Volume 31, No. 36 LIBRARY September 18, 2020 GAZETTEOF CONGRESS A weekly publication for staff INSIDE Einstein Fellow Arrives Peter DeCraene is the Library’s newest Albert Einstein Distinguished Education Fellow. PAGE 3 National BookNational Festival Jenna Bush Hager (clockwise from top left), James McBride, Melinda Gates and Jason Reynolds are among many standout authors scheduled for the 2020 National Book Festival. Navigating the 2020 Book Pandemic Images Sought Festival The Prints and Photographs Division More than 120 writers, poets and illustrators will invites members of the public to share pandemic-related images for inclusion appear during the all-virtual extravaganza. in a new Flickr group. BY WENDI A. MALONEY will be entirely virtual this year. PAGE 3 The 2020 National Book Festival It will take place on Sept. 25–27 and culminate in a national television Explore LOC at the Festival was always going to be special — it’s the 20th year of the much- broadcast on PBS stations. A chance to chat with staff mem- loved annual celebration of books No doubt, many regular festival- bers from across the Library will be a and reading, after all. But exactly goers may worry they will miss highlight of this year's National Book how unique it would be, no one meeting favorite authors in person Festival. could have foreseen. or navigating the happy chaos of PAGE 5 The COVID-19 coronavirus pan- the convention center. Yet, the vir- demic makes it impossible to hold tual version of the festival — titled “Celebrating American Ingenuity” — A Weekend for Books the festival in its usual venue, the Washington, D.C., convention offers new advantages. The lineup of authors to appear at the center, where 200,000-plus book For one, attendees can see every 20th annual National Book Festival on Sept. 25–27 includes festival stalwarts lovers typically come together. It’s author they wish to — no hard as well as newcomers. vast, but there is no way a crowd choices have to be made. For of that size could social distance, PAGE 6 even in that space. So, the festival NBF, CONTINUED ON 4 NOTICES DONATED TIME LIBRARY The following employees have satisfied eligibility requirements to receive leave GAZETTEOF CONGRESS donations from other staff members. Contact Lisa Davis at (202) 707-0033. loc.gov/staff/gazette Shayerah Akhtar Laurie Harris APRIL SLAYTON Craig Andrews Sharron Jones Executive Editor Sharif Adenan Terri Harris-Wandix MARK HARTSELL Lynette Brown Donna Williams Publications Editor Eric Clark WENDI A. MALONEY Writer-Editor CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Deanna McCray-James, calendar Kia Campbell, Moving On COVID-19 UPDATE Lisa Davis, donated leave The Library’s Health Services Division (HSD) continues to monitor Library staff PROOFREADER members with symptoms, clinical diagnoses or positive test results for COVID- George Thuronyi 19. On Sept. 10, HSD announced that three employees reported symptoms DESIGN AND PRODUCTION associated with COVID-19 last week. Some employees reporting symptoms Ashley Jones are not diagnosed to have COVID-19, but, out of caution, the Library is moni- MISSION OF THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS toring all reports of symptoms. The Library’s central mission is to engage, inspire and inform Congress and the American HSD is communicating with all staff members who become ill. In cases in people with a universal and enduring source of which ill individuals were present in Library buildings, HSD is also notifying their knowledge and creativity. close work contacts and cleaning and disinfecting the areas affected. The same process is followed when contractors in Library buildings become ill. ABOUT THE GAZETTE An official publication of the Library of Congress, More information on the Library’s pandemic response: https://go.usa.gov/ The Gazette encourages Library managers and staff to submit articles and photographs of xdtV5 (intranet) or https://go.usa.gov/xdtVQ (public-facing staff web page) general interest. Submissions will be edited to convey the most necessary information. Back issues of The Gazette in print are available in the Communications Office, LM 143. Electronic archived issues and a color PDF file of the current REMINDER ABOUT POLITICAL ACTIVITIES issue are available online at loc.gov/staff/gazette. With election season underway, the Office of the General Counsel encourages GAZETTE WELCOMES LETTERS FROM STAFF you to review LCR 9-1780 (Political Activity), LCR 9-1730 (Outside Employment Staff members are invited to use the Gazette for and Activities) and OGC’s Political Activities FAQ (https://go.usa.gov/xfScT). lively and thoughtful debate relevant to Library Here’s one Q&A: issues. Letters must be signed by the author, whose place of work and telephone extension May I volunteer for someone’s campaign? should be included so we can verify authorship. If a letter calls for management response, an Yes, you may do so on your own time, with your own resources and in your explanation of a policy or actions or clarification personal capacity. Additional restrictions may apply if your Library duties of fact, we will ask for management response.