Arts students invite Lapierre, Parent, Levesque^ The executive of the Arts alterations in Quebec’s educa­ Recently involved in the yet, cannot be divulged. In ad­ Student Association has announ­ tional system at both the second­ ‘Seven Days” fiasco which saw dition to the lecture series, a ced that its French-Canada Pro­ ary and university levels, is the his dismissal as co-host of that handicrafts exhibit of displaying gramme in October will be culmination of the most intensive programme, Mr. Lapierre will artwork from the Gaspe and highlighted by the appearance study ever made of education in probably be speaking on the role other regions of Quebec will run of Monseigneur Alphonse-Marie Quebec. of the church in the province. through the entire five weeks of Parent, Laurier Lapierre, and Students would be well-advised Mr. Levesque, the form er Mi­ the programme. Ren6 Levesque. Each of the three to read the section which par- nister of National Resources in The third part of the present­ will deliver a lecture on a par­ tains to Sir George, in order that the Lesage government, is one ation will consist of a French ticular aspect of French Canada. they may question Monseigneur of French Canada’s articulate film festival featuring “New Monseigneur Parent, vice- Parent on his comments of the spokesmen. The former minister Wave” films and others made in rectorat of the University of university and its status. has often been accused of being the province. Laval, is the author of the re­ Mr. Lapierre, chairman of the too radical, yet, he remains one cently published and much pub­ French Canada Studies pro­ of a very few who can crystallize Students wishing to help or­ licized Parent Report on Educ­ gramme at McGill University, is the aspirations of the French ganize the programme with the ation. probably the most learned au­ Canadians. Students’ Association receptionist The long-awaited report, which thority on church-state relations Four other speakears will also on the third floor of the Hall calls for numerous changes and in the province. be present but their names, as Building. Laurier Lapierre 2 WELUAfi.S Frosh month hits SiTY MOM SREAL campus this week b e d SIR GEORGE WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY The Sir George philosophy of Annual Variety Show, but this co-curricular programming will too has been J'eplacotL* with a face its first major test of the comparable featLraRARX VOL. XXX TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1966 No. 3 year starting today as the Frosh Oscar Brand and the Let’s Sing Month activities start to swing. Out program will visit Birks Hall “ We have done our part and on Friday to entertain Georgians. now it’s up to the students to Tickets for this event have al­ make this program a success” ready been distributed to the said Sherry Rubinstein, Frosh students of the Day and Evening Month Chairman. Divisions. They were completely The program is presented an­ gone seven minutes after distribu­ nually as an introduction for tion started. Freshmen to the University, both in the academic and extra-cur­ ricular spheres. In the past, par­ SA appoints ticipation in the various activi­ ties has been enthusiastic and the Executives program officials expect this year to be no exception. Two executive appointments Upon first entering Sir George, were announced yesterday by frosh were required to partici­ Ron Luciano, Students’ Associa­ pate in Freshman Orientation tion president. Week consisting primarily of Suheyl Muskara was named speeches by Principal Rae, stud­ to the Food Services Commit­ ent government representatives tees as the sole student represen­ and various university officials. tative, and Dave Adair has been Other facets of Orientation Week named the third student repre­ included tours of the University, sentative, on the University particularily the Henry F. Hall Council on Student Life. Other Building, and a dance featuring students on the latter council local bands. are Ron Luciano and Gil Block. “We were very pleased with The appointment of Mr. Adair the response to the first ”°rt of has set a precedent in this area our program”, said Ian Lalla, a since it has been traditional for principal organizer. the three student positions to For the first time this year, be filled by members of the an overflow of students witnessed Council of the Students’ Asso­ Principal Rae’s address on the ciation only. Here's Marsha from one of her well-remembered scenes from last year's shoe-shinerama. In indoor campus through the new In announcing the appoint­ this particular episode Marsha managed to get herself 'detained' by the cops after she in­ Sir George closed circuit televi­ ment, Mr. Luciano stated that sisted that every man walking along St. Catherine had dirty