Italian Journal of Animal Science ISSN: (Print) 1828-051X (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tjas20 Effects of Biofloc Promotion on Water Quality, Growth, Biomass Yield and Heterotrophic Community in Litopenaeus Vannamei (Boone, 1931) Experimental Intensive Culture Irasema E. Luis-Villaseñor, Domenico Voltolina, Juan M. Audelo-Naranjo, María R. Pacheco-Marges, Víctor E. Herrera-Espericueta & Emilio Romero- Beltrán To cite this article: Irasema E. Luis-Villaseñor, Domenico Voltolina, Juan M. Audelo-Naranjo, María R. Pacheco-Marges, Víctor E. Herrera-Espericueta & Emilio Romero-Beltrán (2015) Effects of Biofloc Promotion on Water Quality, Growth, Biomass Yield and Heterotrophic Community in Litopenaeus Vannamei (Boone, 1931) Experimental Intensive Culture, Italian Journal of Animal Science, 14:3, 3726 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.4081/ijas.2015.3726 ©Copyright I.E. Luis-Villaseñor et al. Published online: 17 Feb 2016. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 193 View related articles View Crossmark data Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=tjas20 Download by: [] Date: 01 July 2016, At: 06:04 Italian Journal of Animal Science 2015; volume 14:3726 PAPER nated in both systems; in both some isolates Effects of biofloc promotion were potential pathogens, and diversity was Corresponding author: Dr. Juan M. Audelo- on water quality, growth, higher in the control than in the BFT treat- Naranjo, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, ment. The advantages of BFT technology are Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Mazatlán, 610 biomass yield and confirmed by the significantly lower TAN and Sinaloa, Mexico. Tel./Fax: +52.669.9828656. - E-mail: [email protected] heterotrophic community N-NO2 concentrations, as well as by the better in Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp performance in terms of growth, bio- mass yield, and food and protein conversion Key words: Biofloc; Shrimp growth; Nutrient recy- (Boone, 1931) experimental cling; Heterotrophic bacteria. intensive culture efficiency. Acknowledgments: supported by projects PRO- FAPI 2012/016, PROMEP/103.5/12/3368 and CIB- 1 Irasema E. Luis-Villaseñor, NOR AC0.38. Staff of the Shrimp and Fish Culture Domenico Voltolina,2 Introduction Academic Group (UAS-CA-134) helped with the Juan M. Audelo-Naranjo,1 field and analytical work. María R. Pacheco-Marges,1 Land-based aquaculture generates high vol- Víctor E. Herrera-Espericueta,1 umes of nutrient-rich water. These are dis- Received for publication: 5 November 2014. Emilio Romero-Beltrán3 charged to the natural environment and may Accepted for publication: 30 March 2015. 1 cause eutrophication of the receiving water Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, bodies, which is a widespread source of con- Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 License (CC BY- Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico cern. This requires a reassessment of the cur- NC 3.0). 2Cent ro de Investigaciones Biológicas del rent practices used in aquaculture, in order to Noroeste, Universidad Autónoma de maintain high levels of production and better ©Copyright I.E. Luis-Villaseñor et al., 2015 Sinaloa, Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico water quality within the farms, as well as at the Licensee PAGEPress, Italy 3 respective points of discharge (Martínez- Italian Journal of Animal Science 2015; 14:3726 Centro Regional de Investigación doi:10.4081/ijas.2015.3726 Pesquera, Instituto Nacional de Pesca, Córdova et al., 2009; Martins et al., 2010). Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico Apart from the cost involved, and of the poten- tial environmental impact, the high rates of activity may be achieved through the addition water exchange used to maintain an accept- of a carbon source, because in the pond envi- able level of water quality within the culture ronment organic carbon becomes limiting for system might be important points of entry for bacteria growth, while dissolved nitrogen is Abstract pathogenic organisms. Therefore, zero or lim- usually present in excess, and is in fact the ited water exchange systems shou ld be consid- 3 main source of deterioration of water quality Six 1.2-m tanks were stocked with an initial ered as viable options (Cohen et al., 2005). -3 (Emerenciano et al., 2013). Thus, this technol- biomass of 500 g m of Litopenaeus vannamei Among these, biofloc technology systems ogy contributes significantly to the health of juveniles (individual weight: 1.0±0.3 g), to (BFT) are considered highly efficient in inten- the industry, because by recycling nutrients it evaluate the effect of biofloc promotion on sive closed cultures, because they allow main- improves food use efficiency, reduces wastes water quality and on shrimp growth and pro- taining better water quality and limiting the and maintains good water quality and a duction, and to identify the dominant taxa in organic load of effluent waters at the time of the heterotrophic communities present in healthy environment within the