DOCUMENT RESUME / dt, ED 117 387 A CE 006 021 AUTHOR. Imel, M. Susan TITLE ..:, Adult and dontinuing,Education.,A Bibliographic Guide to tlie University of Michigan, Libraries. PUB DATE .75 i NOTE 15710: EDRS PRICE 9V-SO.83 HC-58,69 Plus Postage v DESCRIPTORS *Adult Education;.11,Bibliographies; *Library Collections; Library Guides; Resource Guides IDENTIFIERS *Universitf of Michigan Libraries ABSTRACT The bibliographic guide attempts to compile the principal resources (i.e.,,all books and periodicals) in adult and continuing education and related areas `held by the University of 'Michigan Library system. It is divided into the following subject categories: general works; institutional forms; methodology, teaching, learning, and curriculum; administration and program ,planning; gerontology; remedial; community development; media; nternational and comparative; trends and movements; periodicals and serials; and other sources. Items are listed alphabetically by author, within categories. Entry is accomplished by a Library of Congress call number. If the item is held by a divisional library, it is' processed by an abbreviation indicating the library in which it is located, with library abbreviations identified. A listing of other equrcei available is included and encompasses governmental agencies, intoernational organizations, professional associations and societies, specialized agencies and organizations, and academic resources and centers. (LH) o a., O ***Ig*************************4g********************Ik*****34******ig* Documents acquired by ERIC include many informekinpublished terials not-available from other, sources. ERIC-makes every effort * o o obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the .microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * ) * via the ERIC Dociment-Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * 41 4* responsible'for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * SUpplied by !DRS are the best that can be made-froth the on ***************************************************41***************** V U I DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE CO NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF 14(1 EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM e--4 THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN- ATING T POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS r-1 STAT DO NOT NECESSARILY. REPRE SE N ElCML NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ' EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY LJ 4. O ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION A Bibliographic Guide to the University of Michigan Libraries .00 M. SUSANIMEL, A.M.L.S. A 1975 Graduate Program in Adult and ContinuingEducation School of Education University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 INTRODUCTION this bibliographic guide to the University of Michigan's holdingsin Adult and Continuing Education was prepared by Ms. M.Susan-IMel, a doctoral candidate in Adult and Continuing Education at the University ofMichfganr Faculty and students as well as practitioners in the field are inher debt for preparing.a useful and valuable tool that will serve manyeducational needs. The literature of-Adult and Continuing Education is spread throughout the University Library system."The Guide should provipe an orderly basis for a search for needed references. The University of Michigan Libraries usethe Library of Congress call number system. The Guide therefore has an additional utility for those libraries whichcatalog holdings under the 4 Library of Congress system. While the Guide's claw ation system is necessarily arbitrary, we believe it comprehends the major topical areas inthe field of Adult and Continuing. Education. The Guide attempts to list all books andperiodicals held by the Libraries; it does not -- could not --list individual journal 5 articles. Among practitioners and in the professoriateas.well, there is growing recognition that Adult and Continuing Education is anacademic discipline and a field of -practice worthy of serious study..The growth of the literature Attests to that recognition. This Guide is a first at the Uv vrsity ofMichigan -- J , )a drawing together ofprincipal resources in Adult and ContinuingEducation. Morton.Gordon, 'Professor and Chairperson Graduate Program Adult and Continuing Education 413 /' TABLE OF CONTET INTRODUCTION 'USERS' GUIDE iii GENERAL WORKS 1 Includes: History and Philosophy; DeIlegraphic Data; Social Settings' and Foundations; Professional Training. II, INSTITUTIONAL FORMS 24, Includes: Higher Adult Educa .n; Co unity Colleges;'University Extension; Workers' Educatio abor ad Industry; Professional Continuing Education; Libraries and M eums; Public School and' Community Education:, Prisons; MilitaryVoluntary Associations; Health and Welfare; Church; and 'Eveninand Continuation SchOols.' III. METHODOLOGY 50 Includes: General Works On; Psycholog cal Process,; Gioup Dynamics; Leadership; Workshops,'Conferences, an Laboratories; Inservice Training; Planned Change; and Gaming. IV. TEACHING AND LEARNING AND CURRICULUM 66 Includes: Psychology of Learning. 