17 ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE LATE PROTEROZOIC VARANGERFJORDEN UNCONFORMITY, FINNMARK, NORTHERN NORWAY KAUKO LAAJOKI LAAJOKI, KAUKO 2001. Additional observations on the late Proterozoic Va- rangerfjorden unconformity, Finnmark, northern Norway. Bulletin of the Geo- logical Society of Finland 73, Parts 1–2, 17–34. This paper is complementary to the author’s recent publication, which pro- vided several new pieces of evidence for the glacial abrasion of the late Proter- ozoic Varangerfjorden unconformity. Additional descriptions of striations and diverse pits and embedded clasts on the unconformity surface at Bigganjargga are given, and it is stressed that the primary glacial features of the unconformi- ty have been destroyed by secondary pits and imprints, most severely just west of the Bigganjargga diamictite, where the intra-Smalfjord hiatus joins the un- conformity. This point represents the axial zone of the channel, which eroded the Bigganjargga diamictite and provided a favourable environment for diage- netic and possibly later fluids to attack the unconformity surface. Small grooves visible as positive casts at the base of the Smalfjord Formation are reported from Handelsneset. The general regional features of the unconformity at Vieranjarga and Ruossoai’vi and syn-Smalfjord erosional features at Skjåholmen are de- scribed. Roches moutonnées of either late Proterozoic or Pleistocene age that had developed on a Precambrian basement gneiss are reported at Karlebotn. Pleis- tocene striations and pits on the Veinesbotn quartzite are described for compar- ison purposes. Key words: sedimentary rocks, unconformities, glacial erosion, striations, gneiss- es, roches moutonnées, Proterozoic, Bigganjargga, Handelsneset, Skjåholmen, Smalfjord, Finnmark, Norway Kauko Laajoki: University of Oulu, Department of Geology, Box 3000, 90401 Oulu, Finland, and Mineralogical-Geological Museum, University of Oslo, Sars’ gate 1, 0562 Oslo, Norway. E-mail: [email protected] 12496Bulletin73 17 29.1.2002, 15:30 18 Kauko Laajoki INTRODUCTION GEOLOGICAL SETTING The recent paper of Jensen and Wulff-Pedersen A condensed review with relevant references of (1996), which once again rejects a glacial origin the geology of the Varangerfjorden area is given for the classical striated surface at Bigganjargga, in the author’s paper (Laajoki 2002, see also Sie- has inspired fruitful discussions and research on dlecka & Roberts 1996), so that it is enough for this outcrop, which is one of the benchmark lo- the present purpose to say that the late Protero- calities in Precambrian geology (Edwards 1997, zoic sedimentary rocks in the area concerned were Jensen & Wulff-Pedersen 1997, Laajoki 1999a, b, deposited non-conformably on late Archaean and 2002, Rice & Hofmann 2000). A comprehensive early Proterozoic rocks of the Fennoscandian historical review of the research carried out to date Shield (Fig. 1). The Varangerfjorden unconform- and opinions expressed regarding the Bigganjarg- ity (VFU) is a low-angle “pre-tillitic” angular un- ga surface is given in the author’s recent paper conformity that separates the Vadsø and Tanafjor- (Laajoki 2002). den Groups from the Vestertana Group, which has In spite of its classical nature, the Bigganjargga two well-known tillite-bearing units: the Smalfjord surface has been studied relatively little, and the and Mortensnes Formations (see the lithostrati- authors of the “non-glacial school” (Crowell 1964, graphic inset in Fig. 1). In the south, at Vieran- 1999, Harland 1964, Harland & Rudwick 1964, jarga, Ruossoai’vi and Bigganjargga, the uncon- Harland et al. 1966, Schermerhorn 1971, 1974, formity dips to the north, whereas at Handelsne- Jensen & Wulff-Pedersen 1996, 1997, Arnaud & set and Skjåholmen it dips to the south. This led Eyles 1999) do not take into account that it is part Bjørlykke (1967) to conclude that the unconform- of a significant regional unconformity. This region- ity represents a glacial palaeovalley, which follows al connection had already been established by the present Varangerfjorden. The present author Rosendahl (1931, 1945) and was convincingly con- accepts this idea, as reflected in the fact that the firmed later by Bjørlykke (1967) and Edwards unconformity is named informally after Va- (1984). Recent new observations of striations at rangerfjorden (Laajoki 2002). Handelsneset, Ruossoai’vi and Skjåholmen (Laa- joki 1999b, 2002), and the possible striations at Saranjargåp'pi (Fig. 2f in Rice & Hofmann 2000) AUTHOR’S PREVIOUS OBSERVATIONS confirm that glacial abrasion was a significant agent in the formation of this regional unconformity. In order to make it easier for a reader to follow The present paper is aimed at completing au- this completing paper a brief summary of author’s thor’s account of his investigations around Va- previous results of the study topic (Laajoki 1999 rangerfjorden, laying the main emphasis on some a, b, 2002) is given below. The study concentrat- new observations of glacial and destruction fea- ed merely on the unconformity surface, and the tures on the Bigganjargga surface. It introduces a disputed origin of the Bigganjargga