8. DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH 92 SDG 9. INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND RESILIENT INFRASTRUCTURE 98 SDG 10. REDUCING INEQUALITIES 102 SDG 11. SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES 106 SDG 12. SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION 112 CREDITS SDG 13. CLIMATE ACTION 116 National Directorate for Planning, Ministry of Finance, SDG 14. PROTECTING MARINE LIFE 120 Av. Amilcar Cabral, C.P. 30, Praia, Cabo Verde SDG 15. PROTECTING LAND LIFE 126 www.mf.gov.cv The contents may be freely reproduced for non-commercial purposes SDG 16. PEACE, JUSTICE AND EFFECTIVE INSTITUTIONS 132 with attribution to the copyright holders. Maps are not authoritative boundaries. SDG 17. PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF OBJECTIVES 140 Graphic Design and Layout: Alberto Fortes 3. NATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION MECHANISMS 151 Photographs: Eneias Rodrigues, Pedro Moita, Omar Camilo, Kriolscope, A). CHALLENGES INHERENT TO SMALL ISLAND DEVELOPING STATE Government Image Database and United Nations Cabo Verde Image 151 Database. (SIDS) STATUS 4. MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION 155 Published by the National Directorate of Planning 2021. All rights reserved. 5. NEXT STEPS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SDGS IN CABO VERDE 159 STATISTICAL ANNEXES 161 First published June 2021 ABBREVIATIONS AAAA Addis Ababa Action Agenda ICT Information and Communication Technology RSO Solidarity Revenue ACP African, Caribbean and Pacific States IDRF Survey on households’ expenses and revenues S.A.M.O.A SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action AECOM IDEV IDSR Demographic and Sexual Health Survey SDG Sustainable Development Goals AfDB African Development Bank IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development SEIA Socioeconomic Impact Assessment AFOLU Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (Sector) IFMIS Integrated Financial Management Information System SG Secretary General AGOA African Growth Opportunities Act ILO International Labour Organization SEN National Statistics System ANAS National Agency for Water and Sanitation IMF International Monetary Fund SIDS Small Islands Development States ARAP Public Acquisition Regulation Agency INE National Statistical Institute SIDS AIS SIDS from Atlantic, Indian Ocean and South China ART Anti-Retroviral Therapy INFF Integrated National Financing Framework Sea (subgroup) ARV Anti-retroviral INPS National Institute for Social Protection SIGOF Integrated Financial and budgetary Information System AU African Union IOM International Organization for Migration SIJE Judicial Information System BCV Cabo Verde Central Bank IPU Informal Production Units SINPROMI Insular Society for the Promotion of the Rights of BO Official Gazette (Boletim Oficial) IPV Inactivated polio Vaccine People with Disabilities (Spanish NGO) BSG Budget Support Group JIS Justice Information System SMEs Small and Medium /sized Enterprises CBD Convention of Biological Diversity LDC Least Developped Countries SNP National Planning System CCS-SIDA Committee of Coordination and Fight against AIDS LGBTI Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transsexual and Intersex SOE State Owned Enterprises CEACR Committee of Experts on Application of Conventions LNOB Leaving No One Behind SPF Social Protection Floor and Recommendations MAPS Mainstreaming Acceleration and Policy Support SRRH Sexual and Reproductive Health CESCR Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights MDG Millennium Development Goals STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics CEDAW UN Committee for the Elimination of all forms of MDR Multidrug Resistant STI Sexual Transmissible Infections Discrimination Against Women MIC Middle-Income Countries SW Sexual Workers CDM Clean Development Mechanism MICE Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Energy TB Tuberculosis CIGEF Centre of Research and Training on Gender and Family MMR Measles, Mumps and Rubella TIP Trafficking in Person CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species MNEC Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Communities TVET Technical, Vocational Education Training of Wild Fauna and Flora MNT Maternal Neonatal Tetanus UCLG United Cities and Local Governments CMYP Comprehensive Multi-Year Plan MPD Movement for Democracy (political party) UNCAC United Nations Convention Against Corruption CNDHC