shoes. Shoe-shinerama w ill not sion facilities. he felt the student populace at large should be represented and be a part of the Frosh month program this year. Neither w ill Masrha. The Clubs’ Rally will start Frosh Month activities this afternoon. that the best way to implement Most Georgian clubs and organi­ this idea is to appoint a student zations will present exhibits des­ who is not involved with the igned to introduce freshman to governing of the SA. the wide variety of activities Suheyl Muskara has worked available at Sir George. closely with the Food Services Marsha "the cool kid" crashes Europe area in the oast and is familiar Students are presented with the opportunity to meet mem­ with the operation of the Marsha “the cool kid” Akman quests: first, news on the booster support of some cause or group, bers of the campus organizations services at Sir George. If any is in Europe! (God help Europe). club; then copies of the Geor­ and generally bringing a good and discuss participation in a students have a complaint to gian; she is also eager to receive deal of vitality, noise and glamour register with the university with The swinger will no longer be club specializing in his or her a garnet ’66. to the campus. particular interests. They range regard to the food served, or the on the Georgian scene, but re­ facilities, Mr. Muskara should be cent communications from Lon­ The Georgian editor-in-chief from sailing to biology to the Her friend will be writing her has put her name on the mailing contacted and he will in turn don, England tell us that she’s about the Booster Club. Marsha georgian and cover all areas be­ bring the matter up with the working there as a something-or- list for the paper. tween. was the founder of this group, and She intends on staying in Eng­ One of the most popular events Food Services Committee. other for the British Broadcasting her activities last years included The committee is composed of Corporation. land for at least six months. of Frosh Month is the selection playing the trumpet at hockey Before leaving she requested, of a Freshman Queen from members from the faculty and an In a letter recently written to games (usually at center ice), and got, a press card from the administration and one student banging the drum in the halls in among the most charming incom­ a friend, she made several re­ Georgian. ing female students. She is an­ representative. One of her greatest moments nually selected by her confreres at Sir George was when she ac­ to be crowned during the Au­ companied the hockey team to tumn Capers Ball held on Octo­ the national finals in Sudbury, ber 1st this year. Ontario. She made such a hit In the past it has been the ASA Staff on the town (population 80,0001. custom of freshman to stage a The Arts Students’ Association REPORTING STAFF that a Georgian staffer working requires students to work on the shoeshinerama on the streets of The georgian has on occasion been referred to as a news­ there this past summer reports Montreal to raise funds in support following programmes: paper. As such, it requires a news staff. that the Sudburians associated of the fight against Cystic Fibro­ • French Canada Week Dynamic, hard-working, creative — these are a few of the his Sir George jacket with Mar­ sis. Ian Lalla reported that Frosh • Centennial Month adjectives that describe a georgian reporter. sha “the cool kid” immediately. Month organizers were unable to • Faculty Variety Show DYNAMIC — we need people who are willing to investigate She was awarded two special obtain a permit from the City of • Film Festival all areas of student government, get to know informed people awards last year. Montreal for this Cause and as a • Seminars throughout the university, and be able to turn knowledge into The first was from the Stud­ result the event has been cancel­ Space does not allow the list­ a newspaper story that will keep all Georgians informed about ent’s Undergraduate Society, pre­ led. ing of all programmes, but in the Sir George. sented at the Awards Banquet last Students will, however, still be general, any Arts Students wish­ HARD-WORKING — our staff must consist of people who spring. able to support a worthy cause ing to contribute to the develop­ are willing to donate some time to getting behind the facts and The Athletics Banquet also saw while having a good time by par­ ment of the co-curricular pro­ turning out well-written articles. her get an award presented joint­ ticipating in the Red Feather gramme should apply to the Stud­ CREATIVE — georgian staffers are people who have some­ ly by the Captains of the Basket­ Blitz tentatively scheduled for ents’ Association receptionist on thing to say, and know how they want to say it.
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