cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins I •) r 2 Please note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet ii/FT arid Registry \_ Number / 2876/478/16 Egyptian Personalities Report FROM Sir.M«LampBon. No 598 of Cairo* " May, 1938 No ®55 Transmits revised list of personalities in Egypt.' (263/2/39) Dated 10th July, 24th J:Sgypt and. Sudan. Last Paper References. ^ )'-j--, cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE ins **• Fo 3?/"7 Please note that this copy is supplied subject to the Public Record Office's terms and conditions and that your use of it may be subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is given in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of supply of Public Records' leaflet 4* THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY O¥ HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT EGYPT AND SUDAN. July 24, 1939. CONFIDENTIAL. ARCHIVli SECTION 1. [J 2876/478/16] Copy No. Sir M. Lampson to Viscount Halifax.—(Received July 24.) (No. 855.) My Lord, ' Alexandria, July 10, 1939. WITH reference to my despatch No. 598 of the 21st May, 1938, I have the honour to transmit herewith a revised list of personalities in Egypt, compiled, in accordance with the instructions contained in Sir J. Simon's circular despatch of the 28th May, 1935, on the basis of the previous list. I have, &c. MILES W. LAMPSON. Enclosure. INDEX. I.—Egyptian Personalities. -•' 1. Mohammed Ahmed Abboud Pasha. 46. Hafez Hassan Pasha, K.B.E. .;. 2. Dr. Hafez AM Pasha. 47. Mahmoud Hassan Bey. 8. Ibrahim Sid Ahmed Bey. 48. Ahmed Mohammed Hassanein Pasha, 4. Murad Sid Ahmed Pasha. K.C.V.O., M.B.E. 5. Ahmed AH Pasha, C.B.E. 49. Ahmed Mukhtar Hegazi Pasha. 6. Prince Mohammed Ali, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. -.50.' Dr. Hussein Heikal Pasha. 7. Tarraf Aly Bey. 51. Sadek Henein Pasha. < 8. Maitre Sabri Abu Allam. 52. Neguib-el-Hilaly Bey. 9. Mohammed Ali Allouba Pasha. 53. Ahmed Hussein Effendi. 10. Amin Anis Pasha, K.C.V.O. 54. Dr. Ali Ibrahim Pasha, C.B.E. 11. Hassan Anis Pasha. 55. Kamel Ibrahim Bey. 12. Ahmed Hafez Awad Bey. -56. Zaki-el-Ibrashi Pasha. -— 13. El Lewa Mahmud Azmi Pasha. 57. Mohammed Hilmy Issa Pasha. 14. Mahmoud Azmy Bey. 58. Mahmoud-el-Itribi Pasha. 15. Abdurrahman Azzam Bey. 59. Aziz Izzet Pasha, G.C.V.O. 16. Bahi-ed-Din Barakat Pasha. 60. Mahmoud Fahmy-el-Kaissy Pasha, O.B.E. 17-.---Hamad-el-Bassil Pasha. 61. Lewa Ahmed Kamel Pasha. 18. Maitre Mahmoud-el-Bassiouni. 62. Ahmed Kamel Pasha. -19. Abdul Hamid Bedawi Pasha. 63. Ibrahim Fahmy Kerirn Pasha. 20. Mohamed Kamel-el-Bindari Bey. 64. Mahmoud Bey Khalil. 21. Yusuf Cattawi Pasha. 65. Ahmed Mohamed KLashaba PasKa. 22. Moliamed Charara Pasha. 66. Abdul-Bazzak Abul Kheir Pasha, K.B.E. 23. Tewfik Doss Pasha. • 67. Dr. Alimed Mailer Pasha. 24. George Dumani Bey. ,68. Ali Maher Pasha. ~~ 25. William Makram Ebeid Pasha, 69. Bashwan Mahfouz Pasha. 26. Mohammed Efflatoun Pasha. 70. Dr. Hamed Mahmoud. - 27. Abdel Aziz Fahmy Pasha. »71. Mohammed Mahmoud Pasha, G.C.M.G. 28. El Ferik Ali Fahmi Pasha. - 72. Sheikh Mohammed Mustafa-el-Maraghi. 29. Gallini Fahmy Pasha. 73. Aziz Ali-al-Masri Pasha. 30. Mahmoud Fakhri Pasha, C.B.E. 74. Aly-el-Menzalawy Bey. 31. Mahmoud Abul Fath. 75. Abdel Aziz Mohammed Pasha. 32. Mustafa Fathi Pasha. 