January 15, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E71 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SUZANNE BENTON TRIBUTE Grace Baptist has financially supported hun- Gabor, sisters Elizabeth, Rose, Goldie, and dreds of missionaries across the world. He Julia along with her son-in-law George. HON. SCOTT R. TIPTON has shared the Gospel with over 172 coun- I have a very special friendship with her son Ron, and I know that he, as well as his other OF COLORADO tries. Pastor Whitfield’s accomplishments will be siblings, carry their mother’s passion for life, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES forever recorded in the U.S. House of Rep- her sense of justice for all our citizens, and Wednesday, January 15, 2014 resentatives CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. Future both a lighthearted and joyous approach to Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to generations must know of his invaluable serv- life. Her legacy goes on! Marge was a very honor Suzanne Benton, Rio Grande’s County ice to our community and service to all man- special woman and will be long remembered. Administrator and the 2013 recipient of the kind. f Colorado County Administrator of the Year f CONGRATULATING DR. MICHAEL B. Award. PERSONAL EXPLANATION MCCALL ON THE OCCASION OF Throughout her distinguished 35-year career HIS RETIREMENT AS PRESIDENT as the Rio Grande County Administrator, Mrs. OF THE KENTUCKY COMMUNITY Benton has proved to be a valuable asset and HON. BARBARA LEE AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE SYS- member of her community. In addition to her OF CALIFORNIA TEM role as County Administrator, Mrs. Benton has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES served her community in many ways. She has Wednesday, January 15, 2014 served on the Del Norte Bank board, assisted HON. ANDY BARR with multiple community projects, served the Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I was OF KENTUCKY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES local museum as an interim curator, served on not present for roll call votes 12 and 13. Had the County Health Pool Board in an interim I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 role, and spent nine years on the Colorado both. Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to County Technical Services, Inc.’s County f honor, commend, and congratulate Dr. Mi- Worker Compensation Board. chael B. McCall, founding president of the REMEMBERING MARGARET In addition to her community involvement, Kentucky Community and Technical College MASSULLO Mrs. Benton oversees the county’s budget. System (KCTCS), on the event of his retire- For many years as the county’s finance direc- ment. Dr. McCall has led KCTCS all of the 16 tor, she has managed the budget well despite HON. TIM RYAN years since its creation in 1997, and during the numerous challenges that come with de- OF OHIO that time has overseen the coordination of clining revenue and increased demand. With- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kentucky’s community colleges, technical insti- out a doubt, her hard work has made the Rio Wednesday, January 15, 2014 tutes, and the University of Kentucky into an Grande area better community, and she is education system that is now the largest pro- greatly appreciated. Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I rise to vider of postsecondary education in the Com- Each year, the Association of Colorado honor the life of Ms. Margaret Massullo who monwealth. County Commissioners receives applications passed peacefully of natural causes last Dr. McCall, a strong advocate for a robust from the 64 Counties throughout Colorado to month in the presence of her loving family at community college system even before com- vote on the County Administrator who has the age of 90. Margaret was born August 14, ing to Kentucky, was recruited to KCTCS due shown leadership in their county and commu- 1923 in Youngstown, Ohio to her proud and to his knowledge, experience, and personal nity. Mrs. Benton’s dedication, hard work and caring parents, Gabor and Elizabeth Vargo. drive to see students succeed. As both an ed- commitment to her community has earned the Margaret touched the lives of everyone she ucator and an administrator, he has overseen respect of her peers and makes her a worthy came into contact with, and to those who the physical expansion of KCTCS and a dra- candidate to be named Colorado County Ad- knew her well, knew her as sweet ‘‘Margie matic upgrade in the system’s academic qual- ministrator of the Year. Marge.’’ Marge enjoyed a life full of traveling, ity. Dr. McCall oversaw 45 capital projects to- Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to recognize Su- cooking, crocheting, politics, and most of all taling approximately $500 million, giving 95 zanne Benton. She is an exceptional, hard- spending time with her family. percent of all Kentuckians access to a KCTCS working County Administrator whose work has Marge lived a successful life; some of her institution within a thirty minute drive. This en- made Rio Grande County a great community, professional accomplishments included her hanced presence has helped train the skilled and I thank her for her continued public serv- notable work at the Seamless Pipe Depart- workforce that Kentucky needs in order to ice. ment of the Youngstown Sheet and Tube dur- compete in the modern economy. f ing World War II, as well as her work with the Under Dr. McCall’s leadership, enrollment at Triangle Coat Factory. Known for her wealth KCTCS increased by nearly 110 percent, con- HONORING PASTOR CHARLES J. of knowledge and true leadership, Marge was tributing to the education of more than WHITFIELD elected officer of the Bagnolese Ladies Club 500,000 Kentuckians. Dr. McCall also estab- and the Saint Anthony’s Italian Mother’s Club. lished or integrated several specialized pro- HON. KERRY L. BENTIVOLIO She prided herself in being an active Member grams to provide specialized skills for emer- OF MICHIGAN of the ITAM Post along with three other vet- gency services and some of Kentucky’s signa- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eran auxiliary groups at both a local and na- ture industries, including emergency medical tional level. services, fire and rescue science technology, Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Although the State of Ohio lost one of its automotive manufacturing technical training, Mr. BENTIVOLIO. Mr. Speaker, I am hon- matriarchs, her beautiful memory will continue coal mining, and horseracing. The high-skilled, ored to celebrate Pastor Charles J. Whitfield, to live on through the lives she deeply touched high-paying jobs in these fields will reinforce who has defined and dedicated his life to and inspired. I extend my deepest condo- the readiness of Kentucky communities to spreading the grace-filled love of our Lord. lences to Marge’s family. She is survived by guarantee public safety, grow and develop our Alongside with the wonderful support of his her daughter Marguerite, sons Alfred and Ron- local industries, and expand Kentucky’s com- wife Judy, daughter Susan, and son Daniel, ald (Muzz), sisters Irene and Julie, her brother petitive advantage. Pastor Whitfield has lead Grace Baptist James, granddaughters Ronelle, Cara, Dr. McCall’s stewardship of KCTCS has Church for over 57 years. He is the longest Lauren, Genna and her five great-grand- provided the Commonwealth of Kentucky with serving pastor in the history of the City of Bir- children. Marge was preceded in death by her an academic tradition that will benefit genera- mingham, Michigan. Through his leadership, beloved husband, Adolph, brothers Steve and tions to come. I congratulate Dr. McCall on a ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:49 Jan 16, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15JA8.001 E15JAPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E72 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 15, 2014 terrific career improving the lives of my fellow the force, like Morgan, include keeping the Ensign Anderson reported to USS Carl Vin- Kentuckians as he enters retirement and wish peace, law enforcement, protection of people son, NAS Alameda, California in 1987 where him all the best for whatever the future may and property, and the investigation of crimes. he served as Assistant Flight Deck Officer, V– hold. Officer Morgan Day was no exception, as De- 1 Division Officer and Night Aircraft Handler. f cember 17th proved to be a crime-filled day in In July 1990, Anderson transferred to NATTC Covington. Officer Morgan loyally executed the Lakehurst, New Jersey as the ABH School Di- THE PASSING OF GODFREY FUNK duties of the Covington Police Department, vision Officer and Assistant School Director. thwarting the efforts of a ‘‘bank robber’’ at HON. DOUG COLLINS BB&T and solving a theft of the ‘‘Jewels of Lieutenant Anderson served as Assistant School Director at the ABH ‘‘A’’ and ‘‘C’’ OF GEORGIA Covington’’ at Southern Heartland Art Gallery. Schools, ABE ‘‘A’’ School, ABF ‘‘A’’ and ‘‘C’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Morgan even teamed up with basketball star Shaquille O’Neal to rescue a cat from a tree. Schools and the U.S. Marine ‘‘EAF’’ Schools Wednesday, January 15, 2014 It is my honor to acknowledge Morgan in Millington, Tennessee until September Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, Steward for his brave service to his commu- 1991. Northeast Georgia lost a valued community nity as a Police Officer. I want to also com- Lieutenant Anderson reported to USS Wasp member when Godfrey Funk passed away on mend this young man for setting the highest in September 1992 as Fuels Officer and trans- January 8, 2014.
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