111 V. ADMINISTRATION,AiD PROGRAM PLANNING 79 Includes: Financing; Evaluation; and ounseling. VI. GERONTOLOGY 87 VII. REMEDIAL 93 Includes: ABE; Re- training; and Manper Programs. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 101 109 IX. MEDIA Includes: Television; Radio; Motion P ctures; and Communication. X. INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE 1713 Includes: Literacy; Folk Ugh gChools; Developing Nations; and Residential Centers, XI. TRENDS AND MOVEMENTS '133 Includes:' Human;Potential; Women's Continuing Education; and Vocational and Technical. 0 XII. PERIODICALS AND SERIALS 139 OTHER SOURCES 143 Includes: Governmental Agencies; Intet4national Organizations; ., Professional, Assbciations and Sogieties; Specialized Agenciesvand Organizations; and Academic Resoprces and Centers. iii USER'S GUIDE ) This bibliography is a list of materials on Adult and Continuing Education and related areas held by the University of Michigan Library o system. Each entry is accompanied by a call number; if the item is held by a divisional library, it is preceeded by an abbreviation indicating the library in which it is located. (See list of abbreviations. below.) Although many of the entries are held by more than one library, only one location is indicated. Tlfe Public Catalogue on the second floor of the Graduate Library 0 gives additional locations; this catalogue contains entries for books held in all divisional libraries except the holdings at the Center Ior'the . Antinuing Education of Women (CEW). The locations of all divisional . / * libraries are available in the Public Catalogue. The bibliography is pot annotated, but is divided into subject categories 0 to aid users. Entries are listed only once although many could appear in more than one category. If this overlap is not obvious from an entry's, title, a cross-reference to other categories appears following the entry. All, libraries use the Library of Congress Classification system,except the CEW which has developed ...its own schem . In addition, a few entries appear with the letter "X" preceeding the number. "X" indicates a temporary entry which is subject to, change. Consult the Public Catalogue before looking for an entry preceeded by "X". At the time this bibliography was being compiled, the Education Library (housed in'the Undergraduate Library) was being absorbed into other collections in the library system. Most books were being reclassified as Undergraduate (UGL) books. Therefore, UGL is used for entries housed in both the Undergraduate v 0 VA 6' and Education Libraries. However, some of the items in'the Education. collection may be moved to the GradUate Library. In-the event you cannot locate an OGL designated book -in the Undergraduate Library collection, consult the Public Catalogue. Most items ids the bibliography are books; however a few dissertations which apprear on miicrofilm are included. These entries are indicated by FILM foliaged by a umber. The microfilm c011ectiop is housed in the Microform Reading Room. 203 in theceraduate Library. In addition, a few items from the'ERIC collectionare listed; ED plus a six digit number indicates such an entry. The ERIC microfiche are housed in the ERIC Library located on the second floor of the School of Education and in Room 203 of the Graduate Library. ti ABBREVIATIONS Libraries: t.\ L.S. Library Science ED ERIC UGL Undergraduate S.W. Social Work NCS North Campus,Storage ENG Engineering P.R. Public Health TAW -Law NUR Nursing MUSIC Music STOR. Storage DENT Dental B.G. Bureau of Government , ARCH Atchitecture B.A. Business Administration MUS Museum.' GER Gerontology REF Reference MED Medical NCPC Non Circulating Periodical Collection cEw Center for the Conanuing Education of Women vi Other Abbreviations: .ALA American Library Associationt AEA Adult Education Association.of the U.S.A. AEA-M Adult Education Association of Michigan NUEA National Univergitye Extension Association GPO U.S. Goveenment Printing Office or Government PrintingOffice e OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation. and Development .UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Gultural Organization CSLEA Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults AAAE American Association for Adult Education NEA National Education Association NSSE `National Society for theSeudy.of Education ERIC Educational Resources Information Center NTL National Training Laboratories HMSO His Majesty's Stationary Office 0 vii 0 I. GENERAL WORKS Includes: History and Philosophy; Demographic Data; Social Settings and
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