— Ed. involve providing nonpartisan support to the Congress, or if you are a supervi- sor and your actions could appear to pressure subordinate employees. Library of Congress Gazette Washington, DC 20540-1620 Questions? Contact [email protected]. Editorial: Mark Hartsell, 7-9194, [email protected], or Wendi Maloney, 7-0979, [email protected] Design and production: Ashley Jones, 7-9193, [email protected] ISSN 1049-8184 Printed by the Printing Management Section GAZETTE DEADLINES The deadline for editorial copy for the Oct. 2 Gazette is Wednesday, Sept. 23. Email editorial copy and letters to the editor to [email protected] and [email protected]. To promote events through the Library’s online calendar (www.loc.gov/loc/events) and the Gazette Calendar, email event and contact information to [email protected] by 9 a.m. Monday of the week of publication. Boxed announcements should be submitted electronically (text files) by 9 a.m. Monday the week of publication to [email protected] and [email protected]. 2 SEPTEMBER 18, 2020 NEWS New Albert Einstein Fellow Starts Work at Library The Library of Congress has School in Evanston, Illinois. welcomed Peter DeCraene as DeCraene is active in conversa- its newest Albert Einstein Dis- tions regarding equitable access tinguished Education Fellow. to math and computer science DeCraene will work with the education across race and gender. Library’s Learning and Innova- He has spoken at local, state tion Office (LIO) to make primary and national conferences on the sources from the collections more subject and served on the board accessible to teachers nationwide. of directors for the Metropolitan “We have been on a mission for Mathematics Club of Chicago. the past few years to demonstrate In 2011, DeCraene was awarded the value of primary sources the Presidential Award for Excel- Office and Innovation Learning across the curriculum and across lence in Mathematics and Sci- Peter DeCraene the grade spectrum,” Lee Ann ence Teaching, the highest honor The Einstein fellowship program Potter, LIO’s director, said. “We bestowed by the U.S. government allows K–12 educators in science, look forward to working with Peter for K–12 math and science technology, engineering and math to make the treasures of the teachers. fields to spend 11 months working in federal agencies and U.S. con- Library more discoverable, usable DeCraene holds a bachelor’s gressional offices, contributing and valuable — especially for math degree in mathematics and a their knowledge to national edu- teachers!” master’s degree in computer sci- cation programs and education DeCraene has taught mathematics ence from DePaul University and policy efforts. and computer science to middle a certificate of advanced study and high school students for over in educational leadership from More information: science.osti.gov/ 30 years. He has spent the past 23 National Louis University. wdts/einstein ▪ years at Evanston Township High street scenes. Photos of caregiv- ing, distance learning, new kinds of Library Seeks jobs and daily routines could also work. Pictures that capture grief, Images of the hope, uncertainty, joy. The choices are many. Pandemic To participate, those who already The Library is collaborating with the have a Flickr account can go to photo-sharing site Flickr to expand “COVID-19 American Experiences” its documentation of American (https://bit.ly/2ZqwXv2) and ask to experiences during the COVID-19 join the group. Nonmembers can coronavirus pandemic. Meehleib Tracy set up a free account at https:// www.flickr.com/ and then join the To that end, the Prints and Photo- A masked employee works inside a City Bikes store in the Adams Morgan group. graphs Division is inviting the public neighborhood of Washington, D.C., in Contributors should upload only to contribute photographic and May. graphic arts images to the Flickr images they have created them- group “COVID-19 American Expe- pandemic — although contributions selves. When they contribute up riences” (https://bit.ly/2ZqwXv2). from Library staff continue to be to five images to the group, they Library curators will review submis- welcome. The goal is to create a are giving the Library permis- sions and select images to feature diverse collection that can help sion to add their photography or on Flickr and to preserve in the future generations understand how graphic artwork to its permanent Library’s permanent collections. COVID-19 has affected daily life and collections and to display it on the Library’s website. The Library has already secured communities. pandemic-related collections from What subjects are best? That’s Images that are selected will first nationally recognized artists and up to individual photographers, be shared in the “Galleries from the photographers, and Library staff although it’s important to keep in Library of Congress” Flickr account members have contributed scenes mind that the Library has a fami- and ultimately on the Library’s from the D.C.
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