76. Mahmoud Shaker Mohammed Pasha, 3,3. Abdul Eahman Fikry Bey. • K.B.E. 34. Youssef Gallad Bey. 77. Osman Moharram Pasha. 35. Ali Gemal-ed-Din Pasha, O.B.E. 78. Murad Mohsen Pasha. 36. Mahmoud Ghaleb Pasha. 79. Nakhla Gorgi-el-Motei Pasha. 37. Wasif Ghali Pasha. 80. Mohamed Mustafa Pasha. 38. Mohammed Neguib-el-Gharably Pasha. "81. Mustapha-el-Nahas Pasha, G.C.M.G. 39. Abdel Salam Fahmi Gomaa Pasha. 82. Haim Nahoum. 40. Youssef-el-Guindi. 83. Hassan Nashat Pasha. 41. Maitre Saba Habashy Bey. 84. Dr. Faris Nimr Pasha. 42. Nabil Abbas Halim. 85. Mahmoud Fahmy-el-Nokrashy Pasha. 43; Abdel Kader Hamza -Pasha. 86. Abdel Meguid Omar Pasha. 44. Abdel Malek Hamza Bey. 87. Ali Zaki-el-Orabi Pasha. "45. Talaat Harb Pasha. 88. Arnin Osman Pasha, K.B.E. cms PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE Mohamed Hafez Ramadan Pasha. Ismail Sidky Pasha. Sheikh Mustapha Abdel Eazek Bey. Kamel Sidky Bey. Mohamed Bey Eiad. Mohammed Sidky Pasha. Mamdouh Eiaz Bey. Marcus Simaika Pasha, C.B.E. Hassan Fahmy Eifaat Pasha. Wassif Simaika Pasha. Mohammed Tewfik Eifaat Pasha. Hussein Sirry Pasha. Bl Lewa Hussein Eifky Pasha. Abdul Hamid Suleiman Pasha, K.B.B. Dr. Mahgub Sabet. Mohammed Taher Pasha. Cherif Sabry Pasha. Abdel Fattah-el-Tawil. Hussein Sabri Pasha, C.B.E. Gabriel Tekla Pasha. Hassan Sabry-Pasha. Prince Omar Toussoun '100. Mustafa-el-Sadek Bey. Mourad Wahba Pasha. 101. Ahmed Saddik Bey. Sadek Wahba Pasha. 102. Mohammed Safwat Pasha. Gaafar Wali Pasha. ,'103. Abdel Hamid- Said-Bey. Hussein Wassif Pasha, C.B.B. •' £04. Hassan Said Pasha. Ahmed Midhat Yeghen Pasha. Salib Samy Bey. Abdel Fattah Yehia Pasha. Ahmed Loutfi-el-Sayed Pasha. EJ Lewa Mohammed Sadik Yehia Pasha. Ahmed Hamdi Seif-el-Nasr Pasha. Amba Yoannes. Achilli Sekaly Bey, C.V.O. Mahmoud Sadek Younes Pasha. Sheikh Abdel Meguid Selim. Mohammed Yusuf Bey. Mohammed Shafik Pasha. Mohamed Amiii Abu Yusuf Bey. Ali Shamsi Pasha. Seifullah Yusry Pasha. Hamed-el-Shawarby Pasha. Prince Yusuf Kernal. Abdul Salaam-el-Shazly Pasha. Sheikh El-Ahmadi-el-Zawahiri. Mohammed Mohammed-el-Shinnawi Bey. Ahmed Ziwer Pasha, G.C.M.G. Mahmoud Shukri Pasha. Ahmed Zulficar Pasha. Lewa Mahmoud Shukri Pasha. Said Zulficar Pasha, G.C.V.O., K.B.B. Mohamed Shukri Pasha. Yousef Zulficar Pasha. II.—Foreign Personalities. Van Ackere, Constant (Belgian). 173. Heyligers, Adriaan Theodor Louis Allard. Alessandrini, Brmete, Comm. Ing. (Italian). 174. Klat Bey, Jules (Syrian). Almagia, Vittorio, Comm. (Italian). 175. Lascaris, Marius (Greek). Almasy, Count (Hungarian). 176. Minost, Emile (French). Ambron, Aldo. Gr. Uff. (Italian). 177. Baron Vincenzo Morana (Italian). Bassard, L4on Pierre Joseph (French). 178. Morin, Jean, M^daille militaire (French). Segue1, Ernile (French). 179. Mosseri, Elie N. (Italian subject). Baron Louis de Benoist d'Erquennes 180. Judge Francois Jules Peter (Swiss). (French). 181. Polnauer, Ladislas Pathy (Hungarian). 155, Bourre, Edouard (French). 182. Qvale, Erling (Norwegian). 156. Brinton, Jasper Yeates (American). 183. Reisner, Dr. (American). U7-. Gampi, Umberto (Italian). 184. Eichter, Baron Leonard von (German). 158. Carter, Joseph C. (American). 185. Eicol, Joseph (French). 159. Casulli, Michel (Greek). 186. Eoussos, Georges (Greek). 160. Cignolini, Fausto* Cav. (Italian). 