farm and in Downloaded by [] at 06:04 01 July 2016 harvest. Adoption of this technology increases experimental closed cultures. Feeding was ad the efficiency of feed utilization, because the surrounding water bodies (Stokstad, libitum twice daily with 35% protein shrimp organic and inorganic metabolit es, as well as 2010). Although it appears that these het- feed. Three tanks were managed as biofloc unused or partially used food, are recycled by erotrophic communities may exert a control- technology (BFT) systems, adding daily an microorganisms into microalgae and bacterial ling effect on pathogen growth (Defoirdt et al., amount of cornmeal equivalent to 50% of the biomass, which tend to coalesce into flocculat- 2007; Zhao et al., 2012; Aguilera-Rivera et al., shrimp feed supplied. The remaining three ed material (bioflocs). This is used by the 2014), there is insufficient information on the received only shrimp feed and served as con- organisms in culture as a protein and lipid- bacteria present in flocs. In this study we eval- trols. Experiment lasted 21 days. The mean rich food source (Avnimelech, 2007; Ballester uated the effect of biofloc promotion on water 3- concentrations of P-PO4 and inorganic dis- et al., 2010), contributing between 18 and 29% quality, on shrimp growth and related produc- - - solved N species (TAN, N-NO2 , N-NO3 ) were to the total daily food consumption even in tion parameters, and identified the main significantly lower (P<0.5) in BFT than in the intensive shrimp cultures (Burford et al., groups and the dominant taxa in the het- control. The individual final weight, increase 2004). erotrophic communities present in experimen- in biomass, food, and protein conversion rates This flocculated material consists of an tal Litopenaeus vannamei closed cultures with, were significantly better in BFT than in the organic matrix on which thrive heterotrophic or without promotion of biofloc. control (P<0.05). The mean N content of the and autotrophic microorganisms (De Schryver shrimp biomass gained in the BFT cultures et al., 2008; Ray et al., 2010). In particular, het- was equivalent to 45.7% of the protein-N added erotrophic bacteria degrade organic residues, as feed, and was significantly higher than the which are converted into new bacterial bio- Materials and methods 34.7% recycled into shrimp biomass in the con- mass. This is available as food for the next trol cultures. Bacterial concentrations were trophic levels, initiating the classical microbial On August 19, 2013, L. vannamei juveniles not significantly different. Vibrionaceae domi- loop (Azam et al., 1983). Regulation of their (1.0±0.3 g, wet weight), obtained from a local [page 332] [Ital J Anim Sci vol.14:2015] Biofloc in L. vannamei culture shrimp farm, were stocked in six 1.2-m3 high and dissolved organic N concentrations; partic- The number of strains of each species iden- density polyethylene tanks, previously (one ulate N was determined as in Holm-Hansen tified in each treatment served to calculate week) added a 10 cm-deep layer from the bot- (1968). Suspended solids were quantified Shannon-Weaver’s diversity index H= -pi lnpi, tom sediment of the shrimp farm, since in gravimetrically, floc volume was recorded with where pi= ni N-1 and ni and N are the number Mexico most shrimp cultures are kept in earth- Imhoff cones, and turbidity with the Secchi of strains of species i and N the total number en ponds, rather than in plastic-lined or con- disc. The N contents of shrimp feed and of of strains, respectively. crete tanks. In all cases the initial biomass was shrimp (initial and final) wet biomass, deter- At the end of the experiment all shrimps 500 g m-3. Bioflocs were started 18 days before mined with the Kjeldahl method (AOAC, 2005), were counted and weighed. Survival (S) and the experiment in bioreactor tanks fertilized were 5.6 and 3.58%, respectively. specific growth rates (SGR) were calculated as with 20 g of 35% protein shrimp feed and 20 g Bacteriological samples were obtained on the in Hernández et al. (2013), with the equations: of cornmeal (MASECA® Gruma, S.A.B. de C.V., same dates as the water samples, using pre- -1 Mexico, 7.7% proteins, 70% carbohydrates, 4.6 sterilized 20 mL test tubes that were capped S=100 (Nf Ni ) and SGR = 100 (ln Mf - ln -1 lipids, C:N ratio 31.5:1). Vigorous aeration was and brought to the laboratory for immediate Mi) t maintained with a 1 HP Sweetwater blower processing. After serial dilution (10-1-10-5), 0.1 (Aquatic Eco-Systems Inc., Apopka, FL, USA), mL subsamples were plated in duplicate on dif- where Nf and Ni are final and initial number of distributed through PVC tubing to each tank, ferent DIFCO media: Marine Agar for total organisms of each tank, Mf and Mi are the where fine bubbling was provided by Aero- marine bacteria, Tripticase Soy Agar with 2.5% individual final and initial wet weights, respec- TubeTM tubing (Water Management NaCl (TSA) for total bacteria, TCBS Agar for tively, and t = duration of the experiment Technologies, Inc., Baton Rouge, LA, USA).
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