Human Rights and Citizenship National Commission MoF Ministry of Finance UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification CNE National Electoral Commission MPAs Marine Protected Areas UNCT United Nation Country Team CNPS Centro Nacional de Pensões Sociais MSA Monitoring and Evaluation Module UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development CPLP Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries MSME Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework CPR Convention for People with Disability MSSS Ministry of Health and Social Protection UNDP United Nations Development Program CRI Commitment to Reduce Inequality NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement UNDESA United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs CRNA COVID-19 Recovery Needs Assessment NAMAS National Appropriate Mitigation Actions UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change CSOs Civil Society Organizations NAPA National program of Action for Adaptation to Climate Change UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization CSU Single Social Registry NCD Non-Communicable Diseases UNWomen United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Women DNAP National Directorate for Public Administration NDCs National Determined Contributions Empowerment DNE Directorate of National Education NEET (Young people) Not in Education, Employment or Training UNWTO United Nations World Trade Organization DPE Domestic Public Expediture NOSI Information System Operational Nucleus VLR Voluntary Local Review DREI Derisking Renewable Energy Investment NPL Non-Performing Loan VNR Voluntary National Review ECOWAS Economic Community of West Africa States NRREPP COVID-19 National Response Recovery and Economic WASH Water and Sanitation ECREEE ECOWAS Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Promotion Plan WB World Bank Efficiency NSI National System of Innovation WHO World Health Organization ECV Cabo Verdean Escudos ODA Official Development Aid IF Inquêrito sobreFecundidade EDCV Cabo Verde Digital Strategy OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development RG Ribeira Grande EEZ Economic Exclusive Zone OOF Other Official Flows PL Paul EIB European Investment Bank OR Rectificatory Budget (Orçamento Retificativo) PN Porto Novo ENRRD National Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction PAICV Partido Africano para a Independencia de Cabo Verde SV São Vicente ETF Enhance Transparency Framework (political party) RB Ribeira Brava EU European Union PALOP African Portuguese Speaking Countries TSN Tarrafal de São Nicolau FAO Food and Agriculture Organization PARGEF Public Finance Management Reform Action Plan SL Sal FDI Foreign Direct Investment PCNA Post Crisis Needs Assessment BV Boa Vista FGM Female Genital Mutilation PEDS Strategic Sustainable Development Plan (Plano Estratégico MA Maio FDI Foreign Direct Investment de Desenvolvimento Sustentável) TARR Tarrafal GAVI The Vaccine Alliance PEE Strategic Education Sector Plan SC Santa Catarina GBV Gender Based Violence PEMDS Municipal Sustainable Development Strategic Plan SCZ Santa Cruz GCF Green Climate Fund PNSE National Energy Sustainability Program PR Praia GEF Global Environment Facility PNSR Reproductive Health National Program SD São Domingos GFATM Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria POOC Coastal Areas Territorial Plan SM São Miguel GDP Gross Domestic Product POSER Promotion of Rural Socioeconomic opportunities SSM São Salvador do Mundo GHG Greenhouse Gas PPP Parity Purchasing Power SLO São Lourenço dos Órgãos HDI Human Development Index PPP* Public-Private Partnerships RGST Ribeira Grande de Santiago HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus PRC People’s Republic of China MO Mosteiros HPV Human Papillomavirus PwD People with Disability SFL São Filipe ICCA Cabo Verdean Institute for Children and Adolescent R&D Research and Developement SCFO Santa Catarina do Fogo ICCAT International Commission for the Conservation of the REMPE Specific Regime for Small Enterprises BR Brava Atlantic Tuna RIA Rapid Integrated Assessment ICIEG National Institute for Gender Equality and Equity RSI Inclusion Social Revenue 5 OPENING MESSAGES we faced a harsh recession of 14.8% due to managed, before the pandemic, to reduce the impact of the pandemic. the proportion of youth not in employment MESSAGE FROM THE PRIME MINISTER education, or training (NEET) by 4.1% a year,
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