187. Salvage, Michel C. (Greek). 161. Cav. Ugo Dadone (Italian). 188. Sanguinetti, Joseph (French), 162. Duguet, Marie Louis Firmin (French). 189. Savon, Georges L. (French). 163. Abb4 Drioton (French). 190. Theodorakis, Demetre (Greek). 164. Baron (Jean) Empain (Belgian). 191. Toriel, Eaphael (French). 165: Van derEsch,-Baron (German). 192. Trembley, Ernest (Swiss). 166: -Falqui-Cao, Vincenzo (Italian). 193. Van Meeteren, Willie (German). 167. De Semo, Giuseppe, Comniandatore 194. Vatimbella, Nicolas (Greek). (Italian). 195. Verrucci, Ernest (Italian). 168. Galassi, Giuseppe- (Italian). 196. Vincenot, Marcel (French). 169. Ghyselin, Jacques (Belgian). 197. Viterbo, Ettore, Commendatore (Italian). im..Grassi, Carlo Gr. Uff. (Italian). 198. Vlachos, Stavros Ange (Greek). 171. Grego, Cav. Oscar (Italian). 199. Vogt, Stener (Norwegian). 172. Van der Hecht, Leon (Belgian). 200. Wiet, Gaston (French). 1. Mohammed Ahmed Abboud Pasha. Engineer and contractor. Born about 1880. Of lower middle-class origin. Studied engineering (1904) at Glasgow University, receiving financial assistance from the Turkish Government, through Sheikh Abdul Aziz Shawish, on condition -that he entered Turkish service when qualified. In 1913 he was on the staff of Sir W. Willcocks and Messrs. John Jackson (Limited) on the Euphrates dam. On the outbreak of the war he was employed by the Turkish military authorities in Bagdad; and he worked during the war there and in Damascus, and after the war in Palestine as an army contractor. His partner in one Palestine Railways contract was condemned to prison for fraud. ' PI IRUCRECORD OFFICE ins cms He returned with some capital to Egypt in 1920; professed strong Saadist principles and prospered. In 1926 lie was returned as Wafdist M.P. for Atfih. In December 1926 he obtained a permit to publish AI Kashdf, a daily paper, which appeared under Wafdist colours, but which later reflected pro-Sarwat sympathies and finally faded away. Abboud broke with the Wafd after Mahmoud's coup d'Etat of 1928, and was formally expelled from the Wafdist party in October 1928, after propagandist activities in Mahmoud's interest in London. He was similarly active on Sidky's behalf in London in 1930, and attacked Wafdist maladministration in a Times polemic with Makram Ebeid. He was made a pasha in February 1931, ostensibly for his work in the construction of the Fuadia Canal. He is interesting to us because he represents a large number of important British firms. He was equal partner with Messrs. Topham, Jones and ilailton in the contract for the raising of the Assouan dam, and was at one time the largest shareholder in the Egyptian General Omnibus Company. He claims, not Avithout justice, to have influenced British contracts totalling over £4 million sterling between July 1930 and January 1931. Since the summer of 1932 he has notably increased his influence in palace circles, and is on the worst of terms with Sidky, who at that time developed an interest in a rival (Italian) contractor named Dentamaro. He is shrewd and ambitious, and though his enterprise and initiative have signally benefited United Kingdom manufacturers, he has proved a dangerous and unscrupulous enemy to British interests conflicting with his own.
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