and other few new photographs of Handelsneset, Vieranjar- Smalfjord diamictites was not treated and will not ga, Ruossoai’vi and Skjåholmen, and describes be discussed in the present paper. interesting gneiss outcrops at Karlebotn, which The regional angular unconformity that sepa- may represent Precambrian roches moutonnées. rates the late Proterozoic (Riphean-Vendian) Vad- Finally, some examples of Pleistocene glacial fea- sø and Tanafjorden Groups from the overlying tures visible on the Veinesbotn quartzite at Veines- Varangerian (late Vendian) glacigenic rocks (the botn are described. Smalfjord, Nyborg and Mortensnes Formations) of For shortness' sake the term unconformity is used the Vestertana Group was remapped on both sides in the meaning “surface of unconformity” (Bates & of southwestern Varangerfjorden and was studied Jackson 1995). If the clarity of the text requires, ex- in detail at Bigganjargga, Handelsneset, Skjåhol- pression “unconformity surface” will be applied. men and Vieranjarga (Fig. 1). 12496Bulletin73 18 29.1.2002, 15:30 Additional observations on the late Proterozoic Varangerfjorden... 19 Fig. 1. Geological map of the Varangerfjorden area (modified after Siedlecka 1990, 1991, and Laajoki 2002). For the location and lithography see the insets. Sedimentological and petrographic studies probable northwesterly and westerly directions across the Veinesbotn/Smalfjord contact con- were used. firmed that this surface is an angular unconform- It was detected that the part of the unconform- ity. This was not a new result, because this quite ity east of the classical Bigganjargga surface is not an obvious relationship was established already by a plane but part of a wider striated trough. Rosendahl (1931, 1945) and can be seen easily The non-glacial, soft-sedimentary origin of the both on the outcrop and in Bjørlykke’s (1967) il- diverse pits and imprints on the Bigganjargga sur- lustrative Fig. 5. face was rejected on the basis that the surface was The inferred ice-flow directions of the older and developed on a hard rock. Diagenetic modifica- younger striation and small groove (terminology tion of the surface was considered as one possi- after Laverdière et al. 1985) sets were measured bility and these features are treated in more de- on the classical striated Bigganjargga surface. The tail in this paper. results were 325° (N = 69) and 283° (N = 17), re- New observations of late Proterozoic glacial spectively, and match well with those of Rice and striations and small grooves were made at Han- Hofmann (2000). The actual ice-flow directions delsneset, Skjåholmen and Ruossoai’vi. Their in- could not be determined but previous ideas of ferred ice-flow directions are closer to that of the 12496Bulletin73 19 29.1.2002, 15:30 20 Kauko Laajoki younger set than that of the older set at Biggan- both the unconformity and the underlying Veines- jargga. This and the channelized nature of the east- botn quartzite, (4) the embedding surface, which ern part of the Bigganjargga surface were consid- is joined by (5) the intra-Smalfjord (supra-diamic- ered to support glacial abrasion of the VFU and tite) hiatus, and (5a) the composite unconformi- to indicate that the Bigganjargga surface is an es- ty/hiatus surface, which is overlain by the Smal- sential part of this regional feature. This again was fjord turbiditic sandstone in the westernmost part not a new observation, because already Rosend- of the outcrop. ahl (1931) correlated the Bigganjargga surface with the unconformity at Handelsneset and Bjør- The channelized part of the unconformity (Sur- lykke had presented the idea of the Varangerfjor- face 1 in Fig. 2) den glacial palaeovalley in 1967. At palaeotopographically higher parts of Vi- The likely reason for previous researchers failing eranjarga, the subglacially abraded unconformi- to detect the channelized part of the unconformi- ty was detected to have been destroyed in part ty is that it occurs within the present intertidal by syn-Smalfjord in situ brecciation attributed to zone and is covered by algae. The author detect- periglacial frost shattering. A large part of the un- ed it in summer 1998 and obtained permission to conformity at East Vieranjarga and Skjåholmen clean it carefully in summer 1999, when it was was described to have been incised by intra- also photographed. As seen in Fig. 3a, the chan- Smalfjord (interglacial) erosion, which proceed- nel, with its eastern margin continuing under the ed several metres down to the underlying Vadsø sea, is very shallow and undulating. The axis of Group basement. the channel seems to be sub-parallel to the aver- An extensive literature research revealed that age direction (325°) of the inferred older ice-flow there are no features to differentiate late Proter- direction. It is important to note that the bounda- ozoic glacial abrasion processes from those of ry between the channel and the plane-like exten- Palaeozoic or later ice ages on the unconformi- sion of the classical striated surface is not round- ty. It was stressed that special care is needed in ed but angular and abrupt.
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